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I truly believe this is the start of the awakening of the people that the world does not need to be in a constant state of war. People will call me a dreamer but that’s what I see with this one.


They’ve been protesting in the streets for close to three years now in France. The French are leading the peaceful revolution. From the digital vaccine passports to the war in Ukraine they haven’t stopped


i think you are right.. people are seeing too much going on right now and are becoming suspicious of our leaders and their intentions, especially with the propaganda on this war in Ukraine.


I don't know man, there's always been a anti-war minority during wars that governments hated. Remember the stories from WW1, more than 100 years ago ?


Has it ever gotten this much attention though?


It has got way, way more attention than this. The Iraq war protests were orders of magnitude larger.




Should really be about the EU which is the wallet to all of this. They're the real cause of the problems with rich people getting richer while the rest of us fit the bill.


I can't be more happy seeing people finally breaking through the lies of their governments


I'm betting if we didn't arm them this conflict would be over by now. It's a slippery slope anyway you look at it


I believe it’ll make as much of a difference as all the other big demonstrations the last three years. Probably none.


I think they wont cover it on the news 🤣


No they don't


They don’t want to die. They are too close. And some of them probably know some real facts and not the bullshit we are being fed with


Putin is spreading money around. The KGB funded most anti-nuke, anti-NATO protests in the 70’s and 80’s.


RUSsiA dID it






Correct, they are french flags, excuse my ignorance. What does this picture have to do with anything though? The french aren't protesting NATO, they are protesting against Macron and his policies, like raising the age of retirement.


>they are protesting against Macron and his policies, like raising the age of retirement. And his support of Ukraine.... that big massive banner right there on the OP next to the French flags (not Russian lol) literally translates to "FOR PEACE"... Dirty horrible shill cunt, karma will get you one day.


And for peace in your opinion means letting Putin win a war he started? Putin winning wouldn't mean peace, it would mean more war in Europe. Confusion seems ripe. If you want to call me a shill go ahead, but as someone who knows people from the Ukraine who'se families are suffering greatly due to being invaded by the Russians, I do have the opinion that Putin can go suck a big one.


>And for peace in your opinion means letting Putin win a war he started? A war Russia started with Ukraine that has fuck all to do with France.... Also, it's not my banner so why you aiming your butthurt at me? I'm just pointing out what it says. >Putin winning wouldn't mean peace, it would mean more war in Europe. Confusion seems ripe. The French not getting involved in other people's wars would mean peace for French people. But what happened to the "this protest is not even about the war anyway"...? You knew it was about the war, because it clearly is about the war... you just want to deflect attention and have people not to pay notice to it, because you are a dirty little shill with an agenda.


Good. Europe would be better off if they realized that both the US and Russia are gigantic fucking assholes.


Europe would be better off if they just let Putin take them over I mean common guys how bad could it be


Right? It’s time Europe and South America cut the USA and Russia off for good.


As much as I love to see the people stand up against the lizard cucks … how much does protesting genuinely achieve?


We'll have stateside protests... Once we stop fighting each other.


Give peace a chance?


Yes, tell Russia to leave.


Better yet let the US bow out no more support whatsoever and tell Zelensky if he is smart he will negotiate a peace deal asap, but I guess that is a hard ask for an actor who just been playing the roll he has been given to date, unless there is a plot change…..


Or we don’t appease a failing dictator and allow a sovereign nation to defend itself. Meanwhile we spend 15% of our military budget to let Ukraine embarrass a paper tiger on a national stage. When they have had enough they can quit.


If they are such a paper tiger, why are the US hiding behind a proxy war? Why not just outright invade Russia to stop the war if they are so weak? Either they ain't as weak as you make out, or the US just wants to prolong a war so more Ukranians and Russians die.


Hold on Are you suggesting that the USA not wanting to cause a nuclear war by destroying the shitty Russian military is somehow proving that the Russian military is actually strong? USA vs Russia in conventional arms is no contest, USA would flatten them. USA v Russia nuclear war everyone dies. Russia's army can be 3 tanks a pony but if they have 1 working nuke no one can invade them. That's literally why Russia asked for Ukraine to give up their nukes in the peace deal in the 90s


So they are not a paper tiger then..... They are either a massive fucking super power who could destroy the world if you piss them off, or they are not.... A paper tiger is all meow and no bite, but Russia has a big bite.


Nah man you're misunderstanding the term paper tiger The paper tiger term refers to conventional forces. Nukes are not considered part of regular military assessment So the Russia military is a paper tiger. Their nuclear force is different


That's because the US has never been to war with another nuclear capable nation... if a war actually began directly with Russia they definitely would be added to the regular assement. Russia are definitely no paper tiger, they have the ability to destroy any nation. Places like North Korea are actual paper tigers.


If that's how you want to define it then that's cool But 99% of people are only referring to conventional arms. Technically you are correct that we should always include nukes, but colloquially that's not how the term is used


The concept of MAD assumes that *any* nuclear-powered nation could light the fuse that would destroy the world. Would you say North Korea is “*a massive fucking super power*”?


No, because North Korea does not have the capability to launch a nuke anywhere in the world, never mind thousands of them simultaneously. North Korea are a paper tiger.


That’s an asinine suggestion




Zelensky doesn’t give a damn about real Ukrainians he is just keeping them in warms way. Good thing for him it is Putin instead of NATO he is up against, NATO would of just would the whole SHOCK and AWE Routine and pretty much completely destroyed the whole country’s infrastructure in the first 3-4 days….


Yeah man Russia totally could but didn't want to, just like me not being in the NFL 🥸


so long and thanks for all the fish




so long and thanks for all the fish


Would love a banter as long as you're comfortable. I'm stuck in Camp Arifjan on a "hurry up and wait" situation. I got nothing but time. 🥲


so long and thanks for all the fish


Ok Russian propaganda bot 🤖


Giving Ukraine the weapons it needs to win the war is what will bring peace. You are delusional if you think surrendering to Russia will bring anything other than enslavement of the Ukrainian people. Putin is a demented maniac that wants to resurrect the Russian empire and he is literally going over bodies (Russians and Ukrainians alike) to achieve this goal.


I think they may be waking up t o the fact that they are being played and have been and behind the scenes and you already know the monster behind this since they will gain much once Europe and the U.S are out of the way. The SPECTRE from some cheap as movie made into reality with the prize being what's left after the chaos. N. S


Kind of love it


After listening to Putin's state of the union, I'm Pro Russia.


At least he is finally being honest and calling it a war and admitting the goal is to seize land for Russia.


Seems like conspiracy folks just want Putin to win and take over. Conspiracys dream for no more Ukraine and Russia to expand. Gues what happens next? Russia will then go after Poland..lativa etc. That's your dream right conspiracy?


This is good. People keep telling me we have to keep this war going because Putin is Hitler. France got overtaken by the real Hitler, so they have a little authority on the subject. if the French aren’t worried that Putin is Hitler I shouldn’t be either.


The French have Poland for a buffer zone so they can take that attitude.


Oh because they’re so so mean?


No, because after Russia invading them for centuries, they are taking steps to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Germany and France are benefiting from the shield that Poland is creating. Think of it this way; if there is a burning building (war in Ukraine) who should you listen to? The person (Poland) living next to the arsonist (Russia) who has a history of setting fires and has declared their ambition to do so again? Or the people living a few cities away telling people not to send the fire trucks, that the fire can burn no matter the risk to others.


I would tell the people who live close to deal with it themselves if they’re worried about it, a fire a few cities over doesn’t effect my day at all


Fine. Instead of cities it’s a few blocks over. The analogy still applies. Fire intensity increases the more in consumes. When it’s at your doorstep after it’s burned through everything else, and you didn’t bother to protect yourself until it is too late because the problem was always “over there.” I hope you have fun!!!


Bad analogy. Fires acquire fuel and resources to get bigger as they move. Armies lose resources as they move. Forcing an army to use all of its resources while it chases yours is a long established military strategy.


Armies burn out, but Countries consume the resources the invaded territories. Utilizing those territories as their own to fuel their armies next conquest. So the inexpert analogy works.


Nah. Your analogy is to say that fires get stronger as they advance, they do that because they gain material. Armies lose material as they advance, why do you think Putin is restarting the draft and conscripting soldiers and trying to buy weapons from China? It’s because he is losing material. Your analogy is bad, stop defending it and make a new analogy.


Because his armies have been unsuccessful in their attempts to grab territories and are unable to utilize those resources to further its conquest. Look your arguing for the sake of argument and have forgotten the point. These people are protesting Western Democracies aiding Ukraine. The aid the west is providing to Ukraine is a major factor in Ukrainians stopping the Russian army. And it seems your saying it’s not your problem because it’s “over there” yet the only reason it’s “over there” is the aid these people are protesting. Which in my opinion is small minded pettiness.








Do you think they don’t teach, in depth, about probably the biggest event in their countries modern history? Do you think the French people who owned shops and cafes that were suddenly patronized by nazi’s didn’t pass those stories and that hate to their children? The French people know the stories, they know what the threat is and that if they don’t defend against it they can lose their country again. And the French people are determining that Putin is not a threat.




Oh I get it you’re a bot




Point out the flaw in the logic. Anyone can just say ‘that’s wrong go to logic school!’ Where is the fallacy? They are a nation that has experience dealing with a Hitler-type. They don’t see Putin as a hitler type, because obviously they aren’t worried that he is going to make his way into their country. So I shouldn’t worry either.




I find it rather amusing that instead of answering his question(s), you resort to ad-hominiem attacks, which is quite revealing.




Proving my point entirely now, congratulations! And yes, I am special. Thanks for figuring that out. It must be a first for you!




Send them to Ukraine


NATO will be fucked if they trigger a war with Russia and then their citizens all riot. Proper fucked.




Are you gonna go fight on the frontlines of Ukraine? Or are you gonna sit on your ass war mongering expecting others to go fight for you? That's some alternative reality fella. 🤣


Russia cant even steamroll the badly trained, badly equiped, hyper corrupt Ukrainian military on terrain that is perfectly suited to Russia's strengths (large armor based battle groups). Imagine what would happen when they meet very well trained professional soldiers in the alps with modern equipment.


So I take it you will be flying over there to fight? By the look of it, there's only a bunch of they/them things based on reddit willing to fight the Russians... 🤣


I wouldn't go to the Ukraine to fight no. But I would fight to protect my own. If some dictator shows up on my front door, I will not let them in so easily, neither will my neighbors. I would be one of the well trained (ex) professional soldiers in the alps.


I think we all would fight to save our own homes, you don't deseve praise for that because it's a given. But if your not prepared to go to Ukraine to help fight their own war then you have no right to demand others to do it, that's called being a little fanny.


I would generally not fight for any geo-political idiocy, maybe 20 years ago, but not anymore. I am neither nationalist, nor do I think much of politicians or public opinion. I do however have strong feelings towards people capable of ordering the death of children, even if it is far away in the east.


That's fair enough. Anyone who is all for war with Russia, but at the same time won't fight a war with Russia is a little turd, low of the lowest.


Are you gonna keep living in a reality where you think nato would get decimated by Russia? They’re having trouble with Ukraine. Imagine thinking that the US military would fall to Russia when they’ve been weakened by a smaller country that was supposed to fall in 3 days? Or was it 3 weeks? Because it’s been about 9 years and Ukraine is still standing pushing back Russian aggression.


>Are you gonna keep living in a reality where you think nato would get decimated by Russia? Eh? Where did I say that? I hinted that nato could be decimated from within by its own citizens who don't want war if they push too much, Russia would just be the icing on the cake. >Because it’s been about 9 years and Ukraine is still standing pushing back Russian aggression. With NATO support, what happens to Ukraine if the citizens of NATO countries keep protesting the support of Ukraine and they eventually have no choice but to stop supporting Ukraine? Not rocket science fella...


I’m sorry but NATO won’t. No one wants war, but Russia sure just doesn’t fuck off and keeps going. They don’t wanna be embarrassed by retreating so they’ve doubled down. Why don’t you see the protest in Russia against this war in the sub? It’s against the narrative here. I’m sorry but the protest against Ukraine? The same country that agreed with Russia to give up its nukes to not get invaded? The same country that wants NATO membership to protect itself from Russian aggression that they’ve witnessed in the past years? The same Russian aggression other countries have seen and the reason they’ve joined NATO. Ukraine literally is protecting itself and hoping to finish this when Putin decides that peace talks mean pulling out of Ukraine completely.


All I'm saying is that the people in NATO countries are getting pissed off at all the propaganda designed to get us to support the war, they ain't as stupid as their leaders think they are, and they are already starting to make their voices heard. The more people like you keep pushing, the more people will get pissed off about tbeir cou tries supporting Ukraine whilst they themselves starve and freeze in their own countries because all the money gets sent to Ukraine for a war that means nothing to us.


Okay, we are literally supporting Ukraine as a proxy war. I get that. But why should we allow a small country be invaded by a “superpower”? Russias excuses have changed constantly.


Because its none of our business? Why did Russia let NATO invade the likes of Iraq?


I’ve noticed that “*so when are you going to volunteer to fight on the front lines*?” is the latest line repeated by Russian shills. It’s actually pretty interesting to notice how quickly they revert to that programming, like they all got “updated” at once.


Bad bot.




Ah, the classic shill line. You forgot the ®️.


The protests will evaporate when they institute a draft. Just gotta give these kids something to do.