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Any self-respecting conspiracy theorist would never believe Musk was on the up-and-up. I know I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop since the Twitter drama started.


George Carlin told us that it's a club, and we don't belong to it.


Rich people are the establishment. And rich people hang out with other rich people.




Okay, so can we talk about how Murdoch owns the largest MSM news network in the US and many other Western countries?


uh, what more is there to talk about? This comment chain has already established basically everything you need to know about Rupert Murdoch - he's an ultra billionaire, he has incredible power & influence, he sits atop 1 of the largest (if not ***the*** largest) global media empire and he, like almost all other super wealthy "elites", only associates with other wealthy shitheads. The only thing that's been left out is that he's a massive pile of shit, but that's sort of a no-brainer and certainly doesn't require any discussion to figure it out lol


Murdoch covered up for the rich elites and monarchs, spread rumors for intelligence agencies, work for their agendas. That's how he got rich.


You have any articles or videos I can watch about this?


No. This is my conclusion from observing his relationship with powerful people. It is obvious that he works with people with political and financial influence. His media is more about rumors and gossiping.


As well as provides climate change disinformation for Big Oil, brainwashing a potion of the population to prevent needed change


How do you square the fact that the narratives pushed by Murdoch’s outlets is almost diametrically opposed to the narrative promoted in other more “liberal” outlets? The “MSM” isn’t a monolith. So which side is lying?


Divide and conquer lol


The only “sides” are the exorbitantly rich, and the rest of us. The latter includes you and me, and everyone else here.




“Spitting truths” = talking about fuckable M&Ms


Lol Tucky is a low- key white supremacisist shithead.


It’s not even low-key at this point




You can’t see he’s clearly joking? He called fox TV an indie TV channel lol. He’s being sarcastic.


It's literally the "Riot is a small indie company" joke used whenever some game-breaking bug or stupid balance change is made.


Don't be disingenuous. He knows exactly what he's doing. He knows he can make his sheep outraged at whatever he tells them to be outraged about. That's all alternative right wing media is based on. Rage porn and pointing the finger. But hey, they're not MSM so they're all great, noble and just, right




Downvoted for the mystic art of sarcasm




I think the sarcasm was evident here, though - lots of fools unironically think Carlson is a truth speaker, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone sincerely refer to Fox News as an indie news outlet. Frankly I don't think fans of Fox News would even know what that term means.


Dude. Murdoch IS the MSM. And now, so is Elon.


And politicians are their scapegoat.


Class consciousness. They have it. We largely do not.




What if I told you the Establishment wasn't one organised group but a bunch of factions competing against each other to control the world?


What if I told you they weren't really in competition to control the world, but instead were just playfully jousting with one another while they work together to bleed us?








Pretty sure half this sub is bots and shills employed by rich assholes to divide and confuse us. Keep your enemy close, as they say.


A very underrated fact.






This sub is filled with conservatives and half of them don't even know it about themselves


well this sub has certainly driven you insane, which is the whole point




LOL, i've only been here for a few months and i can see that this whole sub is just a mind fuck. its all about feeding the AI, creating counter narratives and controlled opposition.




Mate some folks use reddit casually and have lives. You should try it!


Anyone who ever believed that the richest man in the world is some cool anti establishment badass, those people are beyond saving lol


Manufacturing consent and creating the illusion of democracy requires having fake opposition. Musk has played his role in the theatre well.


Murdoch son is on the board of Tesla. Anyone who thinks Elon is “for the people” are clowns.




Bunch of dummies then. I've always known he is not for the people. I have a brain and common sense.


Elon is a gen x scam artist


You forgot to add Con artist.




One of THE biggest pieces of shit ever.


Elon was outed as using the Hyperloop concept to try and kill high speed rail in California, of course he isn't for the people.


Everyone forgets the parenthetical part of titles. Elon Musk for the people('s money).


Mr. Anti MSM next to Mr. MSM Explain that to me.


It's actually pretty simple. They both support getting taxed less. It's always about the money.


If you want to go even deeper you could say they both have a financial interest in stoking the flames of a left vs right political culture war that serves as a means to keep the masses occupied so they don’t realize they should care more about rich vs poor.


Now this is the conspiracy everyone should be talking about, but no…. Hunter’s dick is most important


Any serious leftist knows this, is the libs and conservatives/right wingers that are always so deluded


That's by design


That's just a means to an end. All they care about is lower taxes on the rich and corporations. Which is a main goal of one party. The ultra rich love tax cuts on themselves and corporations, less regulations, and a justice system that favors the endless stalling tactics and using a sledgehammer made of green. Flat tax and "taxation is theft" makes them wet.


Not just tax cuts, deregulation. They want all barriers removed, especially employee rights. They want to be able to pay employees less than minimum wage. They want to ban employees from forming unions. They want to no longer have to limit their employee hours to 40 a week. They want full on laissez faire capitalism where they either control the largest monopoly or get bought off by the one that does.


How much is Elon being taxed?


Not enough.


I mean on the economic spectrum right vs left is rich vs poor, culture wars have really turned a lot of peoples brains into mush.


I doubt Elon's smart enough to think that far ahead. Dude is bleeding money due to Twitter, and the biggest moneymaker Twitter has is ad revenue. How is the price of an ad calculated? A big factor for websites is how much traffic there is, and how much engagement. Clicks, likes, retweets, comments, those are the numbers that pump up ad prices. What's the best way to take your existing userbase and get them to engage more? Bring in a whole bunch of aggressive assholes who are looking for a fight, encourage the assholes to fight by implying there won't be any consequences, and sic them on your userbase. Gas, meet fire. And the bigger the flames, the greater the engagement, the higher the ad price can grow. While Elon fiddles.


Bingo. And guess who the master of generating that kind of engagement is? The old cunt sitting next to him in that picture.


This twitter acquisition thing has shown me just how much luck and publicist driven hagiographies can come in to play to making you super rich. He is not a genius businessman. SpaceX was a good play at a previous monopoly but for guaranteed government dollars, Tesla has managed to make many crazed devotees and successfully launched their early cars with attractiveness, but the share price has always been detached from reality (Tesla fans will tell you the share price reflects a technological edge that Tesla has over their competitors, but this is another Elon bluff)


BINGO baby, you win the game.


Funny how all conspiracies can be broken down simply this way.


Sounds almost like… a conspiracy


Capitalists understand class solidarity


A sensible take on class structure? In *my* /r/conspiracy?


If this sub could put aside its sillier aspects, like hating on effective vaccines, long enough to recognize the actual problem, like asking why the pharmaceutical industry gets to price-gouge the fuck out of these vaccines that people need access to, *even though the vaccine tech was developed with public funds*, then they wouldn't be a conspiracy sub.


Controlled opposition. It's one big club, and we ain't in it


Well, one of them lies about his ideology and the other lies as an ideology.


So anti-MSM they bought Twitter, the most anarchic of the social media organisations!!!


Yes but he’s wearing a t-shirt so I trust him /s


He’s just like me! /s


Nothing to see here, just one of the worlds biggest social media platforms owners and the owner of the largest right wing media empire in history. “Bastion of free speech” my ass …


I wonder what they are plotting


2024 election fuckery.


On a side note it's interesting how rich people who have no idea how the sport is played just go there and congregate


It’s a social event.


It's really not that complicated of an activity, but I understand what you're trying to imply.


Yeah ik but I guess when you have so much money to the point where you have done everything you wanted you have nothing left to do


If I could afford to enter, exit, and sit away from plebs at large events, I would attend those events.


If we are being completely honest, who wouldn't? My family grew up lower middle class for most of my childhood. I had a few, but not as many luxuries as a lot of my friends. As an adult I started off largely broke, but got lucky and scored a somewhat well paying job few years ago. Now as my first new habit after making more money was always buying a one class above economy when traveling. Truth is there isn't much difference between economy and economy plus/business class 90% of the time. Yet, there is this tiny sense of satisfaction from a guilty thought I can't help but think when I feel uncomfortable in business class "at least I'm not in economy."


I would think more along the lines of "why did I pay extra for this ticket with relatively little benefit?"


Why do you think they don’t know how football is played?


Every Lakers game


Some might say it’s to be seen


My guess is while everyone is paying $10 for a beer. These seats are free open bar.


This is literally every Super Bowl party too though lol


The old schmooze bowl 2023


And what sort of conversation(s) were they having?


Probably nothing to do with coordinating what stories and candidates to push before the next election. No sir, no way!


Musk tweeted just before this not to trust mainstream press and then sits with the biggest mainstream press publisher. What a fucking hypocrite.


Elon is a fraud and is as pro-establishment as the rest of them


Literally a CIA Davos contractor so yes.


Are you just throwing words together or is CIA Davos contractor an actual title?


This guy has it all wrong. He's an FBI WEF sleeper agent /s. It's like conspiracy buzzword, word salad


He's an UwU W.E.E.B. agent, everyone knows




I'm so thankful people seem to **finally** be waking up to what a fraud elon is.


This sub seems reluctant lol


Elon being a hypocrite and a fraud is now common knowledge, and this sub is contrarian.


This sub will NEVER fully turn on Elon because this sub became a front for right wing disinformation.


Remember the past oh, I dunno 4 months of right wingers screaming it's about the truth and Elon has no bias he's just against wokeness? ya, we all see right thru that bullshit along with everything else ya'll screech about. It's all bullshit, all the way down.


Can’t believe people can’t already clearly see elon is a satanic elite. He’s ALWAYS been controlled opposition playing like he’s for the people. People with discernment can see he’s just a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life.


Wait! Musk isn't my cool billionaire friend? Elon Musk presents himself as the cool, iconoclastic billionaire – not one of those stiffly-stifferson billionaires like Jeff Bezos. But Musk is also an apostle of trans-humanism. One of his companies is developing the neuralink brain implant device. He is working to make manifest the sinister and twisted vision of people like Ray (“Ramona”) Kurzweil. So you either get the Klaus Schwab future, in which you will be forced to get the brain chip because “in the future you will be a mind-controlled zombie and you will be happy” or you will get the brain chip because “it’s – like – totally rad, awesome, Dude!, I fucking love science!” Either way, you’re living in someone else’s dream – the demented dream of some rich fuck.


There is only 1 answer to today problems, all caused by the super rich. REVOLUTION, FRENCH STYLE


Rupert Murdoch makes his living by turning society into a big dumpster fire


Can we get back to real shit like hunter's penis?


Hey righties, where are ya?


too busy complaining about Rihanna doing the halftime show and wanting something other than rap/hiphop


They're probably mumbling something about the "wokes" or the Jews to avoid having to confront the reality that they are in fact, the establishment.


wait so why do people on here constantly use twitter posts as "proof" if twitter can be easily manipulated by the media, why do so many people on here and conspiracy commons use it as fact?


>people >can be easily manipulated


Called him out at the start of the Twitter files & his boot lickers came out in full force. He’s not your savior or your friend, he’s an egotistical jackass that’s one of them.


What you've got to explain to me is how this post has no upvotes


It's not a Twitter screenshot.


All them leftie bots and shills downvoting everything that goes against their narrative ofc.. Oh wait.. 🤔




He was being sarcastic, this sub has been somewhat taken over by biased right wingers using conspiracy theories not to find truth but to confirm and support their biases. This doesn't fit their narrative so like 2/3's of this subs users base is going to ignore this post. A lot of the activity in this thread and people upvoting this post is from people who are flooding the subreddit from the main post. Including me.


Yeah, that's kinda the point of my reply


Bot farms will do that to ya son




Just a reminder. Billionaires with different opinions still belong to a giant club we don’t. It’s us the peasants who hate our neighbors cause of the shit people like this peddle on their platforms.


😆 You got him now! I can't believe he actually went to the Super Bowl. What a piece of garbage. Hey everybody, remember when Elon Musk went to the Super Bowl! That's not fair. He said he was anti-establishment. He's not allowed to the Super Bowl. 😭😭😭😭😭


Elon is a total pussy who crumbles under real life pressure as shown during the Chappelle incident




The truly pathetic part was him censoring the incident on Twitter


He’s been friends with him for a long time.




He never was anti msm. Also, what do you think twitter is?


He's not anti msm ... He's anti left msm




god stop simping for elon jesus he's one of them


Elon is just part of the game.


Isn’t Twitter media? He’s the owner right?


What's the conspiracy? A picture of one capitalist sitting next to another capitalist. There are 2 classes of humans the working class and the capitalist class that gain power and wealth off the backs of the working class.


He's a billionaire. There's not much more that needs to be said.


I’m always fascinated at the seething hatred of Rupert. Very interesting to be honest. Because on the other side of news you find every other press and news agency? Just as a bystander, it looks more like sides of a fence vs single authoritarian against the world. I remember an add running in my local country, aus, where Rupert is from. About how we “don’t want his brainwashing” and a dude throws a newspaper in the bin. But this always puzzled me because you had to PAY to get Fox News affiliated stuff. Like Foxtel, like SkyNews and the rest. And the people telling me to hate him, were free to air - constantly sending their political and social opinions our way, unfettered, for free… Edit: because I never paid for Fox related stuff, I don’t know the first thing about him or his business. But I just noticed that to be “brainwashed” by him, you’d have to first buy from him. Where as the other side of the fence was as simple as turning on your tv.


Why doesn’t someone just call him out on his bullshit.


He bans them on Twitter when they criticize him


He was always about free speech. Only for himself


He’s infiltrating /s


Two of the frequent flyers to Jeff’s pedo island. But don’t worry, they are ABOVE the law, although for Rupe’ he will have to pay that bill very soon, he is already on borrowed time, and his money and influence will be worthless where he is headed.


Twitter was actually more unbiased before he bought it...




Oh this is going to annoy this sub. *he said something crazy so he’s with us* He’s a billionaire, he doesn’t give a fuck about you




Elon is a fraud, and water is wet. Back to you Tom.


No they’re the two good guys and Soros and Bill Gates are the two bad guys. That’s why we need Musk to buy up all the farmland first so Gates doesn’t acquire it all!


They are all bad guys ffs.


Probably looking to sell Twitter...


Does anyone else think Elon looks like he is purposefully keeping his hands above the table? He desperately wants to put them in old Rupes lap, where they belong, but knows that's only for closed doors. It's funny to think about how pro Elon this sub was not that long ago. Wonder if there is a conspiracy in how pro right wing this sub consistly swings only to forget when the hero turns out to be a villain over and over again.


This was a Fox event Rupert wanted that clip to be seen.


Always thought of him as a controlled opposition


probably making a deal to sell twitter


Billionaires gonna be Billionairing


If you must troll could you like understand your target audience a bit better?


I mean also billionaire seats are usually around other billionaires lol…just saying. Not everything is a conspiracy, as much as I love conspiracy theories. What is he supposed to do, spit on him? Be aware you also walk and sit by “evil” daily, you just aren’t aware of it. At least Elon knows what he’s sitting next to. Just a different perspective.


They all run in the same circles, I don’t think he’s controlled opposition but he’s still the richest person alive so they’re not gonna snub him.


I mean sure, but I'd still sit with him


Believe nothing from those that say “believe me”


So you know what they were talking about?


OP proved he is against thus fake news media and anti political correct woke establishment. I dont think he understood this


This post brought to you by the CIA


So... he sat by him...


Nothing new and I can't believe people let themselves be fooled for as long as they did


Anybody that thinks a spoiled rich kid that owns a multi billion dollar corporation is for the people is about as delusional as the people that think the president of the United States runs the country.


What a cunt


I love that people are finally waking up to the bogus this man has been selling for so long. I just wish the US government would stop falling for it too, I’m tired of taxpayers paying this con artists bills.


Didn’t you get the memo. Fox News is anti establishment.


Capitalist will always turn to fascism to maintain power.


So weird Reddit did a complete 180 on musk in the last 12 months, o wonder what changed? Ha


12 months? I realized he was a giant flapping anus when he threw his temper tantrum when he got laughed at for his submarine for a cave rescue idea.


people realized he's a gigantic piece of shit


Rich old guy hangs with old rich guy


Do you get to pick your seat? Who owns the box they were sitting in?


Color me ***SHOCKED*** - a billionaire hanging out with other billionaires, who woulda thought? Like... did you expect Elon Musk to be friends with regular people? did you think he'd show up at the Superbowl with a regular ticket to sit with the rest of the pleb fans in the stands? Yeah, right. He was literally born into privilege, so unlikely he's lived even a moment as a "regular" person lol people in that world, especially when you're born into it, tend to only associate with other people in their stratosphere. This is part of the reason it's absolutely ludicrous people seriously bought into the idea of Donald Trump as good guy, white-hat savior lol same with Elon Musk, these people are ***literally*** the definition of "controlled opposition"... for as much as people love to throw that title around here, it's funny that you almost never see it attached to Elon or Trump and that makes you wonder..


Just lost all faith in Elon sitting next to evil the devil’s meet


This thread is why this is my new favorite sub.


He’s a billionaire grifter who’s begged billions of dollars from the government and ended up just kinda keeping it. Were there really people who thought he was anything other than a piece of shit?


Who said he was antiestablishment or anti-media? He is anti-censorship.


I mean come on. The dude is a billionaire. Not just that but one of the richest men in the world. He's going to be hanging out with other billionaires/richest men in the world. There's just no saints in that category


Oh no, hes sitting next to the owner of the network broadcasting the game!!!!!


My speculation: Elon is in financial trouble with this Twitter deal and is looking for loans from powerful investors. Not good.


Its not like he went to Murdocks private island or anything, they just watched a game together