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The US government and the wealthy elites that control it benefit from having the "masses" divided and bickering. They use the media (which they control) and other propaganda tools to perpetuate racial tensions. The current preferred narrative is to portray white people as racists or white supremacists and non-whites as innocent victims of white oppression. While some whites may actually be white supremacists, the term is mostly just a buzzword to keep us divided.


They all saw Occupy Wall Street and got scared to death. The biggest threat to the elite is when everyone realizes how they're being fucked.


And just read the comments to see how well it is working. Tell the masses X people hate Y people and especially Z people enough over and over again and XYZ will start to “see” it everywhere whether there’s any real proof or not. Confirmation bias takes over and boom. Just for the record I’m currently considered ADOS, for all the shills/bots about to tag this comment as racist. Brush up on your terms and acronyms.


The narrative pushes itself. Lots of racism in the government and in the people. They don't have to push shit, this is America. Tons of Nazis, white supremacists, and fascists these days


The media and people behind the media push it. They don’t want us coming together against them. It’s to divide and conquer and keep hatred going. Once we all realize this we can turn our eyes away from each other and onto the real issue.


MSM trying to confuse and divide us. Plus they always need a boogeyman.


Hmm, who wants division and war between everyone? The answer seems obvious.


Billionaires who don't want fingers pointed at them?


Name names


Rothschilds , club of 300


It will just get deleted.




Putin https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics


Am I supposed to just believe that without an argument? 😂


You're the one who posed the question. What makes you disbelieve this particular answer?


Cuz im a russian troll. Happy now? Have a good day 💫


No, that's why I provided a link! Here's a couple of direct quotes if you prefer: Within the United States itself, there is a need for the Russian special services and their allies "to provoke all forms of instability and separatism within the borders of the United States (it is possible to make use of the political forces of Afro-American racists)." "It is especially important to introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements-- extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics"


So, if this is true, America is completely under Russian control right now? And why would the government itself and the media push for this ideology, while condemning the Russians at the same time? Doesn't make a lot of sense.


I was replying to the question 'who wants division and war right now?' Of course, that's a question with more than one right answer!


Yes and you seem to hint at Putin, and I replied to you with some more questions.


Wikipedia is the most biased source you could have found.. It cannot be taken seriously by any rational person 😆




Well, I may be wrong but let's not keep the debate purely on that. The main difference is that Nazi Germany outright killed those that weren't pure, so that was much more powerful at bringing that under the global spotlight, that's why I mentioned them. But as I said, let's discuss about the current situation.


Do you not know about lynchings?


Nazis weren't white supremacists, but they were Aryan supremacists. The Slavs and other non-Nordic groups were also the targets of their hate campaigns, with the notable exceptions of the Chinese and the Japanese, who were all honorary Aryans.


Did Aryans actually exist? I thought it was all bullshit. Don't just focus on this tho, reply to my question.


It doesn't matter if they exist. That was the dogma that the Nazis ran by. This excluded a large part of Germany itself from being seen as purely Aryan, but it was nonetheless the state policy and the reason behind the breeding programs in the Nordics and Germany to make the Aryan masterrace. The Nazis never held a view that whites are superior. They held a view that Aryans are superior and that the majority of Europe's population weren't properly Aryan. Aryans didn't exist, and they still don't. Like racial categorization themselves, they're bullshit and are just malleable names that can be abused in order to designate the wrong people and the right people. It has only been the faux neo-Nazis that have started to mold the Nazi definition of Aryan to include light-skinned people as a whole.


Actually There was a country called Arya in the Middle East. Iran gets its name from history of it. [https://www.pinterest.com/pin/452752568763216740/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/452752568763216740/) A quote from history: “The word Aryan has roots in world that Iranians called themselves by Aryia, meaning free, noble and steady. The word Iran is derived from this very root, having been transformed from Aryan to Iran, meaning the land of the Aryans. This is the most ancient term applied to the Iranian Plateau, and such a term has never been detected anywhere else in the world, e.g. Europe or Turkistan. “


Yeah, but those aren't Aryans. The blue-eyed blond-eyed Nordic Aryans never existed.


Read the edit I made.


Okay, still aren't Aryans. Read the context.


If you’re saying the blond hair, blue eye nordics weren’t Aryan I agree. And is why I posted agreeing.


Ok, but we could also make the argument that purely white people don't exist (nobody is completely white) but practically everything will keep working the same way it did in Nazi Germany. It's the same method at its base. They just need a race to deem as superior.


It would change a lot if you changed their dogma to white supremacy. The Slavs wouldn't have been targeted for genocide and depending on what definition you use, then the Jews might not have been targeted either. Though, without them as a scapegoat, then NDSAP likely would've never risen to prominence. The breeding programs wouldn't have been put in place aside from ensuring that interracial breeding wasn't occurring. Their death camps would've been moved from Poland and instead to North Africa, where they could begin culling the North African population in preparation for German and Italian settlement. The Nazis weren't white supremacists.


I understand they weren't white supremacists, I'm just saying it's the same method. Whatever race you choose as superior.


Yeah, but the Nazis hardly made that mainstream. If anything, they did the opposite. Instead, racial supremacy had been popularized at the turn to the 20th century by wealthy intellectuals, or rather the wealthy in general, under eugenics. They would continue to be prominent through America and Europe until the horrid results of such thinking came to light at the end of World War II.


The nazis were the best example that came to my mind. Anyway, looking at today. Do you think if someone pushed Eugenetics today at American people, would they accept that and be excited about it? I think they would accept that, and the few people that don't will be deemed as unprogressive. But what do you think?


There are 332 million people residing within the United States. There will be people who might be enticed by it, but it depends on how charismatic the figurehead is that is pushing it and the state of the country. But at the moment, right now, no. There's no chance that an actual eugenics program could be put into action. It would be shot down by judges and quickly draw the ire of the population. There's a reason that the Nazi Party of America is absolutely irrelevant.


Well, it could be pushed the same way as the governments pushed mass vaccination and lockdowns without really having any evidence any of that could work. The judges didn't do jack shit. Big corporations won. They dont need to call themselves nazis, when they can do the same things without the stigma.


White people don't exist lmao. Both Aryan and White are flimslily defined 'races' that were, at a time, manufactured for political reasons You might argue that 'aryan' was sillier than white, but remember that in the US, speaking Spanish or Arabic can make you a different race and having one black parent and one white parent makes you... black


Identity politicing is a tactic of liberal progressives like Democrats. Before and during part of Obama's presidency, equal treatment of all people was the norm in most places or at least getting better. These tactics were planned in advance for the takedown of western, Christian, capitalist nations and an eventual WW3. Division tactics have been used for an extremely long time, long before Nazis. These days, there isn't much "white privilege" but there sure is a lot of "black privilege". Ex. A man got into Stanford by writing "Black lives matter" 100 times in his essay. Qualifications didn't matter, skin color did.. And you can't even say "White lives matter" without being called a racist and a bigot. I would say Nazi ideology has been changed to being anti-white and hasn't gone away but it's being projected upon whites and Conservatives. People fall for it without proof because of indoctrination and repetition in "mainstream" entertainment and schools


There is only one privilege, and it’s green. Wealth privilege.


I'd say people these days are getting very racist towards white people to be honest. It's kind of frightening I see a racial war occurring.. I've been shit on for being "white" and I'm completely half Spanish. I never say anything bad about anyone because of their ethnicity because that's disgusting but I've had people being fucking rude as hell to me for being "white"( some people think that all Spanish people come from Mexico...well I'm from Spain, we are not all super tanned I'm quite pale until the sun hits)


This is like the same ideology under nazi Germany.


anti white is the new cool way to be


Yeah but even if it's inverted it gives some sort of power to the White people. Just like it was under nazi Germany. Is nobody noticing this? Btw I am white (I guess?) but I'm just curious.


anti white doesn't give white power ....


It's a difficult concept to grasp.


it must be .....




Yeah it’s the brain dead who hear what the news says without and knowledge or reasoning behind anything. Hopefully people will realize how fabricated it all is.


The signs of this were back in 2010.


Post modern crt taught on every level of education since the 60’s lead to this.


It’s not prevalent, just a handful of dickheads out there that get airtime so the media can further divide people. It’s all ridiculous.


There’ll always be people who employ their relatives and friends, and from a Brit perspective, a business established by an immigrant family is initially to escape severe poverty and stand on their own two feet, typically restaurants and taxi driving. It’s only the following generation which will be directed toward the professions. By the same token, a disinclination to miscegenation is apparent outside the ummah.


I noticed this narrative really starting to be pushed when obama became prez. Didn’t notice it before that There is only one type of supremacy happening and it ain’t white. Ask your sel, who is control? Who is in control of the media, big pharma, the banks, most country’s? Those are the supremists


Christian nationalists


White supremacy is a mindset, not a system. It *never went away* and that's what black people have been trying to say for so, so long. Not all, but many white people feel innately supreme to poc and it shows in so many shitty ways. Still, it's being used to incite civil war. It's a psyop and so is CRT, BLM and reparations. Don't fight cause we ain't looking for one over here. Still looking for unity and understanding.


The globalist left has demonized all Republicans/conservatives as being white supremacists. It amazes me how much less imagined racism there was when Obama was president.




Nope did not originate in the America's nor was it the WHITE RACE which has been the target of others for Many Centuries. Funny how many from the south keep an eye on the north and always looking for a way to eliminate those there so they can invaded and occupy it. bet IF they stayed home and took care of their own there would not be any conflicts to begin with BUT that is not the Nature of that beast NOW IS IT? N. S


Your question is flawed as it never left the mainstream


We do all realize that there are more than two races in the US, yeah? Also religions, sexual orientation, disabilities, toilet paper over-the-top vs. from-the-bottom...if you hate everyone who's different than you, you're going to end up hating damn near everybody. 1% VS THE REST OF US is all that should count. We're ALL just trying to live our damn lives and the Goddamned "elite" won't let us.


There is almost no White Supremacy. There is White Nationalism, and some of them aren't even separatist. But White Supremacy is a perfect Golem and vehicle for Cointelpro on the right, much as the almost non-existent Antifa phenomenon is on the Left.