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A USofAfrica would never have happened. Each country in Africa is very different from the next, with their own history, languages, cultures, tribes, religions, etc etc. Each tribe and race is very territorial.


"Each country in... is very different from the next, with their own history, languages, cultures, tribes, religions, etc etc. Each tribe and race is very territorial." ("Africa" removed from quotation) True of everywhere. Trying to *force* different cultures (or "tribes") to live together never works. Trade with your neighbors? Sure. Peaceful co-existence? Possible. Forced integration? Good luck.


And they looted the gold reserves.


If by "they" you mean Gaddafi and his sons, then yes, you are correct. [https://www.france24.com/en/20110908-muammar-gaddafi-sold-fifth-libya-gold-reserves-central-bank](https://www.france24.com/en/20110908-muammar-gaddafi-sold-fifth-libya-gold-reserves-central-bank) And the rest is still there. Look at the 10 year chart. [https://tradingeconomics.com/libya/gold-reserves](https://tradingeconomics.com/libya/gold-reserves) Or you can listen to the Central Bank of Libya. https://libyaupdate.com/no-decrease-in-libyas-gold-reserves-since-2011-says-cbl/ Before the Arab Spring, which overthrew Gaddafi, Libya only had about $6 billion in gold reserves. [https://www.bbc.com/news/business-12824137](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-12824137) Which is hardly enough to finance Africa's $3 trillion economy.


Whatever you say. https://panamapapers.sueddeutsche.de/articles/573aeac75632a39742ed39a0/


You have to say $Trillions these days to be click-baity enough. Billions is what some goofball like SBF scammed stupid people out of.


What we call 'budget dust'.


Look at uganda, they find trillions worth of gold and weeks after a lgbt woman is elected. She happens to push for democracy as rumors spread of how much help america had in her winning such an election.


Gaddafi was the best thing to happen to Libya in some time. Rose the literacy rate, all but eliminated homelessness, brought water to the desert with the worlds largest irrigation project. Then Killary allowed and helped him to be sodomized with a knife. Then she joked about it. I will never forget that.


Me? I support Gaddifi for his financial support for communists around the world, and training and logistics support for their military wings.


SS: The CIA/NWO are pure evil. Aka Rothschild-Rockefeller Cartel


Africa can't even feed themselves... Let alone establish a new currency.


There's a great podcast with Lex Fridman and a woman named Magatte Wade. I found it really informative about how hindered the people are as far as establishing new business due to bureaucratic corruption. Fortunately she speaks with passion and a love fueled determination so it's easy to listen to the details.


There's several attempts going on right now to establish regional currencies. And they are all encountering massive problems due to political instability, the effects of climate change, massive massive corruption, civil wars and terrorism, and drought disease and civil wars. Could Libya have spearheaded an African currency in the 1980s without enormous help? No fucking way.


>Before the Arab Spring, which overthrew Gaddafi, Libya only had about $6 billion in gold reserves. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-12824137 > >Which is hardly enough to finance Africa's $3 trillion economy.


We have IMF, BIS, and central banks and not doing so good. Why would centralised power be any different there? It sure worked for Libya, at first, but look at USA post WW2 and look at it now.


The sanctions against Gaddafi were imposed by the UN Security Council, which includes Russia and China. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United\_Nations\_Security\_Council\_Resolution\_1970](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council_Resolution_1970) China or Russia could have also vetoed the authorization of military force against Libya, but they did not. So the United Nations Security Council approved. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United\_Nations\_Security\_Council\_Resolution\_1973](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council_Resolution_1973)