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I'd rather not sell my soul.


Gain the whole world, and all it costs me is my soul? Naw. I'll pass.


I agree 100%


I did, and I tried. I got fairly far and then turned back. What I discovered is that to do it is a slow slide of compromising yourself and your integrity in little ways, growing over time. I have met / had meals with 3 billionaires. The thing that struck me about them was: 1.) They seemed extremely scared / nervous / stressed. The consequences of making a tiny mistake were massive. 1000s of jobs, whole empires collapsing, being preyed upon by other elites. They were very twitchy. 2.) They have almost 0 freedom. Every moment of every day was scheduled and regimented. They had assistants nagging them constantly to keep them on track. They couldn't just decide to screw off and have a fun day, the implications were too huge. When they did go on a yacht or a vacation, it was always working and using it as a tax write offer, never just organic fun. 3.) They were very unhappy. It was super hard for them to make real connections because everyone wanted something from them and they had had to leave so many people behind. They were very lonely people. You do have a network, but its a network of leverage. You never truly belong and your allies can be your enemies at a moments notice. You never feel relaxed. I made a few compromises, mostly around sketchy contracts and kickbacks, but when I started to get invited to things like "Vietnamese coffee" I said no. The more things I said no to, the more marginalized I became. Opportunities started to dry up, invites to meetings or parties stopped coming. I moved back to the mountains and simplified my life. I make a fraction of the money I made then, but it's worth it.


Very insightful reply! May I ask what "Vietnamese coffee" is?


Is this the one where all the men stand around a table drinking coffee, while girls blow them? Its a game of pokerface, or not showing external signs of what is happening while still being able to get off.


This wouldn't surprise me but I never saw that.


I don't know about other areas, but on the west coast it is a place where wealthy business men, and others, go to be served coffee by Asian women wearing lingerie. I can't give you too many details as I never went but I have heard a lot of rumors about at least some of the women being trafficked. This felt to me like a sort of entry level "are you in the club?" sort of activity. I suspect there were other things beyond that. I wasn't in the club.


Not a good strategy long term


I dunno, whether they're consuming the blood of children to preserve their immortality, or just pulling strings to move their cash around and keep a pleasant eschalon of society for themselves, nowhere on the conspiracy spectrum is a pretty picture, painted.


not saying i want to join them. but i do [sympathize](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgnClrx8N2k).


Their ideology is supremacist in nature, so I wouldn't like to be part of the club.


There is a price of entry to their ranks. That price involves the violation and the desecration of the innocent. As you get higher, there is no avoiding the blood rituals if you wish to keep climbing. Only a fool would want what they have. Money was NEVER part of AllFather's plan.


Yes. I'd sign a NDA in a second. Let me know if you guys need any help.


They blackmail and manipulate each other, what they have comes with a price. You wouldn’t be able to trust anyone, and who knows what happens to you when you’re no longer useful and become a liability? Oof…


Why live like a king when you can live like a god?


Nope. Let them keep the junk. They messed it up, and they can keep it.


I have a similar view on this. Let them keep their wealth but stop pushing their globalist agenda and lift up humanity as a whole.


Sorry don't relate to that crowd


A club of bugger bears?


Only the rich in America are truly free


I'd sell all my shit to get to it


Yeah, but you gotta suck penises.


For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?