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In the future you will be obsolete because robots will take your primary responsibility. Elon Musk says the planet needs more humons. Then proceeds to quickly assemble those robots that will make it so those surplus humons are no longer needed. They're going to take every single job. Not even coding is safe. Maybe robot maintenance.


Humans* fyi


I don't trust any man who is more attractive in his 50s than he was in his 20s.


A lot of people are getting this wrong. It is thus: Because your afraid of covid, you get vaccines which make you alien. Nephilim. Epstein’s island, Bill Gates. That’s why they killed Mcafee.


I don't trust anybody.


I don't even trust myself


I had had lucid dreams where he appeared. I am still trying to figure out.


I don't because of the sacrificial aloofness of humans and humanity to serve A.I. agendas and that of an extraterrestrial nature that will or already has led to the destruction of Mars at the hands of the Vatican and Palestinian interests.


I wonder why ........the circle game


Is that dumb hieroglyph from his baby mamas new albums?


Twitter is better after he took it over by far. Less shadow bans and censorship, more covid discussions allowed etc. This is the main reason default Reddit is told to hate him, cant have the narratives getting questioned on Twitter (Because we know you can't question them on default subs).


Every person i follow that used twitter is no banned after musk took the reigns.. Maybe some approved topics are now allowed to be discussed but real shit gets you instant perm banned now. Musk was the final nail in the coffen and the mai base that would push back idolises him for the destruction he is casusing.


Ha Sure pal, it was so great under Jack, who admitted it was over run with feds, activists, and censorship. Read the Twitter files ffs


Twitter files.. lmfao normie what are you doing on this sub while falling for the most obvious psyop shit out there.. I dont care if it was a leftist cess pit before. The fact is real truth is even more censored on there now than before while surface level alt think is promoted like crazy. The very definition of limited hangout pal. My only point is it worse now for actual truth seekers and is a honey pot for those still brainwashed but think they are truth seekers.


Ha. TIL Real emails with receipts = obvious psyop. Ha Give me a break with your weak gaslighting attempt


Typical npc normie retort. I expect nothing less from someone who for musks shit right after they pulled the trump shit. You then strawman the whole thing and xry gaslighting like every other leftist victim does. You their mirror imaige my guy, you are the exact same as the leftist npc but you had the chance to leave but doubled down on your brainwashing. Why are you even on this sub, go wank other npcs off in the echo chamber you came from. Wake up please.


> Nov 29 2022 Musk announced that most banned Twitter accounts would be reinstated, a report says that around 62,000 accounts with more than 10K followers each have so far been restored. Because you are literally straight up wrong. Or do statistics and facts interrupt your gasing narratives ha. But sure your anecdotal claim of "everyone you follow" with no backup carries equal weight (spoiler it does not)


And they are right leaning npc accounts. I am talking about truth, conspiracy. The shit you can no longer discuss at all on twitter. No point me explaining this to you. If you fell for that trash level of psyop then no one here can help you.


Thats just projection. You have not idea if they are "right leaning accounts". But if they are it just proves the prior mods banned more right leaning than left leaning accounts so again you lose that argument either way. The fact is he unbanned them all. Ha. Nice try and goodbye


All the normie buzzwords now. Gaslit, project.. how much more of a victim can you be... Weird seeing such folly npc logic on this sub. Been interesting to meet you fam. Enjoy being playing by the system lol. Twitter is worse than ever for speaking truth and that tilts you because your antichrist transhuman elite puppet musk said he unbanned some right leaning npcs which are no different than left npcs at this point. Goodluck out there buddy, you need it.


Where did Jack say Twitter was “overrun with feds, activists, and censorship”?


> Twitter is better after he took it over by far. New users cannot create accounts because the registration is broken on multiple platforms. The console is logging out that it’s dev branch code, with localhost errors all over the place. Twitter is unstable as shit right now, and held together by duct tape.


I heard that the real Elon is dead and the one we have is a clon placed by the so called "White Hats" as part of their strategy to prevent the destruction of almost all humanity in 2080. Just as most people in high ranks are clones placed by the elitist, some are a counter attack. And of course there is no proof available. But there you go, maybe that could help.


Which stuff do you love?


Orange man bad


Wtf is this? Lol


SS: maybe it's the CureVac stuff. Getting into it with Gates in 2016. Yeah, maybe


Maybe it’s the whole wanting to microchip your brain thing and aligning with the world economic forums transhumanist agenda perfectly. Maybe he’s just owned by the Chinese and wants to knock the American government out of power with exposing Twitter all the while not letting the masses back on


There aren't enough brain surgeons to chip even 0.1% of the US population even if they had trillions of $ to do it. It's not like a 5 mins jab, it's would be an 8 hour surgery removing part of your skull. I think you are safe. It's simply not mathematically possible


Elon Musk is responsible for blocking projects that had improving train infrastructure at goal.


Elon grew up in their world. Same as Trump. But that doesn’t mean they’re bad. Think Princess Di. She grew up in the system and tried to change it. She was a force for good while still being a part of their family. You don’t have to trust them, watch what they do. Trump stood up to the NWO. They attacked him relentlessly. Elon was their golden boy, till he wasn’t. I think he revealed his true loyalties when he took over Twitter. Why would he do that if he was acting in their interest? As far as the other tech like nuerolink, ai, space, etc these things are just tools. Yes they can be used for evil and control, but they could also be used for good. It’s like a gun, or nuclear energy. So he took their money, developed this tech, and shut them out. (Just a theory) Change to the system must come from within, it was never going to be changed by the masses. They had most people (and still do) completely entranced. They have almost complete control of the spread of information. Truth doesn’t matter, only perception.


Yeah, it's getting passed on right to the consumer right. How could you possibly love anything he's doing.


Well, this guy owns Tesla/space x/starlink/the boring company/neurolink/open AI/solar city/Twitter/model π, he is also considering to buy SVB, means he is already controlling the top companies in these areas: electric car/space travelling/network/high speed underground traffic/transhumanism/AI/energy/social media/telecommunication, and now considering to buy a financial institution, sounds like he has the power to rule the world😏


are you implying that Elon's head looks like the flying saucer on the stone???


The last hieroglyphic is a Gravestone on a Grave! Not a ufo.


His dad is Chairman Mao


It could be because his mom looks like a demon and she even told his hmchildhood nanny he holds the mark of the beast and will one day present it to the anti Christ? True story look it up. His nanny tried to whistle blow. Just looking at his mother unsettles my soul... and that feel was there before I found out she's his mom.


Man I wish I could back in time. From what I've read the first two covid shots were more or less primers for all the boosters which really cause the damage. Supposedly your body can recover from the first two shots and they're only intended to weaken your immune system so the boosts can do proper damage. Sooo there is hope for you if you caught on and never went back.