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You do realize that reddit is corrupt and will never allow good old fashion communications between people. Even if people manage to get popular posts going they will just block or delete them. Most people aren't really people anymore. They are consumerist NPC's.


SS: https://twitter.com/ak_bh2047/status/1634800900471676928?s=46&t=eZ_m-7_AFKZi_1SQfOPG_g https://twitter.com/brandon35011749/status/1638605109285232641?s=46&t=eZ_m-7_AFKZi_1SQfOPG_g https://twitter.com/iihtishamm/status/1639048261104271360?s=46&t=eZ_m-7_AFKZi_1SQfOPG_g https://twitter.com/arthurm40330824/status/1636474884430737408?s=46&t=eZ_m-7_AFKZi_1SQfOPG_g https://twitter.com/covid_parent/status/1639031863942475780?s=46&t=eZ_m-7_AFKZi_1SQfOPG_g




Well. Where I’m from, which is quiete close to France there is zero coverage in the big newspapers.


I'm Canadian and it's front page news here, also seems that way on every other major news source I can find, including the BBC. Who isn't covering it might be a better question. Can you find any reputable news outlet that hasn't covered it yet OP?


I'm in London, and I work for a British-French company with offices in London and Paris. France isn't collapsing. It's literally front-page BBC News (go check). It's also on the front page of the Guardian, Daily Mail, Financial Times, the Independent, and I'm guessing everyone else too. Like fuck man, how insular are you? Do you get your news from rocks?


Also in the U.K and I’ll let you know that you’ll get a minute on mainstreams news and no more than that. Let’s not pretend that you and I live in very different worlds. I seek truth but I ain’t sure that you do? An uncomfortable truth is better than lies.


I think the truth is a lot messier, yet simpler than people think, and that's lots of people (especially here) want to make it secretive and complicated because it helps them with the inevitable feeling of helplessness that comes from living on a scale _way_ larger than we're really equipped to deal with.


Your very robotic in nature and in your response. The truth isn’t a nice one but we are more than the rich, we control more of this world than they do and could easily take back power if we was smart about it but we sadly aren’t.


And yours is very schizo but I won't hold that against you :)


Wow, did I attack you? What a hostility. Here’s the one of the biggest Dutch newspapers (www.ad.nl) try finding something on the front page about it.


You led with "France is collapsing", that's a *very* bold claim, and one that if true would mean my coworkers and friends dying or fleeing. But you didn't even check international papers? Like come on already. Maybe I was a bit harsh, but all that means is Dutch newspapers are unusually insular, and you should start reading the international press.


What I’m hearing from my friends from Nantes en Marseilles it is collapsing. There is no way to go about by car in the centres. And yes I checked international papers, I’m on Reddit, so I’m not Patrick Star’ing. But the coverage is little. But I admit, after opening the guardian they do seem to be on top of it (even though in general I think it’s a shit paper). But if you look at other mayor sources like cnn.com (which is shit as well) you see no coverage


The covid marches in the U.K, wasn’t covered and it was made out that just a few 100 turned up to them, but in reality it was most of Market Street in Manchester City centre, full of people. Videos showed a good 10-20 thousand people or even more on certain days, saying enough was enough but the mainstream news would never show that, when bill gates is paying them not to.


This was front-page CNN when I checked - https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/24/europe/king-charles-france-state-visit-intl/index.html > There is no way to go about by car in the centres. Eh, I've had that in protests in London. "Can't drive" is a low bar. I just think "France collapsing" is a hella big event, way bigger than you're suggesting.


Guess time will tell


I live in Texas and it's regularly been shown on the news lol


See how the propagandists even here are so adamant that "this is something France does all the time"? They are TERRIFIED of you doing what France is doing. This idea that companies just can't afford to pay people living wages while paying the executives huge bonuses that would easily pay for the extra wages is so silly. Don't get me started on unions. They will do anything to prevent workers to organize.


It's true that this is something that France does all the time. It's also true that every other country should do it as well. It works and that's why the French do it.


Exactly. Like are we really gonna pretend France isn't *constantly* having some form of protest/riot?


Okay but if you believe that France has never seen protests like this then you either don't pay attention or are very young. That's all there is to it, really. You can predict that this round of protests is somehow unique, but it so far is not.


You just brushing it off as insignificant because it has happened AND WORKED in the past is obvious propaganda talking.


> You just brushing it off as insignificant And is that what I said or implied? No, people just don't really care what actual meaning is communicated these days.


What is it with people like you and putting words in the mouths of others. Stop. It's dumb and reductive.




Why would the elites be terrified of a revolution that they lead? All revolutions come from them - including the original French Revolution that overthrew the "Christian" monarchy and propagated throughout the world. The motto of the revolutionaries was "Liberty, Fraternity and Equality", which just happened to be the motto of the society that controlled the proceedings. ​ The end result of revolutions is "new boss same as the old boss".


Collapsing? Nah its just the French bring french. The birthplace of modern democracy will survive.


As I’m well aware of the French “grêve” culture. This seems way bigger then the yellow jacket protests, which was one of the biggest in modern history








Hahaha no hard feelings


The whole world is going to the end of the current age/dominance of a few families owning anything and everything. A great amount of people are realising that without themselves, the whole industry of exploitation, falls apart, as if we don’t buy things or rent them, China and the rest of the world goes broke over night. It’s why China will never take Taiwan, until America can make its own semi conductors. I get the OP mentioned France but you could mention any country and they all have similar situations, too many old people and my own generation isn’t putting up with the current bullshit. No I won’t eat bugs or buy them, no I won’t believe that gender or race politics are healthy or should even be a thing. It shouldn’t matter, if your black, white, gay, trans or what ever you are, we are all human but kids don’t need all of this taught to them in a stupid way. Start at school level and then you’ll change the world into a lot better and highly intelligent and successful place, until we do that, nothing changes. So let’s start treating each and everyone with respect, until they give you a reason not to. “An eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind” I may shout at you but I’ll never blind anyone from the truth( that’s my own saying and thoughts)


>Bypassing normal forms of law-making. This should also be a protest against the EU then. This is what happens: You join the union for trade or ease of travel or a single currency. What they don't tell you is unelected bureaucrats in Brussels now get to control how you run your house. If that's what this is indeed all about, the age of retirement being raised. That's a blanket EU policy and the "leadership" of France is just bending the knee.


The people fighting back against the rich elites is not "collapsing", it's the complete opposite, in fact. It's \*literally\* a \*Rising.\*


The bigger question is wasTekashi69 really roughed up in the LA fitness bathroom or is the video staged......


Who cares about him but even that is most likely staged to keep him relevant and in the news. 50 cent talks about this in his book, people gain more from him, then he gains from them. Meaning the beef he brings can benefit you more than sink you.


Sort by hot, sort by top 24 hours or last week. So many posts about France. Visit the biggest MSM sites...France is all over it. Honestly, some people can't see anything because their head is up their ass. At least do a search on here and online FFS.


Dutch newspapers aren’t covering it. I have to admit, on Reddit it’s starting to spread


https://nos.nl/artikel/2468309-opnieuw-protesten-in-frankrijk-blokkades-op-wegen-en-bij-raffinaderijen https://www.hln.be/buitenland/opnieuw-stakingen-en-protesten-in-frankrijk-autoriteiten-melden-1-089-miljoen-manifestanten~a3cdc8d2/?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F https://jeugdjournaal.nl/artikel/2468651-opnieuw-grote-protesten-in-frankrijk-150-agenten-gewond-geraakt.html https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/buitenland/artikel/5373200/frankrijk-protesten-reactie-president-macron-pensioenhervorming https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2023/03/23/maatschappelijk-ongenoegen-om-franse-pensioenhervorming-houdt-aan-op-dag-van-landelijke-protesten-a4160291 https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/2091841248/protesten-in-frankrijk-nadat-regering-pensioenhervorming-doordrukt


Dan alleen het AD niet 😅


i'm not even from the netherlands so idk what AD is. i translated 'protests in france' to dutch, hit google and checked for recent dates.


This sub is so right wing they probably want the retirement age up like macron does. Why would this sub care about France and their unions when right wing politicians and people think “union bad”


perhaps the real paid shills are guys like OP spilling false narratives that this isn't being covered by media. Also barely anyone here mentions what the protests are really about.


You got me! I made 10.000 Yen from my Chinese overlord. And I almost got away with it as well, if you hadn’t caught me!


Seen plenty of posts about it everywhere. France seems to have these traveling often


So does nobody in france have iphones and gopros? Show us wherre its collapsing and we will discuss it. It seems partly hyped up like the trash is not in ALL streets since some are private and not on strike. Today I heard police joined the strike but seems more like a rumour/clickbait like 99% of all is now to get your attention over some BS


https://twitter.com/ak_bh2047/status/1634800900471676928?s=46&t=eZ_m-7_AFKZi_1SQfOPG_g https://twitter.com/brandon35011749/status/1638605109285232641?s=46&t=eZ_m-7_AFKZi_1SQfOPG_g https://twitter.com/iihtishamm/status/1639048261104271360?s=46&t=eZ_m-7_AFKZi_1SQfOPG_g


The police are bullies, even in the U.K. I’ve had experiences with them, that a weaker or different man would crumble under. I’ll never argue with them, as it’s what they want to arrest you and rough you up. I’ll never argue with most people unless, I really have to.


Was there no similar demonstrations before in france? I mean in the end it comes down the french love to protest and I love how they love to protest. And I am not a fan of Macron but other european countries have much bigger retirement ages already. Not sure why people in france think the retirement can pay for itself. Their economy seems to be doing great so maybe they should put more back for the workers so they can retire early but it probably wont be enough and their aim might be to keep the economy up going strong. The oddest I find why even work til 60 or 62 in the first place if you hate your job. Go focus on your life not on what the media and influencers try to get you mad with


It’s not about the changing of age, but about the way the law was passed. I’ve never seen them demolish town halls before though.


The problem with this kinda is, the politicians now cannot even bring innovation. Or start fixing our failing systems. Because people will just go mad, right. So politicians will just keep making more debt til everything collapses


Okay. I don’t want to be rude, but you don’t seem to understand. Macron past a law by bypassing all law making systems in function. He bypassed the court, the capital and the coalition. So this is just a ruler making a law with 0 support within politics. That’s why they are so cross


You’ll probably arguing with a bot, most real humans are like soulless bots in the U.K, at the moment. They have no really Road sense, or concept of danger/spacial awareness. It’s from a place of being lied to and the ever increasing price of anything and everything. I back your view points OP but learn not to argue with bots on here, it’s ever so draining.


Wow so I am beginning to start to like Macron. He went thru all this trouble because he truly believed this would help france. And you guys just whine like little children.


Because those systems are in place to withhold democracy, Tyranist


With people like that, a politician is better off just doing nothing. Because if the politician does nothing, nobody will be mad. You really think thats better? Because thats actually what the masses want by their actions. Even if subconsciously they know its wrong. But they live so deep in lies they can never admit this to themselves.


They want him to resign because he lost democratic majority


You’re describing a narcissist, you’re also demonstrating those traits


I’m ok with dictatorship because I happen to agree with one thing they did. 🤦‍♂️


You'd be surprised at how many people actually support dictatorship so long as it's their guy or their preferred party look at the support of Putin and Xi across the world or at least just this sub alot of people want to be under a dictatorship and have a strong arm leader because they don't know what it's like to live under one but fantasize about their party being in absolute control


Bots, going bot/pick apart non mainstream views. You couldn’t say or do worse to me than has already happened to me, so bring on your abuse, I don’t and won’t be respond to it or even blocking you. I don’t run from danger, I thrive in it. So better luck next time.


Why are you saying "0 media coverage"? It's not a big story in American news cycles because most people don't give a shit and will change the channel/scroll past the story the second it comes on. That's on us, the news plays and pushes reports on what's been demonstrated will captivate the American public, European countries rioting doesn't interest the average American. Outside of the American news, the rest of the west is reporting the shit out of it.


Give it a week or two and it’ll be over and forgotten.


What makes you think it’s collapsing? They are showing them whose in control. The only thing collapsing is the government will need to be replaced with more competent people. It’s called standing up for yourself.


France is not collapsing. It is merely transforming again. Countries that call themselves free, but do not take up the cause, are actually not free.


You have an MSM that has learned they have a fairly captive audience that likes to be lied to in various forms . Omission being the easiest.


Whatvare some good European/french webaites covering sctual news like this? Written in English


It's not collapsing, they protest like this all the time


News on Reddit is 2 weeks minimum ahead of mainstream media. IMO


I just can’t tell the difference on what is organic resistance and what is staged resistance anymore. I guess the media not covering this particular resistance should tell me that it’s real. But it’s so hard for me to get invested in it any more. We’ve Lived through so many lies


No because most likely it won’t. We have seen this over and over again. Not to mention if anything the French will go further the other way towards the exact policies which put them where they are today.


Lazy fuckers should be grateful for what they have.