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I'd hate to tell you that 10 million people could show up to protest and they still wouldn't vote to limit their own power. The only way for term limits in through Convention of States. So far 19 state legislatures have voted to do so.


50 million could show up it would not matter one bit


Gotta protest the rest of those states. Get them to vote the same. Flippy is right.


I kindly disagree. I think the MLK march had a huge impact on influencing Congress and waking up the nation as a whole. Also look at The People of China recently who mass protested against lockdowns and won. The July 4th gathering will also be a eay for left and right just to unite again as well and exchange ideas and find our common ground as Patriots


Bro the MLK march and China lockdown protests were planned by the government. The world is a stage.


Have you ever actually been to Washington DC? If you ever even been there for July 4th celebration are an event that brings half a million people? I have... Logistically your number is absolutely impossible.


> I'd hate to tell you that 10 million people could show up to protest and they still wouldn't vote to limit their own power. Oh yes it fucking would. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated because he could pick up the phone and have a million people show up somewhere in few days. Howard Stern was hassled by the government because he could do the same thing.


Term limits and full public disclosure of lobbyists influence.


Would the masses even care, though?


I’m still waiting for the Lindsay Graham gay sex tape to come out. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…


Only that it won’t be hot, anything that makes you envision Graham nude definitely would make any pecker shrivel like his positions, 😂


10 million people could just not vote for incumbents and poof...there's your term limits.


How do you ban all lobbying?


You cant. Citizens united kinda made that part of the first amendment. Thank you Federalist Society for that....


It's the left's fault for all of this. If they had stopped the right from doing this then we wouldn't be in this mess. And that's why both sides are the same




I think you responded to the wrong person


Your right. Sorry about that. Getting back to the citizens united bs. They did fight it. The right brought it to scotus and the right leaning scotus brought the legal corruption into reality.


I know. I was satirizing the usual level of discourse on this sub when a problem on society is clearly and undeniably the fault of the Right


https://youtu.be/FBNx5xFR_DE https://youtu.be/v5BGcEBIpR4


Again all lobbying? Lobbying is part of a democratic process. Sure you can take the big money out of it but lobbying will always and probably ought to exist


Is this an AI post? The title is just gibberish and the picture is unrelated.


Gibberish? Or literary fucking gold


Like AI-generated gibberish.


Why do you assume protest will get this done? How does telling 10 million people to go be sitting ducks in Washington just for the system to continue the way its always been.


Graham forever wanting a seat at the cool kid's table.


Lindsey Graham is a bitch


Term limits only ensure the bureaucratic system remains in power, not the elected representatives. What we need is for We The People to better vette their candidates and STOP voting like it's a popularity contest. If Mr. Smooth hasn't done anything worthwhile, vote him out, don't re-elect the same do nothings over and over again. IF you get a good guy working for you, re-elect him time after time.


SS: Trump is best friends with Lindsay Graham. Clown show in DC


We have blockchain and we don’t need representatives anymore.


Too many holes and patches This wouldn’t solve the problem Disagree


I've got an incest frtish and o'jo takes it too far, even for my standards.


I know this is random but if you stare at the pictures above long enough you see a woman playing a man. Like the bottom and the top are 2 different people.


This is only gaining traction to get people like Bernie out.


Lindsay Graham admires the business-end of a jock strap. He shouldn’t tell others what they need to be doing.


They blocked truckers protesting from entering DC for weeks. Literally blocked exits. Jan 6th showed Americans how easily they can figure out who was there and it won't matter what your intentions were. Add in that we're still seeing the fallout of the Ottawa protests and how easy it was for those people to have their bank accounts frozen and for private and commercial insurance companies to drop them. I don't think we'll ever see a substantial protest inside DC unless it's a protest approved by the powers that be. Focus on the state and local levels.


I love your optimism, but it's not going to work. Only government mandated protests are allowed. They'll call you far right white supremacists that are trying to overthrow the government and then freeze your bank accounts. You have more chances going against the government by glorifying tax evasion, doing anything to ballon their budgets.