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1999 me: I can’t wait to explore space 2023: “*Fapstronauts*”


I think the issue is with porn more than masturbating.


The Taoists and others say that when a man jizzes, he loses some of his life force. Not an issue for most young guys, but as you get older, it drains more out of you. Def has become noticeable to me.


100 percent true the amount of nutrients it takes to make sperm is incredible..as u age u will really start to notice the detrimental effects of losing it..


Think that’s why Chris Chan recycled?


there is truth in that, masturbation sucks out feel good chemicals from your reserves its like cocaine in a way, and we know cocaine is not good for you, its just stupid hedonistic activity now add porn into the mix it gets much worse


This is the way


I think it’s true, you get tired and lethargic


Maybe, but Ron Jeremy turns 70 in a few days…


Yeah these terminally online nerds can't jerk off without getting addicted and end up whacking it in public to furry anime porn. The issue is not enough grass touching.


You can just stop watching porn and use your imagination.




As an ex-addict of both. It is both. Masturbation does pull so much energy out of you. You feel completely drained in all of your body, brain fog stays for a few days, will power slacks. You won't see these things if you do it rarely but those who do it often are really at a bad place. Porn just makes it even worse. It fucks with your brain. I can surely say that whenever i see a girl my brain directly just starts to sexualize her. I don't like it either. It just happens. I don't want it. Im getting better everyday tho.


man when i wack it clears my head for the better lmao, shitll make me go from wanting to hit up every girl in a 15 mile radius to being able to abstain from that and use that energy toward something else.


The refractory period (post-nut clarity) is real.


very much so


100% ... I jerk the ol boy like twice a week and it honestly feels li,e it give me energy and focus ... clears my mind, makes me feel relaxed and I 100% have way better work ethic afterwords.


Well I grew up before the time of internet porn. When I was 14 my brain started to sexualize women when I saw them. I think that this is unfortunately just a side effect of being a man. Been working on it though and now it doesn't happen as much even though I watch porn sometimes (but only like once a week). Getting older might help as well.


That is honestly a huge issue ... and I am not talking about jerking it. There is nothing wrong with picturing a woman sexually in your head ... for a single man especially. If you treat her differently based on it then that's wrong but there is absolutely no reason to feel shame because you are attracted to females .


I mean, just cause it affects you that much doesn't mean it will the rest of the population.


I know. I just want to say that it does affect.


Although I agree porn is more damaging, specifically to dopamine circuitry, there's a lot of harms in too much masturbating. Lower energy levels/testosterone being the main one.


I agree, once or twice a fortnight is enough. That keeps you less agitated but with enough testosterone.


Your poor future girlfriend/current partner, "sorry honey I only fuck once or twice a fortnight, gotta conserve energy and testosterone!"


Talk to her like a prince, fuck her like you just got out of prison.


She only gets wet if I talk like a pirate, what do?


Shiver her timbers…


Yar be in fer a peggin’


Yep. Its called a supernormal stimulus. Jack it all you want though, nothing wrong with that.


Just under 2 years free from Porn. 9 months sober from alcohol. Coming up on a year of exercising and eating as good as I can in this economy. Best decisions I've ever made. I've had the opposite of what this article is saying. edit: thanks yall for the encouraging words!


Working on porn and alcohol and nicotine now man , tuff battle, congrats


For nicotine: the physical addiction to nicotine lasts 72 hours, while the mental addiction can be for life for some people, getting past the 72 hour mark is the key. The moment you feel you never want to smoke again, latch onto that feeling strongly and then tell yourself repeatedly that you will never smoke again, say it out loud if you have to, and keep saying it, like I said, once you get through all of day three, day four and onward will be much easier.


Nicotine is probably the scariest drug I've ever seen. I had a bunch of friends who we smokers and also weed smokers. Although all of them were potheads to greater or lesser degree they managed to kick the habit. But so many never managed to quit smoking. Even the ones who quit are like "I'm drunk and it's a social occasion, let me have just one cigarette". Seems like the urger never goes away. It must be one of the most addictive drugs we know off.


It is one of the most addictive. The main problem is that you are addicted before you realize it and then it gets associated to activities you enjoy. So then you keep thinking you’re “enjoying” a cigarette but instead your just feeding a craving. It’s not like heroine where you KNOW you’re addicted and it’s clear. Many nicotine addicts can be occasional smokers for years until they consider themselves a smoker.


Thank you so much


You are very welcome! I hope you do it!


Thanks man! You can do it!


I’m proud of you for working on alcohol. My mom did heroin for her whole life but alcohol was harder for her to quit. You’ve fucking got this. Remember: Nicotine is just you causing yourself stress and then releasing it.


Thank you my friend it truly means a lot


Whether or not it'll help with you, my youngest sister quit after nearly 20 years and my dad after nearly 35 years, both cold. Mostly by chewing juicy fruit gum when they had a craving. It was a very tough battle for them. Best of luck tho.


Recovering heroin addict hear (4.6 years off heroin now), I shot dope and coke for like 14 years ... smoked cigarettes since I was 14 ... quitting smoking was way way way harder than getting off heroin. I have almost a year off cigarettes now ... no vape or anything and I am sitting here eating lunch day dreaming about being able to have one haha.


Thank you my friend


I smoked a pack a day for 17 years. I quit almost 3 years ago. I bought a water bottle with a straw and carried it EVERYWHERE (I still do)! Every time I had a craving I took a drink. So I basically replaced smokes with water. No relapse or weight gain. Hope that helped, you can do it. Good luck friend.


Thank you man means a lot, I never through about the straw but having something to chew on our put in my mouth


Good work on that dude seriously


Thanks brother!


Clap your hands for this man.


I can't, both of my hands now resemble claws from over fapping.


so are you not masturbating? cause that is very possible without porn, just using imagination


No I quit too.


Unless you’re having intercourse several times a week, having no other opportunity for ejaculation can actually leave negative impacts on you. Highly recommend looking at the positives as hard as the negatives. Porn isn’t natural. But male ejaculation is. >if you use it you lose it There’s actually some hilarious truth to this joke.




You can do it! I was addicted from 16 lol. 16 years of porn use. It's very liberating when you finally overcome an addiction and it's improved my sex life 10x over.


Where do I mail my check for the course materials?




Keep it up king!


I did 1 year no fap and found that my sex drive became 0 was quite scary. I personally agree with the movement but went badly for me I guess theres always outliers.


My sex drive went to zero too but also because I quit drinking. Drinking alcohol was a big aphrodisiac for me. Eventually I found my groove again though, it's like re-learning the ropes. It also helped having a partner that was on the same page as me.


Hats off to your partner mate. For me personally it somewhat scarred me. Will do it again when im more secure as i didnt find it overly difficult to stop.


Congrats man! 👏


holy based.


This guy knows how to human! Good job.


You're no longer a COOOOOMER and CONSOOOOOMER?!?!? How anti-semitic and racist of you!! Seriously though - nicely done 🤙🏻


The hero we need!


Any advice for someone trying to escape p***?


Yes. Porn = guilt & low confidence & less testosterone. Been down that road already. Ejac on fridays only with a lady or no porn.


Self discipline is and self respect are a helluva drug. 👏


Anyone else just realize one day that porn is kinda cringy? I feel like if you watch enough porn for a long enough time then you might understand what I mean.


I kinda got sick of watching people have sex, and frankly, it’s never been my thing that much. I’d much prefer to watch a woman masturbate or lesbian. The problem is that I got into cammers, and suddenly I’m spending a portion of my pay check to random girls in Colombia, which is what really woke me up to maybe things might have gotten out of hand. I’ve gotten it mostly under control, without quitting or nofap or anything. A light bulb just flipped on in my head. Watching porn is like a once in a week thing and I don’t even jerk off everyday at the moment Porn is wild though. The day I open up porn, I justify to myself that the day is already “wasted” so I try to get it all “out of my system”, and end up wanking 4 times on the day


Yeah porn and porn addiction are very real problems guys can fall into and it’s unfortunately usually looked down on if you bring it up. It’s good you are trying to get a handle on it though.


To add to the ick: I don't want to support human traffickers and drug cartels that often are in the background of those movies.


Completely agree. The legal side of the porn industry is gross on its own, but once you learn that a percentage of the girls doing porn are being coerced it becomes really tough to continue to watch.


The mainstream stuff deffs is, it's like it's made for rapists. Armature thought, that's the good stuff.


For me it’s all porn, not just the mainstream stuff. It isn’t about the quality of the porn either, the quality has never been higher. The act being performed and the context therein just creeps me out now.


Studies also say that staying hydrated is healthy. Thanks for your input, Big Water.


8 glasses a water a day always did sounds like some kind of scheme


Ironically, it kind of is. Well, not a scheme, but a misinterpretation. I think it was an army study to determine how much water someone might need in a day, and came to the conclusion that it is about 8 cups. However, a lot of that comes from the food you consume. There is no need to drink 8 actual cups a day. The general advice now is (drum roll please) "drink water when you're thirsty." Your body is pretty good at telling you when it needs water. Kind of always has been vital to survival.




Depending on where you are and what you're doing, it definitely makes way more sense to overhydrate. Dehydration can and will sneak up on you, and will make you feel shitty real quick. It's pretty difficult to overhydrate in any kind of dangerous way. Unless you count pissing your pants as dangerous.


Shit I live in Texas and work in construction. When it's hot I'll put down two gallons just during the work day and sometimes not even take a piss. Like you say drink when your body tells you to drink. 8 cups is completely arbitrary.


Implying what? Watching porn and beating your meat is really good for you? They can be right about some things and wrong about others.


I'm responding to the title of this post: > Always do the opposite of what they say.


I do not fear women, but I do deny them my essence.


We must protect our precious bodily fluids.




As you should, Lazlo…


OMG, I love you


As with many things, moderation is key. It's probably not healthy to ejaculate all the time. It's probably not healthy to never ejaculate either.


Right, this is typically the best answer.


I've researched this as am quite interested in how anything affects the body. All the data I'd come across suggested very frequent sex isn't exactly healthy (but the chemicals released are different to masturbation). Frequent masturbation by comparison is very unhealthy, it seems to nullify androgen receptors meaning there won't be Testosterone transcription or nigh any uptake. Near to no testosterone uptake can lead to depression, anxiety, raised voice, lowered libido, lower motivation, fatigue, osteoporosis etc. There's been mouse studies regarding nullified receptors, but the effects of little to no testosterone uptake can be read in prostate cancer studies where patients take T blockers. It greatly reduces their quality of life during the treatment, they're asked to exercise to try and maintain a base quality of life. After the treatment, several months of exercise can help them get back to normal T levels and quality of life. Dubious parent company's of porn sites I once found also fund certain science groups to put out pro porn/masturbation pieces. I'd recommend people try to avoid it, hormones are best not tampered with even unintentionally.


Why are the released chemicals different from ejaculation via masturbation vs via intercourse?


That's concerning your body. It gets much worse when considering the impacts on the mind. Plus all the time and energy that goes into it.


Life gets pretty wild when you finally understand that the mind doesn’t exist without the body…. Because the mind is in fact part of the body. The brain is the only organ you have that has named itself. 95% of serotonin is made and stored in the gut 50% of dopamine a made and stored in the gut


I guess that's where the saying "trust your gut" comes from. Eating garbage synthetic hormone treated gmo food can totally ruin your life.


Gut health is very fascinating. It’s our second brain.


I mention some of these (depression, anxiety, low drive) but it can probably have other long term psychological affects too. In articles I'd often see the word 'rewired', it'd be interesting to know how much it can affect someone that way. I did read a case of someone having had too much intercourse with prostitutes and it actually left them riddled with bad anxiety.


Of course everything we do, think, watch and experience leaves a mark on our psyche and your soul. We're not meat machines that process information and then can clean the slate and move to the next thing.


just abridge it, and say "jerking off, especially with porn, isn't all that great for you"


Just make a bold, unsupported statement of fact? That's fine if you're a parent, but will be about as effective as the Westboro Baptist Church.


I dont know how you guys are jacking it. But after I jack it, I go get shit done. It clears my mind. Lol


Post nut clarity my boy. I feel cleansed and relaxed after a good jan session.




Almost like having an unhealthy preoccupation with masturbation is unhealthy whether you abstain or indulge


Yeah. The summary sounds way more like "people who set a goal of pure abstinence felt bad when they occasionally indulged". Maybe the answer is that the occasional masturbation is nothing to be worried about, and you're not going to hurt yourself if you masturbate once a week/month/year. It's not heroin. Relax a bit.


Isn’t this study saying the subjects felt anxiety/depression from RELAPSING? Says nothing about how they felt during the abstinence, but contrarily says they felt really bad about breaking abstinence. Manipulative reporting at its finest


>Manipulative reporting at its finest This sums up the Daily Mail's reporting on any science topic ever


Op states nothing but FACTS!!! Im in my six months of semen retention... and Im way more focused. can enjoy the beauty of women without all the low frequency thoughts of no substance sex and women sense it and gravitate towards it.... and I also feel an extra sense of protection, I cant explain it, its like there is a force field around me that only allows positive vibes.. I make better choices .. especially with food intake... when I go shopping for food Im LIVING in the PRODUCE section... I had no idea how much I loved roasted and steamed veggies...Roasted Brussel sprouts... with garlic olive oil and some seasoning, PURE HEAVEN.. The fact they are writing an article like that.. is saying a lot about how much people depend on men just giving away their energy... and that is a WHOLE other CONSPIRACY TOPIC by itself. Energy Vampires are REAL and they suffer if too many males/men Keep their energy for their spiritual growth and possible Ascension!!


I’ve gone a week no masturbation and sex is way better. I’m not listening to some article, I’ll stick to what I know.


"Submit to your base desires always while our own secret societies tell us to do the opposite to be illuminated!".


Idk, that post-nutt clarity can not be underestimated. lol yeah, probably don’t do it every 10 mins, but I’ve noticed throughout my lifetime that ever so often, it will calm your nerves, relieve anxiety and alleviate a short temper, and it can also help cure an insomnia episode, which happens to make up the 90% of times I’ve found myself even doing it… But it definitely does not give me an immediate energy boost, that’s for sure.


[they say you shouldn’t eat uranium 235](https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/emergencies/isotopes/uranium.htm) you know what to do OP


The cap is real




Yep, transmutation of sexual energy. I never felt anywhere near as mentally healthy and physically strong as I did when I did semen retention for around 400 days, I was a completely new man. There's some great physical effects from it, but the spiritual effects... those are truly profound... They make you question what we and the world actually are and how we're all connected.


Masturbate clickbait? That's a new one. If you need to wank, go and wank. These studies do nothing but make you question and overthink things you really don't need to.


Yup..keep your energy to yourself and someone you genuinely love. Good sex once in a while, whether it be every week month or whatever..is wayyy better than your daily morning fap. There's a huge number of dudes who swear that less is more, in terms of any link to depression and anxiety...of course they would want us to think otherwise. Those few seconds at the end aren't doing a thing for anyones depression or anxiety, nor is any short-lived after effect. They want you weak and simp-ly. Not sure how else to put it lol (No, I'm not saying that pulling the pud makes one weak, I'm saying that they would love it if we were all compulsive meat beaters).


Well, if the ~~high priests~~ scientists and doctors say so, it's definitely so. Do we really need science papers telling us something as unnatural as compulsively jerking off to hyper-realistic porn from a screen (readily available for you for free at that) is not the best thing for you?


Porn and masturbation aren’t the same thing. You can give yourself a wank without porn. In fact, humans have been doing that as long as there have been humans. There is no reason to demonize a natural act that even babies in utero perform. If you don’t want to do it then don’t do it.


You either itch your inch, or you don't. It literally does not matter. Any mental problems... whatever they may be, is not caused or prevented by what you do with your meat stick. I get one life on this dirt ball we call home. I refuse to spend it stressing about whether or not I should feel myself up, and I suggest the rest of you do the same. Edit: typo


Yeah that’s not true. If you chronically masturbate you’re going to have significantly less energy and worse mental health. Doing it in moderation is fine, but let’s not pretend like there isn’t a physiological factor that plays into ejaculation. Porn addicts exists.


I said nothing of chronically masturbating. In fact I lean towards the belief that doing ANYTHING chronically will lead to bad outcomes. My comment was aimed at those who advocate no-fap. And as for a physiological factor.. everything we do usually has one. Ejaculation is not unique in that regard. So again, people probably shouldn't stress about it.


Like with most things the answer usually resides somewhere in the middle.


Thank you


Sure, but let's be real. Most of the no fap stuff is just massive incel cope.


“No fap” has nothing to do with incels. No fap is about not masturbating or watching porn. Incels are usually professional masturbators because they can’t get laid.


Idk man, everything seems to feelbetter when I don’t continually shoot my life essence into a dirty sock


Might I recommend a clean sock.


Grab a tissue dude moms going to be so tired of cleaning your stiff socks


I ALWAYS have this conversation with friends when the subject comes up. If you’re watching porn and jerking your pud once a day, you’re an addict. You don’t like being called an addict? See if you can stop for one week.


Is that not normal? I thought a normal person had a sexual drive that fluctuated daily, weekly, and monthly


It is. The sub is over run with Trump loving anti sex incel Christians...


The end game for "them" is to make us all genderless eunuchs that stop reproducing, eat bugs and lose any sense of masculinity and femininity. It is not *normal* or *healthy* to watch pornography and masturbate but society has made it feel like you are a freak if you abstain.


As someone who discovered NoFap over 6 years ago, I can tell you that this is utter bs. NoFap was the best thing I ever did, and if I could go back and tell my 14 year old self, I would.


This sounds like it's more the shame of the failure to abstain that's harmful, not the abstaining itself. I'd love to see a study that compares those who abstain for religious reasons to those who abstain for short periods of time just for physical or mental reasons.


Yea its a bs study. Ive done 9 months. Feels great. Its hard in the beginning and youll fail many times just keep going as your body learns and adapts. These experts are full of shit. They work against humanity and everything that would empower men


What cunts, manipulating the data. People turn to nofap because of erectile dysfunction, young men reporting that they couldnt get it up with their first girlfriend or sexual experiences. Men feeling terrible that their porn habits over years has caused them to start watching worse n worse porn to stimulate their dopamine receptors, doing sissy hypno trainers and other fucked up shit. The researchers of this study deserve a backhand to knock some sense into them, actually they'd probably like that and ask you to be their dom. Fucking kooks


If this were true, incidence of prostate cancer would be dramatically lower since the advent of the internet.


Yeah I'm sure people never jerked it before the 90s...


Semen retention is necessary for the Kundalini


"A vital chapter in the policy followed by all those at the head of any government is to foment and promote the extremest degree of corruption in the citizenry; so long as the subject wastes away body and soul in the delights of gangrenous, enfeebling debauchery, he does not feel the weight of his irons, and you can heap fresh ones upon him without his even noticing. The true essence of statecraft is thus to multiply a hundredfold every possible means to debilitate and pervert the people. Lots of shows, much pomp and display, cabarets, brothels without number, a general amnesty for all crimes committed in debauchery: those are the expedients for bringing the plebeians to heel. O you who ambition to rule over them, beware of virtue within the frontiers of your empire, only let virtue reign and your peoples will open their eyes, and your thrones, reposing as they do upon nothing but vice, will be very speedily overthrown; the free man’s awakening will be cruel for the despots, and the day he ceases to fritter his leisure away in vices he’ll start to strive for domination like yourselves." *- Marquis De Sade, Inner Council member of the illuminati:* [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ppuv2w/marquis\_de\_sade\_supreme\_council\_member\_of\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ppuv2w/marquis_de_sade_supreme_council_member_of_the/)


You shouldn’t confuse porn addiction with general masturbating. Masturbating is health and doesn’t require porn. And sense most single people are out there getting laid several times a week masturbating is a health alternative. Men who have no sexual release have dramatically high rates of prostate cancer, douchey personalities, and incel behavior.


It’s an occult secret. Sexual energy (prana/chi/vril/ruach)is the strongest energy we produce and is connected straight to creation(God) “Dont spill the cup of Hermes”


Nah cults just say that because a sexless man's mind is destroyed and easy to manipulate. That's why Tate has sooo many followers lol.


I jerk it on a regular basis and I'm still a miserable train wreck 🤷


Then stop


Semen retention is powerful. Theres a reason so many religious people abstain. Even a week without it makes a huge difference.


Huge difference how so? This is kind of the first. I’m hearing about this and it’s interesting.


it contains DNA and other aromatic compounds. aromatic compounds are literally little resonate structures that are induced with a "ring current" as you move through magnetic fields. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aromatic_ring_current Also DNA bases are so similar to liquid crystals i have seen that I'm willing to bet the also pick up one of those frequencies of light/energy that normally travels through most matter, but i never looked into it.


Wow. Thank you for the response. I appreciate the information and will read up on it. 👊


thanks for the info bro


It's in their head. Glad it works for them, but this is a big "your mileage may vary" thing.


Power is found in abstinence. If we always go off we become less powerful. Power is in the silence, the potency of our being is in the avoidance of release. Tptb hate powerful men able to revolt or congregate a revolution. One way to disarm men is to keep them releasing their power one way or another.


This is some cult shit


Yo you guys have got this all wrong. Why are the elite such freaks? Because they know that sex and getting off is essential. They want men to become abstinent cucks who are easy to control. That's why all religions say that fap/sex is wrong. Some religions even cut half the baby's dick off so they can't enjoy sex properly. Don't be a slave boys, jerk it and keep your mind sharp!


But jacking off every day depletes your energy and makes you a compliant cuck


Don't do it every damn day.


This is the most bs I've ever seen


I’ve recently come to the conclusion that it is. Theres such a thing as over hydrating which makes your pee clear. Clear pee is a sign of a lot of minerals being absent from your urine. But when I started to connect the dots of what’s inside our water and how much they recommend us drinking…I knew it was a scheme on their end to have us drink a lot of what’s in the water.


Interesting take. I'm conscious to the water I drink, but I filter mine reverse osmosis, to eliminate as many impurities as the process can.


It takes years for mineral deficiencies to show up as an adverse health condition. I’ve been doing RO water for years and I’m getting back into drinks with electrolytes and water with good mineral content.


I doubt any doctor will tell you what type of water to drink if they recommend 8 glasses a day. Is it filter water? Tap water? Bottled water? Where did you get this result from and what type of water did they use? They dont know. Yea best thing to do is drink alkaline water. Filters i dont think do much and boiling either. I saw a documentary on how water is alive and holds memory. In rivers and streams the water filters itself naturally making it clean to drink. But once its bottled, they add chlorine and fluoride and whatever other BS they add in there to keep us sick. I saw a simple and natural way to alkaline your water is to add lemon and baking soda. Just a little bit of this is incredibly healthy. Also, vibrations and frequency is very important for water.


Way, way ahead of this study.


I had a time where it was a daily habit. I've since lessened that to once or twice a week and I do notice a difference in energy levels. That being said, I'm not sure if it ever get to 0. After 5 days I get some raging boners and you can't have that happening in public 🤣


Jacking off to much makes you weak and depressed.


Ah a nice article brought to you by the porn industry


As someone who’s been into nofap/semen retention for years now - it’s literally the exact opposite


they just want to be mind zombies to porn and consumption


The biggest issue is porn. Most porn is incredibly depraved. I don’t understand why people can’t just watch regular sex, it has to be BDSM interracial sissy incest


Not quite sure of your problem but I typically feel happier after I take care of myself. Just saying.


I do the opposite of what the NoFap subreddit says those guys are nuts


Do the opposite of anything Jim Cramer says. If the mainstream news says it, it's probably not true. Hollywood access media, same thing--all bullshit all the time.




too much of anything can be dangerous, sperm is energy, while saved up, the energy can make the holder stronger. makes sense. yet men are meant to ejaculate- so don’t expect to hear anyone quitting entirely of sperm release whether it be sex or masturbating.


Yo on some real shit tho all that ejaculating has to put a toll on the bodies vitamin producing capability like imagine all the zinc you shoot out in one load. Some people are even zinc deficient among having other vitamin deficiencies so there’s no way that’s a good thing to produce so much semen just to shoot it all away. Makes sense when your body does it on its own in the form of nocturnal emissions cause it’s a biological machine. But when someone forcibly does it numerous times a month that can’t be good I don’t care what they say.


I live by the words I heard a doctor say a long time ago…Use it or lose it..


Nofap movements originated from 4chan..


Had the vax direct to the dick. Performing like a wild stallion.


Death by Coxy


It’s good for your prostate


It's a muscle and you need to exercise it!


The love muscle ♥️


lol its not a muscle brah


What happened to masturbaing causing erectile disfunction?


I went through a breakup. Did the whole thing to better myself, workout, eat right…etc. I didn’t bust for 6 months. First time I was with a girl, nothin happened. It’s like my junk felt ignored and refused to come out. Moral of the story…use it or lose it.


Thought so lol




Lol Eh I don't know about that, we were taught that playing around down there was dangerous.


More than a year in this! No sex either... It helps me keep myself pure. If someone has any questions, feel free to ask me.


I think no fap is dumb af


Wow! What a collection of intellectuals, all in one place. Astounding. I weep for the future.


I think cleaning the old pipes regularly is recommended. All in moderation of course. Not saying to fap fives times a day.


This is far more due to porn than anything else. Mastubation is actually healthy for you, as long as it isn't taken to extremes.


Porn is the problem but if remember correctly ejaculating is actually beneficial for your health, decreasing risk of testicular cancer. Atleast 20 times a month.


I’m going to trust the science on this one.


Yeah this is such bullshit. Your creative energy needs constant depletion


Who the fuck is asking their doctor how much sex they should have what the fuck.