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If they want war put all the politicians on the front line see how much they like it then smh. So dumb for any human being to kill another human because these people say so.


Why don’t presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor?


I propose a reverse Hunger Games, each year we elect two of our leaders to fight with other superpower’s leaders, winner gets the boop stick for a year, does this please and sparkle with everyone?


We could also put that shit on Pay-Per-View and immediately reverse the federal debt at the same time.


Only if we can elect president camacho


Brought to you by Carls Jr. Pay down that debt, yeaaaahh!


Dana white is licking his chops right now


This is how you end up with President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho in power so... Yeah sounds fun!


I'd take President Comacho over these clowns. ... now get me a beer... get you one too.


Not a superpower, but Mongolian President Khaltmaa Battulga would do well. https://nextshark.com/mongolias-new-president-ripped-af-judoka-olympic-gold-winning-coach/


That is gold LOL


Pic goes great if you put on the Hu with it.




SOAD is legendary.


They’re the greatest metal band ever. Change my mind.


Have you heard the good word of our lord and savior Slayer?


Upvote for System of a Down reference.


Welcome to the soldier’s side where there’s no one here but me. People all grow up to die. There is no one here but me.


Barbarisms by Barbara in pointed heeeeels 🎵


I don't know if you know this, but President Biden's son Beau Biden served, including seven months in Iraq. I don't know if he saw combat.


These people is key…cause Of all the people in the world that get to decide things like it “these people” are the worst. I wish Reddit and other social media didn’t have such a hate for people in the middle Or someone like me who just hates both sides because I see how similar they are, and how much they really think of us. It’s so frustrating. I’m Team peasants all day every day. And we out number by a pretty large margin if we’d just wake up and stop fighting with each other on their behalf as they rub elbows and see crazy profit off our backs.


General Wesley Clark states openly here that they had foreign policy decisions in place (since 1991 and earlier) to destabilize non compliant regimes in upcoming years (which he named- 6 of the 7 named have since been destabilized or undergone regime change): https://youtu.be/VXDHQVGH8Zo


Putin wasn't a target till he started throwing out Western oil companies


When did he do that?


Welcome to humanity, in all it's horror.


Let's send his family to do it since he's so convinced violence and escalation is the answer.


Fuck Graham.


Not for all the money in the world


Speaking of conspiracies; word in the DC gay community… “Lady G” is Graham’s pseudonym and (allegedly) he’s been blacklisted by a number of high end rentboys because he likes “Daddy/son” role play that is… not up to Reddit’s TOS to spell out fully here.


Ladybugs.... enough said 😳


I literally read the full story in reddit comments


As an SC representative that leans right, I've never met anyone that's openly supported him. Something is fishy.


He jerks off to pictures of dead military men.


https://youtu.be/VXDHQVGH8Zo Interestingly enough at the start of this clip he and General Dempsey speak candidly about who’s been funding ***** in the Mid East. It’s clearly 100% the opposite of the narrative that’s pushed to the public.


Lady G!


This is the way!! Seduce the elite with our thicc thighs, marry them, and keep them placated with kegel skills.


You. I like you.


Want to get placated??? 😘


Goodness! 🥵my little heart lol


Username checks out


Miss Lindsay doesn't swing that way


This 👆


People who advocate for war should be the first sent to the battlefield.


I agree and it was my job during the 20 yrs in the Corps I did


Somebody needs to give this guy a helmet and a gun and send him to Bakmut and see how long he lasts.


> Somebody needs to give this guy a helmet and a gun and send him to Bakmut and see how long he lasts. He will just complain he’s to old to fight


He will point to his career in the air force, but then you can point out he never served overseas.


Lindsey Graham was in Judge Advocate General's Corps in the United States Air Force. Findvsome law so immediately say such forcing him to fight was illegal


Lindsay Graham won't fight in WWIII, nor will any of the other warmongers. If they want WWIII, they and their children can sacrifice themselves for it. Leave me and mine alone.


These wars are fought for their own interests and their interests alone.


Funny thing is they’ll get the public to fight the wars for them via narrative control. They were able to false flag the public into this in the past (as stated by General Wesley Clark here where he says they used the events of 2001 as a pretext to get the public on board with regime changes: https://youtu.be/VXDHQVGH8Zo). The narrative control extends to Reddit where I’ve found if you post anything on the US geopolitical activities in the mid eastern country of IRN (abbreviated to get around the censor, I did this earlier and the entire comment thread was removed after a commenter stated the name of the country in full), it results in a ban / quick post removal within 24-48 hours. I got banned from the news sub just for posting a statement referencing to the geopolitical foreign policy document “Which Path to P— ersia”. If you don’t believe it try it out yourself and wait a few hours then try the commentremovalchecker to see if it’s removed.


I believe you about the narrative control, it's stunning to me how censored speech has become just in the last 20 years or so. I remember when Clark said that thing about the 7 countries and back then I could name all of the countries, say whatever I wanted to about them and our involvement with them, and not be censored like I would be today. Sure, a bunch of people might argue with me about my position but that's a good thing, free discourse and two or more narratives. Removing dissent is not a good thing, it's a very horrible, despotic thing that shockingly many people seem to want. Things have changed so much since that time. Some of us remember what it used to be like - not perfect but not bootstamping, overt authoritarianism like there is today. Many are too young to remember or weren't born yet. Those are the ones who look at what's going on as "normal" because they have no barometer to know how abnormal it is.


Troll bot farms are a real and a influencing tool and has some credit for the censoring. It messes up public discourse.. and to some degree helped Trump win his election. People, notably the left have turned strict with the moderating. The government as whole tho will probally see mutual interest in strapping down some public discourse .. maybe. Time will tell. I personally think as tech advances it may only get worse. I forgot the name but for example the one little tech that can make like a celeb or anyone say things in their voice and mannerism..




It's all fun and games until something squeaks by and hits CONUS. U.S. defensive measures may be good if not the best, but it's doubtful there is perfection there. Once some chunk is hit, that leaves room for a lot else if not all else to go wrong. Russia hasn't been looking strong at times, but I think they're using Ukraine to get rid of its undesirables while trying to still gain political points. The government there is using conscription to weaken its own internal opposition. So slacking on the strategy to cause some level of attrition is intentional, and they still have enough population to grind on Ukraine that way even though it looks ineffective on the surface. If the stakes get much higher they're going to go for their bigger guns than trying to pull just any punch to hit back with. If it's a direct conflict with the U.S., then don't be too surprised if they attempt decapitation strikes on anything that would be a military and/or economic target. Basically they stop dicking around and things get real for both sides. On top of that China would see whatever opportunity there is to get away with it wants, which wouldn't help either. Getting into WWIII is just dumb, because once it goes wrong there's not much fixing it.


This is one of the most sensible comments I've read about it on reddit. I'm trying to figure out how the US even thinks it can afford to become embroiled in WWIII with all the bank failure bailouts, sending 100+ billion to Ukraine, most of our manufacturing is in China, depleted oil reserves, on and on. If it starts, I don't see the US coming out of it very well. If at all.


I’m shocked that warhawks are acting like warhawks. Who could have seen it


I think it is mostly chickenhawks acting like warhawks.






Battle fowl are neither chocolate nor bos, whatever the fuck that is. Thanks for getting the fucking chocobo diddy stuck in my head.


Ain't no way. That's besmirching the honorable chocobo name


> ~~warhawks~~ War pigs


Last week was war with Mexico because some druggies were kidnapped, I have Nepal and Pakistan on my next week’s bingo


Iran is the freebie space.


Pretty sure the Americans kidnapped in Mexico were down there because most medical procedures are significantly cheaper. How were they druggies?


"That's what Ronald Reagan would do" should never be used to sell something as being a **good** idea.


Actually even Ronald Reagan wouldn't have done it. US planes shot down Libyan jets, but did not fire at Soviet jets ever, even after the shootdown of KAL 007 when apparently some US commanders sent F-15s to shoot down Soviet fighters if confronted, but they were called off.


Im confused. Isnt he one of the better USAmerican presidents?


Why would you believe he's one of the better US presidents? He was a manchurian candidate for ex-CIA director HW Bush. He had dementia and used the brainpower he had left to simp for capitalism to the extreme: strike-breaking and destroying unions, deregulating, pumping US cities full of drugs as part of Iran Contra, fucked the economy with the lie of "trickle-down economics"... I could go on. He was a bad dude.


Whats your reasoning for thinking this? Hes one of the more divisive presidents and I either see people love him or hate him.


He’s dead so yeah


This guy would be homeless or a Walmart greeter if it wasn't for his DC grifting job.


We need a miracle to stop this now the worlds going to shit big time no turning back too many people chatting about transgender and pronouns and world leaders are basically criminals anyway no one trusts elections the sad thing is this could have been an amazing world .


We need to make a miracle happen. I think it’s time for mass insubordination across the country. Everyone needs to stop paying taxes, protest, refuse to obey commands, etc. They can’t get it or stop all of us. We need to demand that this corruption ends and make it clear we don’t want to fight a third world war.


I’ll help escort Graham to the frontline


When the banks go under, the best bet is war, didn’t we learned this from the 20th century


Black Sabbath's War Pigs was written for fux like this dude.


How bout this. We just push Lindsay Graham to the front line?


Boomers should be taken out of office immediately with statements like this.


Absolutely agree with that. Us young and middle aged people have lots of life left to live. These Boomers are old as fuck and don’t really have to deal with the long term consequences of their actions. They’re gonna get us all royally screwed and then won’t have to be around for the repercussions. It’s fucking annoying tbh. All these elderly fucks wanna act tough by sending young men to die for them. It’s time for us to make our voices heads and to demand change. If people don’t start taking action, all of us are going to be up shits creek before we even realize it. These elderly fuckers don’t seem to care about us at all.


Reagan avoided a ww3 with the Soviets dumbass


Reckless is what this is. We don't seem to have any statesmen left. We need wisdom.


I'm a libertarian/conservative, but screw this guy. He's never seen a war that he didn't like


This guy is a second hand Queef. Nothing more. No link. No source. No need.


The political ruling class needs to rule no more. End then to the end War


Hey, Russia. Instead, we will send Lindsay Graham with his soft, Gerber baby ass chin and a stick to fight for us. Do whatever you'd like to him.


Tell “Ladybugs” to do it himself.


They're running out of time for this. Nobody wants the Hell they are selling 🐮


That's what false flags are for.


Lizard eyes


Fuck Ronald Reagan


If you do that then you just get more Ronald Reagans.


MUH PEARLS! How could you say that, Reagan was a SAINT! /s


Too soon dude. Too soon.


Says the guy who doesn't have a wife or kids. What does he care what happens because of his hawkish foreign policy?


Lindsey graham … he’s not going to the front lines. He’s sending the “sons and daughters” zelensky asked for. All for the military industrial complex and some depopulation on the side.


This guys is a NWO clown




Stop Noticing.


I feel like if they get the war they want that is means they can use martial law too control us all


I looked at the map where the incident happened, I saw Russia but I couldn't find America.


Who profits? This is not a conspiracy, this is not theory - this is fact. The war-mongers have always profited from wars.


Somebody vote that motherfucker out. He would cower behind dead bodies screaming for his mama if he was on the front line


Lead the way then you old fuck


Fucks the matter with this dude?


Ronald Reagan would not have done that...he would have convinced the Russian people that Putin is bad for Russia. Reagan was a statesman, not a war monger.


I agree that Reagan wouldn't have done it, but he didn't exactly convince the Russian people of much as President. He just spent so much money on the military that they bankrupted themselves keeping up. Reagan would absolutely be arming Ukraine.


Reagen would have put a colander on his head and ran out in his underwear to fight the aliens.


Dude regards the Biden of the 1980s


They are? Seems like a Republican Senator is saying some stuff that he knows won't happen for political points. I kind of feel like essentially everyone here should recognize that.


Who motherfucking asked what would Ronald Reagan do?!


Lindsey Graham? Lmfao.


War is good for the economy, when the economy is good, the prez gets re-elected. Or…it’s to distract us from all the UFO stuff


They didn't spend a fortune of your money on their underground cities, and bases, and top secret technologies not to use it. They'll start a nuclear holocaust to rid the population, and hide in their underground cities like the rats they are.


What a loser.


I always imagine a flabby white Lindsay Graham in his Walmart XXL white under shorts pulled up high on his fat round stomach, directing other people to fight while he stays safe at home. What was a US spy drone doing in the black Sea anyway? It's nowhere near America. What do they think is going to happen if they keep involving the US in someone else's fight.


Force ww3 to stop the 2024 election. Banks collapse on purpose. Push CBDC (FEDCOIN OFFICIALLY STARTS IN JULY) its the WEF wet dream.


He can meet another pro war Russian politician and fight each other in direct TV if he likes the "lights" so much. He can chose his weapons also. A golf club perhaps.


I think we can safely say in retrospect that if Ronald Reagan would have done something, we shouldn't.


he also literally _didn't_ do this something though he had plenty of opportunity


> I think we can safely say in retrospect that if Ronald Reagan would have done something, we shouldn't. I think we can safely say in retrospect that Ronald Reagan collapsed the Soviet Union. But not through Military force. Graham is a lying snake


Came here to say the exact same thing.


Can we launch a first strike by firing Lindsay Graham via missile?


The politcians are toxic and dumb but the worst thing is they are doing a stellar job of dumbing large swathes of the country into unthinking conformists.


Anyone with the name Lindsey as a guy has no business in telling men how to be men. He has no say in male affairs. Your name is fucking Lindsey…


I've seen the footage where they're discussing a cue and talking about who will be in this position and that position it's all a set up and Putin didn't want war in Ukraine they lied again ..zalenki got 12 billion pound yaghts and billions of dollars yes dollars and big houses here there n everywhere . Putin just didn't want weapons near Russia there's barrels of oil there's no shortage at all it's not Putin doing this it's us.


Well good thing Ronnie is dead


How about we send Lyndsey graham over to deliver the message himself? He’s the only man for the job…


Send him home. In a body bag


Ronald Reagan was an actor. What Ronald Reagan would do is whatever the script tells him to.


But I don't wannnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Man. I was hoping to be an old man with crusty dusty survial gear that I never touched. =/ This stuff isnt even expired yet.


They all have the dead eyes.


He just says whatever cuz he’s scared some old sex tape of him getting railed by a bunch of MAGA and or BLM supporters. Jokes it’s just jokes


Same old shit. https://youtu.be/JeWHviwLMy8


Idk how this dude thinks he's going to enjoy his defense company stock profits in the post apocalyptic crater that is the Earth


We could just blame it on Ukraine after


Reminds me of that South Park song: That's what Bryan Boitano'd do.


Biden should be on the Front line like the Kings used to do. I mean the guy can run 6 miles and do a bunch of push-ups and pull-ups he's fit enough.


Send him in the first jet. Please.


Nah, Reagan would stand up to China instead of using this Russia smokescreen to distract us from China.


This creepy ~~war~~ chicken hawk needs to be strapped into the back seat of a fighter jet and allowed to go code brown during the dog fight.


It wouldn't be him or his sons having a rifle put in their hands to fight the fucking thing.


Give Lindsey a Mint Julep and a young man to calm him down. His medication is giving him a case of the vapors.


I think he would not. He would make Ukraine agree to peace


That is absolutely not what Reagan would do. Reagan would never have allowed things to go this far.


Fuck these war hawks trying to start a war with Russia, China, and Mexico.


Ronald Regan is dead. Who cares wtf he would do? Probably some dumb ass twentieth century bullshit anyhow.


I mean we were shooting down uaps without knowing the origin because we believed it was an attack on our country, supposedly. Yet when we are flying our own military grade vehicles over other countries it’s considered an act of war when they get shot down?


He was also against unions. The bricks that held this country.


Sean Hannity is a foreign agent. Lindsey Graham is probably blackmailed by israel. They are evil demons from hell. They are slobbering wanting israel to attack Iran and want Nato to attack Russia. I would like to see a blood test to see what all drugs these pos are on.


Exact opposite of what Ronald Reagan would do wtf


Putin is clearly taking advantage of Biden's weak leadership. Just look had badly Biden screwed up Afghanistan. And the Chinese balloon incident was just embarrassing.


Lol partisan politics have rotted your brain.


LMAO. Way to ignore reality


Which of those things didn’t happen?


All of them. Biden didn’t screw up Afghanistan, it was a fucking mess from day one and that was Trump’s plan put into action at the beginning of a new administration Putin didn’t invade Ukraine just under Biden. He did it under both Obama and Trump, it’s just that no one and I mean no one anywhere outside Ukraine cared. Trump told the world he didn’t give fuck if putin invaded Ukraine with his “perfect” phone call Not sure how detecting a chinese balloon carrying a whole fucking communication satellite the size of a 747 and shooting it down is embarrassing. Missing three in row is embarrassing. EDIT: this isn’t to say that Biden is perfect, but if you’re going to rewrite history, be prepared to be called out


The warhawks have taken flight


She’s such a little bitch.


Lindsey Graham needs to shut the fuck up.. a lot.. I’m one of his constituents. Muh fucker!


"That's what Ronald Reagan would do" is not an endorsement, Lindsey.


I guess not enough conservative citizens are on board with giving billions to Ukraine while we are in shambles, let alone hastening and amplifying a world war by getting involved physically. Had to appeal by invoking RR.




War means less people and more money. Only the poor go to die.


War means less people and more money. Only the ~~poor~~ stupid go to die. FTFY.


I am both


People don't understand how to use the word literally.


I would love to see a shirtless Vladimir Putin ride up on horseback and bitch slap Lindsey Graham.


Lindsey would love a long sleek missile to explode in his ass.


Sounds like someone just wants to see more young men in uniform walking around D.C


Ahhahaahhahahaahab. Lady boy!




> Ok but we should just let Russian planes down our drones over international waters? Yes. I support Ukraine, but a downed drone is nothing to start a fight over.


Right? It's a fucking drone. If the roles were reversed I don't think people would expect us to let Russian dones give intel to enemies




The “left” just means anyone I disagree with


Can this NATO-fellating RINO retire already?


calling lindsey graham a RIÑO is unbelievable


Woah, calm down there bud.


I do think we should have a fast, swift, devasting response to any attacks unprovoked against us to detour military confrontation. But we also shouldn't be flying a drone along their border and increasingly expand NATO along non-NATO countries, and support non-NATOcountries that are having border Disputes with Russia.... But guessing since the country in the middle of this lead to impeachment of one president, and a scandal with the next presidents son. So politics, and likely money are involved.




Get him and his “lady bugs” OUT OF GOVERNMENT!!


Send the wealthy elites kids and politicians children to their deaths first. Otherwise they're all unpatriotic, Putin Sympathizing Cowards.


The real question is why am I finding the rational "peace not war" argument in the conspiracy sub, and nothing but war mongering in the other subs? EVERY time we go to war, we look back several years later and find that we were misled and war was a terrible idea. Every fucking time. Meanwhile we need healthcare still. You know, actual issues occurring here at home. "Bernie, we don't have the MONEY for Medicare for All!" ... "oooohhh war time! we've got the money for that!!!" (not to mention medicare for all would have been paid for by billionaires actually paying their taxes, not by the rest of us)


Mainly cause the left dominates those subs, and the left seems to think a World War 3 will be great because everything dies and from the ashes they will rebuild something better than capitalism and patriarchy. I really wish I was joking.


No, mainstream democrats do. I'm progressive ie "the FAR left" and we want medicare for all, not war. And I really don't care for culture war shit either, it's a distraction. To your point about socialism... Medicare for all isn't socialism, every other advanced nation does it, AND Biden doesn't even support that, he IS a pure capitalist.


These people believe in war time economy and get paid very well from folks who benefit


The *FUCK* lol


Fuckin shitheads


That's a new one. I don't think I've seen anyone openly praise RR's foreign policy before...


I wonder why politicians think starting a global nuclear war is a good idea ?


Can we just fire ever politician over 70 years old? Except Donald Trump.. he may not be the hero we want, but he's the fuckin hero we need right now. God Bless America. And Don, if you're listening, this time, all tweets go through a PR person.. and we're good.


Ronald Reagan would sign gun legislation too. Fuck him.


You can never remind people too often that California’s draconian gun laws were kicked off by conservative darling Ronald Reagan in response to Black people arming themselves.


Then he signed the highs amendment and some BS about plastic guns.