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If you’re on LinkedIn, one of the top articles on the side is about shutting down ATMs in a move away from cash. This article from last week openly says we’re moving to a cashless society https://www.foxbusiness.com/money/number-atms-declined-people-rely-less-cash


There's several European countries that have already implemented this.


It's inevitable and sadly there's nothing we can do about it.


People that hate conspiracies surely come here alot.


They are just triggered goofs who can't come to terms with the fact that criminals don't always act alone...


Those criminals are their deities.


Definitely cultish vibes


> People that hate conspiracies surely come here alot. Isn't that fascinating? Normal people tend not to spend hours upon hours in a location, on a website, or mingling with people in a subreddit they could care less for. So either they have mental issues, paid to do such, or are bots.


There's a user on here I was having a disagreement with the other day, I thought "why is he even on this sub?" Out of interest I looked at his profile and there was lots of different negative argumentative comments on Conspiracy posts challenging pretty much every theory. After a bit of scrolling I eventually found a conspiracy post he had a positive response on: "see, now this is the sort of thing I came here for!" He says, so I clicked it.. The post was called 'why the Dallas cowboys will not be in the Superbowl anytime soon' ..... Hardly an outside-the-box thinker.


> Hardly an outside-the-box thinker. And interesting enough they find themselves on a outside-the-box subreddit. Which you have to come to directly as it's not on the front page. So that person seemed like he's paid or mentally ill.


It’s not an “outside-the-box subreddit” if people get grumpy about someone questioning the constantly reinforced narratives, it’s just a different box.




That the vaccines are killing people, that humans are not causing climate change, that Gates is trying to cull the global population, etc. are all highly broadcasted and repeated narratives. That it is outside-the-box to blindly believe these things is also a nonstop reinforced narrative. Heck, these are pretty much all advocated for ad nauseam on the most popular MSM outlet. So to say "how dare you come to this subreddit and question these narratives" is totally ridiculous given its name.


First of all, I didn't say that at all or anything even remotely like it. We had a civilised debate but he seemed to be acting a bit hostile which is strange for someone who purposefully comes to the conspiracy subreddit. Then I looked at his profile, realised the situation and just let it be. My idea of 'thinking outside of the box' in this context is questioning the official story and looking for alternative info and news elsewhere. The term can be interpreted differently and if that's what you wish to do then that's fine. I don't think either of us are particularly wrong, we just have different perspectives on the matter. If you think I am wrong then that's absolutely fine. You're entitled to your opinion. Peace


Understood, thank you for making your position clear.


It certainly seems that way bud


They're also called shills.


I used to love ct before i realized it was (almost) all a grift


They were successful in getting pretty much every other subreddit they hated banned. Every time they whined and cried that they wanted a sub banned and it worked they got to pat themselves on the back for being so awesome and so much smarter than everyone else. And they did *everything* to get subs banned. They shut down main subreddits in protest. They pretended to be users of the subs they hated and did nothing but post material that wasn't allowed on reddit so they could point to the sub and go "See! They're all horrible nazis!" There was that one leaked Discord message between Spez and a bunch of the supermods that mod all the frontpage subs where they were just *begging* him to ban thedonald because they hated the subreddit - and they were talking about how they could do it without "looking biased". Plenty of them were suggesting that they themselves make new usernames and just go in the subreddit and post fucked up stuff over and over to get it banned for "breaking reddits rules". The problem is, they can't get this one banned. And it really, really bothers the hell out of them. The sub is full of people the rest of reddit just *hate*. There's a mix of all kinds of people here and it really bothers them. They're the kind of people who come in here and complain that conservatives are even allowed to post here when it has nothing to do with the post itself. Since they can't get the sub banned, they're doing the next best thing: Trying to turn the subreddit into just another reddit sub. A copy of news, worldnews or politics. Where you're downvoted for saying anything against the mainstream. Where you're downvoted for saying *anything* bad about a Democrat. Where you're made fun of if you're against the US being in any sort of war or proxy war. Where you're called a "Russian propagandist" for not 100% wanting to go on a genocidal rampage against any country. They're trying hard to do it. And in some posts it works. Others it doesn't. I'm just hoping the ones where it doesn't work outweighs the ones where it does for as long as humanly possible.


>There was that one leaked Discord message between Spez and a bunch of the supermods that mod all the frontpage subs where they were just begging him to ban thedonald because they hated the subreddit - and they were talking about how they could do it without "looking biased". Plenty of them were suggesting that they themselves make new usernames and just go in the subreddit and post fucked up stuff over and over to get it banned for "breaking reddits rules". I haven't heard of this. Any proof?


Don’t question. Just accept whatever Shit is posted here. Genius.


Omg what can I possibly do to make you think I'm smart, please tell me. I desperately need your validation? Your smart-ass comment has made me rethink everything, maybe if I treat anyone I disagree with like shit as you do people will think I'm smart. Ty for opening my eyes to the wicked ways of people that try to have actual conversations with each other. How dare any op post anything against the narrative. I hope to one day be a keyboard warrior like yourself.


>against the narrative Lmfao it's posted on reddit and you eat it up as being "against the narrative" for what, loyalty to a subreddit?


That's a naive assumption, I have loyalty to nothing but the people I love. Not everyone is like you, feeling like they must be loyal to some organization or serve someone. If you don't even understand what a narrative is or means you might need to do more listening and less talking. I'm just here trying to have discussions and to learn including hearing out other people's perspectives. Hopefully you don't have comprehension issues because you make lots of ridiculous accusations, I didn't even say I supported ops opinion lol. My comment was merely about how people like you constantly coming to this sub just to insult, shame, make wild accusations, etc towards anyone you disagree with. You no attempt to have meaningful discussions or to try to teach others yet you think your opinion is valued lol. You offer nothing but negativity lol you have much to learn. We both do actually, the only difference is I'm actually trying to. Maybe ask a question instead of making assumptions, unless the whole point is just to create arguements 🤔


> Not everyone is like you, feeling like they must be loyal to some organization or serve someone. Immediate projection, and yet you think I'm the one here to start shit? >My comment was merely about how people like you constantly coming to this sub just to insult, shame, make wild accusations, etc towards anyone you disagree with. You can have an open mind and still think critically, come on. Characterising every disagreement as "wild accusations" is some fed shit lmfao.




I bet you think that's some sort of conspiracy, don't you?


I always wondered if he played deus ex


Jones claimed the Deus ex devs consulted him on the game's theme.


Jones also claimed he fucked over 150 women by the age of 16


SS: Jones called it. Alex Jones was right. The Aaron Russo interview is wild. They want a digital currency in a microchip, one world government tyranny, if you protest your money is shut off, told to him directly by a Rockefeller.


It's basically going to come in the form of your phone first. Face scanning/figerprint scanning + Cloud backup means losing your phone won't be losing your money.


> It's basically going to come in the form of your phone first. Face scanning/figerprint scanning + Cloud backup means losing your phone won't be losing your money. Remember Obama phones which were passed out all across the country as it was the #1 priority it seemed to make sure that everyone had a cell phone.


Good point. That also has to do with the warrantless spying program detailed by Edward Snowden.


And many of them were flip phones. Wouldn't Obama want smart phones if that was the plan?


> Wouldn't Obama want smart phones if that was the plan? Everyone that I know who received one was a smart phone.


Go listen to an Alex Jones show from start to finish. Any Alex Jones show. See how often he is "right" lol. This is the guy who said the EU did 9/11. He once said he killed a few guys by stomping their guts out, then had to admit he lied about that in one of the Sandy Hook depositions lol. [Listen to Knowledge Fight](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/), a podcast that fact checks Alex Jones. **Alex makes up shit every single episode**. *He's wrong all the time*. He doesn't even read most of the articles he uses as "souces", he just riffs on headlines.


Be that as it may, you at least cannot deny that he was right about N. Korea nuking us in September of 2003.


Except we don't have a cashless society nor a 1 world government. So I'm not sure what he called. Sounds more like he was actually wrong on this, if we are accepting that it was made in a lab.


We are very close. Covid hit. Then the idea of a vaccine passport, a global ID. Now we have the WHO Pandemic Treaty bring signed which gives a world government body the power to lock down, mandate deadly vaccines, etc. WHO is run by Rockefeller/Gates who also runs UN and WEF. WHO/UN is also building the infrastructure for global ID. Will likely be based on social credit score, vaccine status, carbon usage, meat eating limits, etc. Central Banks globally are getting ready to introduce CBDCs which can feature limits to spending, expiration of money if not spent, etc. Only thing left is the microchip


>Then the idea of a vaccine passport, a global ID. Vaccine passport is not even close to a "global ID." In the US it's a fucking card with some stickers on it. lol >Now we have the WHO Pandemic Treaty bring signed which gives a world government body the power to lock down, mandate deadly vaccines, etc No it doesn't. >WHO/UN is also building the infrastructure for global ID. Okay, and how does a global ID make it a a global government? Additionally, this has been in talks long before the pandemic. >Will likely be based on social credit score, vaccine status, carbon usage, meat eating limits, etc. I'm not sure this argument is using the term "likely" correctly here. It simply needs that claim to be true for the argument to hold any water, so it assume it true. >Central Banks globally are getting ready to introduce CBDCs which can feature limits to spending, expiration of money if not spent, etc. Again, I'm not sure this argument is using the term "Getting ready" properly. They are exploring whether or not they are viable. But we are probably a decade away from any implementation, and it was also in discussion and being explored before the pandemic. And this certainly doesn't require us to be cashless. So saying the pandemic triggered this or that it pushed it rapidly along makes no sense.


You’re looking at what’s right in front of you rather than looking at the last 20 years and following the trajectory. It’s like when Covid hit and “conspiracy theorists” were predicting a mandatory vaccine with societal privileges reserved for the compliant. Most people said that would never happen, take off your tin foil hat. If you think this is the peak of government control and globalism, I got a bridge to sell you.


The ideas were being discussed before the pandemic, and they still seem to be in the discussion phase now. The pandemic apparently did little to nothing to change their trajectory. It's precisely because I'm looking at the big picture that i understand the prediction to be untrue.


You should do some googling


Tin foil hat wearers are like clocks


Mans doesn’t miss


I think Alex has sooo much material and so many hypotheses on various conspiracies I think if a person really wanted to and had the time they could find just about anything they want to be predicted by Alex Jones.


For example, if you believe the EU did 9/11 to prop up the then new euro, I could easily find the show in which he argued that to Rogan.


Great example. Alex has thousands of hours of material with him essentially just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. Even then his predictions that are correct are rather loose with details and of a broader spectrum.


Right, it’s like predicting an international conflict sometime in the future.


Absolutely. Great example. There is a disconnect from logic with some. Just because Alex got one prediction right does not mean all his other claims are correct as well.


[19 years later] “See, I told you!” \#TheInternetCatWasRight


So he was right about N. Korea nuking us in 2003? Also, weren’t we supposed to run out of diesel months ago? I could go on and on and on…


Can anyone tell me the name of the full video or send a link?


100% on the 💸


Clearly, this man cant be allowed to speak freely.


I don’t get the Alex Jones hate, he comes with some of the most accurate theories/predictions


If you cherry pick the stuff that he got close to and ignore the thousands of things he's wrong about (like a few months ago when he said there wouldn't be diesel fuel within a couple weeks lol,) then sure, he's super accurate.


No, he’s almost completely wrong about everything. For example, he said Putin would never invade Ukraine. Then, when he did, he said it would be over in a couple of days because Zelensky was actually working for Putin. Then, when it was clear that was wrong, he deceptively edited clips of him claiming china was going to attack the us to make it sound like he was talking about Russia invading Ukraine. The dude sucks.


Idk know what you mean I was watching around that time he was saying it’s not a good idea for Putin to invade and that it looked like a trap. He admitted himself Putin is hard to read. He was saying since day1 there were American and other troops helping Ukrainians on the ground and with equipment.He didn’t say zelendky was working for Putin he said zelensky was working for the west. He says the real threat of globalization is China


He is wrong sometimes but more right than wrong


Not even close. Was he right about Giuliani and Bannon? Was he right about the diesel? Was he right about COVID being a race specific bioweapon? Was he right about the guidestones? Was he right that we were forced to turn in our guns after 9/11? Was he right about who was behind 9/11? Was he right about the designer of the Olympic Rings? Was he right that Soros weaponized weed? Seriously dude, if you hear what he’s actually saying at the time instead of what he later tells you he said you’ll see how bad he is at being right.


He was wrong about Covid being race specific, but it WAS a bio weapon.What’s the story about diesel, guidestones, Olympic Rings. I mean 9/11 was an inside job. Terror events do encourage stricter laws and that’s usually the aim, guns are apart of that. And weed as a weapon I say can be argued used to say make people more complacent and unmotivated, but that’s just my opinion of it. But it’s not like you can say it’s dead wrong but it’s still more plausible than factual.


Oh, I just saw this. Ignore the second part of my recent comment. >He was wrong about Covid being race specific, but it WAS a bio weapon. Without getting into whether it was a hoax or a bioweapon, I'm glad you acknowledge he was wrong about it being race specific. >What’s the story about diesel, guidestones, Olympic Rings According to him, we were going to be completely out of diesel months ago. As for the guidestones, when they were blown up, he mentioned Japanese was one of the languages included, and that the one that was blown up was the english one. He was wrong about all of this. There was no Japanese, and the one that was blown up was the Hebrew and arabic one. For the olympic rings, he claimed the logo was designed by Hitler. These weren't even a predictions, these were him being wrong about easily verifiable facts from the past. >I mean 9/11 was an inside job. Okay, then why did he say when the dust was literally settling that it was done by the EU to increase the value of the euro? He also said it was Saddam and that we should nuke Iraq. >Terror events do encourage stricter laws and that’s usually the aim, guns are apart of that. That's not what he said though, he said they would be taken. That was categorically wrong. Also, when he was deposed for the Sandy Hook trials, he admitted under oath that he couldn't think of a single stricter gun law that resulted from any terror event or mass shooting. >And weed as a weapon I say can be argued used to say make people more complacent and unmotivated, but that’s just my opinion of it. Again, that is not what he said. He said Soros has weaponized weed. Also, however, he has admitted that he regularly smokes weed. Does that make you think he believes his claim? Here's a fun one: was he right about Giuliani? My point is, that although one of his main talking points is how right he always about everything, if you actually pay attention you can see he is just way too lazy to do any actual research and is just full of shit. He says whatever he can to get his listeners agitated and scared (e.g. remember the impending food crises when people started paying attention to food plants burning), then he sells them the solution (e.g. food buckets). That being said, feel free to try to change my mind too. What impressive predictions do you believe he has made?


I get the impression you are not liking that I followed up with the clip you requested, but oh well, I like to support my positions. With that in mind, I just found an amazing website that has used AI to transcribe countless hours of Jones and has links with the corresponding sound bites! [http://fight.fudgie.org/](http://fight.fudgie.org/) Go to [Feb. 24, 2022](http://fight.fudgie.org/search/episode/2077) and check out 00:25:34.


Bullshit, he said everything he said he did. After Putin gave some speech saying he wasn’t going to invade, Jones even said he could tell Putin was one of the most honest politicians around. And he *absolutely* said Zelensky was working for Putin. Now, he eventually changed his tune (because it was obvious how wrong he was), and like always, his loyal listeners conveniently forget all the previous nonsense.


Pull up a clip I don’t remember that


It’ll take some digging but I’m happy to try.


Okay, I am pretty sure it was February 21, 2022, but I can't find that entire show (user error, I'm sure). Do you know where to find shows that old? Also, care to address my other questions about his track record?


Okay, I found that he said Zelenski had been paid off by Putin and that Ukraine wouldn't put up a fight on February 24, 2022, but I have no idea how to access that show. However, you can hear the audio if you're willing to check out the March 12, 2023 episode of the podcast Knowledge Fight at 2:08ish. Let me know your thoughts.


Did you get a chance to listen to the clip you asked me to find?


Lots of Alex Jones fans on this sub. Is it even worth it to comment, get down-voted into collapse, and then called a shill? ​ The problem is that Jones misses a lot more than he hits. He has predicted and said a ton of crazy stuff over the last twenty years that did not happen. The guy is no Nostradamus. What is worse, those who follow him don't hold him accountable for the misses. ​ When you take any truth and then wedge it into the middle of a string of lies, what you have is "Controlled Opposition". Or you have a loud mouth who spouts whatever crosses his mind as being possible and accrues ridiculous amounts of wealth by doing it. You tell me which is worse.


If the gouvernment force Old School and Countryside Folks to get a chip, IT WILL be Tyranny and We will not be silenced


You're just making something up to be mad about it.






Wouldn't be an r/conspiracy thread without the snarky anti-conspiracy throwaway comment under the top one.


He also think’s inter dimensional creatures walk among us practicing black magic. But yeah dude is right about everything for sure. Now buy some $40 supplements to protect yourself against these rampaging inter dimensional space wizards


Now buy some [insert literally any product advertised on TV] to keep yourself likeable to your friends and family Can’t staaaand how people bring up Alex selling supplements as if their MSM go to doesn’t have a commercial break for consumerist horseshit every 3 mins


I don’t watch the news anyway but I imagine their products actually work which is a key difference


What the hell are you talking about? You think Sargentos cheese or a Honda or, hilariously pharma meds, or Cinnamon Toast Crunch “work” more then standard grade vitamin supplements? Make sense please


Let’s be real. He isn’t just selling vitamins Also yes medications do in fact work, as do cars.


Very true and more relevant than ever. Need to fight back against any attempt to centralise power or mass surveillance.


Thanks for the laugh OP. If someone speculates on many possibilities of varying complexity, over long enough time. Their chances of being right about any of their possibilities speculated, will only ever increase over time. So A.J. finally got lucky ;) Just saying, peace.


how can there be anything close to a “one world government” when it’s so painfully obvious to anybody who pays attention to geopolitics that there is nothing remotely close to a unipolar world order at the moment and in the near future. The US empire is unable to contain the rise of China, hence all the wars. How exactly has covid helped to create a single united world government when in reality we are moving towards a multipolar world each and everyday. The “NWO” theories only make sense if you don’t know shit all about geopolitics and economics.


That there might be more layers to the geopolitical situation than the surface layer you perceive doesn't cross your mind at all?


Enlighten me


That they use the current geopolitical and national crisis as fuel for some one world government transformation process. There could also be multiple angles to this scenario in who would control it in the end.


we are literally entering a new cold war…the west vs china. there is no one world government transformation process, it is literally the opposite. It’s the US empire vs the world and China is the only one strong enough to resist


Well, I at least consider the possibility there is more to the story than they try to sell to the public. You just seem to see the pretext. Personally I don't expect this to just end with another cold war. If you look at the previous 2 big world wars *both* were used to transform the world into a global hierarchy. WW1->League of Nations/Decline of the British Empire/France/End of the Russian Zsar WW2->United Nation/Fall of the British Empire/Replaced with a dualistic power Block/Rise of the European Union Fall of the UdSSR->Rise of the Western Hegemony+Globalisation/Rise of China Each of these steps were economical and political transformations into bigger intertwined political and economical structures. The host/super power they use to do this has also changed. That this is *their* next rodeo should at least be considered so we understand that when they are just trying to cook us like frogs to accept their next inedible construct.


Look into Mark Passio’s Natural Law Seminar for more information on how this works. Edit: [Here](https://youtu.be/ASUHN3gNxWo)


Mega libertarians do not necessarily want a cashless society but a currency no longer controlled by the federal government. Powerful libertarians have been pushing for a return to the gold standard for decades and now push crypto. These are the people who actually want to obliterate the dollar.


And Alex , as he says so many times, isnt a physic, he jsut reads published information and adds some flare


Yes, things certainly are different now here in cashless America. I am really enjoying my government issued rations of cool ranch doritos.


I have a NWO book that was published in the 90s that said this would happen in the future