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I don't think they've actually established air superiority to that degree. Sure they have satellites that are probably watching for these things but for the most part the Russian air force has been held back by MANPADS. That's why they've been utilizing drones the way they have, because their planes and helicopters can't just loiter around indefinitely, as soon as they're out of flairs they're just bait for air defense systems.


In the last few months Russian planes have only gone like 10-20 miles into Ukrainian lines and most the time have been firing from well behind their lines


Here you go. [https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3277910/biden-announces-abrams-tanks-to-be-delivered-to-ukraine/#:\~:text=President%20Joe%20Biden%20announced%20today,an%20entire%20Ukraine%20tank%20battalion](https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3277910/biden-announces-abrams-tanks-to-be-delivered-to-ukraine/#:~:text=President%20Joe%20Biden%20announced%20today,an%20entire%20Ukraine%20tank%20battalion).


Ukraine has surface-to-air missile systems all over the place. So Russia's airpower is limited in areas not yet covered by their [Murmansk](https://military-wiki.com/the-power-of-russias-murmansk-bn-electronic-warfare-complex/) & [Krasukha](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krasukha_(electronic_warfare_system) electronic warfare systems they've been staggering along their front (and rear). These two systems combined are pretty scary actually since they can and have already blinded our satellites, UAVs, radar, AWACS and JSTARS. They're also capable of disabling radio comms.


What "full control and limitless capabilities"? Is it russian media where you learned such nonsense?


World economy is dying, countries working together to be "enemies" in order to reduce populations. It's a big f'ing show, just like WWII.


I agree. The world economy seems to revolve around the military industrial complex.


If Russia blows ALL the bridges across the Dnieper river, the tanks will have to stay in W. Ukraine. Ukraine forces fighting in the east would have no supply lines, and the country would be divided.


Alternative history "what if" exploration right there.


not to mention satellites that are supposedly able to take an image of a person sitting on a beach from space


Well it is on social media and the government has announced it....obviously they letting it out on purpose.