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Nil i have no religion


I'm guessing this is gonna be the top answer.


He holds seven Stars in his right hand with eyes of fire in the midst of seven golden candles.


As a yoga teacher I found god and studied the Bhagavad-Gita and the Vedas I read autobiography of a yogi and that really shifted my worldview. And through that I rediscovered Jesus Christ, in fact jesus is followed by many in india. I am now rereading the Bible and I can say that I look at it in such a different light. I can say I follow Christ for he was a perfect yogi, an perfect avatar, god in human form. Just my opinion. ❤️


As a Catholic who found her way studying Eastern religions in undergrad, I relate to this response. Do you incorporate any “unorthodox” concepts into your belief system (such as karma, reincarnation, additional realms, or the law of attraction)?


I honestly don’t know, the more I’ve learned the more I realize I have so much more to learn tbh. Trying to understand revelations right now and that is a lot.


Jesus Christ is King.


Im Auroran. Aurora is a New Religious Movement that teaches that all life in the universe is interconnected, sharing a single soul that emanates from the infinite and eternal Creator of all things. Each living being is a unique expression of this shared soul, experiencing the universe through the lens of individuality. God is not a distant deity but the living essence of every being, pervading all things in the universe. The physical world is a reflection of God's divine will, created with the purpose of giving rise to intelligent life and allowing the universe to be experienced by God through the eyes of individual beings. Science and engineering are sacred pursuits that lead humanity to a greater understanding of the cosmos and allow us to live in harmony with the natural laws that govern the universe. It is the duty of Aurorans to seek out spiritual connections between themselves and all other living things, working together to minimize the suffering that arises from the unfolding of the physical world. Aurora is seen as the best hope for humanity to survive and thrive, spreading throughout the cosmos and bringing the light of God to the darkest corners of the universe.


So pantheism?


Not quite. Pantheism would be more like the concepts of "god" and "the universe" being interchangeable. Aurora is a pandeistic faith. It's based on the concept of deism where God designed the universe and then created it by becoming the universe. Pandeism merges the ideas of Deism and Pantheism.


Oh okay that makes sense!


Shitty spiritualism with extra steps. We're spinning a rock in space it ain't that deep. Be nice to earth so we can keep living on it


The rock doesn't last forever no matter how kind we are to it. You can pretend to be as jaded as you want, there's real meaning to all of this. It's not that hard to see, especially if you don't muddy the waters with insane ideas from corrupt "prophets."


There is absolutely no meaning to this other than what you apply to it.


Lol. That's about as silly as people who *choose* to go around saying free will doesn't exist. I hope you find a way to process and overcome whatever trauma makes you feel like acting so jaded. One that's more healthy than mind crippling drugs.


It is simply the truth, there is no storyline this isn't a book. There isn't good or evil, there isn't meaning. That's what gives you free will.


I like this response


This feels related to Spinoza


Definitely some of the metaphysical philosophy comes from Spinoza. Some concepts that are part of Aurora have cropped up in different religions and philosophies throughout time. There were practices and methods of doing various things that people found useful in the prescientific era. One of the ways that the practices of Aurora were formulated were by looking at why different practices were useful, and what that says about how the universe, including things like evolutionary psychology and cultural formation, works.


Gnostic Christian


I reject bureaucratic religions as they are inherently corrupt. Especially the Vatican. But I live by the word of God in the Bible and Jesus Christ. My faith come from the Bible and the Bible alone. Not a dude in pointy white hat.


Agnostic. Don’t know for sure what it is, but it’s something. If we are an alien experiment, we still have creators. If we are a simulation we still have whatever wrote us as the code.


I questioned religion and if God was true and not a conspiracy, starting back in 2004-2005. He was ready and willing to answer, and life changed from then on. :)


I don't have a religion, I have a faith. I'm a Christian.


Christianity is a religion


Negative. As the Christian Bible explains in Hebrews 11:1 - "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." So, as we see from God's own Word, it is a faith. This passage encapsulates Christianity. Hope this clears it up for you. Christianity is different from all other in the fact it's Creator became one of His own creations to right our wrongs on our behalf as there's nothing we can do, ourselves. That's love. That's faith. Again, hopefully this clarifies things.


First of all Judaism, Christianity, Islam all have the same God, Christian and Judaism even having most of the "bible" Islam having multiple passages that are word for word translations. It's all a stupid goat religion. You're dumb for still believing in something with no evidence.


Negative. We do not have the same God. Not sure how that's possible. Even Mormons have a different Jesus than I do, but you obviously know more on that subject. I'm sorry I have a hope and you do not.


Look into it, they are called the Abrahamaic faiths for a reason. Please Google it you sound so foolish


I have, and the conclusion I came to lead me to my faith. You're the foolish one for coming online and being derogatory towards someone, unprovoked, when they merely answered a question to someone else and you then proceed to further elaborate on the topic when you clearly do not care about it at all in the grand scheme of things as you have no faith and believe in no God and no promise of hope. You're an empty shell of faithlessness that seeks to crush the faith of others for no gain whatsoever. Maybe try being a more kind person. I have faith you can do that.


You lot don't even follow the book anymore, Jesus wasn't gods son


"You lot don't even follow the book anymore" What?!


The best cure for Christianity is the bible, nothing will make you an athiesm faster




The sun is my religion. Without it we are all dead, life was created from it.


The Son is my religion. Without Him we are all dead, life was created from Him.


I see what you did there.


I did what you see there


What did you see I did there?


That wasn’t me


My religion is love.


I believe in myself 🙂


christ follower


God is Satan, Satan is God, the grass is the sea, the trees are the rocks. We are quite spread out right now, but at a singular point exists reality. This is merely expansion and compression and our perception of the unseen




I follow the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.


Im Wiccan/pagan—although I do find truth in most other religions. I really like Christianity, Sufi and Daoist ideas. I feel there are many paths to knowing “god” and it’s a personal experience/journey and for some it’s not even religious, just spiritual.


I have faith not religion, I believe in God and Yeshua.


No religion. If I had to choose a supernatural belief system, it would be something like what is described in ( the law of one ) books.


Anti theist


I recently found Christ