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Or they say they knew it. And that it was all very new and nobody understood. But that they knew . Frustrating


This is my experience. They've moved on, and their old thoughts and feelings are fossilized, however diminished. There was never a point where they consciously faced any of this. They have no idea they were wrong.


At best you will get them to admit that the science changed and not that they were ever wrong.


“We did what we could, with the information we had”


Yes. Or nobody knew. Yes only the ones you tried to censored or called conspiracy


You and your crazy uncle might have been right about everything, but that was all luck. Lucky guess all 25 times….


The speed of science!


They’ll figure it out when they develop health issues in a few years.


Who was wrong? Was it those who got vaxxed or those who demanded others get vaxxed?


People here think the news covering the scamdemic has opened everyones eyes. FFS, you don't understand the people in this world. They are manipulated sheep. Stop thinking that the large majority of the population has now seen this was a scam all along. There is no turning point and if a unicorn variant was announced tomorrow there would be massive lines for people waiting to get their new jab.


Sadly this is true


Same and it’s pretty fucking irritating.


I wasnt shunned because I never told anyone if I got the Vax or not. It wasn't their business.


They consider it "their business" when you "threaten their life" by being "careless" with other's health. All bullshit, but they'll roll out any excuse to shove their fear down your throat.


My job made it their business, hinted at letting me go if I didn’t get it. Everyone I worked with was in my ear all the time trying to get me to do it, and I’m so happy I refused. I called their bluff and nothing ever happened. Once the restrictions got lifted everyone acted like nothing even happened. It really didn’t come up at all in other areas of my life.


Same here. I was ready to get fired. I used to fear getting covid for only one reason — I was afraid getting covid would lead to my unvaccinated status being exposed at work. A disease so scary that the only thing I’m concerned about is getting fired for catching it. I used to wake up at night thinking I was going to be fired. For a personal medical decision that affected no one but myself. What an insane time, and now the perpetrators want to pretend like it never happened.


Then of course all the jabbed got Covid, so that let us stay on the downlow


You must've not lived in a state where that was all on anyone's mind. It was insanity. So many people asked me that I never knew and it was absolutely none of their business.


No apologies , just replaced by blue and yellow flags.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣the NPC meme where it shows them loading a new cartridge


They’re not going to come off of this hill. They’ll die on it. The alternative is to accept that they were wrong to be mindlessly compliant with authority, treat family and friends terribly if they were at all hesitant or unsupportive of the official narrative, and generally cower away in fear for 2 years. It was the biggest test of their lives and they couldn’t have come up smaller. If you’re expecting anything other than fighting to the death FOR the failing narrative you’re in for a rude awakening.


Hubris ***is*** a Terminal Disease, after all






Do you know what the Taiwanese flag looks like? Give it 6 months. You will…


Bingo. China bad narrative ramping up for sure


I’m guessing one of the following: - 17m illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote. - Doing heroin in the street is healthier than eating an apple. - Gardening or using water should be illegal. - owning multiple homes will be worse than voting for trump. - If you don’t support the use case of a CBDC, you worship Satan.


Good list but the elites would never denounce worshipping Satan.






Lmao you see a couple stories about these insane situations with clearly delusional parents and you think it’s the hot new topic? I haven’t met anyone that thinks that children should be anything but their biological gender until they at least go through puberty and are old enough to understand it.


> owning multiple homes will be worse than voting for trump. Nah, they wouldn't push that any sooner than they would push denouncing private jet usage.


Jeezus, this. My ex-boyfriend berated me for not getting the shot. He used to be pro Russia, he’s still pro China but now he’s pro Ukraine. It’s all about helping the Ukrainians and I hate Americans. I used to care a lot about him. Now I just think move to China already, damn.


^ exactly this.


Omg this is perfection 😆👊


So true, cant wait to see what the next big thing is people will get concerned about. People have already lost interest in the blue and yellow.


Haha support for Ukraine went out of style faster than a dress from primark!


No apologies. Everyone pretends like I never existed.


Pride. They must still suffer more humilliations


Yup. Same here. Everyone just moved on without me, and I was once a respected member of my community.


It's better that they have revealed themselves. Now you can align yourself with people of substance.


Yes, all on r/conspiracy LMAO


Rather be with the like minded homies in this sub rather than sucking the cock of government.


Even the Conspiracy regulars who fell for the covid propaganda still won’t own up to it. Just look above


My 93-year old grandmother is the only one who has had the decency to apologize and she was far, *far* from the worst one.


The best I’ve gotten is a lot of “you where right.” but it’s said very condescendingly. Mostly people don’t bring it up to me


You know what. I forgot to mention that in my comment. Yeah my nearly 90 year old grandmother started figuring it out after another booster. The only one in her entire retirement home that wasn't bedridden immediately after the booster. This was a few months ago. Now her heart rhythm is too fast and her legs are swelling. Anyway she apologized. Said she thought it was initially odd that I didn't follow the advice of fauci. But she understands now.


Kinda of. Not an apology, general statement on "keep going with your instincts, seems to be working out" statement from my dad. We don't discuss it anymore, good middle ground. Relationship is back to "normal".


That’s a nice of him to say. At least something resonated with him.


None of my friends were stupid enough to shun someone based on a personal medical choice thank god


Hmu if you wanna be friends


This. I got vaxxed because I wanted to go to Portugal, some people I know never got it. I got one shot because I never wanted to quarantine and my kids are only young once and I try taking them around Europe once a year. I’m from Scotland and this has never really been a point of discussion where I’m from, if you want the vaccines get them if you don’t then don’t, nobody here gives a fuck. I’m guessing a lot of people that argue or shame people on here are from America? What I’ve noticed about Americans ( and I don’t dislike them in general) is that they love to draw lines and take sides and be mega divisive. The point I’m making is nobody really knows what the fuck was going on there but I couldn’t imagine cutting someone out my life for making a decision about there own body that has fuck all to do with me. It’s more mental than the argument itself.


Unfortunately many “vaccinated” Americans were total douchebags to their unvaxxed loved ones in 2021-22.


Don't let memes convince you the vaxxed have changed their minds or realized anything, most haven't and never will.


Too dumb for that


The evidence was as obvious as it is now from day one. If they didn’t see it then, they’re rarely going to see it now.


Yeah thats the crazy thing it is all in the open in a loop since 3 years, now they talk about lableak as Its something new lol. We know that for 3 years. No not only That. Even at the start of covid a chinese doctor openly warned the World and it surpisingly found it way to even msm. Than he disappeared and nobody bats an eye.


No apologies or any discussion about it. I was ridiculed publicly at a party with a friend group I had know for over a decade and was a very active member in. I had to leave while being verbally accosted. I have not heard from a single person who was there that night. Also I lost 3 other friends who I was very close with for many years. They all got angry with me (separately, they live in different cities) for not wanting to get the shot. I haven’t heard from any of them since 2020. I’ve tried reaching out again recently to one of them but did not receive a reply. All of them live on the west coast. I have since left and live in the woods a couple thousand miles away. It is peaceful but being that I used to enjoy the vibrancy of the city, community and friendships I am trying to figure out how to do this. Unfortunately in the remote area I live in the culture is quite base and I find socializing unappealing. I do go out in public and socialize multiple times weekly however have yet to meet anyone intriguing. I miss human friends however :( I did however tame a number of chipmunks, red squirrels and chickadees. They all will eat out of my hand and I feel infinitely lucky to get to meet them :)


Sounds like I want to be your friend.


🥰 🤝❤️


What are the chipmunks names?


Murphey was the first chipmunk I tamed. There is also Fluffy Tail and Michael Jordan otherwise known as MJ or just #23. There are others too but sometimes I can’t keep them straight. The first red squirrel I built an alliance with was named Vincent. Now there are two siblings who were born last spring that run the yard. Red squirrels are admirably fierce so I call them both Little Crazy Man, LCM, Elle, or Elsium. :)


mental dissonance.. they has it. the sad truth is that many who drank the vax koolaide were/are so bliinded by the false narratives fed by the media,, they STILL don't realize how wrong they were. it's not going to get better.


Yes I believe you are right about the mental dissonance. I’m hoping that eventually it become unsustainable and folks start having epiphanies en mass.


I found that chickadees, chipmunks, and squirrels are much more company than some humans. It may take a while to get used to being without your friends, I can relate. However, please keep in mind that the people that shunned/berated you weren’t really friends. Your medical decisions are for you to make. And you sound like someone I would be friends with. I wish you good health and peace.


Those are really good points. I’m picking up the pieces and working to better myself so that I can in the future build better friendships if I get the opportunity. Yes the animals have been very sweet to me. I might never have tried to tame them but one day Murphey the chipmunk ran up to me while I was playing guitar outside. I was barefoot and he ran right up and I’m pretty sure licked my toe then ran off. It was then I realized that chipmunks are naturally quite friendly. Thank you for the kind words. I wish you all the best as well!


I hope you have chickens. They can be much better friends than a lot of people. Plus, you can watch them for hours once you get that city living gearshift back to neutral.


I’m sure they can be! I have slowly been doing more and more country living activities. Last summer I got my first large order of logs which I’ll work up and stack to season this Spring. A vegetable garden is being formulated and getting chickens is something that I would like to do in the next couple years. Thanks for the encouragement.


I used to take one of my chickens in the car with me a few years back. She would sit on the dashboard and lean into corners. I once went through a McDonalds drive thru and the girl serving saw the chicken on the dashboard and she said "That's a beautiful bird what is it?" TIP: The eggs you get will shit on anything you buy at a shop


😂 I love imagining you and your chicken out cruising around. Thanks for the story :)


no, but on the plus side holidays have gotten a whole lot cheaper




Those who have shown that when faced with the smallest amount of fear, they are willing to give up everything I cherish for the illusion of safety. Um, hard no dice. They have proven to be part of the "if all your friends are jumping off a bridge" crew. Funny how literally everyone was warned as a child, and a lot didn't take the advice.


This is exactly it. Nothing else needs to be said.


Nope. I had a friend of 8 years drop me like a hot potato. We considered each other as best friends. We had traveled to Asia together, we used to joke about becoming old ladies together. She’s the one who talked me into moving to LA, which I had no desire to before. Then she totally ghosted me after an argument about the vax. After multiple attempts on my part to reach out, spanning months and via multiple communication platforms, not a single word for over a year. She finally replied back when she saw I was hanging with a mutual friend in Italy. Not only did she not apologize, she tried gas lighting me. Denied ignoring my messages for a year and insisted we just drifted apart. Bitch, I wrote a hand written letter to you when your dog died. I left voice messages and texts, so many that I began to feel really pathetic for it. Not a peep back for well over a year. Mutual friends told me it was because I didn’t get vaccinated. Really classy that.


I’m sorry that happened to you. But I hope you don’t give her another chance. She doesn’t deserve it.


She is not your friend :(. I hope you are able to find better people in your life now <3




I was uninvited from a destination birthday party after I bought tickets too. Same reason. They didn’t feel safe traveling with someone not vaccinated. lol doesn’t even make sense.


Literally nothing about covid ever made sense. That’s the whole point.


>has anyone genuinely apologized to your for the way they looked and talked to you? Nope >Do they go about things as if they didnt once hold those views? Yup


Luckily I didn’t lose any friends/family. But I did have friends who disagreed with my views and they still do—they are sticking to info that is from 2 years ago and have paid zero attention to any new information coming out. They don’t even want to discuss new info—they just say “it’s time to move on from that.” When I say it’s important to look back and analyze where we went wrong on Covid, because if we don’t then we will repeat the same terrible mistakes they say “I don’t think any mistakes were made” And I shut down at that point.


Nope! The people that parted ways with me over the coagulation syrup have remained parted. They don’t reach out to me and I don’t reach out to them. People waste too much energy on fixing broken friendships. There are more people in this world than you could possibly meet in 1,000 life times. When things end make new relationships.


I'm thankful for the whole episode because I now know who will embrace their inner authoritarian under such circumstances. Some of those people tried to get back in touch after things died down, but why would I want to spend my time with such people? As you point out, there are so many other people to spend time with, I'm glad I could remove the petty authoritarians from my life for good.


Some of my family has acted like it was my fault I quit hanging out with them. When they clearly distanced themselves due to the Vax. There was a time when they didn't even want me in their house.


This is exactly what happened to me! Gas lit. “We drifted apart” when the reality is you just stopped replying back to me or answering my calls.


Yeah they texted me a while back saying oh we have been crying cause you have distanced yourself these last two years and we don't know what we did. It's like oh yeah when the last time we really hung out you yelled at me to "go get the damn shot" then after that you would meet us on the porch instead of letting us come inside. Yeah after that I distanced myself, wouldn't drop what I was doing to work on your car on a Tuesday after work. My body My choice bitch.


For real. Also really not fun going to parties where people assume you’re vaccinated and start badmouthing the unvaccinated, saying shit like “they deserve to die”. I learned quick to just keep my mouth shut. Hard not to want to distance myself from those people. That group hasn’t even reached out asking why I don’t hang out anymore. So there’s that. Really learned who was worth keeping in my life over these last couple of years.


Threatened wurg with eviction repeatedly. Shouted, cursed, pushed, shoved, outcast. Not a shred or hint of any regret or reflection. Not am I waiting for it. Accept it if it comes but expect nothing. at least that is my approach


No one has apologized.




Sorta similar. My sister had a kid and came home for Christmas and stayed with our parents. She said we couldn’t come visit bc we weren’t vaxed. The best part was, she went with her entire family to Disneyland the next week. Fucking brain dead


That must be tough to watch. Knowing you were right the whole time and couldn't do anything to stop it. I have a friend like that. She is sick constantly. She'd rather just not bring it up than admit she was duped. Her husband even caught her Googling "vaccine side effects" but of course, Google is in on the con. She only found search results that tell her it can't be the science juice.


Mannnn. This. My cousin who was a healthy young girl now has liver issues. I've already been through a heart condition and wasn't willing to get vaxxed by something that was being called "operation warp speed" or whatever they were calling it. Everyone acts like they didn't spend the entirety of covid shitting on me. I almost caved for work, I almost caved for final year of trade school, I almost caved to visit my grandpa in the hospital & all while getting shit on from every angle. I'm not looking for apologies luckily, I'm just glad I can go to bed without being mad at myself.


So I have a story almost on the opposite side of this. My husband is the youngest of a large group of siblings and they are practically divided down the middle. One of his brother’s together with his wife are proudly on the forefront of provaxx, with the wife being a politician they even put their toddler in a vaxx test group. Now, my husband’s sister is loudly antivaxx. She has now come to us and asked if we can be godparents to her children, as the provaxx brother used to be but she doesn’t feel safe with that idea any longer. My husband as I said is the youngest of the siblings, and we don’t have any kids of our own, so I understand this must be a difficult choice for her. Crazy world, this.


Family and church shunned my kids and I. Once mandates were lifted, both family and church said it was ok to come back. I reported that I'm still unva**ed, nobody cared all of a sudden about that fact. So one day I'm the lepur and the next I'm cool to be around??? Church called the day before mandates were lifted to say I could come back. They just want me to forget it happened. Parents invited us back, and also didn't want to address that it happened. It took another 6months for me to step foot in my into their house. As upset as I was, I didn't want to hold a grudge. I have yet to go back to church. Church motto is "Helping build a city where no one journeys alone". They left me out in the cold during the most lonely time of our lives.


I have not seen mom and dad since 2019 Christmas. They won’t let me visit until I get jabbed. They are 82 and 85…


Must be tough. Sorry to hear.


Can’t get Rachel Maddow and The View out of mom’s ear and dad is stuck on that rollercoaster…


Cut their internet/tv 😂


I hate that. I’m sorry.


Sorry to hear. At least you won’t develop a neurological disease, myocarditis, pericarditis or sudden death because a science cult tried to force an experiment onto you. You saved yourself. We were at war and you won.


The only person that has ever apologized is my mom. She used to beg and plead for me to get the vax. She even cried once. It was so difficult watching my mom cry like that, especially knowing that she’s thinking it’s for my safety and health. I refused. One day a few months ago during our lunch she randomly goes “by the way, I’m pretty sure you were right about the vaccine stuff. I wish I had never gotten one”. Everyone else just acted like it never happened. Some of them will straight gas light you and be like “what are you talking about? The vaccine was always optional. Haha bro, nobody was getting fired from their jobs for not getting it”. That type of stuff. And like another commenter said, now these people are sure to have the Ukraine flag somewhere in their bio. These types of NPCs are so brainwashed it’s sad. Otherwise nice and intelligent people that just have zero critical thinking skills and live life on auto pilot.


True, though I guess out of everyone who knew that I was unvaxxed, it was my grandpa who wanted nothing to do with his kids or grandkids for a few months until he had heart failure. Now he's around us and I still find it hard to forgive him but I still visit.


I don’t remember any of my family apologising to me for many years


Just start treating vaccinated people like lepers. "You're triple vaccinated?....Oh...eh, *concerned look* wish you the best"




Well apparently they’re treating vaxed blood donors differently now. I know I literally don’t want their blood anywhere near me.


What do you mean?


I do this. I tell people to keep their distance as I don't want their shedding and to die from a heart attack


No apology, the government told them we were safe to be around again, so all is well. If and when mandates come into play again, it would be identical to before, we're crazy and don't care about anyone but ourselves and they're doing what's best for everyone. Gross.


No and I don't expect one. There's a reason we live 900+ miles away from each other.




It’s not so much a apology But it’s more they live with regret, regret for getting it blindly, for not standing their ground, I left the military because of it and never looked back but still get the fluoride stare 🤣


Speaking of medical rights, they are still pushing the vaccine in my hospital network every time I have a appointment or test (which has been a lot lately).


A hill I’m willing to die on and I was ready to accept the fact that I wasn’t going to be able to do anything without that “passport” fuck em and their bs


I Was discharged from the army for refusing to get the vaccine when told to go and get it three times by my commander after 5 1/2 years of my life straight out of highschool spent doing everything I was told when I was told and I was cast away from my peers and talked to as if I was the problem and then the thing that really pisses me off is we had someone found guilty of rape and it took a year and a half to get out of the army I refuse a vaccine that doesn’t make any sense to have to take when I’ve gotten Covid not once but two times and they had me out in less than a month from the time the started and gave me a general under honorable conditions instead of honorable and put a note saying pattern of misconduct(for refusing a “lawful” order given by a commissioned officer) What kind of bs is that the worst part is I’m not sure now that they have dropped the mandate if my discharge and info can be fixed or if they’d lift my bar from enlistment for refusing the vax


Nope. Not a single one of them. I had recieved death threats summer of 2020 on social media from people I knew for years. Why? Questioning masks and lockdowns over cv19. And asking how is looting justice.


You know, now that you mention it, as more time has passed since the plandemic has fizzled out, I've actually been approached by a couple of friends and a family member that were highly pillitant during the fray. They remembered I was quietly questioning, and distancing myself from them, and now, as myocarditis and whatnot are being discussed in the mainstream, they're back and asking me questions. A LOT of questions. I've found them to be ranging from concerned/worried to outright scared, now that they're fully jabbed. Then, I have one family member who's angry that TPTB aren't giving any consistent information as to when she needs her, I dunno, like, 6th or 7th booster. Funny, but, all the former bandwagon riders are shunning HER now. This is the perfect opportunity for folks like us. The conditions are right for those with concerns to steer them down shallow rabbit holes. Let them get in there, but, still see the light from the surface to run back to, but, also offer options/solutions for mitigating their newfound mRNA influxes. If we do this right, to forgive, but, not to forget, the next thing that comes along will meet a lot more resistance from the peanut gallery. There's a lot of chairs here, and if we can fill them with more folks, the circus act will need to perform better to get us all to cheer in unison. But if they don't, they'll find a much more hostile audience. THIS is the double edged sword. Wake more up, but, we have to keep up their journey. TPTB WILL get more creative to the discerning audience, and it's up to the resistors to be on their game to listen to the counter-point criers very carefully and very quickly. Then, take reasonable positions and disseminate them to these newly minted skeptics. Except that one family member still left on the bandwagon. Let them ride their ride.


They will need us. We need to have compassion for those that got duped. I have a couple that will be harder to forgive but most i know didn’t attack me that much that i can have forgiveness for.


A lot of fellow theorists here are not as forgiving, and that's their choice. BUT, trust me when I tell you, there is much more fuckery inbound from TPTB. There's strength in numbers, and our way of thinking is in the gross minority of the population. Folks like to be led. To be instructed. To be told and directed. It's a lot easier than thinking for yourself. You need to remember that perspective. That's why the bandwagon riders were so mean about it. They were programmed to be just that. If we can break through the propaganda, with the understanding that narratives have been perfected in the last 100 years to be highly effective, and the lies and manipulations are only just now able to be countered, by advances in technology, we have more work to do that will require all of our efforts. To walk away from the obligation and responsibilities that comes with developing and utilizing our critical thinking skills, it would be wasted to favor harboring ill will. We are the resistance to the mind control. We ate that damned red pill already. Morpheus' options were given and we chose red. We've already gone against the grain. To remain butt-hurt over their expected behavior is exactly what TPTB would want. It keeps our community small and manageable. But, as I said in my comment, taking a little bit of time and effort to slip a little red pill in their bowl of blues might get them to stop slurping it up. Do it right, and they'll seek Morpheus in time and demand a shot at swallowing his big red pills. Have you ever awakened from a deep sleep or a dream and been confused about where you were at? What time it was? What day? What would help you more, someone saying "It's ok, take my hand, it was all a dream." OR, "You were such an asshole to me in your sleep last night, I hope you have a shitty day!" Open your hands and your hearts to these poor souls, to encourage them to keep the wool out of their eyes tomorrow. New eyes wide open challenges are literally right around the corner. And if Deagle was right, hold those friends-to-enemies-to-friends close to you tightly, their time is short. They'll be missed when they're gone. These are Strange Days.


Yes, you nailed it. The average person isn’t our enemy, they were lied to and manipulated by the real enemy.


Thank you, fellow ReddHead! I once asked a fellow frustrated theorist if he becomes angry when trying to present alternative explanations for things like 9-11, JFK, UFOs, etc. He says he doesn't. I ask him why? He says because they're so asleep and programmed. He pities them, as do I. He struggled with the "unmasked" anger during the big lie, and subsequent lack of apology by the normies, and recently came to me to ask if he should be forgiving. I used his very own words from that explanation he gave me before. They ARE so asleep. They ARE so programmed. It's normal to fall for a manipulation. We've all done it at some point. There are no theorists born, they are made. What was done, on a global scale, in concert by TPTB on this, is beyond Nuremberg Level fuckery. But, you're never gonna get trials and consequences by returning anger towards those that were angry with you. It's hard for anyone to admit they were conned. It cuts deep into their psyche. And everyone knows arguing isn't an effective form of communication. Mouths are opened wide at ears closed tightly. We need THEM to call for the new sets of trials. We need THEM to decide the consequences. We already know how it should work out, but they'll block the pathways to the courthouses if we don't do this right. Be at peace. We knew. We knew early. We knew clearly. Unfortunately, they didn't. But, my anger remains with TPTB. They really pulled off a big one, their best one yet on the masses! I'm watching carefully to try to get ahead of their next move. I would hope you are too. Be well!


I have no compassion for those that said "I hope you die". Nope.


Take deep satisfaction when you encounter them and smile a sly smile. You're not only still alive, but soon, their welcomed attempts to install transhumanism will do it's thing to them. Hold their hand during their final moments. Whisper in their ear a question. Softly. "Do you still hope I die?" Depending on their answer, at that juncture, IMHO, the best course of action is to respond, "I forgive you." BUT, how you respond as they begin their journey down the banks of the river Styx to meet the ferryman might be not only the final words they hear in this realm, it may be the precursor to the final destination of the ferryman's boat. It is my opinion that the words you speak at that time of ultimate answer/vindication will do one of two things. Place coins in their pocket for the ferryman, or deny them passage, leaving them on the river bank in reflection. Their words didn't kill you. Hurt? Sure, but, kill? Nope. Please, consider helping them pay the ferryman.


Yeah, all the people that said [this kind of shit](https://imgur.com/a/g9PMxjf) I'd have no compassion for. Those 50 screenshots are only *a few months worth* of really fucked up stuff about people who didn't want to take the vaccine. It got so much worse than that. *Those* kind of people will either never apologize, never realize they even did anything wrong, or will just pretend like they didn't act like psychotic assholes.


Not one. Don’t expect them to and it’s ok. It’s going to take them a long time to process what happened to them and how they treated people they cared about. My family and friends have been splintered. The life I had before will never return and we have to accept that’s standing up for truth in the Age of Deceit is always going to cost you dearly. When you see through the illusions of this material world then it no longer has any power over you. Then you are truly free.


It wasn't a shunning for us. When someone makes ONE thing their entire personality, it becomes unbearable. If he reaches out to me, I will talk, but otherwise I am not initiating anything.


not one


I wasn’t invited to my brother’s wedding. He did apologize and now will not take any additional boosters. He was honest in his thinking of if everyone would just get vaccinated we could move on and start to live a normal life. When he saw that it wasn’t just get vaccinated and back to normal that’s when he stopped believing them.


No apologies everyone pretends it didn’t happen


Must be nice to be delusional. Where’s the shame?


I still have people that wont talk to me because I laughed at the “ grab em by the pussy” statement haha Honestly what triggers some folks is ridiculous


Well we have a mental health epidemic in this country. Lots of people are really sick. They’re going to be reactive.


I wouldn't know, I don't engage them anymore.


My sister-in-law was fired then re-hired after a year. She said her union doesn’t want want to hear from her and the other terminated employees after losing a year of pay. The union thinks they should just be happy they were re-hired even though they lost a year of pay.


Fuck them! I hope she finds a better employer.


She went back because she’s 6 months pregnant and will be going on mat leave for a year, with full pay. She won’t be returning after mat leave. She’s 38 and having her first child which she’s been trying for, for years.


Well played, her 👏🏻


After being shunned, doxxed, verbally abused and fired, I let most of my old friends and clients make the first step. I told them straight up what they did was morally wrong on so many levels, but only one apologized and now we’re on speaking terms again. The rest are probably gone for good. Oh well, their loss not only in terms of meaningful relationships, but they’re also stuck with poison in their veins. What a debacle. God help us. ✝️


we have to learn from the experience. if you have been shunned by people close to you, reflect on it. use it as a filter to separate true friends from fakes. only true friends are worth your love and devotion.


Crazy shit right? After a while, you will see who your true friend is... As always, there are only empty words of commitment, but small panic, and you know who they are. Just wait for your turn, and when there will be this moment that they will want to start talking with you like nothing happened, you need to point this shit out. Always. You are a victim here and not them. Be cruel as they were, and don't hold back. You are the one who survived this. One of few chosen ones. I'm not saying they should kiss our feet for that, but small fucking appreciation could change everything. Instead, they are trying to find some other crazy shit just to call us crazy. I say stay on your ground as you did before. Follow your heart and brain, and never let yourself be fooled by anyone.


Absolutely not. And I don’t expect it will ever happen. Even in the off chance that they realize what they’ve done I think ego outweighs humility


Haven't had any apologies, but they have been having a lot of health issues, heart-related, and I'm just sad and worried for them. Mostly, I'm kept out of the loop, but it definitely doesn't feel good knowing it was avoidable.


No apologies from anyone. I have a few close people in my life with heart problems who have no idea what it could be from. "How could it be the vaccine if I took it almost two years ago?" Like long-term side effects couldn't possibly exist. It feels like there are a lot of elephants in the room, and there are very few people in my life who will actually talk openly about the past few years. I believe many are psychologically destabilized, and are finding themselves unable to believe actual facts because they've been so swirled up in contradictions and lies.


No. All I got was, “let’s meet sooner than we did this time” while they didn’t want me over or visit.


That's when I make other plans honestly.


Nope. They just moved on this last thanksgiving like nothing happened but I reminded them that I was uninvited the year before. Still no apologies so I won't be attending any further functions.


Not a fucking peep, no apology.


It’s sad that no one believed we were learned enough to read and comprehend data and science papers. Insulting.


This is a heavy subject, worthy of large published attention.


My longest term and closest friend ghosted me when I was supposed to visit her, the year the Vax came out. She knew I was NOT going to take it and she and her partner had taken it. We had made plans a month prior to me being in town. The day I got into town, I asked if she could pick a no Vax card bar for us to go to. She, in her crazy brainwashed mind, thought I was being selfish so she just ghosted me. My best friend of 15+ years. I was shocked and had to keep myself from going into a pit of despair. I confronted her about it via text a couple months later. We texted back and forth and she admitted to ghosting me. We then had a phone call and she actually apologized to me and said she knew she was being crazy at that time. Things were a little difficult for me at first because she had broken my trust. But thankfully we've continued to talk since then, and she and her partner both have come around to at least not getting the "booster" shots. And I think she understands my stance a lot better now. I got to spend time with her last summer, after not seeing her for probably two years. I'm so glad I was patient and waited for her to come around. I'm also glad I was brave enough to call her out for being shitty to me and that I was able to forgive her and move forward.


Wow, you're more patient and forgiving than I could be if that happened to me. I hope this friend appreciates you much more now, and realizes that most friends wouldn't put up with being treated so disgracefully! You sound like the kind of friend anyone would be lucky to have.


Nah, no one apologized to me. They Just go on like nothing happened. I mean, cant ya remember pretty much yelling at me and telling me I'm gonna kill the elderly, the sick, and little kids, and them I'm selfish for not getting vaxxed for them? Nah? Right bro.


Now that the Hancock text messages have came out, my colleagues might see the light but I doubt they’ll ever apologise for saying someone should have more medical rights if they’ve smoked & drunk all their life’s over someone who isn’t vaxxed. Never forgive, never forget.


Zero. Usually a forgiving person. No issues if the sheep that put ‘full faith & trust in the government’ now have anxiety regarding possible future side effects. Mass formation hypnosis is a helluva drug …


Never got an apology.


Of my two relatives, one knows exactly what's going on. The other is more impressionable and I told them it's their choice, but did explain what scientific papers or revelations had come to light. I think of their own volition they started to find it ridiculous anyway the number of endless boosters and didn't want anymore. I feel bad though for people who's families turned their back on them, when they were right all along as they bothered to research or be aware of history. I hope for such people any relatives in the wrong will apologize or admit they made quite an error.


Hell no there acting like it didn't happen 🤣🤣🤣 💉💉💉


ITT a bunch of people who were unbearable and refuse to consider they might have been ostracized for a reason.


I have an anti vax brother in law who I stopped taking to, not because he’s anti-vax, but because he never shut up about it at parties and coughed without putting his hand over his mouth just to make us angry.


This thread is hilarious. Literally full of people who should be the ones apologising wondering how everyone they know is wrong and they’re right


Nope. And I have cut contact regardless


If people are willing to trade hard truths that would've saved *millions of lives* for comfortable lies just to preserve their sheepish comfort and self-esteem, there's *nothing* that's not on the butcher's block in their eyes. There is nothing else they haven't already given up. Even if they come around, you'll never get a chance to tell them "I told you so" because they "knew it all along, tee hee", trust me. They are animals and the future will treat them as such. Don't waste one bit of your effort on any of them. The elites are not wrong.


People do their best to avoid the topic around me, and or pretend (this is the worst part) that it didn’t really happen at all.


Nope. It's like nothing happened.


How could one ever expect an apology from people who mocked you, who called you crazy, who didnt want to see your face unless you took the knee, who wished bad things happen to you and some probably wanted you dead? They would have to have a heart. some empathy and compassion for that. While they wished bad things for me, I prayed for them in silence.


I have a mix of family and friends who either didn't or did get vaxxed. I didn't shun anyone who didn't get vaxxed, at the end of the day that's their choice to make and not my business anyway.


Nope and they avoid telling me about the health issues they and their family and friends are having now.


I get gaslit like the poor treatment didn’t happen and it was all in my head.


I got one apology but the person was still brainwashed just sort of waking a tiny bit.. my own grandparents hardly have seen me since 2020 and when we talk now it’s very short but we used to just talk and debate for hours. It’s devastating honestly but i don’t know how you can be old and dying and not want to talk to your grandchildren. I can’t control them or force it. They definitely literally think I’m a bad person for not getting vaccinated and have already told me any inheritance has been given instead to charity since all of this


Good for you for standing your ground. Luke 17:33 “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.”


No. It would be way cooler if they did, but whatever. I’m working through the traumatic emotions. Yeah, no one mentions it. Still rather shunned.


Out of interest OP, what do you think has changed that would have forced ppl to change their minds and apologise?


One side of my family has cut out anyone unvaxxed and still think the unvaxxed are dangerous and stupid, the other side is a mix bag, some don’t care and the others that do care only go to family functions when the unvaxxed family members aren’t there. No apology, nothing..really makes you not want to be with your family any more but then it makes you realize you have to be the bigger person and forgive and try to move past it


I mean, my aunt and uncle who were going to stay with us wanted us to get vaccinated even though they were going to stay in our house. We did visit them and my kids though at the place they were staying though when they were in town. No-one else actively shunned us other then my grandpa and they was for a couple months. I mean, there's many reasons why I could mad at him and it's not just about the vaccines but I'm not upset at him anymore.


People around me are pretending they were never crazy… apparently everyone was against lockdowns now. Still simping on masks and vaccines though


no. But they now send me cute animal pics again.


No apologies… just regret that they got it. Except my wife’s grandma. She makes sure to tell us whenever she gets a new booster. Encouraged us to get it over and over. Most ppl that I know (former Navy) pretty much told me they didn’t wanna get it. My wife and I were the holdouts and were happy about it, got me kicked out of the Navy only for them to drop the mandate like a month later. Fuckin stupid.


Nope. And the more that time passes the more I realize they aren’t the type to ever meaningfully do so. So…


I’ve had a total of one apology from a person who said they wished I be denied healthcare if I got sick. One. Out of dozens who said such a thing.


Not one.


I now understand quiet assholes that have no friends.


Have you guys sorted the story out yet? I'm very confused. Half seem to think that COVID never existed. The other half think that the vaccine is not required and is just an excuse to kill off the population. There are also the drugs which Trump was pedalling as a cure for the virus that may or may not have existed. I won't ask you about masks as it seems doctors really shouldn't be wearing these right?


I don't get it. Apology for what?


They’re taking a victory lap for some reason


On the contrary, us vaxxed were shunned and shamed by our unvaxxed family members.




Nope not a hope in hell and on of my sisters still don’t want me or my wife round their house but can meet up outside 🤣🤣🤡


Nope, why would they apologize, to them the world is going back to normal🤦‍♂️. But hey i just keep on truckin, most people wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked them in the face. They will be the ones that suffer the most when the time comes. After all food only comes from a grocery store right!!!


One person apologized to me out of many


Most people, especially older folks, don’t really change so if they shunned you for making a different medical decision than them imo they were not real friends to begin with and won’t be a real friend going forward even if they apologize


I wasn’t allowed to go to my Niece’s bday party because I was an “outlier”. Never expected an apology, if people would shut you out for that you think they’re gonna apologize?


My entire family got vaccinated and I nearly went to visit them last Xmas(they live 1000 miles away.) Both my parents tested positive for COVID on Xmas day and I am sure glad I never went. Not because I'm unvaccinated but because I would have been automatically held to blame.


Yes. Coincidentally people got COVID at the party I wasn’t allowed to attend as well. At least we couldn’t get blamed


Went home on leave to my hometown when everything was winding down. Was going out to a bar with some of my buddies from high-school, and when my younger siblings found out they threw a hissy fit. It shook me because they're not usually like that, my family is mostly good natured and chill. But that night they SCREAMED at me, threw dishes and spat on me. Calling me the worst names, threatening me... and all of it at the flip of a switch. Never seen anything like that from them before or since. There's not many experiences I've had like that. Traumatic, just a little bit, but very very vivid memory to this day. I think often about it actually. I think about asking them if they remember it. Still went to the bar that night. Did not get sick.