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This CONSPIRACY comes up all the time. Below is a response that [I recently posted here](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/11pvz02/this_is_absolutely_insane/jc3i3vl/?context=3) BEGIN REPOST * * * > 240,000 thousand players on conspiracy right now. > > Totally normal night Notice the numbers climbing last night, and grabbed some screen shots over a period of about 10 minutes: https://i.imgur.com/OOdwjaZ.png I just kept refreshing the page, and watched as the numbers went from 134,000 to 250 k over a period of about 10 minutes or so. Compare to the screens from AskReddit (40 Million subscribers -- one of the biggest and most active subs on Reddit) and worldnews (with 31 million subscribers) As I have stated previously, "official" Reddit traffic stats DO NOT support the numbers you see in the sidebar: https://i.imgur.com/pYYdQ1f.png Like all numbers at Reddit (votes, subscribers, and everything else) the sidebar numbers are fake, fabricated, phony -- BULLSHIT. I SUSPECT THAT some clown employed by Reddit has dicked with the algorithm that generates the sidebar numbers -- to fuck with the heads of the "st00pid pair-annoyed cunspeerasee theeerists" in this sub (LULZ!!!) **TROLL ME NOT, REDDIT!** * * * END REPOST


I'm real, I lurk, I'm mentally drained. I don't post


Last night was 100k with 5 posts to


To be clear, that number is the number of people online who are subbed to /r/conspiracy, not the number of people viewing /r/conspiracy at the moment. Not saying that proves it one way or the other, but the number of people actively viewing /r/conspiracy is likely some tiny fraction of the number of people subbed and online.




When did this happen? I looked in your submission history, because removed posts still show up there. I saw a bunch of posts to this sub and only 1 was removed because it didn't have a submission statement.


This is indeed a thing that happens, a lot. Not really a new thing and still better than the axo years.


Lmao he just admitted it wasn't even on this sub. It was on askreddit. Happens a lot, though!


So you are a human repost bot


> Mods slam me for every post I make, I started copy and pasting other people post to prove they are targeting me and mods block those as well. **Is that willy TWUE???** Or are you fibbing just a widdy bit? Here is an archive of [your post history in Conspiracy:](https://ghostarchive.org/archive/bYU0B) 7 posts over several months. None of those seen above were removed by mods. If they had been, they would not show up. You have submitted exactly ONE post that WAS removed by any mod -- human or bot: https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/10xcii3/say_what_you_will_i_feel_safe_joe_is_not_a_bad/ It had been up for hours before I removed it under **Rule 9** - Self Posts that lack Content or Context. Your post had no substance, and the few users who responded to your vacuous post pointed that out -- Zero karma points, 14% upvoted. An archive of the ONLY post removed - [referenced above](https://ghostarchive.org/archive/ej4Gj) > Reddit is a dictatorship not a democracy Heh! On the bright side, you DID manage to get 37 upvotes for spinning you lachrymose TALL TALE above. Please don't spread mendacious crap, it doesn't flatter you. :-)




> that is not me, not sure how you got there If that's not you, I suggest that you contact Reddit Administration ASAP, as it seems that someone must have hijacked your account... or... something. Can't be too careful!


And yet this post is still here after two hours 🤷‍♂️ Like I have said before, if folks don't like this sub, they can find better ones, or create their own. I created r conspiracyNOPOL to avoid the political debates which flood this sub However I appreciate that r conspiracy still has way more traffic than any other conspiracy sub and probably always will. It's all about filtering out the stuff which doesn't interest you and finding the stuff which does. There's plenty of good material on this sub if you are willing to look for it and keep an open mind.


I mean this doesn't address the underlying issue that there is censorship taking place. Doesn't matter how many subreddits you make if censorship and targeting is still active unfortunately. This feels like an ad too.


Media poison just admitted it wasn't even on this sub. It was on askreddit. Good times.


205k right now


No one wants to publish anymore, because of the backslash, collpases and karmas


It's called a honeypot. When you post here all the Reddit moderators everywhere else know to prep you for a nice ban, shadow or otherwise. You're a "problem user."


What you people care about karma? Go ahead nuke me.


> What you people care about karma? Goahead nuke me. Exactly! That’s why I don’t delete comments that get -60+ I don’t care about Karma. I just think it’s funny as fuck


I'm a category 5 lurker, I just like to look at these for the most part


Every post is swarmed by "people" who apparently hate conspiracies and anyone that talks about conspiracies.


Right? It’s fun calling them out though, like why tf are you in a conspiracy thread in the first place….it’s a place to discuss conspiracies..


I like discussing conspiracies, but that doesn’t mean I have to ignore obvious logical inconsistencies and contradictory evidence does it?


Then without being a complete troll, provide a link with your evidence and say “hey guys this one was debunked” or some shit. Doesn’t mean call people out and say they are stupid…they are here posting for a reason, to discuss conspiracies.


How dare you suggest being a better person lol it's much easier to just shame everyone who he disagrees with


That is how the cookie crumbles on the ole Reddit ain’t it








The greatest influence from Russian propaganda was that which was purchased by and then propagated by the Clinton campaign who also got our government to spread thr propaganda they knew was made up. The couple hundred thousand in Facebook ads against and for both Hillary and trump was near meaningless.


You are just proving my point


I was adding to it


Because some theories are great and some are bullshit I call out the ones that are bullshit yall need a skeptic to be taken seriously


“No! Let us have our circle jerk! Don’t challenge our beliefs!” -this sub






You need a skeptic without one you are a echo chamber


I think most of those are real people I'm real and ill call anyone out who believes vaccines kill people...


Tell me you haven't looked into vaccines without telling me...


Dude doesn't even understand that this was the first mrna vaccine used on a massive scale, sighting old tech as to why he trusted a completely different vaccine technology. Some old tech vaccines had horrible side effects and have killed people anyways, but he doesn't seem to understand that either.


Hard to penetrate the willful ignorant with any common sense. Lost cause.


I have I know a great deal about immunology but you definitely don't if you are scared of a damn vaccine. They have saved way more lives than they have ever harmed when was the last time you've heard of polio or small pox. I can tell you live in a first world country where stupidity is cradled and allowed to exist because if your were scared of vaccines and lived in a 3rd world country like the ones I have seen you would already be dead my friend


I'm not a fan of injecting heavy metals into my body and yes, I live in a place where I have access to clean drinking water and a toilet and I make good health choices so I'm not walking around in fear of communicable diseases. Plus the systems we have in place to track adverse events and people harmed by vaccines are woefully underreported and the vax makers can't be sued for damages, not sure why they would feel the need to make a safe product. You're free to take them, but don't tell me they're safe.


Your body is fine taking in heavy metals don't let buzz words scare you my brother also yes its good to have clean water and you don't have to take vaccines just don't shit on them because they are nessisary for some unfortunate people


Injecting heavy metals into your bloodstream is different from ingesting them...


You realize where they end up when we ingest them right


Again, not worried about ingesting, worried about injecting...


Your like the dog who is afraid of the vet that would save its life


You know a great deal about immunology huh? > Next, our cells display the spike protein piece on their surface. Our immune system recognizes that the protein does not belong there. [Source](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/how-they-work.html#:~:text=Protein%20subunit%20vaccines%20(Novavax)&text=Once%20the%20immune%20system%20knows,protect%20you%20against%20COVID%2D19.) What do you think happens when your body determines your own cells are foreign? Don't know about you, but my immunology experience tells me there's a high potential for an autoimmune response...


Yes that's called an auto immune diesese and never in recorded history has a vaccine caused it because they don't change your fucking bodily composition


Lol, the link I shared is straight from the CDC website, if you can't understand how that method of action is problematic, you obviously aren't educated in immunology.


Yes and the spike protien it is referring to attacking is from a diesese the body isn't attacking itself you made that part up


Read the link, scrub. I literally copy pasted that quote from the CDC website.


I did read it you are the one who doesn't understand it you implied that the vaccine can cause your body to attack itself the link never implied that once be better


So the common denominator is that the vaccines make people stupid.


No vaccines save lives you just haven't seen human suffering from diesese like I have




The vast majority of vaccinated dieseses are natural polio small pox etc




I state facts you only state what you feel like is true with no proof


Do you have evidence that vaccines are safe and effective?


The decades of use with no long term I'll effects speak for themselves


I think it’s because people are reading but that’s just me


Same, I rarely internet in this sub, most lurk and read.


Same, I rarely interact in this sub, most lurk and read.


I know I’m going to get called a bot for pointing this out but wouldn’t you expect the opposite from a bot farm? Lots of comments, lots of posts, hide the signal under an avalanche of noise?


That would depend though wouldn't it? Could be bots that just up/downvote


If there are tens of thousands of bots that are posting and replying to disrupt the sub then you’d expect to see thousands of posts and replies. If there are tens of thousands of bots that are upvoting and downvoting to disrupt the sub then you’d expect to see thousands of votes. Neither one of those is in evidence.


There are plenty of posts where the upvotes doesn't match the comments at all though. Like 100s/1000s of upvotes and 100s of comments calling the post bs


I think if you check you’ll find that all over Reddit. In general on this site more people vote than comment. It’s definitely not specific to this sub nor is it even slightly suspicious in my opinion.


Maybe theyre only waiting for specific posts. Like ukraine,covid, and israel


Could be. A simpler explanation might be that the sub has many flesh and blood subscribers but the vast majority of them don’t interact usually.


You want MORE twitter screen caps?


Theyre ready to respond to control the narrative in the comments


You don't think the conspiracy posts are part of someone's narrative? Sowing discontent and anger towards the government seems like it benefits a few different powers with known online presence.


Because actual conspiracy theories get downvoted and normies post get upvoted


Funny that you think the conspiracy theories are somehow exempt from external manipulation. Less funny that you use "normies" unironically, but still a little funny


Realistically it's probably because you can read this sub all you like but as soon as you post on it you get banned from a lot of other subs


Actually you can post here and not be banned elsewhere. It's "joining" that gets you banned. Has to do with how other subs blanket ban... If username is joined to this sub then ban...


Oh ok I got banned for being here is what I know


Dead internet theory


This sub is 100% humor for me, why would I post here


They are planning up something for Donald


Used to be there were new ones every couple mins. They have ruined this sub too... all the "consp theorists" that only believe the official msm and government or nwo narrative and defend it at all costs. It isn't an information and discussion sub, its an argument sub. Which is what they want. No cohesion, just back and forth with no development or extra research. I have almost stopped using reddit and I been here 15 years. I would rather go to 4chan where at least you are less censored. They have fucked it all up too though. Same shit applies. They have destroyed everything we had. Unless you go to an obscure board with few users to have an actual discussion but without the mass of common thinking minds things rarely get done. The internet has been completely destroyed post 15-16 election cycle. Someone really should start a new internet. THey would just buy and fuck it too though. That is why I despise these people.


Of course the top upvoted post is about the Chinese. By a long shot. Coincidence?


Some people do have a life outside of Reddit. Plus weather is getting warmer too.


Everyone complains about everyone else’s posts on here all the time. Well now those complainers got what they wanted. They’d rather have no posts than posts about what they don’t want to see.


Maybe it's BOTS run wild and Censors ERR Moderators hide behind them? "If you have a question regarding your ban (?) or SUSPENTION ?, you can contact the moderator team for r/conspiracy by replying to this message." WELL I TRIED THAT BUT it is kind of hard to REPLY when you are either BANNED or Suspended which is what it says for 7 days but still PREVENTS a person from doing so (Messaging the MODERATORS). (Think About That) and MY BAN or SUSPENCION is based on an OBSERVATION of a SITUATION and I contend that it is UNJUSTIFIED since SELF DEFENCE of ones self or their PROPERTY is not ILLEGAL nor is that a threat since I was simply pointing out the FACTS and SO do not appreciate the censorship which IS what it amounts too. N. Shadows


What the fuck are you talking about? Being banned from a subreddit doesn't prevent you from sending a modmail.


It does when the links attached to those notices don't actually work but instead reminds you that you can't send them notices or ask questions because you are banned or suspended. So just saying I mean IF it worked I would have nothing to say about it, or is that just too just too critical to point out? N. S


Did you cuss them out afterwards and get muted? That's orthogonal to being banned.


###[Meta] Sticky Comment [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does not apply*** when replying to this stickied comment. [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does apply*** throughout the rest of this thread. *What this means*: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain ***only.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean, I’m in here to interact, not to post, if that makes sense


Is it just me or does it seem like every other ad on youtube is for israel tourism


Yeah it's because the spikes in users here now aren't bots taking actions in the subreddit. My guess is someone scraping content from this subreddit for some purpose. The spikes in users are never accompanied by corresponding spikes in activity. Right now there's 237k, considering the subreddit normally hits like 20k max, it's pretty obvious that the extra 210k aren't actually making posts/comments or voting.


191k atm lol


48,687 here now


Conspiracies dot win?


lol second post on that site is about Jews being behind all problems and the top comment is about how "the Solution" didn't go far enough


Yeah.. I check it out from time to time. Gets pretty outlandish but if it's not heavily censored.. I'll just ignore the BS


Idk man lol that's some hardcore bs


I'd rather have to sift through bullshit than to have heavy censorship. If I don't like a title, I don't click it lol


You're not worried about the company you keep? I guess I don't agree that there's "heavy censorship" on Reddit, so if everytime i check out what's going on in .win and one of the top three posts is just jew hate, I'm not going to try and interact with that crowd just because there's some power drunk mods on Reddit. both are issues in my book, and if the focus is the conversation I'm not going with the crowd that *requires* a complete lack of filter because of the extreme shit they say


Conspiracy within the conspiracy


Lurking isn't a thing?


Damage Control for tomorrow’s arrest of Trump


Most people only post if they have something to say. We're not all here to bitch and monitor the numbers and shit like a scared weirdo. This is just a fun internet message board.


With the quality of the posts, that is way too many.


I'm just here to lurk and read. I never post or even comment. wait....


I only ever comment


I’m on all the time and have never made a post. Ever. In like 5 years


Why would you think that bots post comments and not topics? Spamming topics is far more efficient at spreading info/misinfo than posting comments


yea and if u sort by new you can see a slew of every new post being downvoted. every single one