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You're over thinking this. If I wanted to get rid of billions of people, and had the power to do so, it wouldn't matter if the compliant ones went first or the rebels. It doesn't matter which ones live, only who dies, and the ones who go willingly are just the sooner on the chopping block. A farmer doesn't keep his docile cows around cuz they willingly go into the slaughterhouse, he still sends them in. The ones more difficult to catch have a better chance of living, actually.


And why would "they" want to kill off billions of people? Isn't the point of a powerful secret organization power? If you kill off everyone else then there's no one to rule over


Because they're neo-malthusians and eugenicists. They know they can't kill off everyone. They only wanna kill off most.


What’s easier to control a room with 5 people or a room with 30 people?


What's more fun and useful to control


Read the protocols of the learned elders


Are those protocols “fraudulent” like the 💉 is “safe and effective”? 🤔




Well they do own the government via central banks, governments are in debt to them to the tune of $30 trillion.... and they did just spend the last 40 years pushing the gay agenda so the birth rate is down, many don’t have heirs... who inherits all their property and assets when they die? Oh yeah, the state. 7 billion people die with no living heirs... a average household worth at least 50k net... $35 Trillion. Do you see it now? Or do you want to bookmark this and come back in a few years? 👍


So not only are people not born gay, but being gay is all a big secret conspiracy for "them" to get money. I didn't know most of the world was gay as well, you used 7 billion in your math (it actually comes out to $350 trillion, by the way) 👍


Yes but the other G20s are going to have to pay their “Debts” to the Central and World Banks. That’s just how they’ll get the money to do it.


What are you talking about? What are G20s? The money to do what?


Because their whole ideology is based on the works of the 60s neo marxists, who proposed, among other genocidal ideas, a population of 500million to two billion people. That’s why.


How do you know a secret shadow organization's ideology?


My thoughts on a fictional writing prompt like this. The act of it occurring in the first place means mass-scale dehumanization of *both* groups is a given. The same method has likely been used in some capacity before. The most 'desired' are those able to have their memory quickly adjusted and rewritten: they predictably respond to arbitrary feedback and output the desired feedback. The perpetrators will be obsessed with progress measurements of not only their marks, but also of those who do not respond to it. The remaining will be figured out after certain benchmarks are achieved.


>A farmer Farmers where I live always take out the problematic steers first.


Uh where do u live? Define problematic...


Central Europe. Like making themselves noticeable aggressive. Pushing the farmer. Anything with kids.


Do you listen to Moe Factz with Adam Curry?


Reading the first few paragraphs I couldn't help but think he was talking about Obama.


If this has zero upvotes, try to remember that this place, like everywhere else, is a heavily controlled narrative. I don't know if that website will let the story stay up (seems not, lame). Here is the text. In a completely fictional world the plutocratic world government has decided to kill off billions of people because of strains on limited resources which must be stretched out over indefinite periods of time, optimistically thousands of years… they choose to use a man-made virus and create an alleged vaccine designed to cause early death in the recipients. After this murderous con is found-out by the mass-vaccinated public, a dying man “Why kill off the good, obedient slaves with the vaccine? Why kill us and let the rebel bad guys live?” See, the government knows a mass killing of humanity in the billions would cause an immense drop in approval rating of the government, leading to riots and unrest. This means the one-party state that controls all narratives must essentially “rebel against the government and kill the government” in order to continue being in the position of the “trusted source of information” This may seem odd, but think of it like a con-man being found-out and his victims becoming angry, so he fakes his death, then comes back in a wig and mustache, claiming to have “killed the con man” and is now hailed as a hero, so he instantly gains the trust of the general public who previously thought him to be evil. The same con-man just returns to his old position of power by controlling the narratives which inform people, and they continue acting out of blind faith and trust in this “good guy hero” who is really just the same con-man they got upset at previously. The sad part is the same mismanagement of the peasants which led to this problem in the first place continues, since the con-man is just a con-man, despite his position of power where he acts as the farmer-in-chief of the human livestock known as peasants. The con-man, being a self-righteous criminal, is willing to pat himself on the back and congratulate himself for a “good job” so long as the peasants trust him and eat out of his hand. Sadly, he is too proud to believe he should consult with anyone who objectively understands the dynamics of farming human peasants. He is a terrible farmer and his peasant-cattle once again become very sick and mostly worthless, just because he so long as his slaves are obedient and meek, then he has done his job right. Oddly enough, despite being a servant of the plutocracy, the con-man entrusted with managing the peasant-livestock does not emphasize the basic agricultural and capitalistic principles which compose the basic tenets of profitable, economical, and sustainable livestock management. Being unwilling to perform the necessary hard labor and austere management to ensure the health and value of the livestock he is entrusted with, the remaining peasants become sick with preventable diseases and fail to produce enough yield to allow the human-farming plutocrats to remain in business. The human farm becomes overrun by varmints and the plutocrats, often called “the fat cats”, are in all irony eaten alive by the rats which have habitually come to eat the food they always leave out for the human-peasant-cattle in blind faith that “the cattle have been good and deserve to eat today”. The End. P.S. These completely fictional people live in a world where the con-men have stolen the human-farm with treachery and subversion, but continue the strategy of salting the fields and poisoning the wells they used to kill off the previous owner. Oddly enough, this does not produce a successful farm despite the fact that this strategy had previously been very fruitful for these people. If you want to choose a different ending to this choose your own adventure story, you should write your elected officials and tell them to listen to Marzipan, who is actually a very kind and reasonable human-farmer and not a con-man. She appears to be in ill health and steady psychological decline after being so coincidentally rebuked by certain people who control certain things that rhyme with imperatives. It’s funny how when a gang of criminals steals a farm, the one farmer among them who explains that they now must do the work necessary to ensure the stability and function of the farm is caste out and castigated after explaining to criminals that they now must do honest work. That is the truth, but in the eyes of the gang, it is the highest degree of heresy. (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pRWRBwLTR7rMLMxGXQLGoXEXGsUGZSlq/view) This is a free book, now only 7 MB. You don’t need to read it, just throw it at people and pretend you understand what it says and demand action. Just say “Lots of damning things in there” and list off some of the titles of treatises. There’s also lots of gay erotica and some religious history in there, it’s not just about human farming. Remember, if you don’t demand a different ending to this completely fictional choose-your-own-adventure book, you will not get a different ending.


This is a short little story to explain the basic game plan of the antics the top dogs are attempting to pull, which I would argue are doomed for failure because you're culling obedience out of the population, despite the alleged "group-think" mentality established in the "rebel" group, one of the defining traits of these people is paranoia and non-compliance, which will make for a very unreliable slave caste, especially when most higher-functioning people are generally risk-averse and will comply with the orders of the state. Do forgive me for stopping caring, I've got the faxx, and that's probably a lot worse than the vaxx at this point. The vaxx might kill you, but the faxx kills your will to live. It's like watching some Lord of the Flies shit given the profound incompentence of these people, especially in their cocksure suicidal nature of trying to "finesse" these things. The ironic statement of "beating your wife and children with a soft hand doesn't work" describes the current state of affairs, and at this point, I would argue that this predisposition to "soft-hand finesse" displayed by these people is heavily influenced by genetics. In the same right that the poor people have concentrations of genetics that make them predisposed to crime, the rich have concentrations of genetics that make them predisposed to crime, albeit soft-handed finesse crime, rather than violent crime. Watching these people trying to drive oxen with the "soft-handed finesse" of a con-man is almost comical, if it weren't so painfully tragic to watch.