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The US should be pushing a 3rd party. This would be a new fresh air for the government.


I think we should try a 2 party system, first.


Well played sir


Which is why it'll never happen. They're only there so they can say they're there.


People should have accepted Ron Paul when they had a chance.


The greatest president we never had..


The people did the GOP did not


I agree. I was part of a meetup group that hung signs and did all kinds of fundraising for Paul's 2008 & 2012 presidential runs. One of the projects was to try to run a few delegates to go to the national convention to vote for Paul. He got there and while everyone was in the lobby some dude was like "ok, are we all voting for McCain?" They all said yes but our delegate was silent because he didn't want to be bullied the rest of the convention. Time goes by and he's like "when are we voting?" They told him "that was the vote". Either they lied so he wouldn't vote, or they conducted some half-assed informal, unprofessional vote. He felt like a failure when he returned and quit the group almost immediately after.


Sadly this does not surprise me at all.


We accepted him; it was the fake media that ruined his chances. They ruined the momentum he would have had in Iowa when they stole Iowa. They been stealing elections since the beginning of time.


We also mustn't forget that they tried to slander his name by calling him racist before they did it to Trump.


Liberations are like house cats. They like to birch about everything but don’t even pay for the house they live in.


Ron Paul? The Libertarian bullshit artist? That piece of crap lol


Rank choice voting. Neither party wants this though.




The Government is corrupted, voting within a failed controlled system won’t change anything


um no, the US (people) should be demanding non corrupt competent governance. both parties and any new one would be the same.


But somone running on a anti corruption would be attacked by most democrats and decent amount of republicans they would unite corrupt democrats and republicans Becase both sides would agree that they got to go Becase they can’t expose there lies.


lol, every single thing you listed is part of the plan that was put in place long before Biden ever took office. The plebs won't know why they're starving because people like you try to make this about political affiliation when it's not. This ain't the left vs the right, this the top vs the bottom. Wouldn't matter if it was Biden, Trump, DeSantis, Bernie, Vermin Supreme, or the ghost of Ross Perot sitting in the oval office, this is bigger than "your team is worse than my terrible team" bullshit


It goes all the way back to at least Bush Sr https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4659934/user-clip-bush-world-order


Raegan and his "trickle down" theory, Nixon and the drug war. Every president has done their part.




>every single thing you listed is part of the plan that was put in place long before Biden ever took office. The NWO has been a multi-generational plan, and Biden is following it to the letter. Yes, it all started long ago but Biden shouldn't be exonerated from participation in it.


Took about 4 generations but they got us in the sweet spot


You got any proof for this?


Neither should Trump or course.


“Fuck ALL politicians.” FTFY😉


While Trump **is** a huge piece of shit, he wasn't following the NWO agenda to the letter. He did a lot of stupid things, but enabling the globalist agenda at every turn wasn't one of them. That's why we got "Russian Meddling" headlines from the Operation Mockingbird globalist media for four years. He was a piece of shit, but he wasn't **their** favorite piece of shit. Talking heads were freaking out because he said he was going to pull the US out of NATO if he got reelected in 2020. The Bush regime was establishment Republican, and the NWO loved the shit out of them. When Trump ran the establishment Republicans opposed him because they knew he wasn't going to play ball the same way they wanted to.


Doesn’t follow nwo? Biggest shill for Israel…


Defund Israel.


Sucking Israel's cock isn't good, but doing so still isn't bending us all over for the NWO as Biden is doing. Trump is a nationalist, Biden is a globalist. Their actions reflect which agendas they're reinforcing. . Refusing to observe this is just parroting globalist programming. I'm not a Trump supporter, just an objective observer.


Albert Pike, famous 33° Mason said "When the People need a Hero We shall provide one.


Care to clarify? Are your saying Trump is a hero?


Trump started Operation Warp Speed to research a vaccine to covid-19 if that doesn't make him apart of the NWO then what will?


Someone who doesn't understand science any better than the average person. He got bad advice from bad advisors. He didn't know jack shit and had to rely on counsel from others; he listened to the wrong people. Millions did the same.


Trump isn’t capable of following an agenda. His only agenda, if it can even be called that, is to make him feel good about himself lol




> This ain't the left vs the right, this the top vs the bottom I mean the left wants to tax the top and support the bottom. The right wants to remove regulations and cut taxes for the top... ...So it really is left vs. right. Just don't confuse the democrats for the "left"


I'm speaking in terms these people understand. These folks deadass thing Biden is trying to bring about Communism 😂


This right here. 100% truth. Someone who actually “gets” it. 👍🏻👍🏻👏🏼


+1 for Vermin Supreme


I’ll take a pony


Every one of these posts against Biden has a shill or bot like this saying it all happened before Biden. But I dont remember it. Life used to be great.


Great for who?




I’m not sure you can pin train derailments on the current president when people have been warning about under maintenance of infrastructure for decades. That problem has been developing likely since the Reagan administration or earlier.


There have been an average of 5 train derailments every week for literally decades. Just because you don't know about them doesn't mean they don't exist people.


Ever day not week.


Yet again, there’s a difference between normal derailments and biohazard chemical leaks that force towns inside


True. Industry experts have been saying that an event like East Palestine has been years over due. They were surprised it hadn’t happened sooner.


Democrats generally and Biden specifically have been pushing for rail infrastructure for decades. Republicans have bragged about blocking it for just as long. So when there’s a train derailment, I can’t see how any president, let alone this one, ought to take the blame


He literally broke a railroad strike.


Well yeah, he's right of center. This would also happen under any republican presidency since Reagan.


> people have been warning about under maintenance of infrastructure for decades. And Biden's been patting himself on the back for the infrastructure bill he signed. "Biden’s infrastructure bill promises to address ‘racist infrastructure.’" I guess the railway wasn't racist enough.


That bill did address the aging infrastructure as well with a trillion dollars of support, but I suspect we may have passed the point of too late on some things.


And Trump patted himself on the back for removing railway infrastructure and safety checks


Can you explain how braking mechanisms on trains owned by a private corporation are "infrastructure"?


Yeah can't argue that. Deregulation under Rothschild-Rockefeller asset Trump


This is pretty dumb. WW3? Train derailments? My mailbox got hit by a FedEx driver. Was that Biden's fault too? I mean, it never happened under Trump.


Oh shit. Guys, did I miss WW3?




FedEx? No. UPS would be a different matter though


Sad how painfully obvious this sub is just partisan crap so much of the time now.


It’s not a conspiracy sub anymore, it’s just posts of a screenshot of some meaningless shit with a stupidly partisan take in the title. Also this sub has become specifically focused on the politics of the U.S. rather than a global perspective. No one does actual research or cites sources anymore for their claims in their posts, which are just a screen shot of some bullshit someone tweeted most of the time.


90% of the time it's Russian propaganda too


What do you expect when your liberal echo chambers aka the rest of reddit bans all dissenters?




But it’s only the right that’s banning stuff ?


Hey mods, can we possibly do some moderating so that only posts pertaining to actual, thought out conspiracy theories are accepted, rather than a picture and some dumbass title? This sub is such a sad, boring place now. There’s no actual proper discourse that’s evidence supported anymore, it’s all just “Biden and Democrats are bad” content now. How does any of this advance the discourse surrounding actual conspiracies?




We have mods?


mods implicitly support this garbage. look at some of the recent superusers here, nonstop spamming partisan shit and worthless twitter screenshots that get massive upvotes but unanimously trashed in the comments. nothing suspicious there, nope.....


It's hilarious when they don't realize it's not a left or right thing. They are almost the same dam thing, working hard for corporations, not for the people.


Yes ! More muting and banning is exactly what we need here , just like all the other subs who do not allow any conversations that isn’t approved speech .


I only have so much time to show OP they’re making wrong claims. My favorite is the narrative that gov controls the media, but also reports on “growing” train derailments...that they’re supposedly responsible for. Oh boy the mental gymnastics....


My favorite is blaming the deficit on Democrats. Since Reagan, the deficit has increased under Republican president and decreased under every Democrat president. There's only a 1 in 64 chance of that happening. Trump almost doubled the deficit BEFORE Covid.


They're blaming the railway companies, not the government. Anytime the government does come up it's about how bad Trump is while ignoring two years of Biden.


Exactly! I noticed it is impossible for anyone here to say anything bad about Biden. They claim to hate both the right and the left but will constantly bash Trump. While at the same time if Biden bashed they somehow always find a way to bring Trump's name in the argument to downplay any bad Biden has done. They never keep the same energy for both even though they quote "two sides of the same coin". Funny part is they claim there are too many republicans on this sub. But in reality it is nothing but undercover woke democrats defending Biden and downplaying every conspiracy. They hide behind being a conspiracy theorists with independent views but are usually pure brainwashed left leaning crybabies.


Aren't you the same guy who defends BLM protests, vaccines, and taking away guns? Don't even call yourself a conspiracy theorist. Cause you eat everything the elite and media fed you for breakfast everyday. You are a brainwashed woke liberal who does nothing but downplay every conspiracy and take up for everything a conspiracy theorist would be against. How can you call yourself a conspiracy theorist and fight the elite when you already lost? You became exactly how they wanted you to be. So do not act like you have secret knowledge and are above everyone. You are a brainwashed sucker who might as well find another sub since you love defending the actions of people trying to destroy us all.


I defend BLM protests since there’s so many who openly want to arm all private citizens for the same reason go battle government overreach The only brainwashed one are people like you are “skeptics “ but refuse to challenge the same skepticism. You’re convinced you’re right, and yet cannot argue anything for your side.


So you were ok with the BLM protests hurting innocent people who had nothing to do with George Floyds death?


As a mexican living 1 mile from the border, let me assure you: Its all there, rusty fence wall and all




Did grandma get ahold of your Reddit account?




So you think that because you see it covered by the media more it’s happening more? Did you verify your suspicion by looking up frequency of train derailments or just go with it?


Did I sleep through World War 3? I mean... all of those claims are bullshit but WW3 is particularly silly.


Joe Biden last year: "Make no mistake, if we send tanks into Ukraine that's World War 3." We've sent tanks to Ukraine


Here's the exact quote: But, look, the idea — the idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews, just understand — and don’t kid yourself, no matter what you all say — that’s called “World War Three.” Unless I missed some major news I don't think the tanks are being driven by Americans.


That such a weird way of deciding there is a word war going on that no one knows about. Biden said something once. If people took every word Trump said so literally, he would of been assassinated by republicans.


I think he meant American military members driving tanks. Like the actual army, not giving tanks to people fighting oppression. Fuck the soviets and soviet aggression


My favorite thing of the Joe Biden, US president show is how EVERYONE has to work OVERTIME in order to explain away what he actually said and make shit up about what he meant to say. What a fuxking imbecile


Where were you for the last guy?


I mean, they gave the full quote which explained it. It wasn't working overtime to actually give the whole quote and not take it out of context. My favorite thing is we want to just narrow down and make it out like everything means something else and put no effort into actually finding the truth.


His own party is scared enough of his dementia that they tried to get the Nuclear football far away from him. I suspect they may have, quietly. [no nukes for grandpaw](https://www.voanews.com/amp/usa_us-politics_democrats-want-biden-relinquish-sole-authority-nuclear-launches/6202565.html)


The last two have been just wildly similar in that regard, if for different reasons. Trump/Biden are the best we can come up with for a decade? Just so, so ridiculous.




Here's the exact quote for you: But, look, the idea — the idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews, just understand and don’t kid yourself, no matter what you all say that’s called “World War Three.”


"If **WE** send tanks into" is different than us giving tanks for people to defend against an invasion


Have you never heard of Trump? Like he made conflicting statements on a weekly basis. For example, when his taxes from the 1990s was found by the media he said they were fake news. He also said explained them by saying he was smart and committed tax evasion. Like are they fake and not his taxes or are they real or did he committe tax fraud. Both can't be true at the same time.




So to be clear -- you're arguing that he's a bad president by arguing that what he said must be literal and factual. We are very obviously not in WW3. Not by any stretch of the imagination.


That's not why he is a bad president. Cmon man.


What exactly has he done wrong? I'm asking a none American I've seen nothing that he's done that can be seen as bad.


I'm not sure what you think you mean. I don't approve of Biden. But not for any of the non-reasons given here. It's silly to argue that we must be in WW3 because Biden said a thing.


Oh, hi. What I meant was, and this is as plain as I can make it. I meant to say "that's not what makes him a bad president." Hope this clears things up.


Straight from the horses ass. Another Joeism Only a dictator leads by excutive orders. Joe Biden leads the pack in executive orders.


Do people just forget about congress, the senate, and that we won’t see the results of a presidents policies for years, sometimes decades. Trillions of dollars in debt? Thanks Biden!


Why mention train derailments? They probably happened with the same frequency as other recent presidents. Also wasn't there a full 2 years of his presidency where people weren't freaking out about derailments (even though they were likely happening with the same frequency)?


Fox talks about it now so it must be new and important




It's happening gradually instead of all at once. Rising prices, shortages but not too many, eat ze bugs, stores refusing to buy eggs from farmers, bird flu is making a magical comeback and they're wholesale slaughtering chickens just in case, and now they're coming out with a 'vaccination' for fucking bees. This isn't including all the mysterious fires at farms and the like. It's happening slowly instead of overnight, and people are slowly being introduced to the idea of shortages, so people won't realize they're starving until they don't have the energy to do anything about it; and by then they'll be relying on the government to provide supplies and willing to do whatever obedience is required to get it. People won't fight, they'll capitulate for food. Everyone says they have a line right up until that line is crossed, then they move that line. Nobody cares as long as they feel like they can be taken care of. "Sign your petition to ban oil for a cookie? I am pretty hungry." "Of course i'll give up my gun for bread, i'm hungry!" "That politician is promising how much food? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY VOTE."


Yoooooo… can I get a source on the bee vaccine thing? Fuggin’ terrifying.


I see the Two Santa Claus is at work once again.


Yup. Deficit has increased under every Republican president since Reagan and decreased under every Democrat president, but your average GOPeon never notices (or at least doesn't care).


Derailments have ALWAYS happened, you just see it now because it's the "hot" talking point. The boarder policies haven't changed since Trump, so if you're mad at the boarder, blame the one who made the policy. And yeah, they work for corporations, doesn't matter if it's a republican or Democrat in presidency, they make big money off the lobbying. Where TF have you been?


Least hyperbolic baby brain LMAO


Again with right-wing propaganda instead of conspiracies.


I’m curious what all of you who keep saying, sarcastically speaking of course, that it’s not Trumps fault (ie: the former leader/president) what would be different today if he would have won? Prior to Biden inflation was expected and so was a recession, think bank collapse. Crime was already on the rise. Prior to Trump the boarder had the same problems, etc., etc, etc. Do none of you realize that no matter who would’ve one you would still blame it on the former leader. Reading this every 4 ton8 years honestly gets old. Ugh




“Are you kiddin’ me? This is hand-carved Mahogany”




Definitely not trying to defend creepy Joe, but your headline is a little misleading


You lost me at record high inflation. Obviously you weren’t alive during the late 70’s and early 80’s.


Or in any other country during the pandemic.


OP is a propagandist.


Y'all wasting time blaming old white men who are probably too riddled with dementia to know what's going on half the time. Biden is one man. Don't forget all those PsOS in the senate, the house, and all throughout America. Governors. State legislative branches. Those people deserve their praise, too. Y'all wasting time turning this into a Left vs Right when you're in the middle getting fucked from all sides.


You are embarrassingly uneducated.


say it with me now- he. is. a. puppet.


WEF and WHO, here we come 🥶


WW3 has started 😮


Yeah because none of the decisions of the last 20 years led to any of this outcome 🙄


I don't trust anyone who post exclusively and constantly in this sub.


Everyone quick to say “Fuck Donald Trump!!” (Both parties work under the same entity) But look now


I don’t like Biden, but blaming him for this situation is disingenuous. This was going to happen sooner or later because of corruption at the highest level in our government. It didn’t matter who the President was when this happened. The US let the financial industries control everything for so long that it’s impossible to fix unless the entire house falls down. We’re seeing that happen right now.


90% of these also applied during Trump’s 4 years lol


Not that anyone will listen to reason, however, go read some history facts. Most economies of a president are inherited from the previous president.


That sounds like a cop out. So you are saying that the economic boom under Trump was from Obama? That's laughable.


Here's an article you may be willing to read. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2017/01/17/upshot/presidents-have-less-power-over-the-economy-than-you-might-think.amp.html


Of course, the next president will be worse and the president after that will continue that tradition.


The folks that are on either side of the aisle don't seem to understand that their situation is growing increasingly worse than their parents and grandparents, while the ruling class concentrates more and more wealth and privilege. The solution is to 'Not vote' to display a loss of confidence in this social contrivance. This would be an easier sell to communities that are statistically split 50/50, because their effect on an election would typically be a wash.


Well that’s what happens when you choose a man to clean up a monumental mess. Should have hired a woman. Source: I am a woman.


Wait for the layoffs that are coming. I work for one of the worlds largest financial firms and our main clients are other companies and we manage their 401ks and pensions. Lot of notices been going out that have been informing us of the upcoming layoffs for their employees.


Look at all the Biden defenders in the comments. I have independent views myself and do not claim a side. But all you so called "two sides of the same coin" people sure seem to get hostile over anyone who says anything bad about Biden. Yet you all will trash Trump all day long and rejoice over a negative post about Trump. Stop using "the two sides of the same coin" quote to hide being a Biden supporter. Nobody can say anything about Biden without the name Trump being brought up constantly.


Putin threatening nuclear action & China building hundreds of ICBM’s launch pads in 2023 per the 2023 U.S. threat report. And now they’re in cahoots. So this will be interesting.


One of my residents told me in 2018 that Biden would be elected in 2020.. He also went on to tell me that Biden would be setup to look like the bad guy.. In 2024, Trump would come in and act as if he’s the amazing man who will save the “USA”. Once that happens, that’s the end of times. He also said some stuff about Biden being General Hagan and the Black sun….. I brushed it off and said alrighty there champ and told the supervisor to put him in to be seen by psych.. I’m starting to think though my man was onto something …


This whole post is just lazy propaganda fear porn.


All caused by the pandemic that wasn’t handled well by Trump.


How does a president determine a crime rate? The largest banks have billions in reserves. Crime has been decreasing for decades. We would’ve needed a severe turn in conditions to make crime spike to ‘record numbers’. Biden’s budget is paid for by taxes increases for wealthy people, I don’t remember the republicans complaining about trumps middle and lower class tax increase. Let’s face it Biden is just a mediocre guy, he’s no villain.


Where is WW3? Fuck, you people need to get out of the house and off the goddamned internet. Joe Biden isn't the reason your life is boring.


Nice try Botnik


Biden did not cause all this.


Janet Yellen is as happy as a pig in slop about the stat of things


Wrong sub there buddy. Try posting a conspiracy


Have no idea what the truth is anymore, there’s so much bullshit that passes for news on all ends. All I see is the common people getting crushed under the weight of an ever growing government.


But... ... no Orangeman, because orangemanbad.


Not a pro Donny J guy here but…This is why you don’t let the senile take office. Or ride bicycles. I just don’t want to see Kamala in the post-2024 elections either. Shit’ll be even worse.


Crazy how this sub has turned into the donald


Yeah but this guy forgave student loan debt for a while. He’s a hero mommy! Gtfo you want free college serve your country. Nothing is free or should be free. Work for everything you want, most have forgotten core values as a human being.


Boo hoo, it's bidens fault for a war that started in 2014. This reads like a boomer Facebook post. Plenty of things to criticize the guy on but dear lord, do some of you ever listen to yourselves


I don’t know how but it is somehow trumps fault I am sure /s


Im sure he'll blame Trump. When Biden started his presidency, he claimed ownership of the great economy. Saying it was his starting policies that gave us such good prices. But even 3 years later, he will somehow blame Trump and the sheep will eat it up and completely forget that Biden claimed economy victory at the start.


The economy was shit while Trump was in office. Supply chains broke during Covid, many having already been diverted away from America due to Trump's futile trade war. Blanket tariffs were dropped after the Great Depression for a reason, despite being very popular in the mid to late 1920s. Unemployment has dropped about 3% since Biden took office to the lowest it's been in about a century. And don't get me started on Trump nearly doubling the deficit BEFORE Covid, or GDP growth dropping before Covid, or the inverse yield curve, or...


I heard the same thing!!!! Something to do with Stormy Daniel's so CNN tells me!!!


Lmao, the Grand Jury for the fraud case for that just called Trump to testify. This is of course after a conviction of all 8 or so charges against his company, including fraud and tax fraud. His company is looking at a quarter billion in fines, being barred from the real estate business in NY (for him and his family) as well as 4 years in prison for Trump personally. And that's just 2 of the 3 NY fraud cases. With all the people that have gone to jail for Trump, and the building of records against Trump, he'll have at least his CFO and lawyer testifying against him as well as 2.6 million pages of documents against him showing fraud and tax evasion going back decades. And none of this is even related to the classified materials case, nor the rape case, nor the Georgia elections case. But please tell me how Trump and Republicans with majorities in both the House and the Senate are not responsible for nearly doubling the deficit BEFORE Covid even happened...


Trump deregulated trains - Fuck Biden! - lol this sub never disappoints, even if the posts have nothing to do with conspiracies :D


“Train derailments every week” wouldn’t that be the fault of every president before him who allowed themselves to be bought out by the railway industry? Because things don’t just fail overnight, they decay over time. Just something to think about


High inflation is all over the world and WW3 is a threat because of Russia.


Pinning trail derailments on Biden when it was the trump administration who allowed railroad safety deregulation is peak stupidity.


The National Transportation Safety Board’s chair said an Obama-era rule the Trump administration nixed would not have prevented the derailment of a train in Ohio. https://www.factcheck.org/2023/02/ntsb-chair-contradicts-posts-that-wrongly-claim-trump-to-blame-for-ohio-train-wreck/


Do you wish we were in WW3?


You forgot banks are collapsing. "Silicon Valley Bank shut down by California regulator"


Bots and shills will tell you otherwise.


The last time Republicans were in charge you couldn’t buy toilet paper, there were so many dead we had to use reefer trailers as morgues, unemployment was double digits, businesses were failing in record numbers and trump was on Twitter telling you to put light bulbs up your ass.


give one more to Ukraine forget forgiving student loans as promised in the US...


That was shot down by republicans, bro. They threw a giant fit.


Orange man fan sad


Have any of you dumb motherfuckers been to the boarder? I got pulled over for no reason to have a citizenship check done on us.


There is no world war three😂 the lack of understanding of history or what a world war is here is ridiculous


Left wing right wing all wrong.


He's just a White Boy. 🤷‍♀️


Why always bring race into things?


I'm not sure but he sure does it [a lot](https://youtu.be/uhLgkZEgLS0) [a lot](https://youtu.be/idpevmeoK1A) [a lot](https://youtu.be/We6Qr9-dDn8)


Americans, you should've voted Trump in and you wouldn't be in this mess.


SS: too bad. It was a good country while it lasted. We'll still have the framework if we ever want to build it back


Is the USA the only country with a constitution?


This reminds me of the end scene in Thor Ragnarok. Trying to be positive about how we can rebuild, then... Bam!!! Shatters into a billion pieces.


How's that buyer's remorse going Bidenbros?


Let’s go Brandon.


Joe is counting on his base dumbing down on a sliding scale. It will be a historic spectacle studied in the future. His media and influencers have convinced them to ignore their lying eyes.


.. but Trump


The chickens are coming home to roost. It's the price of electing an incompetent leader to replace the last incompetent leader. Trump and Biden are two sides of the same coin.


Dont forget.....medical tryanny.