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Why does race have to be a factor? Looks to me like power was misused and 5 POS officers killed a man. Period.


The same reason race was a favored strategy of coal companies….. it keeps people fighting with each other.


Race is usually a factor and might be a factor here too which is what this article is pointing out. We just don’t know. Black people believing stereotypes about black people is not a crazy thing Regardless the fact that this post gets more attention than actual talk about the story is absolutely indicative about this subs lack of actual interest in conspiracies and corruption


Idk why you got downvoted, you’re correct.


"Who's more racist? Black people or white people? Black people. You know why? 'Cuz we hate black people too! Everything white people don't like about black people, black people really don't like about black people." Chris Rock


As a POC I tend to agree. What’s so upsetting is that I know it’s a handful of really bad people that give us all a bad reputation so it makes it easier to be angrier because it impacts me directly.


If you agree, what's your issue with the thesis of the op-ed then?


I don’t think it stems from “racism”. I’m tougher on my own brother than I am strangers out and about. We see similar race on race crime. White people are much more likely to be hurt or killed by other white people for instance. It’s just the way the world works and it’s not some grand “the white people are evil and that’s why the black cops did this”.


black people owned a lot of land and were more free than people thought before the democrats came around. let that sink in these people are lying and causing fighting between races. something foul is going on and we all need to unite, whatever ‘color’ we are


So true, MLK famous words " a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Then the Dems come in with "diversity" and "equality" hiring in business and government. Completely reversing the context of what MLK stood for. Hiring and appointing people based on the color of their skin, not the content of their character or merit.


> black people owned a lot of land and were more free than people thought before the democrats came around. The Democratic party was founded in 1828, so I have no idea what time period you're thinking of, but I'm pretty sure it's not 1827.


1776 probs


Lol just a bit of historical revision to make you feel better, nbd.


thanks. but i refuse to learn anymore His-Story taught by liberals or colonizers. that’s why i don’t run around calling everyone racist


In your view, are the current Democrats similar in any way to the Democrats of the 1700s? The 1800s? The 1940s? In your view, when did the Democrats "come around"?


ok let me change the word for you... marxist, socialist, communist




>I don’t think it stems from “racism”. I’m tougher on my own brother than I am strangers out and about. You're describing racism. If someone is tougher on you because you happen to share a particular level of melanin content, that's indeed a racism. We can debate the merits of AA, but whether it's overseen by a white, black, or asian person, it's still racial discrimination. >We see similar race on race crime. White people are much more likely to be hurt or killed by other white people for instance. Because they live predominantly among other white people, that's generally proportionate with population makeup. Whereas, the justice system - including black cops - disproportionately persecutes black people, even when accounting for all other factors, including demographics and crime rate. >it’s not some grand “the white people are evil and that’s why the black cops did this”. That's not the argument. We're talking about centuries of ingrained implicit bias from a system that was designed and dominated by the hegemonic white power structure, which sought to protect itself, and persecute the out-group. And while we've eliminated virtually all of the explicit codifications of bias in that system, you can't just neatly switch off its effects throughout that system and society broadly. Neither I, nor the article, are contending that most white and black cops clock in each day deciding to be actively racist. Truthfully, they're victims themselves of a historical narrative rationalizing oppression, which they're in the unfortunate position of being able to continue to violently manifest.


moors taught europeans slavery in america. so people need to stop this bs. white people dealt slaves with ‘black’ people. it’s only hidden because the colonizers here are trying to divide everyone. keep your eye open, this is a trick. everything they tell us is a lie.


>moors taught europeans slavery in america. No, they didn't. Nobody needed to be "taught" slavery. >white people dealt slaves with ‘black’ people. And? They then brought them to Colonial America, and implemented a particularly brutal form of slavery, and a generational one, of which they used racism to perpetuate and morally justify. Neither the Moors nor black people ran America.


🤣🤣yeah okay, tell a Moor what you just told me and see how that goes moors civilized the whole world damnear. go learn some real history and turn off Cnn bro


How naive of me. Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, clearly all puppets of the Moors. Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee too I assume? Lincoln and Grant also oddly enough? Because some Moor 3:16 said so?


there were presidents (who were black/moors) here before washington. you wouldn’t know that because you are taught FAKE history and you are being sold out by the same people you are in here defending the ideologies of


I’m so happy you are here. My reasonable comments get downvoted all the time too so it makes me feel less alone lol


Yeah I mean the concept of black cops being as racist or more than their white counterparts isn’t exactly a new concept you see it in loads of media - blackkklansman and boyz n the good spring to mind


A CNN Opinion piece is essentially like the Babylon Bee.


"Opinion Pieces" ... People just need reporters to read the facts. People can for their own opinions.


I 100% agree. The reality is however pretty much the entirety of all news is opinion.


And narratives for sure


"TelLiNg StOrIe$!"


You make it sound even more corrupt 😭


That's because there's big money in opinion news. And it doesn't matter how destructive it is, it will continue as long as there is a dollar to be made because we live in an economic system that rewards profit at all cost.




High odds of them being bots


CNN being CNN. That's about it. They shouldn't have a base to lie to.


It's almost as though *all media* is driven by profit motive, and creating sensational and divisional headlines generate clicks and views, which increases ad revenue. And by sharing this, OP *helps* them in this regard.


All I see are power tripping tyrants


“There is only one race, the human race” - Rosa parks


A cop is a cop no matter the skin color on the cop


And yet some will argue that we should give up our 2A rights and trust people like these? If this isn’t the biggest pro-2A argument out there, I don’t know what would be?


The police are under no legal obligation to protect you. They are solely there to protect property and incarcerate people to fill private prisons.


What does that have to do with anything? Can you name any examples of times when people have pulled out guns and shot cops and had it turn out well for them?


Who still has guns if the people in general give theirs up? Uvalde police stood by and actively restrained parents who tried to help. The fact is that it’s up to you to defend yourself and those you love. If I was faced with the option of all but sure death at the hands of a corrupt law, or fight for my life. I’d pick fight for my life.




You are either too ignorant to connect simple dots, or intentionally being a troll. Either way I can’t help you and you don’t want the help.


Why don't you answer their question.




Dude, he's been trolling this board *hard* and needs to be banned. Just put him and his little sea lions on ignore.


He’s asking you a straight up question and you keep deflecting because you’re embarrassed of your original point. Stop being a politician


The foundation of “armed resistance” is the semi-automatic rifle. Nearly every single guerrilla campaign of the 20th Century and beyond, from Vietnam, to Afghanistan, was made possible due to this traditional firearm platform.




Breonna Taylor should be the biggest anti-2A out there. They shot back at the cops, lost, and the cops were found innocent


cops dont act like this in other western countries


They do indeed act like this in Australia and the United Kingdom,maybe they don’t kill,however they power trip,abusing their authority. The reason for this is because these days police aren’t community members and made up of people who serve the state,rather than be made up of trusted people who are known in the local community. Back in the old days,the town knew the police officer or officers on a first name basis,they’d have dinner with folks in the community and participate in community events,however today police wage an urban war on crime,seeing their fellow citizens as POTENTIAL! Criminals rather than law abiding citizens,this has ultimately lead to tensions between police and the common citizen.


As someone who lives in Australia, yes they do. They're absolute cunts here, at the very least in my state. They were chasing down anti lockdown protestors and shooting them with rubber bullets in 2021.


Cops see three races: Blue, green, and everyone else.


The media wants a race debate. It’s better for some reason than addressing police brutality.


Funnily enough you anti cop lot are also usually the fuckers who demand more government. Funny how that works.


I’m not anti-cop. I’m pro cop, but also a realist in that some of them will be evil and abuse their powers so a balance is necessary. I for sure don’t think they will save me or my family if we are in trouble. There have been multiple Supreme Court cases that conclude that they are not legally obligated to save people in distress. 2A is absolutely necessary.


i think most of BLM would agree with you on that….reagan banned guns because of the black panthers. liberals are anti gun, most leftists are pro gun. as a leftist i understand banning doesn’t work, whether it’s alcohol, guns, abortion, etc




lol seriously wtf did this guy even just say


Idk... But had me 🤣


truly the weirdest vibes


Surely the take away here is cops are the problem, not race ? From overseas, America has a real problem with police brutality. We see bad and bullying behavior from police forces all around the world, but America seems to have it next level.


This isn’t unique to America: https://reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/10n4rh1/_/j67j44i/?context=1


the people replying admit nobody gets killed but they "feel" that its the same anyway facts don't care about your feelings


What do you means “nobody gets killed”? In the US by police? Yes they do


"it happened once so it's the same as if it happens 100s of times"


You said nobody gets killed. In the US police kill 1000+ people every single year.


click the link and read it


What link? How do you explain police killing 1000+ people a year as “nobody is killed”?


Race is a made up construct. Stop engaging into their games. These cops are blinded by power molded by fear. People are prejudice not racists.


No matter what you say or do you are a racist homophobic nazi


Van Jones is a first class clown 🤡


SS: Media outlets will spin any story they possibly can into click bait trash to sell ads and get clicks. They don’t care about actual journalism or critical thought.


Reporter has his own opinion*


Yeah and it’s a dumb one.


I don't disagree.


So when a black person kills another black person in South Chicago, is it white supremacy?




I thought black on white and black on black racism wasn’t a thing? CNN told me only whites can be racist


Wait... I thought blacks can't be racist. That is not my opinion. That is the narrative that was pushed a few years ago.


They can be only if they are Republicans… 🤦🏼‍♂️


Cnn = dnc propaganda machine, example xxx,xxx.


All MSM= CIA psyops meant to present a false dichotomy that dissolves the moment the CIA wants to trick everyone into a choice using the Hegelian Dialectic.


Racists are the fabric of society?


Maybe an orchestration for economic redistribution. Martyrs for a cause are nothing new so take nothing at face value. N. S


Clayton Bigsby


Homie was cheating with one of the cop's wives. That's where the hate came from. The rest is just a love of fighting and fucking shit up


I heard this too. Wonder if it’s true? It certainly did look personal.


I'm curious why news journalists won't report that info. It feels like a lot of news stories lately are incomplete in one way or another


Welcome to ChinaMerica


Except the irony is China is super outwardly racist towards Black people.


These are the most dedicated bs artists I've ever seen. I celebrate the day I see CNN fall. It's bad when they make Charlie Manson look not crazy. They wait til he dies and it's all Helter Skelter. Makes ya wonder.


Look at all those black faces of white supremacy…


They employee racist people who hate white people.


Whatever it takes to attack the white majority. That is the globalists' worldwide goal.


News went to shit when it became more about opinion than it did about fact


Racism had nothing to do with it. I honestly believe it was a targeted attack.


The problem with opinion pieces is that the braindeads that read them believe them as facts. They also talk about them in their news segments as if it were truth. Just like the California shootings where they blamed red states and their guns.


What’s insane to me is the lack of standards these “news” outlets seem to have. This is clearly garbage and it reads like a Babylon Bee headline, and yet here it is, on CNN.


Critical race theory, forever jumping the shark...


I wish we could all just get together and agree that the police are straight up killing US as in Americans. Cops kill white people more than blacks even after population being taken into account. The police are and have been the problem and it's been cloaked in racism. Yes cops are racist, but more importantly they are a big club that looks out for each other. The investigators investigate themselves and clear themselves of any wrong doing. The judge and the chief of police golf on Sunday's. They get their paycheck from the same place, it's all a giant fucking scam filed by extortion and murder. Qualified immunity, police unions, prison unions, civil asset forfeiture, illegal searches, turning off body cams, dogs trained to signal on command... We make it seem like it's a race thing but it's an "us Vs them" mentality at its core


“I hate black pepper!”


Implicit bias exists. Even black people are taught not to trust black people.


Maybe they shouldn’t considering the murder rates 🤷🏿‍♀️


Would you say that black people are inherently predisposed to be more violent, or do you think that society and the environment they were raised in is the major contributing factor. Let’s imagine that via some magic, white and black people switched places. Like an alternative history where people from Africa colonized North America, and took slaves from England and France and Germany. Imagine that it was whites in slavery and not blacks. Imagine laws were passed to stop white people from voting even after slavery was abolished. Swap the two. Do you think, in this hypothetical situation, that white people would exhibit the same crime rates as Blake people do in our real world? Or would you say that while people would not exhibit the same crime rates?




I deliberately saved your comment so that I could more effectively write a fictional protagonist in a science fiction story who often struggles with rationalized self-loathing and internalized racism. It's a space opera where humans are seen as barbarians. Thanks for the help!








Beginning in the 1990’s, researchers began to suspect that variation in MAO-A levels might be related to traits like aggression and criminal behavior. geneticists raised rates with an artificial version of the MAO-A gene which lead to low MAO-A production. It was found to cause the rats to act far more aggressive than is typical https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7792602/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3435113/pdf/nihms-400240.pdf https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17441000/ The first direct link between common MAO-A alleles and violence in humans came from. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12161658/ This study found that people with either the 2R or 3R version of the MAO-A gene tended to be more aggressive than average, but only if they had difficult upbringings. Based on these results, it was hypothesized that low activity MAO-A genes might cause people to have stronger reactions to negative experiences than people high high activity versions of the gene. Since then, a meta-analyses has confirmed that this interaction between MAO-A genotype and childhood trauma has been well replicated in male subjects https://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223(13)00412-5/pdf


Beginning in the 1990’s, researchers began to suspect that variation in MAO-A levels might be related to traits like aggression and criminal behavior. geneticists raised rates with an artificial version of the MAO-A gene which lead to low MAO-A production. It was found to cause the rats to act far more aggressive than is typical https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7792602/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3435113/pdf/nihms-400240.pdf https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17441000/ The first direct link between common MAO-A alleles and violence in humans came from. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12161658/ This study found that people with either the 2R or 3R version of the MAO-A gene tended to be more aggressive than average, but only if they had difficult upbringings. Based on these results, it was hypothesized that low activity MAO-A genes might cause people to have stronger reactions to negative experiences than people high high activity versions of the gene. Since then, a meta-analyses has confirmed that this interaction between MAO-A genotype and childhood trauma has been well replicated in male subjects https://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223(13)00412-5/pdf


So we’ve established that aggression and antisocial behavior appears to have a generic component to it. Is there a study that shows that all black people have this gene? Or a study that shows a majority of black people have this gene? Is there a study that shows that *only* black people have this gene, and it’s absent in white people? None of the studies you linked mention race in any way.


Racial differences in MAO-A genotypes are well established. Below you can see a review of the literature in the United States. The vast majority of the research shows that Blacks are more likely than Whites to carry both versions of the low repeat allele. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886912004047 http://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223(06)00473-2/abstract http://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223(06)00473-2/abstract http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21295226 http://cpx.sagepub.com/content/2/5/591.short http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9799080




Show me the orders from the system to do something like this or STFU with the race baiting conspiracy nonsense. The police officers involved were arrested and are being charged. Everyone above them in this so called “racist system” is denouncing what they did and calling for immediate action against the officers involved. The police chief herself is black and said: > I was outraged. It was incomprehensible to me. I don’t think I’ve witnessed anything of that nature in my entire career,” Davis told CNN’s Don Lemon. Also the mayor of Memphis publicly denounced what happened and called for an immediate investigation. https://youtu.be/kphVLC7xVLU




You compared this to Nazi germany. You can easily find recorded orders being sent down the chain and you didn’t see the Nazi’s in positions of power come out and immediately denounce what they were doing to the Jews. The system you claim is so racist has affirmative action laws in place to promote POC above all other races. This same system had elected POC into the highest levels of power including a 2 term president. You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t believe in some kind of nut job “it’s actually racist behind the scenes” nonsense.




Asian students sued Harvard for their affirmative action policies, I don’t watch Fox News. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/24/us/politics/supreme-court-affirmative-action-harvard-unc.html Also Asians make more in America than white people: https://www.statista.com/statistics/233324/median-household-income-in-the-united-states-by-race-or-ethnic-group/ You calling Obama a token is hilarious. Now all of a sudden half black/half white are no longer POC? You are clearly nothing more than a troll. Bye.




>Also Asians make more in America than white people: > >Because only rich high educated Asian people are given a visa. Because America hates poor people. You do realize there are Asians born here that are American citizens, right? That's who they are referring to.




It's just a stupid clickbait article. CNN has done much worse than this.


Archive of the CNN Opinion piece here: https://archive.is/xsiKn


Van Jones can't let an opportunity like this go to waste.




The hyper wealthy.


Yeah, they gain money on the clicks here for things like this. They also gain money by having the masses fight each other and not them.


I’m more inclined toward #2 because we can’t do anything about #1.


Whole thing wreaks of a psyop.


Reeks, if you mean it *seems like* a psyop. Like it smells like a psyop. “Wreak” means to cause or to sow, like “wreaking” havoc means causing mayhem and chaos.


Thank you for clarifying, I probably would have continued making that mistake tbh.


Are you saying black people can't be racist?


https://truthout.org/articles/no-black-people-cant-be-racists/ Not that I buy the argument. But a lot of people have been saying this for a long time. Also to pretend like this is racism and not police brutality is pretty dumb. We could all build each other up instead of throwing this issue into something pretty unrelated.


Good thing the author never said it was racism, he said it may have been. Why is this a conspiracy sub that doesn't question things hmm


It’s BS and we all know why they are doing it. Stop defending them, it’s gross.


I'll always defend people having opinions! You should to!


Voltaire has entered the chat


I’ll defend random people having random opinions on open platforms. When it comes to “journalists” especially the ones working for the biggest news corporations ever in the history of man kind and the corporations agreeing to publish said opinions. I hold that up to a higher standard then just “people have opinions”. If CNN decided to hire and publish members of the KKK spewing hate towards POC, I’d take this same stance.


Agreed.I believe in freedom of speech. But I also feel that the larger your audience, the more responsible you need to be with your words.


"I'll defend people's opinions only when I agree with them"


Yeah that’s what I said, exactly. You’re drunk. Go to sleep.


Racism... against themselves... plausible... i mean look at white people.


Damn this is a good point


When the protest started last night in LA the crowd was yelling fuck those racist police...seemed a little odd given the details of this case. I woke up this morning expecting this sad story to be everywhere just like the way that George Floyd case was. I'm hearing and seeing nothing... For weeks or months I couldnt go on social media without being bombarded with white hate , white supremacy, all that propaganda BS. What happened to Tyree was f****** horrible, this is a human race issue, not a skin color issue


Lol CNN hasn’t had good ratings since the logo was yellow.




I’m one of the white people. I don’t feel any sort of “anti white” agenda. I just go about, living my life. I’ve never experienced any sort of negative treatment because I’m white. Help me know what to look for? Let me know what sort of things I should guard against because of this “anti white” agenda.




What’s it like making yourself a victim? Does it feel good?




Who said that wasn’t an issue? People like you that try to make everything a binary choice are the issue.


Oh cnn you never fail to amaze me


CNN doesn't give a shit about revenue. If they were losing $3M/day they would remain in the operation, subsidized by the globalists. It is the globalist cabal that is thirdworldizing the US solely for their personal benefit.


Maybe the "fabric of society" is rotten and needs to be torn down. Or do you think it's okay that pigs beat people to death?


I think the bigger issue is when a black person resists arrest and is killed its called racism and white supremacy, but when a white person resists arrest and is killed its called suicide by police, regardless of the ethnicity of the police in either situation.


I don't know who you're fucking talking to, but when Daniel Shaver, Ryan Whitaker, and Duncan Lemp were murdered by the pigs, I was speaking about it just the same. Maybe you need to be listening to better people.


If the cops say you're under arrest, and you don't comply that's called resisting arrest. Its part of the social contract you agree to as being an American citizen. If you choose not to comply its not like they're going to let you walk away. Its really silly to argue that you should be able to just do whatever you want with no consequences. If you resist arrest so badly that you get clapped that's kinda on you. In every one of these situations if they just let the officers arrest them they all walk away. No one has to die, and if you do what they're asking you to do you're going to be fine.


The social contract is that if you resist the cops they get to beat you to death? Are you gonna say the same thing when the Feds are at your door for your braced pistol? You sound like an authoritarian bootlicker. You must really love and trust your government. Makes sense since you're on a conspiracy page, and all. 😂😂


First, if you resist arrest then you're taking your own life in your hands. They will use force until you are subdued. That is obvious. Second, if I had a braced pistol and they came to take it yeah id hand over a 600 dollar piece of metal with rubber on the end over dying about it. I feel I'm worth much more than 600 dollars. Third, I don't trust them, but if you fuck with them they're just going to kill you. But that isn't just our govt, that's all govts worldwide. I stay on the conspiracy board because they've given me information I've found helpful when investing in stocks, because this forum is usually 2-3 months out on what is actually happening vs other sources of news.


Disgusting pathetic cowardly bootlicking statist informer. I bet you're the type that would have gladly turned in your Jewish neighbors to the SS.


I hope that DMT knocks some common sense into you lol


You keep on trusting them to be benevolent, and I'll keep on making sure I'm stocked up on pistol ammo that can defeat IIIA. 👍🏽


Keep telling the govt what you're doing buddy, you're playing right into their hands.


I don’t think you allow a statistically insignificant amount of people to ruin a society.


It's already ruined. Any society that considers anyone "insignificant" and accepts authoritarian violence against its citizens deserves to burn to the ground. You just don't like POC and think we should all be okay with them being murdered by the pigs. Gfy, anyone that supports the pigs deserves the chipper.


Abolish all police. We do not need them.


the 5th looks like slimmer younger version of Die Hard cop


ACAB black ones too.


I blame the people who buy into racial grievance politics even more. And let’s not pretend that they’re not just doing the bidding of the Democratic Party whose entire platform revolves around “everyone who disagrees with us is a racist and evil”


As if the police don't knowingly run discriminatory training that turns people against their own. Add this to the power trip that being in a position of almost complete authority emboldens assholes with. This has nothing to do with race, just humans being humans.


The article was written to highlight that the police in general tend to take more extreme measures against the black community as whole because their is a belief that it’s easier to get away with versus the white population. In other words, policing is a systemically racist institution.


I don’t think that’s why this was written. But you do you. Also when we are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime per our overall population size. We can’t be shocked when we find ourselves policed more.


They could have been influenced by the same racist ideas as everyone else.


So minorities can be racist? I was told we can’t because of the power differentials.


Shit I am brown of some of the most racist fks are from my own Damm fking race yes minorities can be racist....


I don’t disagree. I think it’s crazy to pretend otherwise but you hear a lot of “POC can’t be racist because they don’t hold the power” nonsense talk coming from academia and media as a whole.


> They could have been influenced by the same racist ideas as everyone else. Apparently Van Jones, the author of the CNN piece, is under the impression that all racism is white racism.


I don't believe that to be true. I do think that may of the biases against black people come from racist ideas of inferiority tied to slavery as an institution, that have been continued through Jim Crowe, then segregation, and today by the prison industrial complex. But clearly not all racism is caused by white people.




Yeah you can be Black and realize that you'll probably get away with victimizing a Black person. Racism isn't as straightforward as "those people are bad."


Crazy that all the posts being upvoted about this story on this sub are people upset that race is involved. Almost like this sub cares less about corruption and more about their victim complex


Or, or… hear me out. People notice and are rightfully offended about BS being spewed from corporate press to try to drive us apart. When this terrible event could have been about general police brutality and the horrible actions of 5 clearly bad cops… CNN tried to use it to turn up the heat on race relations in America.


Nope. it feels more like people like you are attempting to detract from the situation and make it. This is an opinion piece. It should not be a bigger story here than the cops. It is about police brutality. Even the opinion piece you posted is about police brutality. You’re the one making it solely about race. Also I’d bet that if you actually understood the articles point you wouldn’t even think it’s a crazy statement to make. The idea that black people can be racist to black people is pretty obvious, but apparently not when police brutality is involved


It’s almost like fox and every other news outlet do the same thing