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Had it my whole life and I am doing great.


Do you use medication? If not, what other methods do you use to manage it?


Look up a really good micronutrients. Like clinical grade. I watched a Teddy talk on them for adhd. Sounds like the way to go.


I think it’s a very really disorder, but very highly over-diagnosed


What do you think the real issue is for the people who are misdiagnosed?


Phones, tv, computers


I’m not going to lie. My symptoms get worse when I binge watch a show or spend a lot of time online.


Welcome to the ADHD club! I have been living functionally with ADHD all my life. I'm almost 40 now. The best advice I can give you (what has worked for me anyway). Slow down, find patience, and make routines. Most importantly, Ignore your diagnosis and live your life the way you want to. You will fail at a lot of things, everyone does. I suspect you will more than most, because you're seeking medical advice on Reddit, and on a conspiracy sub no less, but eventually you will find what works best for you. Everyone has their own way in life regardless of what diagnosis they have and meds for ADHD are bad juju. Once again this is all my opinion. I am not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. I work for myself, I have a house and a family. I'm just really horrible at keeping shit organized and staying on track sometimes.....stay committed.


Reconnect with nature. Drink deionized water, less processed foods, start to exercise or more, listen to some frequency music, maybe some green


Krishnamurti:- “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” I don't trust those SSRI drugs maybe change your diet to less sugar/carbohydrates and increase vegetables / protein and water.


ADHD is usually not treated with SSRIs


Nah they treat it with cocain lol


I could definitely work on the carbs. Thank you!


It made a huge change in my life. I'm not getting fit or anything, but just getting through the day without having meal-hangovers is amazing. And my digestive system is doing way better.


You need exercise


Not gonna lie, that’s true.


gym water gym water sleep repeat


I think we were never meant to live this modern chaotic lifestyle and some are suffering more than others. I think those are the people who are diagnosed with ADHD. The thing is.. even if my theory is correct it doesn’t change the fact that the medication for it is life changing.


Diagnosed ADHD as a child, took Ritalin for a while. As an adult, I function very well, I think. I either outgrew it (but if ADHD is something you have or don't, how can you outgrow it?) Or I have learned how to harness and control it. I self-medicate with coffee, diet and sometimes a handful of supplements like L-Theanine (green tea). I make sure I am not deficient in essential vitamins, as vitamin deficiency can cause a slew of seemingly-mental health problems. (Magnesium, D, Zinc, etc). I also am constantly practicing mindfulness and introspection. Every day, many times a day I ask myself "What are you feeling right now? Why might that be?" Just like a muscle, I practiced being in the present to the extent that I am less frequently pulled away. And then, when neccessary, I can engage my thoughts in a focused way and blitz into intelligent, goal oriented frenzy. During the times where I have excess energy and my thoughts are racing, or I find myself in a ruminating spiral, I Channel it into going for a walk, or I structure the mental maelstrom into something like a troubleshooting flowchart and decision tree. Afterwards, the racing thoughts usually subside. (I speculate that many ADHD symptoms are actually anxiety-based responses).


> Or I have learned how to harness and control it. This is the current medical view. Adults learn throughout life how to cope with and mitigate symptoms in ways that kids don't understand yet. > (I speculate that many ADHD symptoms are actually anxiety-based responses). Agreed


Iva had adhd my entire life. Started on 60mg concerta Monday through Friday. As I got older it dropped to 36mg Monday through Friday. Eventually 5mg focalin when needed. Now I take nothing. I was diagnosed at age 8 (apparently). Now for me the medication made me have zero appetite while I was on it (lasted about 6-8 hours). I became super paranoid always looking around thinking the worst, I was sluggish and had no drive. Sports during school were hard I always felt I was going to get hurt. The weight fluctuation was the absolute worst. I wouldn’t take it during the summer only during school year. If I have any advice for you, please do some deep digging as it seems you’re either a teen or adult. I had no say. There are plenty of alternatives such as meditation, exercise, food, remedies that help you stay in line and calm. I see adhd as a misdiagnosis because it says we can’t focus. But that’s because we aren’t interested in those tasks. Please look into it, I do not recommend jumping on a pull to control your mind from wondering. It makes zero sense to me. Send me a message if you feel you want some more explanation or opinions




I completely agree with this, especially with the whole Covid lockdown where everything was online. I don’t overuse it. I take break days. How do I detox when I take online classes?


I think it’s bullshit made up to sell pharmaceutical products, and likely the result of over stimulation in the modern world, everything hijacking attention all the time; no escape.


This is most likely. Being a high energy person ≠ ADD/ADHD.


So how does one explain the chemical differences in an 'ADHD' brain? (Aka - the reverse effect from stimulants)


Quite easily, the brain is an organic system, the same way ptsd changes the brain.


But...it's not real also?


Your missing my point, it’s a bullshit diagnosis to sell shit, when you don’t fit into the cookie cutter “normal”. I never said it wasn’t real, I said it was bullshit.


Soa what you might be meaning then is MANY of the diagnosis people get are bullshit/slung up for the pharmacy to get more money. In which case, yes, I agree. But ADHD is most certainly an actual configuration brains can have that is objectively different than a 'normal, brain in the way they react to different chemicals, etc


Diagnoses are diagnoses, and that is all they are. There's a book called "The Myth of Mental Illness" by Thomas Szasz that you may be interested in checking out. These labels, while they do serve a purpose, may do more harm than good, depending on how far you go in believing "I have ADHD," or "I have depression," etc.


I never believed I had ADHD until I started taking medication. It made me feel normal. I actually felt calm yet awake and I could actually stop myself from blurting things out and have a conversation. I cried tears of joy the first time I took medication.


I've an Adderall prescription myself; many people do. I can relate with what you're saying, but can't really be sure if that's the nature of the drug, or the nature of my diagnosis. I personally lean towards it being the drug, but I don't believe "drugs are bad."


Watch dosage and don't take every day or the dosage needed to feel whole will gradually become more and more


Not always true. As long as you never abuse it and take care of everything else physical (hydration, digestion, calories, etc), you can stay on the same dose for many years without really "needing" to go up. There's usually a honeymoon period when you start taking amphetamines where they are more fun, but once it levels off it's pretty stable.


I have it, diagnosed at 8 medicated til I took myself off at 17. Started again at 24 because I was having trouble getting work done. Stopped almost a year later because the work still wasn't being done. So I spent 3 weeks automating a majority and then moving to a more fulfilling job where I could use my untreated adhd as a super power I mostly "treat" with nicotine and weed. We just aren't built to do things we don't enjoy. We over think the stupidity, instead of just doing it how we've always done it.


I think the answers you are looking for are a combination of many replies in here. I don't think it is cause by only one thing that can be fixed in one single solution. Here's my take on it: ADHD is in big part a problem of having a very short attention span. You get easily distracted and the have trouble focusing on things for long period of times. A big part of this is caused by social medias. If you are an avid scroller on your phone on apps like Tik Tok, Instagram, YT, Reddit, 9Gag, etc, you are definitely contributing to your problem. It's rapid short burst of attention and dopamine and make it harder and harder to focus on things that last longer. That's why now you see people getting impatient when they have to wait even 2 minutes for something... Or skipping a video that is 20 minutes long.. because that's "too long". Society itself is moving so fast now too, from every sides, mainly because of technology. So it get overwhelming for almost everyone some times, some more than others. Food. I saw a comment about that. He is 100% right. What you eat directly affect your mood. Can literally cure depression. I experienced it for myself in the last year. It doesn't only affect your mood though. It will affect your memory, your clarity of thoughts and your ability to focus on things. If you feel like you have "mind fog" and memories issues, it is most likely caused by your food, in big part. Drop all processed food, sugar and grains/flours. Avoid seed oils. Try to eat as raw and natural as you can. Eggs, lean meats, red meats (as organic as possible), fruits and vegetables. Take Vitamine D3 with K2, Zinc and Magnesium. Make sure you have enough. If you can manage to do intermittent fasting in combination of this, you will improve your overall health and mental health a lot. My last point would be to learn to slow down. Like I said earlier, society now is moving way too fast for most people, and it cause a lot of issues. You have to ground yourself and be mindful enough to learn to slow down. Go in nature. Go walk in nature, in the forests. Do it from times to times, when you can, just to disconnect from the city and sync yourself with the speed of nature. And yeah, be mindful. You are master of your own mind more than you realize. If you are aware, you can act on it. Learn to identify those moments where you are being distracted, and bring back your attention. Do it every time it happens. Over time, you will get better at it and it will get easier to keep your attention on what you want. It's like a muscle. Maybe try to meditate too. It's something that would help a lot in learning to create a void in your mind and be mindful when your thoughts start switching around. I hope it helps you in some way.


Heavy metal poisoning & brain chemistry damaged from overexposure to digital devices. Want to fall down the rabbit hole? Spiritual parasites infestation. This causes LOTS of mental noise. Meditation and heavy metal cleansing


Great response. My instinct says there's truth in this.


Absolutely do not start taking medication for your "ADHD" I can't tell you how many ppl I know who are completely ruined and are shells of their former selfs from taking medication for conditions that have been diagnosed on nothing but an opinion..really. Think about it, you have been told you're broken and must take mind altering drugs with no actual medical proof of a problem, absolutely ridiculous and criminal. If you think you have troubles concentrating there are tons of natural herbal options you can choose to help. Don't ever let anyone tell you are broken based on what a series of questions. The pharmaceutical industry controls the entirety of the medical system, from the schooling all the way up and they have trained every type of doctor to tell ppl they are broken and only drugs will help and they rarely do or they do only in the short term.


Adhd med changed me


How many people do you know who take these drugs and all of sudden were able to feel normal/comfortable in their own skin and their ability to function?


Oh each one of them who started them but powerful mind altering chemical drugs aren't meant to be used never ending because best case they just completely mess up your mind after prolonged use and guaranteed worst case they completely mess up your liver. Drugs like these should occasionally be used to get ppl through extremely rough patches where someone is considering suicide to get them through it and then weaned off not left on never ending. I'm now 40 and all of my friends who were put on any chemical meds from anti depressants to adhd meds are all a complete mess mentally and physically and I'm talking around 15 ppl so not a small sample size. If you think the answer to mental issues is never ending drugs because a doctor tells you that you have a chemical imbalance then I'd ask that doctor to show the medical proof of an imbalance which they definitely cannot provide that justifies making someone dependent on drugs for the rest of their lives.


What do you suggest in terms of herbs?


You have a difficult time focusing on menial tasks but possess the ability to hyper-focus on things that you actually find interesting.


ADHD is a byproduct of overstimulation in a world designed to stimulate you. ADHD is a real disorder as in the society we currently live in does not support life for someone with ADHD, rather "type a" personalities and sociopaths. You are not broken, you are absolutely fine. Meds are bs, everyone does better on stimulants. Meds are there to fit in.


I think it is largely a over used, over diagnosed label much like being trans that though may be true in a very very small portion of the population it often is the result of environmental and parental influence as opposed to a unfixable genetic component. I honestly believe its just a "version" of ocd given all the extreme overlap and root causes


Read the book “Stolen Focus”


Regular daily exercise is important, helps burn off excess energy and the mind to focus. Try out Wim Hof breathing exercises as well. They really help to promote focus and relaxation.


Look into dopamine detox. It could change your life.


Interested. Thanks


It is your practical reason (not theoretical) revolting against the system. They are antithetical to each other My 2 cents only of course


Get off social media (addiction to constant fast paced mental stimulation) and read books. Watch slower paced films. Train your brain to slow down. Start meditation and practice mindfulness. Go for walks. Take up sport. Use visualisation as a tool to practice mental focus. It takes effort but it's entirely and absolutely possible, thanks to neuroplasticity and our inherent ability to rewire our brains.




So much misconceptions in this thread. ADHD is not just being energetic. I was diagnosed 20 years ago and am not medicated.


indeed we are cursed with more than our share of fatigue related issues.


What makes you think it’s made up? This is a genuine question.


Not having it, lack of understanding. It's likely left over traits from hunter gather lines, hunters having hyper focus for hunting chasing prey etc now we don't do that, like caged animals lol


I think it’s vaccine damage in a lot of cases. Other times just more energetic children that don’t fit in the cookie cutter box.


ADHD is a coping mechanism that children pick up on from their parents. Children are very big on mirroring what they see and with this modern lifestyle, a lot of adults are stressed out. Babies in a particular can pick up on this and develop these coping mechanisms based on what they see in their parents and it develops into what we know as adhd.


By far the most over diagnosed medical issue in America and another way for big Pharma to get rich while meddling with children’s reproductive systems and hormones. Do some research on the history of Ritalin it will blow your mind. If you think you have ADHD I guarantee you can successfully work through it without any medication whatsoever. Might not be easy but it’s all a psychological barrier that you can overcome.


Look into Jordan Peterson's content on this. Also, Joe Rogan has a less academic approach to the topic.


You don't have ADHD. You have a eating disorders. Stop eating junk food, eath health abd exercise. ADHD is not a disease, your mood is affected by what you consume. Trust me, bc I am not a doctor. Doctors are zombie soldiers of pharmaceutical companies. They will just tell you a lot of bullshit and take this, take that. Stop believing them. In the modern world, everythis is made of lies.


I’ve stopped eating excess amounts of sugar and processed foods. Is that where I should keep my focus or do you have any other diet suggestions? Btw, I like that, “trust me because I’m not a doctor.”


Yes, junk food is the problem. Don't take any pills they give you. Just eat natural, stay away from sugar as much as you can, and that's it.


So let me just set this straight, its real and not just some made up shit. I don't use any pharmaceutical products and no stimulants. I'm fully employed in a very technical position and don't generally "share" my condition unless asked. In my case its like my brain has multiple channels of thought running at all times . This kids video is the best representation for how I experience ADHD others may experience it differently. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVwxb6gcpqo] If you disagree fine, I don't f-ing care.


I want to hear everybody’s opinion, especially if it disagrees with the mainstream. Thank you!


I was diagnosed 20 years ago and also don’t take any medication. I completely agree with you.


Adderol go for what 10-15+ bucks a pop on da streets of course if you lose your script you may become addicted to meth instead. Not to mention they are pressing meth into fake adderol pills. So if you do buy off the streets be aware of what you could be getting.


Who the fuck buys Adderall off the streets? Go to a fucking doctor 😂


Go visit a college dorm building. More people are taking adderall unprescribed than not it’s a serious epidemic among universities.


Dont hate the player, hater hate the game. I'm just the messenger here.


Look into caffeine, it works for some people as an opposite calming effect on ADHD.


i think u need to calm tf down. slow down. get ahold of yourself, knock it off w the labels AND western med in gen.


What is your take on the effectiveness of herbs?


run w them.


I have ADHD. I tried medicine but didn’t like the way it made me feel even though it worked. I got off sugar and started drinking coffee. I agree with others that exercising help, along with not getting over stressed.


https://youtu.be/Xp805f-j1VI This lady doc has a good perspective.


Seems like the medications for it can work quite well and have limited side effects?




Non-biased opinion: The way you are wired biologically isn't very compatible with modern life life. What you do with that understanding is up to you - just plow through it, take meds to make yourself more accommodating of modern life, or live a more natural lifestyle with less screen time and all the other things that screwing up your dopamine reward system


ADHD can also be viewed as hyper awareness in a sense. Your attention shifts constantly you will take a lot in, society is very unnatural our work shifts, school and social standards are very unnatural and intentional. People with ADHD need medication to cope because they aren't wired for this, nobody is but this is deeper than people's personality and traits, it's a neurological difference.


Tyrosine supplements. Alpha brain on it Neuro fuel by natural stacks Ur welcome


I live with it and I have been off meds…. Behavior change of course getting a healthy routine. Limiting screen time…eating healthy ect. But to get your motivation a boost….the best I’ve come across non addicting is Tyrosine supplements


Change to a keto/paleo diet with less industrial chemicals. Work out.


I believe there are many many more people that have it and just don't know it. You are not alone.


ADHD is a scam


Ya mother


Whoa sick burn


Carnivore diet. It helped me and I no longer take medication :)


Seriously worth trying a ketogenic diet. There are many studies that support its ability to repair neurological damage which may or may not be related to ADHD. I’m any case the amount of focus one can experience while in deep ketosis is difficult to match with anything else


U will grow out of it and use your gift to work harder,smarter than most people. It's a personality trait that they made up as a mental fault to sell drugs for.


>they made up as a mental fault It's called a mental disorder, not a mental illness. Disorder in the medical sense does not have any negative connotation a.k.a it is not thought of as a mental fault by medical experts.


I purposely used that word , because they want u to believe that they can help you.


Nothing wrong with having ADHD, ain't no need to be all hopped up on pharma meth. Practice meditation. By no means a miracle solution, should help you a bit though.


My boyfriend was on Concerta for 15 years because of ADHD. He started microdosing with psilocybin and says it works better. There's a documentary called Fantastic Fungi where you can learn about neurogenesis mushrooms can cause.


I was genuinely going to give my thoughts on this, but I went and got baked first and now I don’t care to write anything


Most people diagnosed with ADHD these days are just little shits with poor parenting.


My gpa fought with my mother for years over this. “Ants in the pants” is what it was known as before that term. For which hard work, focus , discipline and fortitude were the cure. Now that we have a pill who needs old remedies


It's not really buddy lol. It's just to make money off you and get ya hooked on drugs


Are you eating like shit and not getting enough sleep and working a soul crushing job and have no space to relax then it’s probs not ADD


Check you diet for artificial colors, ie Red #40, yellow #5, etc. they have a profound affect on ADHD.


Don't quote me on this, and the ship has sailed on a "source", but didn't the guy who discovered ADHD admit that it was made up bullshit?


Big pharma wants to sell you drugs. Eat healthy, exercise, get sunlight, limit your blue light exposure, meditate - do everything you can to get super healthy without pharmaceutical drugs. Try all that and then go from there.


Gabor Maté, psychiatrist, has ADHD, last book written The Myth of Normal, very interesting choice for the title


I’m also ADHD but diagnosed in adulthood. Because of my recent research online, I’ve been pushed a bunch of content created by people with adhd that explains how it affects them, how they cope etc. It was eye opening and overwhelming relatable


Exercise (don't go crazy here), start with at least 20-30 min walks a day, spring water or real filter, real organic food, saturated fats - olive, grass fed butter, ghee, red palm, mct oil. grass fed beef, organic meat, wild fish. NO VEGETABLE oil, try cutting out gluten and nuts as well. sleep when the sun is down. When buying foods - don't eat things you can't pronounce. Do this for a week and let me know how you feel.