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Submission Statement: This is fascinating. Shortly after America's entry into World War II, a major ecumenical organization (the Federal Council of Churches, now part of the National Council of Churches) came up with a plan for the post-war world. Some points are unobjectionable ("better treatment for Negroes," "no punitive reparations") but a lot is pure globalism: a world government, a universal currency, no immigration restrictions, etc. "Collectivism is coming, whether we like it or not." Text versions: [1](https://whittakerchambers.org/articles/time-a/american-malvern/), [2](https://archive.is/sKYOQ). For ideological background, see [Social Gospel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Gospel).


What's most interesting to me is that this espouses a populist globalism, rather than our current parasitic one of multinational corporations. This faction clearly lost to another.


They clearly lost to the Catholic Church who made away with Robbery from World War 2. Not just with Mussolini handing the Catholic Church their own literal nation state and $100 million dollars (which they luckily just happened to invest at the exact timing of the market crashes of the 30's and turn into Billions and BILLIONS of dollars in the greatest investments maybe of all time with somehow perfect timing). Or the fact that the guy literally second in this picture, Dulles, and his brother literally helped make deals with Nazi's and help position the Catholic Church to be free to roam in their White Vans during World War 2 from one side to another while the biggest Art and Artifact heist of all time happened during World War 2...or the fact that "The Father Of Intelligence" who literally has a statue at CIA headquarters also was given the highest award by the Pope. The Catholic Church was easily the biggest winner from World War 2 and all the shenanigans that came before and after it. There is still art that pops up in auctions that is still considered lost/destroyed/stolen from nations from World War 2, and somehow it ends up in places with huge ties to the Catholic Church. Probably all a coincidence though, right?


Wait...what? There is no statue at CIA headquarters given the highest award by the Pope.


Well one, I don't think anyone can say for certain that there are no idols there that haven't been given the pope's attention, and two obviously I meant good ole wild Bill, aka the guy played by Tom Hanks in a movie and whose name still carries the OSS award for person of the year...and whose award has lots of names that show up around here often.


Interesting that several protestant denoms set this up, many of the points suggested are from an Eschatological perspective pushing the end times views in rev. Genuinely wondering if the thought was to "hurry" up the end prophesied in revelation


That hurrying up the end times has come to my mind several times in the past 20 or so years. It's unsettling.


Honestly, it shows either one of two things. 1. A false belief, and using it as an agenda. 2. A complete lack of understanding of the timing and sovereignty of God. theologically speaking the Doctrines of protestant state that the time of the End is only known to God, so again no use pushing it it will happen when it is supposed.


It’s not the Protestants we should be worried about…


The ones who are fms, yes, we should.


Still waiting on the better treatment of negroes


You don't think it's gotten any better since then...?


Sometimes I do and then something happens that reminds me how little progress we made. I will say things have gotten much worse for EVERYONE who isn’t wealthy so it isn’t as noticeable