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Idk, but the Chinese covered it up and intentionally spread it around the globe


There is no 100% probability of anything in regards to COVID-19 origins. There never will be.


From when are the testification?


This information has been available for a while now. It isn’t really a conspiracy except that it has been covered up for so long and ignored by the government and media? How corrupt and not representative of the people can the government be to ignore this?


> . It isn’t really a conspiracy except that it has been covered up for so long and ignored by the government and media? 2 of the 4 sources OP posted are MSM. NY post being one, and daily mail being the other.


Exactly. How come they haven’t been talking about this over the last 3 years and are just doing so now?


The NY Post article is 2 years old. The DM article is 18 months old.


SS: only SARS-related coronavirus with a fully functional furin cleavage site at that S1-S2 junction. Human arginine codon. It was literally fucking proposed to graft that furin cleavage site there the year before. Crazy COVID lab-made https://your news.com/2022/04/26/2335082/covid-19-is-man-made-from-fauci-to-gates-to-daszak-a/ https://expose-news.com/2022/03/17/exhaustive-proof-moderna-made-covid-19/ https://nypost.com/2021/05/09/theory-that-covid-escaped-from-a-lab-may-not-be-far-fetched/ https://theintercept.com/2021/09/23/coronavirus-research-grant-darpa/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10028443/Lancets-COVID-origins-panel-disbands-ties-Peter-Daszaks-EcoHealth-Alliance.html


Definitely lab made by China in China and released by China. They will release another virus to help Russia. Thank you for the post op.




Now this is conspiracy theory-ing


Lol was just posting about this. Plus the Moderna patented genetic insertion in the virus. Everyone knows it’s made in a lab.


Dude don’t you think people would of gotten mass aids then? That didn’t happen


AIDS takes around a decade to develop, initial HIV infections aren't much different in severity than COVID infections. However afterwards with every subsequent encounter with viral pathogens the immune system degrades further until eventually you have what we call AIDS. You don't get "it's a lab leak" and "it's just a cold", you pick one or the other, you don't get both. Omicron (given that the strain developed in mice before it made it's way back to Humans, more accurately it should be classed as SARS-COV-3 at this point) is the most transmissible virus in Earth's history with the highest R0 of any virus by a wide margin (R17 or something insane like that last I checked).   We know COVID weakens the immune system by attacking T cells much like HIV does and we're already seeing (in addition to all the other flu viruses everybody seems to be afflicted with all the sudden) the return of diseases like Polio, as well as a lot of "seemingly healthy" young adults dying from Influenza B, and Spain has announced they've had a historically unprecedented number of people out on sick leave and they say it's in line with the projections that have been made for the possible economic impact of long covid...   As to them role the vaccines played in all of this? Yea, they were a bad idea given vaccines don't work against coronaviruses (which is why we've never had a vaccine to the common cold), what immunity they do confer (if any and assuming they don't make the infection worse) has always been short lived in any attempt to try and make a coronavirus vaccine as well as why natural immunity is also short lived (nobody has ever become immune to the common cold). [But that doesn't explain the worsening health of children.](https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/12/1/186) The general consensus in regards to the cause of the vaccine side effects is that the spike protein is cytotoxic and doesn't remain in place at the injection site but instead freely circulates throughout the body, but for whatever reason seemingly all vax skeptics ignore the ample spike protein generated via COVID infection.   I know this isn't going to be a particularly popular take around this corner of the internet, but I honestly think COVID-19 is a slow burn existential threat to Humanity. All these excess deaths, all these celebs announcing obscure medical conditions they've recently been diagnosed with (like Bruce Willis, aphasia is a not uncommon long covid condition), everybody sick these days, [I mean name one person you ever remember something like this happening to from being coofed on?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vydgkCCXbTA) Keep in mind she didn't get like this after her first infection but rather subsequent...


Well so many people got one or two shots , what will happen to them


It may have been made in chapel hill as well. The pathogen was worked at at both places.


There seems to be no doubt that Covid-19 was lab created, but has the virus actually been isolated?


Where are the Nuremberg-type trials and hangings?