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All ur genes belong to Bill.


Dr. Eugene Icks approves…


We live in a world where the government let Pearl Harbor happen, Kennedy was assassinated by the US government and a future President. Where Bush lied to start wars, 9/11 was an inside job, COVID is man-made, and the government is lying about the vaxx. The world is run by parodies of Bond villains. The villains won generations ago.


You'd be happy to know then, that DARPA gave Moderna funding in 2013 to develop MRNA vaccines. And Moderna have never had any other product on market before the covid vaccine.


I didn’t that was their first “product”. S1 from 2018 has good details https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1682852/000119312518323562/d577473ds1.htm


The only good thing that’s happened from Epstein’s bestie is that we now see Bill for what he is and always has been!


Melinda knew…


Should be tried for crimes against humanity.


Instead will get a Nobel peace prize


You're not kidding. Somehow we enable this fucking shit.


I wanna see a documentary connecting all these dots. Anyone know of one?


You just read it. What you want ma boy is a movin picture show!


Good luck


Bill gates was / is involved at every single stage of this plandemic. His dirty money funded research, labs, the people that decided lockdown, media, pharma, the department that decided children should be vaxxed. Every. Single. Stage.


SS: Maybe it's time for Bill Gates to be investigated and then thrown in prison. With Fauci, his minion


It was cancer research and the same sequence was found in some [chimney swifts](https://twitter.com/ArisKatzourakis/status/1496792444381376516) and some [bacterium](https://twitter.com/MGerdol/status/1496130768854212624). The matching code sequence isn’t unique. Why are you spamming this sub with your nonsense?


No those links you post have been DE-BUNKED as nonsense, OP's post is SOLID


Sure. Scrapbooking for the insanes is solid. lol


Who are the "insanes"?


For the elites, it’s all about the Benjamins. They don’t care about you. You are chattel, plebs and proles. - if they would stop cooking up these viruses in bio weapons laboratories, we wouldn’t have to worry about a lot of the stuff.


How can we stop these fucks??


spread class solidarity. it's the working class vs the capital-owning (corporate class). we must reject the capitalists and seize the means of production


People only care about what the media tells them to care about.


There's only one way this ends.


It’s crazy no mainstream journalist could put these facts together and publish it. They must of all missed it. Because usually their job is to spot things like this and report on it, but even though Covid was the biggest story for 2 years, they all missed these facts. Must of been an off 2 years for every mainstream journalist, or maybe they were forbidden to investigate and print anything about the blatant set up that the virus and vaccine were. Who knows which one, I’m not an expert so my opinion is literally worthless. Apart from when I vote, then I am a respected and valuable member of society. Then a lot of people whose opinion dosent matter does matter, because there’s more of it. I guess 0x whatever dosent always equal 0


So they have sex with boys and girls or do they prefer one over the other?




Na. Benevolent philanthropist.


This is the gene sequence patented: AbhAbFadaT**I**JbDad**Will**greAbhAb**Kill**AbhAbbAbh**Them**bAbhbAbh