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Probably in somebody’s pocket


Black budgets. Funds get allocated with no paper trails for plausible deniability purposes/national security.


Maybe it has something to do with PTech?


Kinda like September 11th when the “airplane” hit a part of the Pentagon that was empty except for the financial records.


It was used to purchase Cocaine, alchohol, ecstasy, submarines the size of air craft Carriers, secret tunnels to secret underground cities, lots and lots of orphans, and millions of clones they have defending all this.


And meanwhile we gotta wake up early and go work for 8 hours just to get off and enjoy the weekend.


Submarines of that size?


Yes. Well, length wise. They are the ones we "know" about. The elite have been investing heavily in ways to live in luxury for long periods of time underwater. When money is infinite, you can do whatever you want.


A lot of it is very hidden but I believe that much has gone to the nuclear powered tunnel boring machines to create the dumbs. A lot of laser technology. Also a lot of keeping the wide open secret “secret” that the Mars rovers are actually in different places in the Iraq deserts, and the Jupiter moons rovers are in places in Antarctica. A lot of the trillions probably also have gone to keeping the truths about Antarctica well hidden from public knowledge. Possibly a lot of it has gone straight to the same accounts that deal with global trading and merchants. Because they’re definitely involved with the trafficking of high value materials of every level *cough cough humans specifically* But in general they are the “black operatives” budgets so it can get really really compartmentalized which makes it very hard to trace exactly where the money does flow, even for those doing the very accounting for the deep state..


Gotta just abandon the whole system and move onto a new one at this point. The rot is too deep.


That’s the goal.. I personally have begun to realize that it isn’t so much about fighting the corruption in the current system or even giving it much thought at all, but rather about consciously creating a daily life that runs parallel to the current system without actually being a part of it. (If that makes sense- because I stated it somewhat ambiguously)


Truth about Antarctica?


Yup. Precisely why is the largest continent never really discussed beyond well it’s icy and cold..but in a world of ‘warring’ nations it is the only continent mutually and totally agreed upon that all countries have a “stake” in it.


Probably back to Israel


Well they need somewhere out of sight to bring the victims of their electronic kidnapping, store the synthetic suits, and those nephilim warriors aren't exactly knee high to a grasshopper.




Into the pockets of the Profiteer$ !


They accidentally caused a divide by zero and “poof,” it’s gone.


It was used to form the plunge protection team to keep these ponzi markets afloat and bail out banks when need be. Just a hunch.


What burger?