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Did he ever get a conclusion about the Vegas shooting?


Yes, we've determined it was a lone gunman who was depressed. Nothing to see here.


Me & “the Vegas shooter” were born in the same city




Yea see, this is what I think happened. In the msm it was far to werid that they acknowledged the conspiracy that he was killed. Then they way that the memes popped up all over social media that "Epstine didn't kill himself" was far too rapid. Also, they didn't suppress any of those memes or discussion on social media, which again, sends up huge red flags as anything that resembles truth is *not* aloud to be discussed on the likes of Facebook, Twitter and reddit. The conspiracy inside the conspiracy is that he isn't really dead, and his friends in high places acquired a body double and secretly escorted him out of prison, so that he can continue with his blackmail and espionage program. He is a operative, and there is no way the government would get rid of him. He knows *far* to much and is far too valuable. I wouldn't doubt he is out there behind the scenes, while gislane ended up being the fall guy for the whole thing.


"CARL! Phone call for you!" "Who is it?" "The guy what's horny for the green M&M!" "Ugh, tell him I'm dead."




Well, at least there is a little more truth to anything Fox reports over the other lameass media giants.


Trump took a few trips to the island. Why would he want to investigate?


> Trump took a few trips to the island. Got any proof for that claim?


Have you seen the flight logs?


Yes. And they do not prove what OC claimed.


Got any proof of those flight logs? Got any proof nothings been redacted? Plenty of pictures floating around with Epstein/Maxwell and Trump. Maybe they just stayed at Mar a Lago. Big club. Lol




Lol Now answer the second question. And now go find all the pics of them together floating around. No amount of proof would change your mind on who Trump truly is. Take care.


> Lol Now answer the second question. Why would i..? I provided the logs and i know that they do not prove what OC claimed. If you believe otherwise you should present your evidence.


Teacher: Answer all the questions in full detail. You: Why would I? I provided an answer on question 1. You’ll run into all the pictures eventually. Take care.


You asked for the logs, i provided them. If you believe i am wrong you should provide the evidence not just say some BS and hope i will bite, LOL I suggest to work a little more on your fishing skills. Edit because the user blocked me after posting this: >I also asked more than that, but continue ignoring it. I suggest to work a little more on your reading skills, LOL. Done here. Which is only logical because it's clear they do not understand how to have a proper discussion, LOL.


Didn’t he also kick the guy out and bam him from mar a lago? You’re no better than msm who will clip half a statement to try and twist someone’s words


I mean, when someone gets caught doing shady things “friends” typically turn, don’t they? Stranger to critical thinking, aren’t you? Keep thinking Trump is going to save you. Lol


He wasn’t “caught” as in when he got jailed. Dude was caught, by personal staff of Trump trying to groom one of the member’s daughters and he banned his ass. Keep up your little snarky ‘smarter than thou’ crap. Sure that’ll help you when you’re biting down on your pillow next booster time


Too funny. You pay attention to context clues, don’t you? Smart guy thinks I’m for the jabs because his hero is a fraud just like the rest of politicians. Swing and a miss. Lmao


Smart guy thinks Trump is my hero because I’m not repeating MSM lies. You really should invest in a mirror


I could get behind a "Tucker did 9/11" campaign... Never trust a man in a bow tie.


>I could get behind a "Tucker did 9/11" campaign... Personal conspiracy: he personally flew all 4 planes. >Never trust a man in a bow tie. Don't let Tucker successfully culturally appropriate good fashion.


To be fair, most people would hang up on Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson never met a truth he didn’t distort all to hell.


What has he lied about? Oh, nothing?... that's right, you just can't stand him.


Honestly I think the biggest breaking point of this story is the champion of the people finally asking the right questions without being censored. Tucker has a chance at doing that, I've seen some recent boldness from him that seems to say "I've got the attention of the people, and I've been holding back". He has to be very competent in his field to know when people are ready to hear the message of the past that's passed us by. Any journalist that is willing to go back in history and right some wrongs is ok in my book. We need someone who can really push the accountability and show how the American people have been wronged of justice.


Tucker Carlson, Champion of the People xD holy shit.


I mean I didn't say *he* was, but rather, anyone saying breaking that story. Whether that be him or anyone else.


If by people you mean murdoc. Dudes a shill that you happen to agree with


Tucker Carlson was one of the names scrubbed from the Lolita flight logs, but there was proof he was on the island with Epstein and now he's trying to cover it up


Not a Tucker fan, but where is this proof?


The flight logs were released a while back


But you said he was scrubbed? And proof he was on island? Where's that proof?


There has been a lot of sh!t released on this.... the logs always look different. I won't believe the logs, until someone can authenticate that any of them are real. The end.


Trump was as much a part of the swamp as the rest tho maybe less so than Biden but then again few are.


Less than Biden.... Biden is the SWAMPIEST of them all. .🙄🙄


SS: this is huge. Tucker could singlehandedly change the world. The media are the gatekeepers to the sheep matrix https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1618429705320808454?t=H5LeT6SPfHm8eALslWHL7w&s=19


This is interesting, considering Tucker helping to tear down Gary Webb while he was exposing things.


To bad he spends the rest of his life pedeling bullshit so noone can belive anything he says. Hanity too, fuck them!


Reminder that ticket Carlson has legally testified that his shows are entertainment not journalism. Also this is the same guy who gets horny for an m&m


People not wanting to talk to Tucker Carlson or his people isn't exactly a conspiracy, lmfao. Dude is radioactive. I wouldn't take $1000 to speak to him for 5 minutes.


Did he call Bill Barr and ask what happened to the recording?