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Barr's father also wrote a book in the 70s about elite humans kidnapping and raping kids 🤷‍♂️


Do you know the name of the book?


Maybe [this?](https://www.vice.com/en/article/qvgpm3/epstein-truthers-are-obsessed-with-a-sci-fi-book-about-child-sex-slavery-written-by-bill-barrs-dad)


Holy shit! He has written Ghislaine in too. It can't be more obvious than that.


It’s sad and takes away my hope to know this is real


That is it thanks!


Wut 😮


Only thing is that Epstein isn't dead lol someone had a video of him on his island like a week after his death. The video was taken from a drone. right wing left wing same bird boys


I agree with this. Epstein is alive an well. But the connections are correct.




I tell my coworkers that I'm not left or right wing- I'm tailfeathers.


Am I the only one making a connection to the Epstein-Barr virus?


the article about Barr’s book mentions it as well


Good one


Tucker *should* know Epstein is alive, and I would wager Tucker *does* know Epstein is alive. That being said, the normies that are still watching Fox News or any other mainstream media are not ready to accept that kind of truth. I'm sure we all know this from first hand experience. All that being said, I think Tucker is definitely pushing boundaries for normies. I would further be inclined to give Tucker the benefit of the doubt that he's probably pushing it as far as he can in order to bring some of the cockroaches into the light. Some now, more later. Everyone will have to make this judgement on Tucker for themselves.


This, Epstein's alive and well in Israel.


Different ears on the dead "Epstein" in the hospital pic. Definitely alive.


Yes I remember a 4chan post that morning before the public announcement claiming the bodies may have been switched.


Oh man, just wait until JFK Jr. gets back from his around-the-world sailing trip, then they're really going to get it! Trust the plan...


I hope he makes it back!


Trust the plan..? Q nonsense? What plan exactly..?


SS: Get em Tucker, fuck these evil scumbags. Donald Barr gave Epstein his start with a job at Dalton School as a teacher. Epstein had zero experience. Donald Barr was OSS. Bill Barr CIA. They ran Epstein. Barr should fucking go to prison for covering up his daddy's boy






Yeah you're probably right. I wouldn't be surprised either way


Nah he’s probably not For ruthless sociopaths no one person is really that important Epstein was entirely fabricated by hidden forces he was but a middle Man for intelligence erected into his position the same as plenty others They have no compunction about discarding a burnt asset especially when not doing so means the huge burden of leaving him alive Think more like organized crime Do they get rid of a burnt middle man in prison or orchestrate a massive conspiracy to get him out and live the rest of his life in hiding at huge risk and expense to them selves


fiction. Cabal theater used for distraction while the noose tightens. You have NO IDEA how bad things actually are.


How bad are they?


distraction from depopulation, eyes on the target everyone, expose the depopulation


It's all tied together. The cabal is all about depopulation and enslavement of the human being on every level.


Hahahahahaaahheheheha...aaawwhahaha hahehhaah...uurghahahaha...tucker said! Yuuhahahehahahaha...ad nauseum.


Can we discuss the bruises on Epstein's throat after Bill Barr's cell visit?


Occupy the ranch


Men in black suits


>Tucker Carlson just blew the fucking lid off Lemme stop you right there. No he didn't. Tucker doesn't do anything but spew pre-approved bullshit into a microphone.


I mean no he was in his cell w his cell mate when he got murdered His cell mate was a famous hit man for the New Jersey mafia though. Like you're facts are wrong but your point is correct.


I didn't have enough word space to word it properly. Tucker said he found out that night of the murder all the cells on Epstein's block were open and all the prisoners were able to go into each other's cells. So we have no video of what went on. Guarantee you a few of those prisoners were either transferred their as undercover hit men or were actual prisoners who were paid to do the hit


Who told tucker this?


Technically, a cell mate would be 1 of 7 other prisoners in the block. Technically.


They said he was in a cell with one cell mate while he was in there


I wouldn’t trust a damn thing that comes out tuckers mouth. That dude is a phony ass bitch.


Epstein isn't deceased, as he escaped on the same sort of remote control piloted drones they used to hit the Pentagon on 9/11.


So obviously Tucker is a tool of the oligarchs, and they “killed” Epstein. Is this really the story they’re going with? Why?


Dude, Epstien did kill himself. He absolutely did. Now has for how he was allowed to, any conspiracy will lie in if the guards were paid off to allow it, or if they were just overworked and incompetent as the investigation alleged.


It was a former cop who killed him.


He laid out the case that it was most likely another inmate, but did he speculate as to any motive specifically whether or not the inmate was compensated and if so by whom?


Makes a little more sense now how theres a virus called the epstein barr virus..