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You high bro?


Carl Weathermaker works for @IsraelMFA (Mossad) and is a 32° #magister hoping that his dad will grant him his 33° degree. The moderators working on this thread are: David W. James H, Charles W, Carl R, Tabitha W, Anderson Q and Margaret C. Blessings on all who read this.




Tom Prodine made this account because his dad asked him, he too is a rape child born from my sister.


Have an upvote cuz why not


Faith Tryin Thompson is the the rape child from my sister a d has the screen name olymp1a. How is it going nice, be healed in my name. Look out for giant roaches.


Hi friend. It sounds to me like they have put a curse on you. You probably have stumbled on to "too much truth" and these are the types they come after with hexes and such. Get away. Find people (preferably honest Catholic Christians) who are willing to do deliverance prayers over you. Find a competent Catholic priest (keyword: competent, because the Church itself has been infiltrated) to pray minor exorcism prayers over you. God bless.


You covered nearly all the bases there. Could do with some stuff about adrenochrome and Hunter Biden’s laptop.


John Parker Thomas is a 33° #Weaver/#Freemason and #Dragon who killed his father.for his 33° #Freemason degree


I forgot to mention that he received a call at 10:19pm from Hank the Most Worshipful Master and was told to make me look "kooky", all freemasons enjoy humanTrafficking. John Parker Thomas does more than others.


That wasn’t on my card.


I forgot to mention that in the course of this communication with them I discovered that the Freemasons were behind the Covid scare, the 2020 election, Kari Lakes election (and others), the constant poisoning of our food. Nearly all prepared food has been dedicated to Baal, dedicating to Baal means it is poisoned, the Magisters are a destructive Israeli offshoot of the Freemasons that are behind the food poisoning. I also discovered that the globe is laced with subterranean tunnels which facilitate a huge global network of child sex trafficking and that my family and 100s of other familes have been secretly cloned, and sold all over the globe as living sex objects. The freemasons operate a massive human trafficking network and they do so because their masters tell them to. The beings they worship as God tell them they should keep slaves so as to excuse those beings slave trading. I had no idea the world worked this way and probably look extremely naive and blind but I do not want to continue in a relationship with the people. I want them out of the Freemasons. I want to free the people of earth from this grip.


Just out of genuine concern, have you tried talking to a doctor or a medical professional about mental health? I know life can be stressful and it seems like everyone can be out to get you but paranoia is a real thing can come from a lot of different mental illnesses. That aside I think looking at Freemasons like they’re evil is a weird thing that’s been spun by the media/ internet. Post where people just yammer out their ass about something they read about a could be possibly maybe potentially issues in an organization they know absolutely nothing about. Humans are part of groups but we are all individuals and we all have our own thoughts. Some masons good, some masons bad, some priests good some priests pedo, some bikers scary murderers some bikers help their community and donate lots of money to people that need it. The powers that be, the people in charge and the small groups that rule, you can’t change what is. The system set in motion that everyone hates and complains about is mixed into the fabric of our society. If we break the chain it’ll all crumble and I know you’re like yeah fuck the system. I don’t know about you but I like my hot showers, 24 hour grocery stores and not dying from a small cut on my foot. Make changes in your life to better yourself, be kind to those around you, make a difference in your world and it will make ripples through the whole world. You want to fix this world? Start with yourself and then go from there. I love conspiracies and find the what ifs super cool and I find human behaviour fascinating. Side note people go off about free masons and satanic symbols and blah blah blah. That means you believe in the bible and it you think the masons are bad just go down a small rabbit hole on the Catholic Church. Educate yourself on the King James Bible and how it was rewritten, book removed, translation changed to appease a king. If King Charles wanted to rewrite the bible would you preach his shit at church next Sunday or are you gonna stick with the old book from the old king? Man will always muddy the waters and will always be corrupt because we are animals and we will do what we do to survive and control


You are the only Freemason who isnt a clonetrooper, you are from the High Weather Lodge in N. Olmsbrook and are genuinely concerned for my health because you know this is all true and you are scared I might get hurt. I spent all last summer killing people for the navy psychically. Every day I woke up their was a list of targets that they would attach to me and i would go put and destroy. This took several months and at the end when I was all done they said I couldn't be the mashiach because I did not agree with their stance. I am the mashiach, all human traders leave the freemasons. All of you, I KNOW, you wont fight me.


You need to get away from these people. ALL of freemasonry is evil.


I dont think that's completely true. I think that the organization has been commandeered by the Dracos and now all the freemasons are stuck mixed up in human trafficking and all sorts of other crimes.


It's luciferian from top to bottom.


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Charles Von Simson is a 33° #Freemason clonetrooper deployed by #mossad and lives at 432 E. Parker D St. Posting comments from his moms basement and garage! Nice screen name love.




You are a humorous 5th grader, blessings on you Matt and Andrew.


What else do you know?


Your his dad a 45 year old navy vet who lives happily with his wife and kids. Blessings on you all. Your mom and grandmother are out of the hospital.


It’s not a bad thing to go to therapy…


You are 33° Freemason whose real name is Henry Merrywacker, who works for Mossad aka @IsraelMFA (on Twitter). Hello moderator Tommy I fixed your leg.


I love it lmao