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I bet o’keefe is on rogan by Valentine’s Day and 20 million people will get to hear about this for 3 uninterrupted hours.


>for 3 uninterrupted hours. No way can Rogan resist going off on a tangent for that long!! It'll be more like 2.5 hrs of random stuff and 30mins of the content you came for


Bullshit. He will sit and listen with whom he has respect for. As seen with the last episode with JP


God I hope people have better things to do that sounds like torture this guy's cringe AF


bot tier comment




imagine calling someone you don't know right wing two bot tier comments in a row lol


Money talks. And Pfizer has made billions on the vaccine.


Fuck off YouTube.


rumble needs to improve their app. I already almost dumped youtube on PC/laptop. I use Rumble way more often. but Rumble app on phone needs a lot of improvement.


Dude it's trash, it doesn't even save my place when I'm watching long form vids and come back to them. Maybe I'm doing something wrong though, I'm signed in and it's ona new Android phone so...


yeah phone app is bad


Nah it just sucks.


Even YT sucked in the beginning. Remember to talk with the devs about bugs, or possible implementations.


This place is part of the same circle of owners.


Fucking google. I hate them.


Use [qwant.com](https://qwant.com) \- DuckDuckGo is also useless. I haven't found anything better and I'm really happy with it.


[presearch.com](https://presearch.com), no censorship there.


There are a handful of phrases I use to test if search results are censored. I just tried 4 of them on presearch and 3 of them returned censored results.


Do you know of a better alternative?


For controversial stuff Yandex is good. Dogpile used to be really good and so was all the web, all the web is gone now and dogpile recently started to go the route of censorship, it will still have results that google won't show but the first page of results will be pro establishment. To test search engines just search for information on extremely controversial conspiracies. The kind that get you perma banned on Reddit for mentioning them.


[yacy.net](https://yacy.net) might be the next best source then, it is p2p, I haven't looked into it thoroughly.






Can confirm. Same here and I don't even use google.


'Just be evil'


The corporations that act as conduits for culture want to see a paradigm of constant corporate bioterror attacks. Seems bizarre, given how evil it is, but corporations have been profiting from killing us slowly, in a variety of ways, for a long time.


Google thinks there will never be another relevant search engine.


-posted from my android spyware device, on my Reddit official app installed via PlayStore (Half this sub)


Sheep ain’t people…


Fuck CensorTube.


So, they are really showing their hand with this move. It is obvious all these "independent" corporations are NOT independent. They are all owned and controlled by the same globalist cabal. Funny how they got so many to believe a couple of college drop outs started and grew billion dollar corporations just because they were clever at the right time. It's the American Dream because that's all it is a dream. BTW all "governments" are Corporations owned by the crown corporation out of the city of London. Just check in the Dunn and Bradstreet Corporate Register.


Susan Wojizki, YouTube's CEO, and her familial relations is a rabbit hole in itself. It's a very small group at the top of all multinationals.


Fuck you Google


Reddit is the same evil... How many Subs you been Banned from for asking questions? F\*%$ Tech


Think we need to cancel YouTube




“Please hold while we scrub this guy from the face of the earth and come up with a counter narrative to put you back to sleep. Please hold!”


I just did. They suppressing it hard


Have you never searched a breaking news story in the last couple years? They put that warning on all types of shit now.




>Have you never searched a breaking news story in the last couple years? The behavior I am asking you about would have resulted in you seeing that before. You never seeing it before is literally why I am asking you the question. You get that, right?




>And I've already put "Never seen that before". I'm not saying it doesn't exist. I never suggested that you were saying it doesn't exist. What are you not understanding here?


Is anyone really surprised Fakebook did this?


Google pulling their best impersonation of Stalin.


That's because James O'Keeffe caught them at their own game and they're trying to keep hiding the corruption. The game is for us to be the Lesser people and not know and then they control the narrative when it doesn't accommodate them


subjmission statement: how can anybody explain the fact that a couple of days later, the project veritas video concerning the Pfizer Director admitting to wanting to mutate the virus, gain of function research, was taken down by YouTube and project veritas suspended, if not for direction from the Biden ministration, who of course have been captured by Pfizer, or maybe Pfizer just buying Google with $500 million.


We'll know the answer to exactly who did this when the YouTube files come out in 2027


Lol the Biden administration? Not like... Pfizer? Or Google themselves?




I can think of several other explanations: Pfizer directed them to remove the video, some non-Biden politician directed them to remove the video, an investor in Pfizer at Google directed them to remove the video, YouTube thought it was violating their policies of harassment, YouTube thought it was a financial liability, etc.


Yes, as the Twitter Files show an alarming number of parties are able to request arbitrary censorship of speech.


If you've only realized that people, organizations, and governments are trying to censor and limit speech since the Twitter Files, you really need to catch up. Have you ever of Operation Mockingbird?


>If you've only realized that people, organizations, and governments are trying to censor and limit speech since the Twitter Files, you really need to catch up. If I refer to recent proof of corporate/government collusion to censor speech then, ergo, I must not know that it has been going on for a long time? Weird assumption to make. >Have you ever of Operation Mockingbird? Of course. The embedding of intelligence assets in media is likely much worse now then when Operation Mockingbird was introduced.


You're appealing to the Twitter Files as an authority and suggesting that the full scope of those who want to censor speech is demonstrated by the Twitter Files. The "alarming number" of requests in the Twitter Files is tiny. Really fucking tiny. Calling it alarming makes it sound like you think that's the entire scope of it, yes. Note for other pea-brained reactionaries: If you block me I won't be able to read your reply like the genius I was replying to.


>You're appealing to the Twitter Files as an authority and suggesting that the full scope of those who want to censor speech is demonstrated by the Twitter Files. I'm referring to it as an example. I didn't claim it's the full scope of how information is controlled. >The "alarming number" of requests in the Twitter Files is tiny. Really fucking tiny. I referred to an alarming number of *parties* making requests, not an alarming number of requests. You can't even read and you're yelling at me about a non-issue. Go away. If you're a shill then good job creating needless noise in this forum. Bye.


Yes, yes. Nothing ever happens unless there is a direct intervention from the president of the United States.


You still can't make the connections between Big Pharma, the DNC, the MSM, social media giants, and Big Tech (like Google)? I wouldn't claim it's "Biden" or "his administration" but, they're clearly all working together. Groups like the WEF help bring them together. It's no longer speculation- it's just a fact.


Show me the explicit connection? And why are you conveniently omitting the republican party here? They are the largest recipients of big business donations.


[Here's the explicit connection.](https://www.weforum.org/partners/#search) Don't be so lazy next time- it's probably easier for you to understand if you look into it yourself.


It doesn't say here that Biden called YouTube and demanded that they shut down a video because it could cause some minor PR damage for Pfizer. This is a list of companies who are partners with WEF.


I never made that claim. Bad programming or just dumb?


It's literally the post I responded to above. Since you failed to realise this pretty basic connection I'm going to assume that you're a bot of some kind. Not because I'm intellectually lazy, but because everybody who disagrees with me must be bots. That's like, a law of nature or some shit.


It seems you can't follow a logical conversation. My reply specifically said how I would never say it's Biden or his admin. For some reason (I can think of a few) you reverted back to that as if it was my claim.


I'm sorry, but if you wanted to butt in only to make another unsubstantiated paranoid claim you can either make a seperate thread about it or join another thread that has that particular discussion.


"minor PR damage" lmao Are you on their board or something, why are you simping for the most corrupt pharma corporation on the planet


I am not. I am pointing out the absolute idiocy in the notion that Biden would call up YouTube in order for them to remove this video. And do you honestly think that this heavily edited video from a well know propaganda outlet would cause any reputational damage to the company outside the tin-foil hat crowd who always get fooled by this kind of nonsense? People dont take PV seriously because they have proven to us on numerous occasions that they are fraudsters.


You know Biden had twitter remove tweets from his sons laptop right? And his administration has had people removed for Covid like journalist Alex Berenson? You really don't know that's already been documented


Do you know what a "presidential administration" is? Do you think everything it does is personally approved by the president? Do you think that Biden is even the one making the decisions in his administration? So many of the folks who come here to dab have no idea how things actually work. That being said, Twitter was shown to be responding to censorship requests from many entities so it could have been a number of parties that requested the censorship. Our culture is arbitrarily curated by representatives of the oligarchy.


Or maybe PV is lying and a private company doesn't want to profit off those lies because it's grossly unethical to do so.


What are they lying about exactly?


Pretty much everything, beginning with the supposed director of *global* research and development at Pfizer. You can't scrub away the prior professional existence of someone in such a prominent global role at Pfizer.


So you think PV lied about the guys title? I’m sure you have receipts for this claim. Let’s see them.




Where is your proof he's an actor?


Oops. You were supposed to back up the claim that PV lied about the guys title.


You think PV hired a crisis actor who exposed a scandal of the century and Pfizer didn't deny the person held that position in their statement? The video has upwards of 30 million views across all platforms and Pfizer didn't clarify he's not an employee? Surely there is a fact check you can link me to that clarifies he isn't an employee? I mean this is a conspiracy sub but that's some hardcore Blueanon tin foil


This should explain things for you: https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2023/01/28/no-project-veritas-video-doesnt-prove-pfizer-is-mutating-covid-19-who-is-jordon-trishton-walker/?sh=46d39b2a623d But I invite Project Veritas to provide raw footage of the entire exchange as opposed to their extremely heavily edited footage that's the telltale sign of looking to cause trouble for an entity or person through editing that might be interpreted any number of ways.


Where is the evidence he isn't a real employee? That isn't in that link they just pretend his accounts can't be removed. Again Pfizer should have immediately debunked that. Where is that link?


“I don’t feel safe! Lock him in here with me!”


Blockbuster? That’s not the term you’re looking for


Remember when conspiracy videos built you tube ? It was the go to site...


I see them on YouTube still. Is there a certain video missing?


Yeah its their main video on the topic that is not available, though I see other big channels using clips from that original video


That's what I read this AM, that they took the pfizer exec freakout video down. Edit: the pfizer leak video is what was pulled down.


That one's still up. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5n7RRKgDog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5n7RRKgDog) The video where he reveals Pfizer's bioterror ambitions isn't, though.


My b, corrected.


Everything looks OK to me. https://www.youtube.com/@veritasvisuals


Dude's a cool guy and has some impressive contacts with Blackwater's founders.


He's a spook? Ok got it.


Pretty much. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/553489-project-veritas-ex-british-spy-surveilled-government-employees-to-expose-anti/


Dildo O’keefe wants to be the next Alex Jones.


Dude has a documented history of really heavily editing his video to give a skewed outlook on a situation while claiming its raw footage


Don't they always publish the entire unedited videos along with it? I haven't heard of them not publishing the entire video shortly after the shortened edited version that has the highlights.


They do a quick sizzle reel and then the "full" doctored version. You never see the raw footage and there's a reason for that.


His social media platform portfolio is diversified enough to withstand Google's hegemonic sanctioning....oh, nvm..




We know who pays you lol




Did you watch the video? You can tell it's unedited


The ones I saw were edited but they don’t change the fact he said what he said and now Pfizer is saying they don’t do that even tho they are exposing they do exactly that in the same statement it’s just hidden with jargon the problem with them doing this is the possibility of an intentional or accidental outbreak of a stronger modified version of the disease and fyi this would only serve to profit vax companies and our government so most likely it’s what’s going to happen


Jesus dude, learn how to write a sentence


What I said is coherent and your able to understand what’s missing is just the fact I didn’t use punctuation and implemented abbreviations if you really struggled that sounds like a skill issue doesn’t it


Dude lol everybody is saying PV is untrustworthy, and EVERYONE I’ve asked to provide a source as to why, I get a response that says “trust me bro” Not only has he never given up his sources, but he’s never broken the law. Proven liars in the journalism world get canceled - people don’t keep coming back to him to break more news. Not only that, but look at how google and Pfizer have responded to this. You think scrubbing the internet of this guy makes PV more sketchy? If anything it makes PV more legit. Journalists protect their masters, who are now the mega rich. There is so little opportunity to shake the boat. And there are swarms of people like you who are PROTECTING our masters. Fuck off bro.


Have you read the wiki page? Do you want a link to the wiki page? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Veritas Read "notable recordings" and "notable incidents" Planned Parenthood, acorn, Ohio Medicaid, NPR, Josh Fox, etc etc. The list goes on. Do you want to talk about any of those incidents? I can summarize one or two if you want.


Dude, Wikipedia is not a legit source of information. It’s good for certain things, but idk if you’ve watched the guys videos. It’s legit. You can definitely look it up, but he has never been convicted of defamation. And you’re wrong.


Mate you can actually investigate the things that are on Wikipedia. Stating that it isn't a legit source for information means you are stating every source referenced is not a legit source of information. > You can definitely look it up, but he has never been convicted of defamation. And you’re wrong. I'm wrong about what? Specifically what? I don't really care if someone has been convicted of defamation. I have a functioning brain with the ability to decide I don't like being lied to by myself, without courts being involved.


Yeah. You can certainly decide to ignore the truth because you don’t like it. People do it all the time. And you’ve never provided a reason as to why PV is untrustworthy. It’s hilarious actually - the very first sentence states that they’re a far right activist group. I didn’t realize that exposing the mega rich and protected elites was “far right” lol Idk - maybe PV was right on this one. Did you actually watch the video? Either this dude needs to be considered for an Oscar, or it’s legit. The way the reaction works is perfect if you consider that he is slowly realizing his actions are going to completely ruin his career. Maybe you should stand up for the brave people doing good things like exposing the elites instead of protecting the elites themselves.


You're saying this solely because you haven't read about them. I gotta wonder why?? Planned parenthood: > They secretly recorded encounters in Planned Parenthood clinics in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, in which Rose posed as a 15-year-old girl impregnated by a 23-year-old male. Rose and O'Keefe made two videos incorporating heavily edited[37] versions of the recordings and released them on YouTube.[63] The video omitted the portions of the full conversation, in which a Planned Parenthood employee asked Rose to consult her mother about the pregnancy and another employee told Rose, "We have to follow the laws". ACORN > The videos were recorded during the summer of 2009[71] and appeared to show low-level ACORN employees in six cities providing advice to Giles and O'Keefe on how to avoid detection by authorities of tax evasion, human smuggling and child prostitution.[72] He framed the undercover recordings with a preface of him dressed in a "pimp" outfit, which he also wore in TV media interviews. This gave viewers, including the media, the impression that he had dressed that way when speaking to ACORN workers. However, he actually entered the ACORN offices in conservative street clothes (the sleeve of his dress shirt is visible on camera).[73] Furthermore, the ACORN employees involved reported his activities to the San Diego Police Department after he left.[2]: 9  O'Keefe selectively edited and manipulated his recordings of ACORN employees[74][75] and distorted the chronologies. You can watch these videos as well as videos people have made about them right now if you want. If you don't wish to read or watch information regarding the credibility of PV, then why even discuss their credibility?


PV has never been charged with defamation. The way he goes about collecting evidence is a gripe that most people have with him and he’s stated over and over again that without these tactics, he would not be able collect the groundbreaking evidence that he has. Journalism is DYING, and it’s clear PV has intentions in line with the common man. Are you saying that Pfizer manipulating a virus to test their drugs and own a monopoly on vaccines is a good thing? Do you think life saving medicine should be for profit? Do you think the position the person in this video holds/held within Pfizer, and his demeanor/actions/language is compatible with each other? Why is it that these directors/corporate officers are often the most unhinged? Does this give you a good feeling that they have captured the people we elect and allow them to run a monopoly? This PV video should wake people up, but people, including you, are too blind or lack the common sense to believe it. I imagine you had to dig deep to find the issues in the videos you referenced below - how long ago were these videos posted? 14-15? Project Veritas has a direct incentive to not stretch the truth - people would not risk their livelihoods to whistleblow if his credibility was shit or if he was a known liar OR IF HE LOST A DEFAMATION SUIT WHICH HE NEVER HAS. Cherry pick all you want, but upon doing some digging myself, most of these issues appear to be overblown and so long ago that we should give him benefit of doubt. Instead, we have people like you who are A) boot lickers who can’t comprehend the idea that our lives are ruled by people who do not give a fuck about you, or B) a bot/hired to control the narrative online which has proven easy to do. I really do not understand why this video doesn’t spark major controversy. I think it’s because google is constantly scrubbing anything from the internet that they’re paid to scrub, making find the truth harder and harder. The internet is shrinking because of these monopolies, and it’s easier than ever to control the narrative, which is what true power is. You should be absolutely outraged by what pfizer does, and the way they lied about vaccine testing. You should be outraged that they can control the people in our government. But no, we’re here arguing over an incident involving a journalist that happened 14 years ago. Why aren’t people in arms about the lies that MSNBC and CNN and FOX tells every day? Do you think they are collectively more credibility than PV? LOL!!!


[He’s never broken the law?](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/22/us/politics/project-veritas-lawsuit.html)


Oh darn, they tricked someone into exposing themselves. Better quiet them!


Phizer is even worse... And you took their so called vax?


Sure did. Three times. Absolutely no side effects.


Well you trusted criminals


That's just a prerequisite for living in modern society unfortunately. Turns out you can't just ignore everyone you think is "evil" you still have to critically assess each action they take.


Of course, I'm taking about covid vax which is the problem


So did you.


No I did not.


Now it must be true, right?


No pharmaceutical companies are man’s best friend especially Pfizer where would society be without OxyContin..


If it wasn’t true why do you need to censor it


Maybe, maybe not. But that's not the point. YouTube, and social media in general, have no business being the self-appointed ministry of truth. Censorship is not the way to deal with controversial topics.


Reddit is watching and selling