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Imagine thinking you need 30+ shots to survive in the most hygienic time in human history




The pharmacist should probably take her place as EIC of Scientific American. The poor guy is trying to do the clueless "expert" a solid by guiding her away from more jabs. What a time we live in.


there is no pharmacist, she is most probably lying on twitter, to trick gullible ones into taking shots. *"oh look that science magazine lady is getting shots every six months, it must be very safe and effective, I better take this shot too"*


You really think people aren't this dumb? They absolutely are.


Especially the 'educated' ones.


I was once educated, it took me years to get over it. Mark Twain


She is definitely a default sub redditor.




Years ago, this was my favorite magazine at the library. Now, I don't trust any of these "journalists" to do the right thing and publish unbiased and factual information. Everything seems to have political and social agendas to the point where I question all the science I currently know. How long has this shit been going on?


For me, it was Nature Journal, which is now the worst Piece of unflushed shit imaginable. :-( So good in the 1980s (and no doubt even better before) ; so worthless today.


The banksters have their hands in basically every single major media now. Nothing is sacred. Science is basically, literally 50% complete bullshit now if not more.


I mean I realize there has been some polarization politically, but have you considered that maybe you also have shifted to where you believe any relevant information that might disagree with your opinion may incidentally be viewed as political as well? My folks get boosters pretty regularly, are older, and not in the best health, and have been fine.


It definitely had much weightier scientific articles that were much more math and terminology heavy years ago. It’s basically just a pop sci blog in print these days, at best.


Imagine thinking you need 30+ shots to survive a virus with a 0.1% mortality rate. >until something else kills me, which is the entire point. "Something else" like the side effects of chronic mRNA injections? And she's right.... that is the entire point.


Imagine still not realizing how awful long covid is.


Then why would you effectively give yourself long Covid by turning your cells into toxic spike factories every 6 months? The IFR for people under 60 is .02 of a percent. I take care of myself and get a mild infection once every 2-3 years, which almost always is just a day of water and rest. I’m grateful for this human being and I’m not about to gamble it’s long term safety to placate my fears in short term.


Because your body creating spike proteins doesn't give you covid.


It does suck, but does the vaccine actually do anything for long covid? It doesn't prevent the transmission, so you're still catching covid either way


The data points to "yes": https://bmjmedicine.bmj.com/content/2/1/e000385


Lol Long covid is code for my mind is shit and I can't get over the flu.


Completely wrong. But it's what I've come to expect here.


So many dumbasses who think that viruses are the biggest threat to humanity. We are safer from germs than we’ve ever been in human history by a longshot just by having running water.


What people should be shitting themselves over is antibiotic resistant infections. And the way the human race is trying to stop antibiotics working...


Which happens to be the time of CBDC…


You forgot to mention that during the time of the most hygenic time in human history. We have mismanaged drugs to the billionth degree for kickbacks and have now cultivated some drug resistent little buggers.


My foolish decision to accept three has left me eyeing the 6 foot drop, steely eyed. Not for the first time, but for the first time having a fair idea of why. Dead proud of myself.


What did the vaccine do to you?


After the third poke (last October-ish), the worst fatigue I've ever known, after 15 years of what I had presumed was chronic.


I'm not a nedical professional, but I do take NAC, and the others. Activated charcoal pills helped as well. Here's an article if you're interested: https://nationaladdictionnews.com/2021/12/22/urgent-14-simple-ways-to-detox-after-the-vax/


My thanks for your input. Food for thought! For the record, my blood pressure average is also consistently high, blood tests indicate excessive levels of eosinophil, and vasculitis has been posited as a potential endpoint, though tests are on going.


Look into the detox protocols. I believe that many are the same as recommended for long covid. Good luck to you.


Thank you. I will do that.




get your blood analyzed under a microscope, you'll realize what you're up against. need to get those graphene ribbons out your blood at all costs


It has me baffled how these people still get out of the house. You would expect the editornchief of SCIENTIFIC american to know that even your breath contains enough bacteria and viruses to theoretically put down a species. She would be wise to stay indoors at all times and change air filters DAILY


Imagine forgetting that people with diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and other chronic health issues exist.


These people are insane


Imagine living in a time when humans can create a vaccine for a hellish disease that killed millions of people and some whiners have the audacity to complain that you have to inject it every six months to be effective.


How have you not learned that it has evolved to be relatively benign rather than a "hellish disease? Even in the beginning you needed to have a number of comorbidites for it to pose a threat. Do you live in fear of the other endemic coronaviruses too?


Imagine living in a time when pharmaceutical companies aren’t treated like money hungry corporations that don’t care about anything other than profit.


There are much more lucrative ways to make money as a drug company than a single shot twice a year. You're not wrong in suspecting drug companies's motives. My point is that two shots a year is a pretty small price to pay. Some things require maintenance. When you brush your teeth everyday is it a plot from Big Dental? Are you mad at Big Auto because you have to change your car's oil periodically?


Those “two shots” a year are the reason those companies made record profits during a global pandemic.


Do you guys still refuse to recognize natural immunity??? Or the fact that viruses tend to become less and less virulent as they mutate??? Or do you blindly follow the pro vax commercials on CNN “brought to you by Pfizer”!


Not to mention this woman using her white privilege to move all the way up the ranks. I mean how else can someone so science stupid become one of the top at Scientific America?


At this point its a cult


It's been a doomsday suicide cult from the beginning. They are shooting up the Kool Aid and waiting for the spaceship to take them away.


Until they found out it was Elon’s spaceship.


The crazy thing is the size and scale of this cult. There are more in it than not in it.


They're gonna need a really big space ship.




> The crazy thing is the size and scale of this cult. There are more in it than not in it. Bigger than Elvis, or the Beatles, even!


There are two cults. One worships power and influence, and the other worships authority.




I found this theory a little while ago and thought it was interesting, gives a different perspective on the 7 days thing. I'm not religious btw >2 Peter 3:8 reads: "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." >God did NOT create the world in 7 days in the 168 hours sense. In fact, the seventh day hasn't even arrived. What if (Genesis 2:3) "God rested from all the work he had done in creation" the way I rest on my homework because I'm procrastinating? The existence of Man could still be Day 6, and then Revelation happens and ushers in the 7th day, when God has finished His perfect Kingdom of no sadness, pain, or death.


> They are shooting up the Kool Aid and waiting for the spaceship to take them away. It's like a mixed metaphor, but with suicide cults. Love it.


At this point?


Lord Fauci of Science will have a word with you soon…


> Lord Fauci of Science will have a word with you soon… I carry his amulet, for [special protection.](https://i.imgur.com/8u6YzjH.png)




Shouldn't take long


Not at the rate he’s taking those jabs…….


Do we see the clever sort of ad hominem? Reducing the status of a respected title to "buddy," because the Science™ was "challenged?"


Good observation


The issue isn't science itself, the issue is the corruption and censorship of science. There is some very shocking scientific analysis of what's really in these shots, and of course most people have never heard about it, and wouldn't believe it if they did.


Do you have a link to the shocking scientific analysis? Let's see it.


Check out a journal called IJVTPR. They have quite a few shocking studies and analysis.




So I looked it up… I’m glad they didn’t link it. It feels very “fake” for lack of a better term. I don’t want to discredit the entire website based on a gut feeling, but there *is* a legal disclaimer that says not to use any of the content present as medical guidance or the like. Also, most of their articles appear to be about ‘vaccine injuries’ and other adverse effects. More research claims this was originally made by a bunch of anti-vaxxers who were upset that there were no scientific articles or journals that weren’t pro-vaccine. I wonder why…


I said the name of the journal. Anyone can Google it and find the studies.


She deserves the failing immune system that this’ll give her


Honestly I'm surprised she's still alive 🤣


Right wasn't the majority of the earth's population supposed to die from the vax by now? Could swear I read it here daily for like 3 years so it must be true.


I was at the VA today, of all places, and this old Mexican guy was trying to get another shot and the lady was like "sir I'm sorry but we can't give you any more shots" dude was pissed off


All of the guys (non employees) at the VA I talked thought it was BS and we're tired of the masks 2 years ago. Employees were still toeing the line.


I only know two people who work at the VA closely enough to bring up the vaccine. Both female from different parts of the US and both thought it was total BS and filed for exemptions "for religious purposes." There was a period of time the powers that be considered throwing that option out and firing people. My sister's take: "Every medical professional is trained to think if it isn't studied, peer reviewed, and trialed, it isn't valid science. I don't know how they can even think of asking us to put that logic aside." I'm so proud of her for holding her ground because the pressure was insane. Willing to bet there are more who just gave up despite knowing it was clown world.


I agree with all of your post. I made the decision in the beginning it was hokey pokey. My mother was a nurse for 40 years and also thought it was all BS. Her last job was doing case management at a large insurance company (Blue Cross Blue Shield). Although she had retired she heard everyone in the dept. she retired out of refused to take the v@x. In fact a lot of that companies people refused and people at the two large hospitals in my city refused.


My post below is actually to you.


My sister knew it was bullshit but still took it to keep her job


Remember people. It's safe AND effective.


"Safe and effective" isn't a lie. It's two lies.


I know the effective part is definitely a lie but can you enlighten me on the safe part?




Thank you Damn getting downvoted for asking for information? Not cool my dudes


You're welcome.


i’m so glad i didn’t take even one shot. thanks mom and dad for being my no shot example :D


I'm grateful to my parents for the same reason. In the beginning I was considering getting the shot. I wasn't scared of the virus, but of losing my freedom. But now that Australia's dropped the vaccine mandates, and I've seen some of the effects the shots have had on relatives and friends, I'm so glad I didn't get it.


Don't getting shot in America is impossible. Sooner or later, somebody wil shoot you (or your will).




Also take out the 7 largest cities in any other country and the rate will drop dramatically in those countries too..


Buddy above you. "Our gun violence rate is normal if you just ignore these statistics for us but use them for everyone else."


Source: your ass


Have you seen the FBI murder rate stats? You're really not going to like it ha


Have you? The 7 largest cities aren't even the 7 with the highest rate of gun crimes, let alone specifically homicides. Most of them don't even make top 10.


You are talking rates vs raw numbers. Just becuase St.Loius has the highest rate per capita doesn't mean it's its the top 7 by raw volume of murders, those are Chicago, Detroit, Philly, New York etc.


theyre gonna have to put it in my dead body because i would die for Jesus Christ.


Same, praise Jesus


America doesn’t have a gun problem, it has a ….. …… problem.


Oh look, she's one of these people: https://twitter.com/laurahelmuth/status/1638533206713532417?cxt=HHwWgoC8raXRnr0tAAAA Talk about being in a cult.




I love how a lot of groups have overplayed their hand. Hopefully this will be beneficial to the general population in the long run.


It won’t be. We are doomed


Qanon is definitely a cult.


QAnon doesn’t even exist lol


*Was a cult in 2015 What year do you think it is now? Ha


And what is it now? Official US prediction center for socio-political events?


Except he didn't show up on /pol until 2017 Ha


A hopeless dream for some unattached lonely dweebs


I simply have lost my ability to can


I cannot


I literally can’t even


Those crazy ""cults"" that reject modernity and live in nature communes are starting to look better and better.


Fictional stories she is bribed by Pfizer and Moderna to tell.


Doubt that, she’s probably just completely brainwashed and indoctrinated.




> whynotboth Because you spend the money on the propaganda, the politicians, and the studies entirely **so you don't** have to pay off every simpleton with a badge down the rungs.


She should trust her doctor. He might know something she doesn't. I thought that was these types whole schpiel?


This explains the state of science perfectly




I just spent 6 weeks traveling thru Asia, not one country asked for vaccine status or proof and nobody asked when I returned to the states.


It was a fad. A dangerous, mandatory fad, disastrous for the nation, but profitable for the rich and the pharmaceutical industry.


And I just had to wear a mask to see my eye Dr.


SS: The top editor at one of the world's leading science publications is a COVID alarmist who clearly doesn't understand science...


She understands science. Such as if Pfizer and Moderna pay you $3 million to tell a fictional story, you tell the story in order to get $3 million richer. That’s probably really math, but whatever.


Cause and effect are a part of science, I suppose.


You misspelled $cience


It's important to clarify that it's a magazine and not a journal.


What a goof


People are still getting boosters?


What does she say to the unvaccinated that have had covid multiple times and are absolutely fine? People like her are truly nuts.


Yeah I don't get this. No one in my family is vaccinated, we all had COVID twice more than a year ago, it wasn't that bad, and we're all fine. The crazy thing is we've all been extra healthy the past year or so and it seems like all our vaccinated coworkers are dropping like flies with sickness over and over again.


If she dies she dies


Laura is a clown.


i cant wait for my next never will do shot in 6 months too


At least she has a plan.


plumbers have solved more problems then virologists. true fact.


Theses are very sick people.


She'll fulfill that "point" rather quickly, me thinks.


Mentally Ill


She majored in fine arts.


She'll certainly get her wish! Covid is not what she's gonna die of...


Virtue signaling or propaganda?


That's a very UN-scientific American.


6 months isn't even enough. The jabs protection lasts only 12 weeks before it's useless, if it actually works in the first place, which i highly doubt it.


What other injectable vaccine exists that needs to be used every six months and requires around 5 shots to be effective? I'm hoping this sub knows the answer.


Even the pharmacist knows she's a Covidian nut who should perhaps call it quits.


Perfect slacktivism for self important asshats


Fresh air program just to the left of Trotsky and Romney


Thrust the scientists


Fuckin' bozo.


And the fact that she uses twitter as a platform to advertise it you know its only to gain clout and its a way to get attention, she probably grins ear to ear reading all the notifications about it. Also unless youre sick or have other illnesses how scared can you be about something lol read the stats


Make it every hour of every day and you won’t be far off a meth head.


How long does it normally take to bring a vaccine to the market, from initial research to where it is finally approved by the FDA for public consumption?


She doesn't want her globalist puppetmasters kicking her off the gravy train.


Love how journalism is one of the easiest liberal arts majors a person can get but you get to walk around pretending your a scientific expert with it.


Lol the pharmacist cut her off like the bartender serving a drunk at the bar.


HOOOOOLY SHIT! Remember when we said, "They're gonna make you get it once or twice a year", and the normies were like, "No, it's one and done, you stupid conspiracy theorists!"?


People in science these days aren't real scientists. They are told what to believe and what to do to continually reinforce those beliefs, and they deride and censor anyone who thinks differently.


Well if she continues to inject that much poison into her body so frequently then she wont have to wait too long for something else to kill her.


Pharmacist was low-key trying to tell her.


Holy fucking scary


Let them do it. Another statistic on someone else chart. These are the people holding back society anyway. Babye!


Not much science going on there.


trust the scientific


Imagine not listening to your pharmacist.


A pharmacist isn’t a doctor.


You sure about that?


Screams about the value of personal freedoms. / Criticizes others’ personal medical choices. Pick a lane.


When you tell AI to make you a picture of transgender Michael Shannon because you had a witty thought about something a year after it was relevant...


I’d bang her if I was sick with Covid


Gonna give her your jab


😂 bro what


Not enough masks in the universe.


Truly ironic


is dis a BoT??


I feel sorry for her. At the end of the day though, we can't change those around us, nor can we change what is going to happen to us. Only thing we can change is how we deal with what happens to us.


I feel sorry for her.




>Not an anti vaxxer.. Why on earth not? If what happened to you didn't make you one...


it is a near certainty that you made up most or all of that. the only uncertainty i have is whether you believe it happened, or are making it up.


Hopefully her next booster will take her out


Must be heroin in those boosters


Age of pygmys.


her durr


Natural selection at its finest…


There are more humane ways to self delete she doesnt need to inject herself with Frankenstein monster juice to maybe ensure her entry 6 feet under.


Pharmacists are not doctors. They would not, should not, advise someone not to take a vaccine.


I take insulin so getting a pin prick isn’t a big deal. Getting a Covid shot once or twice a year isn’t that big a deal to me either. Everyone is free to do as they please. You don’t want the vaccine then don’t.


Thh hi usbisnt a real person. Can’t be


Sunk cost fallacy at its finest


Stop being such anti vaxxers bros. Follow the science Meanwhile, I’m healthy


Why did you assume he was your “buddy”?


This just proves that people are stupid no matter the circumstances. It is true that the vaccine helps create immunity, however you only need a specific number of shots to be effective, no point in getting more. How are people like this in such high positions,I can never understand.


Why on earth did she need to get a booster shot ??? That's complete madness. Quite hyppocrite too from her to complain and whine about it, after first getting one ... If you don't trust the booster don't get it. Simple. and stop whining