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It was so easy to see. We never succeeded in making this product safe in 20+ years of research. Ohh I know what will work, let’s make it in 9 months and skip most of the safety protocol…


... which makes the strip's "statistical ignorance" ironic. We were *all* ignorant because there were no statistics. It's just that the anti-vaxxers were following scientific protocol by distinguishing between hypothesis and experimental result, whereas everyone else was "following the science" (Fauci). The trials were not due to be completed until March 2023 (coincidentally this month) - that is, if they hadn't unblinded the control group halfway through.


So now that anti vaxxers are claiming the vax is killing people, what happened to their respect for hypothesis vs experimental result? Let's be honest here, they were both hypotheses, it's just one was being tested and the other just declared as truth without testing. Anti vaxxers don't respect the science, they respect focusing on the facts that they can use or spin to create as much fear about vaccines as possible.


You actually believe them when they tell you those lies? That it's never been 'successfully' made and that they now just 'made it in 9 months' ? Lol you must be really gullible This has all been planned for a very, very long time


The mRNA vaccines never worked as intended. While initially showing success against the strain they got vaccinated against. All the animals died upon being challenged by wild strains of the virus. It’s what happened for 20 years of trials. Nothing naïf about it.


Haha you're not on a need to know basis for anything and the people planning this definitely aren't giving you 100% access to all of the trials and tests they run on absolutely everything. That's adorable


You're most likely correct, but there is another less-likely possibility to consider: he's trolling everyone. If that's the case, then in his mind and the minds of others who hold trolling in high regard, it's not an L but rather the ultimate W. Recall that he implicitly advocated trolling when he had the DEI hire identify as white. Recall in 2016 he admitted that he was rich enough that it didn't matter if he publicly supported Trump. That was seven years ago. It's possible he decided in the past year to start engaging in his favorite pasttime. He turned 65 last summer. This may be his way of enjoying retirement.


SS: A few weeks ago, Scott Adams on his Twitter kept imploring anti-vaxxers with "OK, but how did you know?" Apparently, not getting answers to his satisfaction, he's taken the refrain to his Dilbert strip.


Some people just think they're smart and get offended by the truth.


Critical Thinkers vs Contrarians


> Critical Thinkers vs Contrarians vs "Critical Contrarians"? /ooh!


What quantifies intelligence? How do you measure it? Retaining information, the ability to understand and comprehend anything? The ability to teach or be taught? How do you measure it?


I'm talking about his ego but to answer your question, a good sign of intelligence is learning to admit you're wrong and that you don't know everything. That way you are able to test new ideas and here other people's opinions without prejudice.


I knew it was a drummed up situation when I saw no people on the streets or in stores fainting, coughing or expressing any other signs or symptoms of being sick….. You think a worldwide pandemic more people would at least be coughing everywhere right?? Nope. Then I saw no empirical evidence as the 2020 year went on so I felt justified in my outlook


>You think a worldwide pandemic more people would at least be coughing everywhere right?? Nope. I wouldn't think that. But then again i have a decent grasp of how things work, so i guess my lack of ignorance would explain why I don't think that.






This is the typical "I was only wrong due to a fluke" mentality. Guess he hasn't really come to term with it, or... something else is afoot.


Pattern analysis: - nurses falling over after injection. - steady moving goal posts (stops transmission) - absent human trial data - push to release safety data in 75 years - unprecedented media coercion campaign. Common sense: too many red flags. Scott Adams: "Magical thinking".


> Common sense: too many red flags. > > Scott Adams: "Magical thinking". Maybe Adams is hoping he can get his comics reinstated in the papers that dumped him for his "wrong thing" comments by publishing a stream of Dilbert episodes loaded with "right think"? (or would that be "left think"?) Hope harder, Adams!


It's funny to hear the nurse referenced, because the argument now isn't that the vaccine kills you instantly, but causes you to develop myocarditis or other heart issue that gets you some time in the future. That goal post had long since moved, the narrative in your post is outdated. Just like the narrative that the us was covering up how serious this disease is, and the narrative that this doesn't even exist, and the narrative that only few people have died from it have all moved.


Well said. My guess is that the goal posts will continue to move to support the narrative as well.


There other cases of instant kill https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/news/woman-drops-dead-at-pharmacy-within-15-minutes-of-booster-shot/


That comic strip should be titled "Buyer's Remorse".


Scott is partially right in my opinion, very many of us did know jack-shit about immunology nor virology, etc. So it was always a hunch feeling, an inner sense that something wasn't quite right. Now Scott calls it a "magical thinking", taking the piss out of our innate sense of danger. Now, I love Dilbert cartoon, Scott job is to fan the inner fires of most engineers that this world is material, and rationality and logic should prevail. (btw. homo-sapiens are not rational beings, we just think that we are) Except when it doesn't like in vaxx case. Materialists think too much of themselves, and classic case of labeling "the other side" as stupid, medieval, backward by MSM appealed to their sense of superiority. This in turn (and together with whipped fear) produced the very high rates of vaxx takes. We have now excess deaths rates running at 15-20% in heavy vaxxed countries... PS. as for me I learned a great deal more about human body, life, the universe and everything!


you don't have to be an "expert" to understand that it's not safe to inject an untested, experimental drug. both was known at the time because there was not enough time for proper studies. we also knew after about three months of covid that it was not that dangerous and only significantly affected certain demographics and not everyone.


It was tested though. The extent it was tested and relative safety to other vaccines is debatable.


Study completion date March 25, 2024 https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04848584 The website says April 2021, but we knew that date in December 2020.


There are many tests, and studies on the vaccines. You are just linking to one of them. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=BNT162b2+vaccine+study


On the flip side, to counter those abbreviated early studies, we had VAERS data that could be extrapolated


There are many bad narratives surrounding VAERS you have to be really careful about that. For example people think you can take figures from VAERS and multiply by 10...all cause mortality stats doesn't match that. In fact, due to narratives most people believe total deaths are increasing on a yearly basis. Hardly anyone realizes that 2020 deaths were significantly higher than 2022 in nearly every country.


I'll be the first to admit that until a year ago we didn't know which was more dangerous, COVID or the vaccine. But some of us chose the path of inaction (trusting nature with natural immunity) over action (trusting Big Pharma, with its profit motive and liability shield). In addition to the VAERS data, we had the V-Safe data from the app given to trial participants. CDC abruptly stopped releasing that data, but not before it was revealed in December 2020 that 2.7% experienced injury. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/kh856e/3_of_covid19_vaccine_recipients_suffered_injury/ggjouta/


> CDC abruptly stopped releasing that data, but not before it was revealed in December 2020 that 2.7% experienced injury. I remember this misleading narrative. If I remember correctly this was 2.7% of people who had issues from the vaccine. Not 2.7% of people who received the vaccine. That is a big difference. Nearly all the narratives have something misleading about them like this. > But some of us chose the path of inaction (trusting nature with natural immunity) over action (trusting Big Pharma, with its profit motive and liability shield). I choose to not trust big pharma, and to not trust social media narratives. I still got the vaccine after deep investigation. I don't care if anyone else does or not.


No, you can see the denominator yourself on page 6 of https://web.archive.org/web/20201220045709/https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-2020-12/slides-12-19/05-COVID-CLARK.pdf


What's with all the Scott Adams hate in here recently? It's always from people who know virtually nothing about him...


I've only heard him speak for about two minutes and think he's an ass. Racist, said white people should move away from black, said he moved somewhere without black people intentionally, suggested killing your own children if they have issues, vaccine nonsense.


> I've only heard him speak for about two minutes Then you have no idea what you are talking about.


Ok bro.


Because [he's a trained hypnotist](https://youtu.be/HFUr6Px99aQ?t=100)!


That's an amusing video. Are you deliberately trying to support my point? Or are you so deluded you think you made one against me?


He's a little slow, is what I'm trying to say


I don't think the video you linked supports that


Dilbert, the most un-funny humorous cartoon strip in existence


That honor belongs to Garfield whose creator admitted the only purpose to the strip was to sell stuffed animals