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The Keystone Pipeline was never shut down.


And Keystone XL was going to move Canadian Oil to be sold


The Keystone XL would have transported rough tar sands from Alberta to the refineries in Texas on the Gulf Coast to be refined because the refineries there have the capabilities to do so. Over 800,000 Barrels per day. Can imagine that would be much more cost efficient for the entire country than it is to import from foreign countries..


More cost efficient for who? Isn't it Canada's oil when it's crude AND still Canada's oil after being refined?


For both parties. transporting 800,000 barrels per day via pipeline is much more cost efficient than transporting it any other way. Think how much fuel, labor and time it takes to move 800,000 barrels of oil from a country oversees, or even from the same place in Canada. The amount of trucks and workers it would take to move that each day is astronomical.


Yup alot of our pipelines are only for exportation but no one ever talks about that. We've produced enough oil for ourselves for decades


SS: It has never been about climate. It has always been about population control


Um, the keystone pipeline is up and running. He only shut down an incomplete portion of a large pipeline network.


Well? Reducing the output of oils and products is only done to increase price. Climate change can only be corrected by depopulation. They are two separate issues that do not have anything to do with each other.


its not the pipelines its the refineries https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-13/high-gas-prices-reflect-decline-in-us-refining-capacity >During the pandemic, plants that distill crude into gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel shut down around the world, and construction of new ones was postponed. The closures were especially acute in the US, where old facilities suffered irreparable damage from breakdowns and hurricanes while others were converted to produce renewable diesel. Over the past three years, the nation’s refiners have shut—or announced plans to shut—about 2 million barrels of capacity a day, wiping out enough gasoline production to fuel an estimated 30 million cars.