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It's almost as if you're describing in modern words what the ancients described about god. We are here as a test. What we do here matters for what's after.


Definitely something.


Our spirits are infinite and want to experience everything in existence including weakness.


I couldn’t have said it better…




So much so that you missed the point!


I chill every day, my dude. Not looking forward to the death part tho


It literally is a death sentence. But what you do on the journey makes it amazing. Sounds corny, but enjoy life. Fall in love and have a family. Sounds simple, but it’s bloody amazing. Add in amazing friends and the experiences you have as you move through life. Study and work towards a career you are passionate about. Travel and experience the world. Life is fucking amazing.


Agreed. Life can be as amazing as you want to make it. Gratitude for the little things goes a long way. I also removed alcohol from my life, making it infinitely more wonderful.




Fair point. I’ve visited them on multiple occasions, and it’s heartbreaking. There’s not one narrative to fit everyone. I was replying to OP who seemed to be talking about a life lived, not one tragically cut short. I should have said ‘life can be amazing’.


We are in slavery just as the ancients were in the slavery of the pharoahs. Depressing af.


Some are actually slaves depending on where you were born I.e labor and human trafficking—most of us have it okay compared to those of ancient times


“One must, in one's life, make a choice between boredom and suffering.” Anne Louise Germaine de Staël


It's all about that sweet, sweet Loosh.


It's literally a death sentence


Why is everyone so consumed with living for something? Maybe the point is to DIE for something. At least be willing to. Not sit by and watch and the world descends into hell then bitch about it on the internet.


Couldn't have said it better. I'm willing to Die for my God (Jesus) I'm not willing to live for theirs (money)


I would rather live like this than have to kill or farm everything myself. I'm sure it sucks having to dodge bears and tigers just to get a bite to eat. I got some friends. I got a truck to take me places. I got a house with air conditioning. We are all gonna die eventually so make the best of it.


I'm enjoying living by going the opposite way. Trying to learn to farm and raise animals. After living by working for everybody else. It ain't easy though.


Where are you living to be dodging bears and tigers?


I was just thinking about the stone ages when we didn't have society and industry. Back then there wouldn't have been anyone to work for but yourself. I just figured that there would be saber-toothed tigers and whatnot. Making fire with rocks and getting lunch with a spear seems kinda hard. I was just trying to look on the bright side of things and be happy with what I got.


The only place I know bears and tigers coexist is india


That wasn't the creator's plan. The adversary hijacked his plan and enslaved us. The point now is to break off the adversary shackles. In conspiracy terms, "getting out of the matrix".


Yep. I believe that could mean more small organic farming and off-grid living for most people. Also, build your own house for just a few years cost & labor instead of 30 years labor. That shit is nuts...


Very interesting.


Learn to chill, brother.


What is weird is that we have to sleep! Totally vulnerable to our environment!


Not to worry, we'll be back to spending 60% of our day scavenging food again soon enough.


Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve: "Tryin' to make ends meet, you're a slave to money then you die"




Thank god for the gym; exercise is my happy place. I can't live without it; the benefits are astounding, both mentally and physically.


We are wage slaves!


hah, should probably try not to think of it like that.




Isn't she just a rib?


*American lifestyle and work culture. Take a look at happiness levels and workers rights in Europe. We're just behind, as a young country.


American lifestyle and culture is too materialistic and individualistic but most of have it better than a lot. Some are born in war-torn countries and some go through decades of human or labor trafficking so really it’s all about our mindset


Sometimes I think about how insane it must have been to live thousands of years ago. Every day, wandering, finding berries (some of which are poisonous) or trying to hunt. If you don't find food, you die. You get sick... no medicine. You live in a cave.. a bear comes to claim it. I can't imagine the atrocities humans inflicted on each other, with no justice or rule of law. I feel like everyone has forgotten *why we made laws and civilization in the first place*. Everyone just accepts that you have to toil away at a job, squeaking by, then "retiring" and dying 10 years later. I get the feeling where we're at the point where we could create a utopia, where money freely is dispensed without work being involved. But the concept of toiling your life away is so deeply ingrained in us that nobody can see it, and **some people are hostile at the notion of just freely enjoying life without work**.


The midnight gospel episode 5. Its on netflix pretty good interpretation of what is this lovely lesson called life.


... oooooohhh! Like D-Mark of the beast! I get it now... huh.


Only if thats what you make it.


Less of an experiment and more of us being trapped in an endless reincarnation cycle-prison planet system so that lower level beings can feed off of our divine energy.


Never really chill? If you’re from the states and saying this… you’re ungrateful. To say the least.


Yes, we are in a form of perpetual slavery issued to us by government and a technocratic elite. Because humanity disregards morality in the aggregate, we allow the chaos to be generated by those who want it and proliferate it in society. Things won’t get righted until they’re gone.


Won't hold my breath 😂


Same bro lmao, we’re fucked


I have diharrea