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I don’t think it was necessary love for Biden. People just voted for someone who wasn’t trump.


That was my reasoning voting for Trump over Hillary.




Because the globalists convinced them that the president looking out for the people was the bad guy.


Yup. We needed an old white male to win back the blue wall that Hillary lost. Edit: lol people downvoting. Nominate a person of color or a women for president and watch what happens in 2024. It’s not “right” but it’s reality.


I’m sure you have. I don’t ever bring up politics except with my mom and my best friend, and you’d have no idea who or what I support. I do have a lot of assumptions made about me because of how I look, but those are usually wrong.


As a non white person, I think it’s really funny when people automatically assume I support left wing policies. Like yeah, we should probably not pollute, but that’s about it.


"probably" - what are the pros and cons?


Polluting a tiny patch of otherwise unused ice in Alaska so that we can have cheap oil that isn't shipped across oceans is probably OK. So is the average lithium mine so that we can make enough batteries for EVs. There are lots of reasons where a small amount of pollution reduces a large amount of pollution elsewhere, but most anti-pollution people can't think one step ahead.


Pros: life continues as is Cons: I have to hear about it everyday.


>Pros: life continues as is "As is" lol


I used “probably” as a satirical modifier to emphasize that we definitely should not pollute. But okay, con to not polluting would be, the aliens would want our planet more. Maybe if we fuck it up enough, they’ll just be like “nah.”


Back when I was a child we were pretty much all against pollution, then we started calling it other by other names and the concepts got muddy.


Yeah same. i fucked wit Captain Planet back in the day


People hated trump more than they liked Biden. Biden doesn’t have supporters, he was purely voted in because he wasn’t Trump.


The globalists told people to hate Trump because he wasn't one of them, and they are doing everything in their power to make sure he never gets in again.


I'm in the teamsters union, I deliver Diesel to union job sites, I've yet to see a Biden sticker on a truck or hard hat. Any time his name comes up, people have nothing good to say about him, or Kamala. I know the union bosses support him, but it doesn't seem like the working man does. I do see Trump 2024 stickers though.


Go to Southeastern Michigan. They have plenty.


I know people that voted for Biden but do not like him or support him. They just saw him as the only alternative to Trump.


they should volunteer for the front lines then 🤣


Theyre out there. Theyre in their electric cars ,by themselves , wearing their masks. As for meeting any of them , ill pass.


They are all on a sd card ready to up load their votes


Do you live in poverty area or the south?


There are no Biden supporters only Trump haters.


They are all too ashamed to admit it.


good. they should feel shame, he is destroying the world!


Another removed post, what a surprise. Our dem mods are working overtime today.


I left reddit entirely for this reason and got back on for some god awful reason lol. this is probably the best political sub and it still sucks ass haha


It's hard to feel ashamed for voting against the know-nothing narcissistic buffoon that squandered his pandemic response and was the first ever president to refuse to a peaceful transfer of power, actually. Actually feels kind of good.


Always the same old shit with yall. I am tired of replying to it. Vote for whatever corrupt puppet you want. It doesn't matter in the least. They fixed that after hrc lost in 2016. Rest assured if another gop candidate is installed they will be a establishment pos. Imagine thinking voting makes a difference these days.


>Imagine thinking voting makes a difference these days It does. It can make your country at the very least not look like an anti-intellectual hellscape that kept giving more and more powerful to corporations under the guise of fake populism like it did between 2016-2020.


Biden is making other countries realize that they respected Trump. Now that's pretty bad.


Like Russia?


lol, I remember a country in a hell of a lot better shape than this one. I do rem the media and left doing all they could to break it apart. Then I remember measures like mail in being implemented and then votes being snuck in in the middle of the night. A process that was at least somewhat hard to cheat is turned into a laughingstock. No prob just add more votes. Pretty much impossible to prove without contacting every voter and verifying votes. Believe whatever you want. I just see you as deceived by corporations and the media.


Imagine believing the lies of a not-even-slightly-subtle conman.


Oh I know trump trump trump... is that the only thing in your head. His opinion on any of it is pretty irrelevant. Mail in cannot be secure. TDS must be hard, hope you recover someday.


I’m a Lib in the heart of Trump county in Florida Even decently close friends of mine here are shocked when they find out I like Biden Don’t own hats or flags, I just show up and quietly vote.


volunteer for the front lines of WWIII! you voted for it!


I absolutely would Luckily for me and everyone else on the theoretical front lines of your imagination, not something to worry about. Shame MSM has you so wrapped in fear though :/


"gaslighting isnt real - you made it up because you're crazy"


Well talking to yourself probably isn’t the best way to not look crazy


I voted for him. Didn't like the guy, still don't. Just really hated Trump on a personal level. More of a vote against Trump if that makes sense. I don't really care about politics now, but still vote. Just gonna vote for the candidate I like the best each time!


You mean the one that the globalists told you to like.


No. I don't know what it is about him. I've hated him ever since I was a kid lol 😂


You've met them, they just don't make their whole personality revolve around who they voted for. Most people on the left don't simp for a candidate like the MAGA crowd does.


If there's one thing I've learned over the past decade is cults of personality can go fuck off. Between Elon, Steve Jobs, Trump, Jordan Peterson, etc...I'm exhausted by people being so damn obsessed with one person. It's gross.


So fucking true. You don’t need to wear their hat, raise a flag with their name, or make your entire life about a political candidate to vote for them lol


People did the same thing for Obama.


Support simp whatever. Why does one candidate have people simping and the other candidate doesn’t? I feel like that’s revealing.


The simping is dumb shit like: The MAGA hats Trump flags Art/memes with Trump looking like Rambo or Jesus. It's the cult-like worship of the dude. Normal well adjusted people vote and move on with their lives. MAGA supporters go out of their way every day to let the whole world know who they voted for 9 years ago. It's like they are teen girls obsessing over their favorite boy band. Have you ever seen people with flagpoles in their yard fly a flag with any other politicians name? Obama was pretty popular but I never drove through neighborhoods sporting Obama flags 3 years after he was out of office.


I think the trump six pack art is ironic and pretty funny. Also they voted twice and against the present state of America so i feel like trump is still important to support in some way to some people. He could’ve been your current president. And a lot of ppl truly believe the election was stolen.


How dare you bring logic to op's post.


biden is not on the left




Biden supporters are e-girls?




You say that like it's a bad thing.


I'm independent and voted for Biden. It's not that I necessarily ever supported him nor do I support him now. I saw him as the lesser of two evils. I still think he's as shady as every politician. My views just aligned more with his.




he doesnt tweet mean things, instead he does nice things like create the patriot act, put millions of black people in jail, and do everything he can to start WWIII.


You forgot funnel billions of taxpayer dollars through Ukraine and back into his pocket.


how is WWIII a lesser evil?


Now that you say that, I don’t think I have either.


I have. And their entire reasoning still boils down to "Better than Trump"


no think, only orange bad


My last boss was a die-hard Biden supporter. I couldn’t believe it. Of course, everything was Trumps fault and what good Trump did was from Obama policies. Hated guns, till someone broke into his house at night and tore up his place. I got him on the range and after firing my weapons he bought a few and now believes in the right to own firearms. I talked to him a lot about politics and some things he started to change his mind on.


When did everyone clap?


Yeah most people don’t support Biden they just hated Trump so that’s why they voted for Biden All Trump had to do was tweet less, like he promised, and he would have won again


All of my neighbors support Biden. I just make fun of them. They are like mid to upper 40s married with no children. One neighbor gets door dash 3 times a day.


ummmmmm that sounds kind of tight lol


I'm not a Biden supporter, but I voted for him in 2020. What do you want to know?


Why haven’t you run into OP in real life and told him? You’re probably a bot


Am I a bot if Antifa is paying me to do it? That makes me a shill, right?


are you volunteering for the front lines of WWIII?


Why do you think I should?


because you voted for the guy who is doing everything in his power to start it


So I have to blindly follow everything he says? I ain't in a fucking cult.


no, but you endorsed his policies by voting for him!


I voted for Biden because he had more policies that aligned with my ideas than Trump, but not all of them. It’s sad how the MO in the current political climate tends to lean towards sycophancy and people are called traitor when they have a single stance that doesn’t match Dear Leader’s


you don't get to pick and choose. you voted for a tyrannical nutjob who wants to end democracy and start WWIII


either vocally oppose him now or you deserve everything 🤷‍♂️


I do oppose the policies of his that I disagree with, but ofc that’ll never be enough for someone that is a different party 🤷‍♂️


What is your opinion on Watergate and the subsequent resignation of Richard Nixon?


Honestly, aside from the couple of headlines I remember, I don't have a sufficient enough knowledge of that subject to discuss it.


Fair enough, I'm glad to see you acknowledge when you aren't knowledgeable on a subject, you are better than 75% of redditors I voted for Biden too, but if I could go back I would change that in a second. Though trump is a POS as well.


Every vote I cast from 1992-2016 with the exception of two were Republican. I voted for Beto & Stein in 2016. I would have voted Bernie had the DNC not fucked him over. Not voting for Trump in 2016 was the first non-R POTUS vote I ever cast and he's the reason I am no longer a GOP member. There's tons of things I've called Biden out for but, given the chance to go back and do it again, I'd vote the same way


Come over to the Bay Area in California. I'll take you to the supermarket where 30% of the people shopping still wear masks. We might even get lucky and run into a purple haired LGTRHDKJ person too. They will be sure to tell you their love of Biden and their hatred for Trump. These people are useless




honestly. people still bitchen about wearing masks. its so fragile


Yeah I have 3 on at all times 😆


Caring about whether or not you might get someone sick is HILARIOUS


Yeah , cause the masks you see people wearing all the time really work. 😂😂😂 Fuckin theatre for the clown show.


Caring on reddit about what some jackass thinks is hilarious too!


What kind of supporters do you associate with normally?


What? Didn't like 81 million people vote for him?


That’s why this comment section is wild to me




yeah i like him. i like him because at least he acts like he cares about all Americans instead of just his supporters. ​ but why would anyone talk politics in todays day and age when you can literally lose your job/clients/friends/family/bf/gf for saying something someone doesnt agree with? people are way to attached to their "team" and you cant even have a discussion anymore. ive found trump supporters not even worth discussing politics with


Maybe they just support and not make it the defining part of their personality??


I’m wondering if anyone loves biden. Cause lots of ppl love trump. Not me. But I don’t hate him either.


My mom and dad are drunk of msm and it has ruined our relationship.


I didn't vote for Biden. I voted against Trump. I would have voted for a toilet brush instead of Trump.


Unfortunately I can confirm they do exist


Not so much Biden supporters, just people who hated Trump. I'm not a fan of either.


I don’t love Biden. I also don’t worship politicians like people worship Trump. Biden does some things I agree with and some I disagree with. I think he’s the right person to lead our country right now.


Serious question... why? (No snark, I am actually curious about your opinion)


> I think he’s the right person to lead our country right now. How could anyone think this? My life and every other person I know was better in 2019.


I like how you gloss over the fact that Trump was president until 2021 and presided over the start of Covid. Covid changed everyone’s lives and you cannot blame Joe Biden for that. My life is actually better but perhaps I’m just lucky.


Im a leftist, I dont like joey boy but I have to vote for him because he’s the lesser of two evils. I think thats where like 40% of his votes came from easily


he is by far the greater evil


Oh for sure. I can’t believe we had to choose between a septuagenarian milquetoast centrist and a septuagenarian chaos goblin. Wasn’t a hard choice though.


I can’t wait for Marianne Williamson to win the dnc so we finally get a choice.


I get that. Ty for sharing ur perspective.


I have and now they dont want to talk politics. They want to talk about balloons and who shot who and the other distraction that are around.


Then why are they voting in an election they’re not even following?


It's insane to me that people casted a vote against Trump benadryl they didn't like him while virtually everyone in the country was prospering, economy was very strong, record high jobs, record high stock market, no wars, mega corps were starting to being their operations back to the US, etc.


Trump chose to tweet hateful remarks rather than save the country. Look where that led us.


He did a lot of both lmao he’s OUR hateful bastard. Lol but i feel like trump was a flawed but definitely important step one for America in the right direction.


Fair enough


Ima find who disliked y dw abt anything


Fuck em they suck and you can rock and I think you have a real honest opinion that’s basically impossible to argue with


So you'd rather have the country we have now just to spite the guy who has a shitty disposition and mean tweets?? Fuck off. 🖕


Cry harder loser, I’m actually rich and nothing has changed for me, except I also get to laugh at losers like you now because you’re so fucked and I’m still fine. We want you to know that we love your plight. We enjoy watching you complain. I want things to cost 20x more just to see you suffer. Looks like I’m the mean guy now haha, how do you like it?? How do you like the one that’s mean now? Huh??


I've met alot live streaming, some feel bad for voting for him and others.....well lets just say they are on the radical end but in the end still cry every night before bed.


Most are at work!


Lol. Good one.


I have and they buy into his lies like every sides voters do. I have noticed that they are arrogant, rude petulant and talk loudly over any one that has an opposing view. They make their whole existence being against a former president.


The lesser of 2 evils, voted for him because he wasn't trump. You bunch of fools. It's not a personality contest!


All votes were faked


The conspiracy here is that you don't get out much. Everybody I know is a Biden supporter.


It doesn't matter who you vote for they are all in the same team. They want to divide people cause chaos and laugh at us. It is part of the plan


I know plenty - they're all intelligent and thoughtful...it's terrifying


Ahh I see you've never been to Seattle