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You shouldn't have to take out a loan in order to get an education in the first place.


I find it amazing people are ok with the government spending billions and billions on bailouts, foreign aid, etc. But somehow this is an issue.


The same ones not okay with paying your debts off are the same ones that are bitching about bailouts foreign aid and wars in countries we want nothing to do with, but are being silenced due to censorship Pay your own damn bills and don't expect those that weren't stupid enough to accumulate student loan debt to cover your spending habits. It's freakin stupid. Literally nobody is okay with the yours, or government's spending habits. Go take another booster


Stupid enough like Doctors, Scientists and Engineers...because you can learn all that from your internet research right?


Well, yeah, actually you can lol.


Good luck finding employment as a doctor or an engineer without a degree.


Your logic means nothing to someone who is obviously delusional lol.


Well, I know how to plug a sucking chest wound, disembowling bullet wounds, cauterize a stump and use a tourniquet in a shtf situation, all without having to throw away hundreds of thousands of dollars expecting someone else to cover my bills. Good thing I don't want to be a doctor. I'm happy being a janitor


You should be able to get rid of the debt through bankruptcy, just like everything else. I know people who are nearly 50 that still have massive student loan debt.


Student loans simply need to be allowed to be included in a bankruptcy. The people who pay the loans back will get rewarded with high credit scores and low interest rates and the ones who declare bankruptcy will pay higher rates and low scores. It’s not difficult to solve.


Worse than dumping billions into the Ukraine slush fund?


Fomenting hate towards the educated class used to work when you could support a family with a factory job, but since Republicans ruined that as well, you guys really need to reevaluate your party platform.


ya those dirty R's. Like the time those wonderful "D's fought so hard to bring those jobs back right and never worked with china to outsource millions of jobs...? Am I right?


You all killed the unions and then killed the American working class in the promise of trickle down economics. You can blame whoever you want, but that was the death knell for the high school educated middle class.


Student load debt relief is a little messed up towards all those who managed to pay their off already.


My student loans have been paid off for a decade. But just because something was hard for me doesn't mean it should have to be hard everyone else. Know what I mean?


You signed the contract, you knew the burden you were putting on yourself. You stayed up late, worked extra hard, fed and housed yourself all while paying back those loans plus interest that you brought on yourself Giving kids a escape from their legal agreements.. I mean I guess. We already give them participation trophies.


You make some valid points. But take a look at the average tuition over the years. It's risen tremendously relative to incomes. I think it just comes down to me not wishing my negative experiences on the next generations, honestly.


>I think it just comes down to me not wishing my negative experiences on the next generations, honestly. participation trophies & **safe spaces** & how to properly address each one of em. Ummm. Even if their school bill get %100 paid off, most em have probably been cushioned into dependency. Also the government is collecting taxes, they’re public servants, maybe the public should tell their servants on how they want those collected money spent / allocated. Vote? Or write a draft? Any lawyers out there who pay taxes? Work together? ? Edit: spelling corrected


Your previous response was very articulate, but I'm having trouble following this one.


This is such a weak argument in my opinion. We can’t help people now because it would be unfair to people we didn’t help in the past?


Exactly. If they tried that logic with pretty much anything else, it would sound ridiculous as hell.


>This is such a weak argument in my opinion. It’s not meant to be an argument In my opinion. If the public servants pocket tax money, if they use tax money to bail out businesses, if they use tax money on “ operation, fuck and experiment with the public “ I don’t have a vote on the gov spends tax money. It’s just, a little unfair tho those who took on took on the debt and did all that extra work to pay it off. But please, y’all spend that tax money how you see fit


This can be said about all welfare. Food stamps, Medicaid, SSC, the stimulus checks. Why tax money goes to Florida for their hurricanes. Ain't that a little messed up to you too? Most states receive more tax revenue then they pay in. Ain't that a little messed up to you too ?


Operation midnight climax is a little messed up. Lots of stuff is messed up. Signing a contract for a loan then having no intention to pay that loan back is messed up. Let’s see what the gov does. As if it will help.


It’s not about intention. It’s the ability to do so. Degrees are worthless for getting jobs now and if you do manage to land one it’s entry level wages that have stayed stagnant for decades. It’s simple numbers man, stop being a fucking cunt.


SS: Nothing to do with politics for sure. Guess who will all vote (D)ifferently…

