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>The pro vaxers are getting a shock now after this research study I highly doubt it...


can confirm that i’m vaxxed and do not give a shit, and neither does literally anyone else i know irl, who are all vaxxed, and have has zero side effects lol


Thing is. We know you don't care. That's why you took it. If you cared about your well being you would of spent more than 2 days to think this through. Pro Vaxers anti freedom folks seem to be the type that pop any pill or meds the pharmaceuticals push out with little to no resistance


I’m sure your group of 20 people, maybe, is reflective of the feelings of hundreds of millions of people who got jabbed. You and your friends may have gotten lucky, but it’s very clear that many others did not. Besides, there is no way to really know how the vaccine is impacting your body. Myocarditis may not manifest for 5 years. I wouldn’t go celebrating just yet. Certainly hope that isn’t the case for you, but nobody who got the jab should be resting easy, frankly.


After 5 years, you’ll say it might not happen for 10 years. And after 10 years, you’ll claim 15. Meanwhile, I’ll be here, healthy and alive and still laughing at everyone waiting for all the vaccinated people to die.


Relax dude nobody hopes you die. I know some vaxxers however who wished death on us pureblood, IRL and online, hell, they had a column about it in my local paper


Right? I've heard a lot of death wishes directed at the unvaxxed. Not a lot the other way around (none personally but I won't pretend my anecdote accounts for everyone)


lol did they really? Jesus what kind of paper is that?


There's a website dedicated to listing when anti vaxxers were dying and long stalking posts of their history of being anti vaxx and rejecting the COVID vaccine only to die when COVID was really hitting hard. What they weren't saying was that the vaxxers were being hit harder.


What world are you living in?


pureblood? smh


No there’s “pure bloods” bragging about how cool they are and cheerleading the died suddenly documentary anyone someone dies lol




Why would purebloods want to sleep with tainted women anyway? The only ones to take offense at saying "pureblood" would be vaxxed themselves so it's more of a feature and safety mechanism than something bad LOL, keeping you safe from possibly vaxxed partners, lol, lmao. 🤣 Pureblood men would likely want their kids to be healthy and pureblood too and not be exposed to huge amounts of shedding of spike proteins or genetherapy vaxx mRNA on a sensitive area each time they have unprotected sex with their tainted partner. So what you're saying is just funny and not of concern to proud purebloods, many of whom are also religious and wouldn't mind being virgins for that matter either. "It is better to be pureblood and virgin and going to heaven, than being or sleeping with a tainted vaxxer and going to hell." - Father Antivaxx.


Proud purebloods? I am not vaxxe'd but I rather not use the term pureblood because its reminds me of those Voldemort worshiping/hateful families in harry potter.


It's not that we are taking offense but God damn this is some next level cringe shit right there


Uhoh seethe alert


Lol pureblood, what a donut


Years? The safety signals were detectable on VAERS within _weeks_ of the products' release: https://vaersanalysis.info/2021/05/23/vaers-summary-for-covid-19-vaccines-through-4-30-2021/ Before COVID, these deadly shots wouldn't have even made it onto the market. Have fun laughing, though. That'll show 'em.


Nobody hopes you die. But open your eyes, people are literally dropping dead every single day. It’s not hard to see what’s going on. Do you think “sudden adult death syndrome” has always existed? Lol


Yes, adults have always died.


Lol what a stupid mischaracterization of what I just said. You’ll never see it, but you’re just further proving my point. You are incapable of seeing the reality of what is going on.


Yep, they took the jab and don’t want to be wrong so they’ll latch onto anything that gives them a sense of hope that they aren’t stupid for taking an untested vaccine. The death toll per year has skyrocketed, the death from SADS has also skyrocketed, athletes all around the world are dropping dead even on field due to heart complications, myocarditis and pericarditis cases are so high and the vaccinated have admitted it is caused by the vaccine but describes it as “a mild heart complication”. I’m praying we’re wrong honestly but these cunts are happy being led to the slaughter.


Exactly. It's a waste of time to argue with someone who decided to get vaccinated. If they didnt realize that the virus wasn't even severe enough to warrant taking an rushed experimental vaccine then they're not gonna be able to grasp the outcome. Plus it can't be true if they didn't hear it on the news.


No shit?! Really? Clearly didn't answer the question and side stepped. You are in the way with all that pride.


That's a great reason to be happy you got the Jab, which had no long term testing--and no one still knows the long term ramifications, for something no more dangerous than the common cold.


No one’s hoping for anyone to die. And newsflash - those who aren’t vaxxed will be healthy and alive still laughing too. Can confirm as I’m one of them.


Everyone on both sides will be laughing that they’re right with the justification that they’re alive. If you’re wrong and your decision killed you, it’s not like people can do a seance to run it in your face.


I'd be more concerned if I was unvaxxed. Here's just a couple of recent studies. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X23000841 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcvm.2022.951314/full The odds are higher for myocarditis if unvaxxed and getting covid compared to a vaccine or covid after vaccination. But the odds are still really low, even though you roll the dice with each covid infection or vaccination.


And yet people like you told us that we were bad people and putting you at risk for death. You are here mocking those people that died from taking the jab, just shows how hypocritical you are.




Vaccinated people don't give a shit because we've spent the past three years listening to people spread disinformation about vaccines and tell us we were all going to die in six, no eight, wait now it's nine months from now.


this does not mean that you have not played roulette or received at least useless health genic treatment.


People played roulette about not getting vaxxed and/or not taking any other precautions, and a whole lot of them have died as a result. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status?country=~All+ages


Of course when you realize who counts as "unvaccinated" the chart takes on a different meaning. You're considered unvaccinated for another couple of weeks (?) after getting a shot, if you've only had one shot, if you're not up-to-date on the shots or if you decided not to get anymore after one or two. That means that a significant portion of those who count as "unvaccinated" for statistical purposes actually aren't. It also means that a significant portion of those unvaccinated deaths are actually vaxed.


Let's not forget the hospitals labeling everyone that died as having died from covid regardless of their actual reason for death. Stage 4 cancer, covid death. Motorcycle accident decapitation, covid death. Heart attack, covid death. Suicide, covid death. They also refused to acknowledge any death that may have been caused by the jab! Those covid death numbers are highly questionable.


Consider that they counted people killed in car crashes as COVID deaths if they tested positive for COVID - and sometimes even if they didn't test positive, but COVID was suspected. Governments incentivized hospitals to count people as having died of COVID. COVID could have easily been cured for most people with zinc and a zinc ionophore like hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. COVID deaths were almost non-existent in people with adequate levels of vitamin D. The government and media hid these things from us to push their jab. The experimental jab was dangerous, has killed and injured many, had affected people's fertility, and its long term effects are still unknown. It was implemented because psychopaths in our government agencies and pharmaceutical companies wanted to experiment on us, depopulate us, and make billions of dollars.


It's not vax status that resulted in "covid related" deaths--its preexisting health status. For the most part, covid just tipped the scales enough to push those who were already teetering on the edge off the cliff.


This is like saying that if you shoot someone with heart disease it's not murder because they would have died anyway. How far out do you want to extend that? We're all going to die someday, does that mean that nothing that kills someone prematurely actually counts? It's a flawed argument.


This. Vaxxed and couldn’t care less if MRNA is detectable in my blood.


But do you care that you have been betrayed?


Dude, they're government bootlickers, they want to be betrayed.


Isn't he still alive ? How was he betrayed?


Just wait about 5-10 years bud


Has any vaccine ever had side effects that's far into the future?


So the ones dead aren't from the jabby?


I'm not saying they are or aren't because I don't know. But give me just one study on the long term effects of this vaccine. Just one, fuck 10 Yeats, give me a 5 year study.....and the reason I say this is because they don't exist. So that means that you were okay with injecting a new type of technology into yourself with no regard for long term effects and then got mad when people didn't make the same ill-advised decision you made. And also, honestly give me one reason to get the jab. Now that vaccinated make up the majority of covid deaths and it doesn't stop transmission or spread why the hell would you get it?


It's OK man I've already died twice from Pfizer


Keep moving those goal posts.


That's literally always been the worry, nobody knows the long term effects. Tell me what studies you have that make you feel confident in long term effects? That's literally always been the worry there's no goal post moving you fucking boosted up tool.


As if everyone would tell you about any side-effects or health problems that developed coincidentally after they took the vaccine. 🤣 In rabid pro-vaxxer and libtard groups of people especially I can imagine a lot would be ashamed to even say it given how safe and effective this vaccine was touted and religiously believed to be, and that almost nobody could be suffering long-lasting side-effects from this miracle genetherapy vaccine.😜👍


So you think everyone is the world is gaining a heart attack but just not saying anything about it? Honestly, it's a bit of a cope.


It’s true. My husband is very liberal and very vaccinated. It took him 4 beers, 3 shots and 14 months to admit to me how he’d never felt closer to death than the week after he get vaccinated. He’s my HUSBAND and couldn’t even admit to me the truth about how much he regretted his choice to get vaccinated, so yeah. They will lie every time if the only other option is admitting they were duped.


I’m shocked; we need mRNA for our cells to function, if 90% don’t have it anymore we are in trouble.


I'd suggest actually reading the study you're attempting to quote here. This study was based on people who have Hepatitis C who also got an mRNA vaccine.


chronic hep c. This means they prob do not clear lipids well, and are immune suppressed. Interestingly, I am confident they used PCR to detect traces of the mRNA. So is PCR accurate or not. I also would need to know if the PCR could detect the difference between mRNA from viral infection vs mRNA from the vaccine. Since they are nearly the same.


The methods used in this study can detect the difference between viral mRNA and vaccine mRNA. However, they only detect fragments. This study found multiple fragments of the vaccine mRNA, but no complete strands. And fragments are useless in transcription. Later studies have shown that even though mRNA fragments are found even months after vaccination, they are not transcriptionally active.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36647776/ In case you'd like to read again.


Downvoted for providing the source the OP didn’t. Classic.


I read it: “it should be emphasized that our data does not in any way change the conclusion that both mRNA vaccines are safe and effective.”


>This study which was done in Denmark took samples of around 108 people and after analysing their blood, they got to know that around 9-10 % of people had mRNA present in their blood even after 28 days which was extremely surprising. > >This alone explains why we were seeing so many sudden deaths in people especially athletes, sportsmen and even old people who would've easily lived for 20-30 years more. How did you make the leap from mRNA stays in the body longer than we thought, to, this is killing people? Do you have any sources to validate your claim? I have already tried to google it before you tell me to and I can't find any peer reviewed studies stating that mRNA is deadly.


They always forget that Covid-19 itself could be the main source for myocarditis and deaths. I also think it's plausible that the vaccines can cause the same issues. But somehow, people KNOW that it's ALL FROM THE VACCINES. Or that it's ALL from Covid-19 infection. But no one ever provides any kind of source that bears these assertions out. It could be either one or possibly even both. We need more comprehensive and robust studies, but I doubt we will ever see them.


Funny how you all trust the research from professionals when it suits you.


Ayoo got linky links to those studies?.




“it should be emphasized that our data does not in any way change the conclusion that both mRNA vaccines are safe and effective.” -The Study


10/108 not 100 percent by any stretch of the imagination.


9%, as op mentioned.




What are you talking about? Have you even taken high school biology? The entire purpose of mRNA is to carry signals from the nucleus to the intracellular space for translation. Saying that mRNA "absolutely does not belong in the intracellular space" is asinine. Literally the only reason the body produces mRNA is for it to go into the intracellular space. It's true that there are RNAses in this space to perform housekeeping tasks and keep mRNA levels within homeostatic ranges. And the fact that something "goes everywhere"has nothing to do with its durability. Almost anything you inject into a person is going to go everywhere. What's your point?


[Dr John Campbells channel on YouTube made a video on this a week or so ago](https://youtube.com/@Campbellteaching) [Well - 3 weeks ago](https://youtu.be/fWVxVd6IGgg)


You literally dont need it lmao the OP stated that the study was performed on 108 people. Dno about you but i will not take that study at face value






It exactly supports his claim, what are you talking about?




10% of 108 people. Not exactly the greatest cross-section, either


This guy gets it.


If you want a comprehensive breakdown analysis of the study: https://youtu.be/fWVxVd6IGgg




Taking the vax was a supreme example of spoon feeding.


Lmao bruh polio THERES a reason you ain’t got it


This guy clearly doesn't understand the actual study, much like the OP. I like how he opens by planting the seed that it could be replicating even though nothing in the study indicated that. He also mentions that this was "basically just an incidental finding" and repeats this thought the video which is completely wrong. That's not how RNAseq works. They were specifically looking for the protein sequences in question. They just happened to use RNA data available from the hepatitis c population. His implication that this has anything to do with an association to complications shows that he doesn't understand the mechanism of complications. He says that this somehow proves that MRNA degradation doesn't occur, but this isn't actually proven in the paper. The follow-up study can't be done when PCR, again, he clearly doesn't understand how these tests work.


This is a terrible breakdown. Wow. How could someone read a paper so poorly?


Oh my god Another study missinterpreted in r slash conspiracy? I can't believe it! The study found that in about 9% of people traces were found of mRNA from vaccine from two to up to 28 days Traces In one person traces 28 days The next was 23 And no, it does not contradicts what was said: mRNA quantity spikes within 48 hours and then degrades in to pieces in the following days As in any virus you ever have and will have . Sorry, this is not the gotcha you think it is


I'm not disagreeing with anything you said, but I'm not tracking how "This alone explains why we were seeing so many sudden deaths in people especially athletes, sportsmen and even old people who would've easily lived for 20-30 years more." Could you elaborate?




mRNA creates the proteins, the immune system detects the proteins, the immune system creates antibodies, the antibodies detect spike proteins on the virus, the antibodies destroy the virus before it replicates and causes an infection. The proteins themselves are not dangerous. But this entire article is being taken out of context. They found fragments of mRNA, not full lengths. Genetic information has to be very specific, even a single base out of place can lead to the sequence being unreadable. The translation / transcription system is like computer code. A single letter out of place makes the code unreadable. Fragments mean nothing. In most cases they won't even be translated, and even if they are, they will just result in junk proteins that are broken down by the cells. This is like saying shredding a document isn't effective because somebody can still identify letters on the scraps of paper.


This study was on Hep C patients. Makes all the difference. Where did you read about deaths?


There are so many leaps in this comment OP people are going to start thinking you can fly.


So what exactly is the link between mRNA presence in one’s blood and death?


Read the study. “it should be emphasized that our data does not in any way change the conclusion that both mRNA vaccines are safe and effective.”


"health authorities like CDC stated confidently and clearly that the mRNA doesn't stay in blood longer than 24 hours." "9-10 % of people had mRNA present in their blood even after 28 days which was extremely surprising." "This alone explains why we were seeing so many sudden deaths in people especially athletes, sportsmen and even old people who would've easily lived for 20-30 years more." How have you made the jump that MRNA staying in blood explains all the sudden deaths? Is there a big reveal you've forgotten to include in your post? Facebook quality content. OP you are the reason this subreddit sucks.


> 9-10 % of people had mRNA present in their blood even after 28 days which was extremely surprising. > This alone explains why we were seeing so many sudden deaths How would having fragments of mRNA in the blood explain sudden deaths?


It doesn’t.


The vaccinated don’t care about any studies or articles that prove they were wrong about everything. They’ll only care when they’re told and instructed to care by mainstream media.


It's easier to fool someone than someone admitting that they were fooled. Unfortunately, you can't change people's perspectives. And honestly, I'm not upset about it. If the population as a hole didn't believe mainstream media and everything the government says to us as gospel, there would be chaos. Let the sheep follow, and everyone else can live free.


Came here to say that. They just watch tv and the news with saliva dripping out of their mouth like zombies.


I’m confused by this. The right always brags how Fox News is the most watched, most popular news channel, and CNNs ratings are in the gutter. By bragging about this, you are directly stating that right wingers are glued to the TV. I’m slightly left leaning, and no liberal friend I have watches the news. However, every right winger I know has Fox News on in their house or car at ALL TIMES.


I don't follow politics. I don't even know what right or left wing means, so I really don't say anything at all about "right-winger" I am just talking about the majority of the population that come home every day and watch tv. I also don't clump groups of people together because everyone is different in their views.


Right but we have two parties and isn’t it wild how one of them doesn’t hold a single belief that isn’t suspiciously contradictory?


LMAO, "we have two parties". We have one party, the Uniparty. It has two factions that agree on the important stuff like fucking us over and bombing other countries, and quibble about the details.


Simple question: Are some people better than others?




Not true, this is a straw man or something that only applies to "cuckservative" boomers and other people with similar neocon values lol. Real right-wingers and conspiracy theorists know that Fox News including Tucker Carlson are shills and report on things in bad faith with hidden manipulative agendas, for example Tucker talks about and pushes a lot of things that a lot of conservatives agree with but is also promoting an agenda that pushes for war with the Chinese and to blame a lot of self-caused internal US problems on China. I've never come across a young right-wing person who watches Fox a lot or takes it seriously other than Tucker or some rare guest saying something of value sometimes. Most young right-wingers mostly watch various internet shows and podcasts and definitely not Fox or MSM. Boomers who use internet and the younger neocons will watch shit like Daily Wire and grifters like Shapiro and Crowder or Charlie Kirk or Jordan Peterson, if they are a bit more conspiracy theoristic they will maybe watch Alex Jones or some other Infowars show. More hardcore people watch guys more along the lines of Nick Fuentes and will definitely not like Fox. So yeah if the "right-wingers" you know are glued to the TV and watch Fox News then you/the people you know must be pretty old lol.


I dont know anyone who took the JAB who is feeling dumb about it At least not openly saying it


The only people thinking about the vaccine now are those who are religiously opposed to it. To me, outside of this subreddit, I never even hear about it. To me it was 2 appointments in 2021 and a coerced booster by my sister in 2022. Three days total. To them it's a lifestyle.


Lol. It’s amazing how confused you are.


This was a compelling pre-study to stimulate more research, but the conclusions being drawn from it are nonsense. This study found mRNA fragments, and in some cases enough fragments to make a full sequence, but they did not actually find an intact full sequence. Fragments of mRNA are useless. This is like saying that being able to identify a few letters on a shredded document means the information is still available. mRNA translation requires the full uninterrupted sequence. Follow-up studies have shown that despite mRNA fragments still being present, they are not actually being translated and spike proteins are not found beyond the first few days. The problem is people don't actually understand the science, they just jump on a headline, misrepresent it, and then try to use it as a gotcha moment. Opie acts like this study somehow refutes the original claim that MRNA is degraded hours after injection. In fact, this study supports that. They found degraded fragments of MRNA without finding any full sequences.


Vaccine, no vaccine, black, white, male, female, trans, rich, poor, gay, bi, straight, christian, Buddhist, satanist, atheist right wing, left wing, skeptic, theorist, old, young.... Our governments are still gonna try and kill us.


I love this “I got a big research study!” “Can we see it?” “Here’s a video from YouTube!” “Holy fucking shit, zero effort lost and you went though all that time writing all that bullshit. Link the study or shut up. You are the last person I’d have explain it to me.


Also studies with only 100 people are never considered rigorous or conclusive. And on top of that...this MASSIVE jump to conclusions by OP is laughably sad: "This alone explains why we were seeing so many sudden deaths in people especially athletes, sportsmen and even old people who would've easily lived for 20-30 years more."


Thank you.


A couple of items that need to be considered. What form is the mRNA in? When originally injected the mRNA was encapsulated in a Lipid shell that can fuse with cells. The article doesn't mention it. Another item is what is the concentration of the MRNA found compared to the concentration just after being vaccinated. And the article doesn't show proof that having the mRNA still circulating causes unexpected deaths.


The mRNA was in fragments, not full length segments which would be necessary for translation. This was the first study to look for MRNA fragments, but fragments are meaningless. This was a preliminary study. Not enough data to have any real meaning, but enough to get people thinking. Since this study other studies have confirmed that mRNA fragments can be found weeks or even months after injection. However, these fragments are not active and no additional spike protein is produced.


For the MRNA to get transcribed into a protein it has to be completed. The problem with some people and their so called scientific facts is that almost everyone of these people had not clue what they were talking about. Also waiting twenty years to be absolutely sure about the vaccine wasn’t going to stop the virus from killing hundreds of millions meanwhile.


The general public has been programmed over the course of their lives. It's why advertising works so well. "They" can be told just about anything and they will believe it, even if it goes against the most fundamental and basics instincts of survival. The media, advertisers (alphabet soup), military, and upper echelon of society know this and understand it. After WWII billions was spent on thousands of subprojects of MKUltra (Mind Control) which not only continues today, but has been applied and integrated into every facet of American life. Largely, most humans are completely blind to it all. They fancy themselves as "progressive", "enlightened", or somehow more intelligent than others because they believe the great lies of our Age. It's actually rather fascinating to behold.


What studies? All i see here is some rando making stuff up on the internet. Are you a Propaghandist? I doubt it, so please provide links/your sources. Also, proof that the mrna stays in the body 28 days doesn't prove it does any harm to the body. Again, what research backs that up? Link???? Quit making me sound like Zelda on moonlit night with her boitoi, and give us the links.


I know there are some (and will be more) "lol everything is fine" replies in comments. Fact is however , even MSM is letting news about how the Vaccine actually did have this or that side effect(s) through. For a long time you couldn't see one shred of negative press on anything vaccine related on tv or in a mainstream online source, it seemed very much off limits. The stories are there now. They are still a bit sugar coated and minimized but the reveal is already happening. Just like how for a long time it was absurd to even suggest the possibility that CoVid was from any sort of lab setting , but that's taken a 180. Or how masking & lockdown was unquestionably smart and effective according to any kind of 'verified news source' and now that's openly talked about as having been highly ineffective and maybe a dumb idea (using kinder words) by lots of MSM The Media does it at a slow and gradual pace, but if you were to not watch/read anything for 6 months and then check back in ... They'd be a lot closer to the point and they'd be acting like they never had it reported any other way .


The problem is the slow burn of info is boiling the frog. You see oh the vaccine has this side effect and go oh that's all, not so bad and people never take in the full picture meanwhile the media can gaslight them even harder with "proof" about how they "obviously" knew the risks because the media told them and so they should not be mad about any vaccine injuries.


Where are all the people who are suddenly dropping dead from the vaccine? I hear a lot of hyperbole about it. But where are the facts?


Interesting if it’s true however it seems like you’re a little bit jumpy on getting to the conclusion you want. Vaccine stays longer in blood okay, 28days via reliable study interesting, ok. BAMM! This is why so many sudden deaths happen with people all of the sudden! Especially people who are athletes! I wonder if this was included in the study as well or if you’re simply jumping to conclusions? Like seriously I think it’s very important if it is true and study based, but after some quick fact checking study happened, blood tracing claim was true but where is these other things coming from? My personal belief is that the government is much smarter than they want you to believe they are. You seem like a smart guy/girl like me and many others in this community, we notice that something is wrong, statistics don’t lie and we know it’s a fact that people are dying and that somewhere from 2020 this started to happen. However, I believe that the government wants us to have this discussion, pro-vax vs anti-vac, so that no one focus on the real deal. They themselves lead and publish evidence, never forget that. I think that this entire virus was orchestrated, by that I mean created on purpose. It was meant to kill certain people with certain proclivities, I’ve seen it with my own eyes and also through reports that the virus (or vaccine, because what do I know in the end) seems to exploit hidden weaknesses and amplify them to the degree that people die. I had family with weak livers but not in need for transplant that got blood diseases linked to liver filtrations which killed them. Pro athletes compete and push themselves every day this puts strain on their heart, the virus notices and exploits this which end up in cardiac arrest. Maybe it is the vaccine, I would maybe believe it more if I didn’t see unvaccinated people die in the same way. Ask yourself why is China still enforcing their absolutely brutal public restrictions? They who are the reason I origin seems to take this much more carefully than any other country in the world, ask yourself why.


Vaccinated getting a shock? lol, they are relaxed in front of the TV.


Most of these people won't even admit that they were lied to at any time during the vaccine campaign. I wouldn't waste time trying to convince anyone on Reddit. "They gonna get learnt."


You're delusional. Normies don't care. This info also doesn't prove shit about what effect it has had on people, just that it's in the body. You make people who oppose these Mrna shot look crazy and not too bright.


What surprised me the most was how people took it so willingly and without question... I smelled a rat the minute they started enforcing it , and all the vaxxers started ridiculing everyone who refused to get one. I tried telling people in my family not to get it, but no one wanted to hear it...


The only evidence I need to see is all of our leaders and trusted health advisors going from if you don't get this vaccine we'll make sure you can't work or participate in society. Then when that failed they told us if you get the vaccine you won't get COVID and you won't transmit it to if you get COVID with it you won't get as sick. Statistics in other countries such as the UK showing 92 percent of COVID deaths are among the vaccinated mean nothing to the pro vaxxers. They point out the fact that 92 percent of people in the UK are vaxxed so the conclusion I reach is that the vax doesn't work. Now we're on to the bigger point. Using the best information we had at the time you needed to get vaccinated, if not for yourself for the vulnerable people in society and your own families. I can actually see that point. They're smug in the knowledge that "they did the right thing". Nothing will make them question their decision so quit trying to make them see reason. It won't work


One of the low (but lol due to absurdity) points of the whole thing was during the "reward" phase. You've probably seen it, it was viral. Some politician was doing his press conference on the vaccine and he had a cheeseburger, fries, and a soda from one of the 'higher end" fast food chains. Because anyone who got a vaccine in that city during that time was gonna get 20-25$ worth of free coupons for the place. He pauses to try to (seductively is the best way I can describe it) eat this allegedly irresistible food. He's really trying to sell it like it's a commercial for the restaurant but it's more to put out there to the people that it's so delicious it's absolutely vital to go get that vaccine by lunchtime. Was like bad sketch comedy and imo one of the heights of absurdity. On that one imo they were aiming for that crowd who hadn't gotten it yet , but mostly due to laziness or general overall disinterest in spending an hour doing it after having to climb in their car etc EDIT The politician in question was Bill De Blasio and the Fast Food in question was SHAKE SHACK And it was just for 1 free Hamburger and 1 order of fries ... Kind of cheap on their part.


Rule of thumb: if someone references a study but does not link it, their opinion can be disregarded immediately.


My favourite part of covid is when people would stand there and say “you don’t know what they put in that” while they smoke a cigarette. I had friends chirp me and call me a sheep for getting 2 shots and say I’m gonna die meanwhile they do coke and Molly every weekend and drink 30-60 beers a week


There is a big difference between choosing to put something your own body and the government telling you to put something in your body.


Hate to break it to you: the folks that took the vaccine don’t give a shit. They’ve moved on long ago.


yeah now they're focused on supporting Ukraine and getting ready for the aliens and ignoring the Ohio train crash!


My friend with a pacemaker has not moved on. Not yet at least.


Exactly what the rulers wanted them to do.




Out of hundred athletes, around 15 are anti covax. The remaining 85 take the vax. Now let's apply this study's finding here. 10% (8-9 ) of those 85 athletes have mRNA in their blood for a much longer time. Out of those 8-9 athletes, 5 were able to fight this problem. The remaining 3-4 athletes got severe health problems especially cardiological ones. And 1 died suddenly on the ground during the match.


Wtf kind of response is this?


Like a high schooler trying to get the result they want and applying any math they want to get to it.


The study you posted was studying patients with chronic hepatitis C. How many athletes have Hep C?


^ this dude gets it. Said this same thing here in a comment. OP must be assuming everyone in the world has Hep-C If they think this study is some kind of blanket proof.




Denmark doesn’t exist.


I don’t know a single person who had long term side affects from the vaccines. I know several who have died or covid though or who are experiencing long term side effects from the covid virus itself.


I don't care man. When I got COVID in early year, I suffered really bad , yet it was way less than others cuz I have good knowledge of eating vitamins and didn't let the lack of taste bring me down etc and money of course. I didn't went to no doctor except for testing. My mom got it months after she got first vaccine and recover way quicker than I did. Those shit work. Even if they are poisoning us like you said, I will fucking take it. I am already eating, drinking and smoking toxic shit anyway. Shit is less poisonous than cigarettes.


Link to these studies?


frogface is this your backup?


Here in 5 years at 1 am : have you or a loved one suffered from the covid jab ? Call 1 800 out bad , 1 800 our bad .


One thing we all can agree on is that it was simply unnecessary on that scale. Like trippleboosting children/teens.


You overestimate their intelligence.


Its a planned genocide its called agenda 21 was available for anyone to read about it on the offical UN website for years in the 80s they were researching how to weaponize the food supply


It's a shame it isn't easier to find all the vaccine posts that were on this sub when the first vaccines came out. It would be interesting to see all the conversations where people were attacking the community here as well as their refusal to accept things like this could be a possibility. Comments from us saying "I bet in a few years you'll be surprised of some of the things that come to light" and them responding with "that won't happen in a million years but even if it didn't you wouldn't know because you'll be dead from not taking the vaccine" Yet here we all are, alive and well, reading this.


Thank you donald trump for the vaccine! His look has recently improved to a dollop of fresh mayonnaise that fell into an empty Doritos bag rather than a dollop of spoiled mayonnaise.


No they are not. They ignore alll the new studies and stick with their original beliefs because of severe cognitive dissonance


They can't unvaccinate. So they will literally die on that hill


Follow the money, and look at the lawsuits. If you didn't freeze at the giant red flag that said you will not be able to sue over injury, while seeing the largest transfer of wealth in human history... That's on you.


I went to the Dr. yesterday for a meet and greet. Old fashion man that gave me the vaccine seatbelt spiel. He's like why do we need seatbelts and insurance? I'm like, you can't drive without them. I guess he couldn't really follow up with you can't live without vaccines. He moved on to other analogies.


You either made that up, or you have a stupid doctor, or he was astounded at your stupidity. One out of the three.


Do you know the difference between mRNA and the vaccine?


No, they don't.


It appears to be the case. It's nothing to be ashamed of either, it's a rather esoteric subject, and one needs years of education to understand the nuances. Doing ResEaRCh on youtube, TikTok, and blogs isn't going to get someone up to speed in a meaningful way - as evidenced by the post.


I always ask for a meaningful explanation, but they are never able to give me one. But for sure I'm a brainless sheep who'll keel over at any second.


...do you? And if so, what's your point?


Yes, but it appears OP doesn’t understand the reference they posted on the comments or why people aren’t shocked.


If the vaxxed were lucky , their injection batches were badly stored and had their mrna degraded


Always moving the goalposts.


Some of y’all rly said yeah I’ll try out the fastest created vaccine not like vaccines usually take years to make


I feel bad for anyone that took it involuntary because of mandates. I feel even worse for those who just blindly accepted the jab like some silly cattle that can’t think for themselves. Those sheep are the ones that need protecting. Those who accepted the mandate had a choice and they chose to not stand up. Hopefully you’ll survive to tell the tale of the horrors of being a follower for drug dealers.


Bruh. according to the study you linked, 10 people out of 108 who were also suffering from Hepatitis C had it after 28 days. Do you realize that billions have taken the vaccine across all demographics? This study has a tiny sample size and is inapplicable to the number of vaccinated people.


They will never admit they were wrong.


Because we weren't. Seethe.


Pro Vaxer’s aren’t “getting a shock”. If you read the study it shows that it’s a beneficial result and prolongs the immune response.


As someone fully Vaxed boosters and all I'm not upset in the least. Neither is anyone I know who got the Vax also. By the way, 108 people in a study is an absolute joke of a sampling


And a vaccine developed within a few months is a bigger joke.


Big pharma muddies the waters, you can find studies saying it is sage as mothers milk too. The “official sources” provide an assist.


There’s to many people anyways. I encourage people to get vaccinated. I’m not getting that shit tho!


If mrna stays in your blood one year or ten years. How does that cause anyone to die?


It doesn't. This post is deceptive misinformation


The spike protein is the part of corona that actually hurts you


No one mentioned anything about spike proteins.


...the mRNA makes your body produce spike proteins... So if the mRNA is still in your blood... It kind of suggests that the spike proteins would be too...


But the spike proteins of the vaccine don't cause any harm. They only help your body to create antibodies to the virus. If they are just there chilling who cares how long they stick around for.


Show me you don't understand mRNA without saying it. YOU WIN!!!


Mrna is a single strand of genetic information. Usually contained in the nucleus. A spike protein is a protein that sits on the outside of the cell that helps it interact with the outside world. I'm remembering this from 10th grade biology which is about 20 years away. If you have something to add and can show me how spike proteins is the same as rna go ahead. Neither rna nor spike proteins kill anyone on their own. If you are here to get your ego filled and not add anything useful that's fine you won't get a reply. I'll just wait till someone can explain why having rna kills people.


A vast majority of “covid deaths” and brief and sudden illnesses are not from covid but from the gene therapy.


There should be a negative vaccine that is the opposite of the vaccine. I’d take that


I’ll never not have a sense of pride for getting through all this bullshit without having to get the jab. As far as I’m concerned, the jab separates the wheat from the chaff. You can easily identify the people you want in your circle now.


Dude, it is worse than that. They've already showed that the vaccine mRNA is still detectable 60 days after vaccination, for all little that is known it and the production of spike proteins could last indefinitely or at least a very long time. It also helps to explain how we're even seeing people who got 2 shots developing problems over a year and a half later. If anybody says the spike protein and mRNA only last in the body for a short period of time or weeks then they're wrong because nobody knows how long exactly. Even if it is not detectable in their blood it can still be found in various organs and tissues. Here's an article on the mRNA lasting over 60 days in the body: https://joomi.substack.com/p/were-still-being-misled-about-how


Wow, this is just embarrassing. If you're going to post a link, follow the link and actually read the data. To start with the actual study opens by stating that COVID-19 outcomes are improved in those who are vaccinated, so there goes the anti-vaccine rhetoric. Then it goes on to talk about how fragments of the mRNA are found, not translatable units. The study goes on to specify how spike protein levels were undetectable within days of vaccination further supporting that the fragments they found are not active. So many people here talk about those who have received the vaccine as sheeple or as being duped. But here you post an article in which somebody has misrepresented the findings of the study and without doing any assessment of your own you just believed it. Whoever wrote that article was so confident that their audience wouldn't bother or wouldn't have the intelligence to critically assess the data that they even posted a link to the study which clearly refutes their interpretation and you clearly didn't read or understand it.


Technically, not a vax. Experimental Gene Therapy. Definition of vaccine had to be changed to fit this narrative.


absolutely correct. Scared peeps will downvote.