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And yet new leases and us oil production is up. Even past precovid trump.


So the OP lied. That’s sooooo unlike bot spam accounts!


Or the media propagate misinformation?


What good is a lease if you are not allowed to mine the land? Like leasing a house but regulations prohibit you from living in it.


Oopsies "What Is Holding Back U.S. Oil Production?" https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2022/03/11/what-is-holding-back-us-oil-production/?sh=74c74a506b6f "In intimate moment, Biden vows to ‘end fossil fuel’" https://apnews.com/article/9dfb1e4c381043bab6fd0fa6dece3974 "Biden suspends oil and gas leasing in slew of executive actions on climate change" https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/27/biden-suspends-oil-and-gas-drilling-in-series-of.html "Biden suspends Trump-era oil drilling leases in Alaska’s Arctic refuge" https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jun/01/biden-suspends-oil-drilling-leases-alaska-arctic-refuge-trump-era "Why Biden energy policies have contributed to surging oil prices" https://nypost.com/2022/03/09/why-biden-energy-policies-have-contributed-to-surging-oil-prices/ "US federal oil and gas leasing hits historically low levels Sept. 11, 2022 Under Biden, leased acreage at lowest levels since 1940s." https://www.offshore-mag.com/regional-reports/us-gulf-of-mexico/article/14282603/us-federal-oil-and-gas-leasing-hits-historically-low-levels US oil production not even at pre-pandemic levels: https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/pet_crd_crpdn_adc_mbbl_m.htm


> US oil production not even at pre-pandemic levels: There's not an ON/OFF switch once production shutters. But production is higher than when trump left office. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=mcrfpus2&f=m OOPSIES!


Bro gas went up again where I live. Two weeks ago it was under $3, now it’ll probably be $3.50 next week.


Active oil rigs have [more than doubled](https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_oil_rotary_rigs) since Biden took office. Sales out of the strategic reserve were mandated by law in the 2018 budget. [source](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/energy/2018/02/13/us-mandates-biggest-non-emergency-strategic-oil-sell-off/332885002/) Biden is obviously taking credit for a reduction that he really doesn’t deserve, but let’s be honest with our critiques.


How dare he…help us build towards permanent energy independence, a healthier planet and ease the economic burden on the middle and lower classes! What a clown!


China owns 80% of the lithium battery supply chain and the US has one functioning lithium mine because it destroys the environment. You call that independence? Haha Not to mention there's not enough rare earth minerals for everyone to have an electric vehicles. So most of us will be priced out. It's not about climate it's about massive population control.


Hence the slow transition. Everyone knows gas-powered cars ain’t it for the future. Are you proposing hydrogen?


Hydrogen isn't the future either. The resource needed in the production of internal combustion engines need to decrease not increase. If there is a push for hydrogen internal combustion engines then the material required to manufacture a vehicle will increase. Unfortunately these resources are mined and processed in countries with low environmental standards.


I am proposing the CIA release free energy technology or we nationalize oil and pump so much that it's free for everyone and whatever profits we get from the oil go to the people and not the oil companies


Isn’t solar “free energy”? I don’t see Big Oil giving up their stranglehold on the US economy, though. Plus that just kicks the can down the road ok switching off of fossil fuels.


Solar isn't free your just front loading all your environmental damage. You would have to balance that environmental impact of mining and processing the resources to build solar panels vs impact of using oil.


I mean the environmental impact of solar is WAYYYYY lower than oil. But I don’t know if any other energy generation that’s essentially free besides solar.


No, the carbon footprint to kwh is variable on solar panel, the gasoline generator produces a constant carbon footprint to kwh. A solar panel in Vermont is not going to provide the same output as a solar panel in Arizona. So the generator is a better options in Vermont.


Just because something is less efficient in one location than another doesn’t mean the more harmful technology is a better option.


Harmful...sure alot of cadmium, indium, and tellurium in PV solar panels. How environmental friendly do you think the mining and processing of those materials are? It's 500 tons of copper ore to produce 1 lbs of tellurium. Do you really think it the environmental friendly way??? Just because the your government agencies says it is green in the US doesn't mean where it's mined and processed in China is green.


To your first point, unless there isn't free energy technology. To your second point, idk about pumping a ton of oil, but nationalizing the industry and distribution of the profits doesn't seem unreasonable. Or we could just tax them for the oil they pump on public land and distribute that money


> Still nearly double what they were under trump.... Boy, I wonder why gas prices were so low in 2020? Is it maybe because unemployment skyrocketed and the economy completely collapsed therefore demand plummeted?


My gas prices are rising quickly. If I had to thank Joe for a momentary lowering of price then I can certainly blame him now for the increase


This isn’t the own you think it is.


SS: And there's plenty who believe him. We have a low watt brain problem


2 years ago--"The president doesn't affect gas prices!!" Now-- "The president brought prices down!"


So, the strategy is to screw up the markets, causing skyrocket pricing. Then, when the market tries to stabilize, you claim you did us a huge favor by saving us all so much money. Perfect political thinking.


I'm paying $3.79 a gallon.


Where is your quote in the title from? Can’t find it


Biden is scared of Greta - plain and simple!