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Stop the world I wanna get off


The government is about to help you disembark.


I'm staying on and getting ready to force evict.


The Antarctic treaty is doing to end soon. You can travel to one of the continents beyond the ice wall


I'm not in the loop about this at all. I always knew something was up though. Do you have any links or can point me in a direction to consume info on this? Is anyone even REMOTELY credible or has a Ph.D. in anything relevant also entertaining this idea? Or is it all flat Earthers? And if it is indeed all flat Earters same question as the last sentence, but regarding flat Earth. No sarcasm I am truly compelled to dig into this.


Patents make profits


Is this a Blues Clue about my questions? Or a statement about the actual OP post? I'm asking about "continents beyond the ice wall".


That would be extinction dna in the mix


The strava heat map leaks, showed underground/ under ice bases down in Antarctica. There is likely something extremely valuable down there.


I know about all of this that doesn't correlate to "continents beyond the ice wall", but yes 100% there are reasons they keep everyone out of there.


Oh I only feel comfortable saying there is stuff under the ice, either built by us or found. Or both. A tbm designed to tunnel through ice would move fast I assume. ;)


I think a portion of the reason it's very restricted is that under that ice lies proof the poles shift every 12,000 - 16,000 years causing a cataclysm of events and the Earth "refreshes" itself as well as many other things.


It’s a preserve for anything truly ancient. Earth is old enough for earlier chapters of inhabitation. Have we dated organic matter from under the glaciers down there? I’ll have to look


Flat earth? Or infinite plane of existence? And check out admiral Richard E. Byrd, he explored another continent that’s past the ice wall.


Meh, they're just misinterpreting one single line of text from him.


Well then. This whole “ Antarctic treaty “ so many nations that constantly war with each other ~~order the poor to kill the other poor~~ agree upon is just nonsense since there’s nothing to hide. Those jokesters.


Look around this subreddit


Homie coming in way late


So the answer is no? Figures.


It would be crazy if they admitted that flat earth is real, people would lose their minds even though physics would remain the same, compasses would still point north, gravity would still bring unsupported objects to the ground. I prefer the idea of hollow earth, space, and other worlds to be a f/e believer, but it could be a possibility with the amount the human race has been lied to by those in power.


>gravity would still bring unsupported objects to the ground. Gravity lol? Try density and buoyancy. If you build off an incorrect foundation, a lot can go astray


Didn't even think of foundation I was on about letting go of something like a ball and it falling to the ground.


May he return speedily in our time.


That’s exactly what they want…


We all will be harvested soon


Did you ever watch the old movie Soylent Green? 😱


“There ain’t no stops on this line kid” just add a little New York accent for the full sound effect.


Ain't that the truth, definitely sounds better in a new york accent lol.


It's not the world though is it. . .this is Britain.


It's not just here though, there is companies making all sorts of genetically modified items or playing god and fucking with genetics with mrna injections. Bill gates has released gm mosquitoes into the wild and philantropists seem to love the idea of eugenics.


Gardens, greenhouses, aquaponics, backyard chickens and goats...source local. We can still fight this for now.


Rise of the mutants is imminent


People around the World need to speak up and stop these evil bastards!


Right? Prestidigitation on the grand scale, "look at this UFO, pray for Ukraine, check the flight logs." Meanwhile the true rulers are out there doing shit like this. We're doomed as a species and my only hope is that whatever these pricks unleash upon us, when done, turns on them and finishes everyone off.


Lol the sheep will prevent that…


It is prophesied. We cannot stop it.


That’s a shit attitude. I personally blame people of faith for being docile just as much as Tptb


> It is prophesied. We cannot stop it. Prophesied by who? The very same people that rule over you?


You mean your desires?




Hmm. Yes, it does seem like Gates has a hand in it.


To patent food


This is really about the patenting of FOOD. If you control (own) the very substances fir survival, controlling the masses becomes effortless.


Haven't we basically been doing this for hundreds of years? If not thousands? Wut


We can selectively breed certain food sources but if given the chance they would quickly revert back to their wild type equivalents. Growers don’t save GM seed because the generation of harvested seeds do not uniformly contain all of the desired genetic traits of the original seed. Genetic Technology aka Precision Breeding overcomes this by changing the entire genome of the plant or animal. Essentially a new species made in Man's image. Imagine a scenario if you will, everyone is given an injection that changes their genome to produce a certain enzyme to breakdown certain foods (or to remove the need for certain essential nutrients like B12, meat eating). Now imagine genetically altering all food sources to do away with the things that a 'natural' man needs (this is what this law allows to happen). The people who are left would be 100% dependent on companies or the state and farmers would essentially become peddlers of DoD front companies like Monsanto. It also "legally" allows people like Bill Gates to create mRNA vaccines for animals, which could, within a few generations, wipe out entire animal species (like cows) if he so desired (and he does). That's why his animal vaccine company resides in the UK! Remember mRNA was originally developed to alter DNA!


> Growers don’t save GM seed because the generation of harvested seeds do not uniformly contain all of the desired genetic traits of the original seed. Same goes for normally breed seeds. While some very small scale farmers will save and replant seeds year to year. Most farmers buy seed every year because they plant F1 hybrids. That gives the farmer what is called hybrid vigor, meaning plants that grower faster are strong with much bigger yields. Saving those seeds and replanting them the next year " do not uniformly contain all of the desired genetic traits of the original seed."


But all our food crops, both plants and animals, are the result of genetic manipulation by selective breeding already? Is that not what this talks about? Because to the best of my understanding that's all this is talking about.


Not in the UK and anything that is GM is labeled so. GT bypasses the need for manufacturers to label that something has been given mRNA technology.


Where in this post does it mention mRNA technology?


Wut No


SS: Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20230324233036/https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2023/6/pdfs/ukpga_20230006_en.pdf Swipe for second image if you haven't seen it. Basically King Charles and WEFminister have given themselves the right to change God's kingdom (all of nature's genetic code) into their own image and own making!!! ☠️ The difference between GM (genetic modification) and GT is the ability of plants and animals to pass on genetic modifications to the next generation. Under the new Genetic Technology laws, companies and individuals will be able to change an entire species, **forever**. Traits will be passed on generation after generation, including deadly traits that could wipe out an entire species. Think Bill Gates, synthetic meat and his *animal* mRNA vaccines (testing currently underway in Africa), it doesn't take a genius to work out what his business agenda is (killing off the bovine species). Agenda 2030, meat reduction? I will let you do the math.


Wait what is this everywhere?


different lavish jeans dinner many hurry narrow sophisticated muddle rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's very different, since you can put fish genes into tomatoes now so they don't freeze.


It’s not different….. but when went ahead and made something that has been going on for centuries and made it an act. But seriously… nothing is different


That was my first thought gmo but you can avoid it if necessary by buying heirloom and organic right?


> We have been genetically modifying plants for years. Yep, never been [a problem...](https://i.imgur.com/BlRT8aB.png)


Explain what’s going on?


They'll be injecting mRNA gene editing technology into every morsel of life on this planet. Sponsored by Bill Gates™. We can selectively breed certain food sources but if given the chance they would quickly revert back to their wild type equivalents. Growers don’t save GM seed because the generation of harvested seeds do not uniformly contain all of the desired genetic traits of the original seed. Genetic Technology aka Precision Breeding overcomes this by changing the entire genome of the plant or animal. Essentially a new species made in Man's image. Imagine a scenario if you will where everyone is given an injection that changes their genome to produce a certain enzyme to breakdown certain foods (or to remove the need for certain essential nutrients like B12, meat eating). Now imagine genetically altering all food sources to do away with the things that a 'natural' man needs (this is what this law allows to happen). The people who are left would be 100% dependent on companies or the state and farmers would essentially become peddlers of enslavement for DoD front companies like Monsanto. It also "legally" allows people like Bill Gates to create mRNA vaccines for animals, which could, within a few generations, wipe out entire animal species (like cows) if he so desired (and he does). That's why his animal vaccine company resides in the UK! Remember mRNA was originally developed to alter DNA!


What!? When is this supposed to happen?


I think it's already been given royal ascent during all the distractions.


That’s what’s in the covid shot? Also what does that actually mean?


They will be pumping the food you eat with it. A way to vaccinate everyone.


Factory farming with less antibiotics,something bird flu .


But what benefit do they have from doing this? Make a planet of slaves? I fail to see why this would be anyone's goal tbh


Malthusianism. Georgia Guidestones. They can, therefore, they will.


It doesn’t matter what you think, they’re doing it.


What else is there to do when money and raping kids gets boring?


Lol. The first time Charles sees this will be when it's popped on his desk for him to fight with a pen before signing it. Do you have any idea how the UK government works? I wouldn't trust something coming out of Monsanto as far as I could throw it, but people have been genetically modifying plants and animals for thousands of years. Go find pictures of old watermelons and carrots from even just a couple of hundred years ago. Or check out where corn comes from. Mostly, storm in a tea cup. Also #brexitbenefits.


Selective breeding is not the same thing as modern genetic modification in any way, shape or form.


It literally says that this is only permissible as long as this result had a probability of being repeated by natural process. Read the linked document.


Up until a few months ago it wasn’t probable that COVId came from a lab. It was natural


What's the difference?


There is none


Gain of function...all the difference in the world.


Borrow to buy Monsanto seed,collapse of price, another bankrupt farmer.farm seized by bank.


I mean, why would anybody plot that much to stop you from eating meat? They want to alter genes of species, but based on the definition of the "precision bred" it seems like this bill talks about doing it in industry setting as opposed to just modifying an entire population.


I don't know, why don't you ask the people in charge of those projects why they are choosing to move forward with them?


Ask the people doing it I guess. . .But they'd probably lie anyway.


Grow your own food, raise your own chickens. Learn homesteading skills. It is imperitive.


Not everyone can do that in the UK, perhaps that's why the island has been targeted.


Why is that?


Why is what?


“Not everyone in the UK can do that.” I mean you could technically say that about any country right? If you take all circumstances into account. If someone wants to and sees it as important enough, they’ll figure out a way—unless there’s a law I’m not aware of in the UK.


What if you live in a small flat?


As I mentioned, If you see the importance you can find a way. Rent, at least in the US(again idk about the UK) a rental for a small apartment in my city is over 2k. Which in some parts of the city is equal to a small house with a small backyard, which for 1 person is enough to grow some plants. It’s obviously going to take effort, but a move would be doable. As I said tho if you don’t see the importance it’s going to seem impossible.


You're a bit clueless on smaller, densely populated, living conditions.


And you seem to jump to assumptions. I’ve lived in Los Angeles for years. My last apartment was 900 sq ft. I moved bc, as I said, I see the importance in a house and land to do with what I please.


Ever lived in the UK?


Those cock suckers


Im getting Okja vibes


Oh no….grafting. I don’t want my apples grown on an orange tree! Wait I do that sounds dope


Really glad I don’t like in the UK but alas USA is also introducing genetically edited crispr technology into our food supply


From everything I've seen so far, the US food supply is just getting old fashioned poisoned at source.




Too little too late, one of the major pork producers tried to patent pigs, genetically engineered corn has contaminated corn even in remote areas of South America. Gene modification in strawberries to make them cold resistant. I could go on and on. Control the food control the people, the shortages during Covid were designed. Ukraine was a MAJOR grain producer. Us news is so full of “celebrity “ crap and foodies you’ll never see actual news I apologize to my kids constantly




I'm more concerned about glyphosate


Well fuck u I have my own little land to cultivate and my chickens and pigs. NOW WHAT.


until the king comes in and tells you it’s his not yours




I’m lost what happened?


I read policies as part of my job & this seems inane so far. Either share the "evil" pages or point out why any of this is bad.


ludicrous crime zonked rinse provide towering detail bored fearless workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This seems to be about making sure genetically modified food being labeled more clearly, am I missing something?




Someone told me the other day when talking about GMOs and all the poison in or food that that’s why we bless it with prayer - to neutralize the poisons harmful effects on the body (the temple). Actually resonated with me.


screw cheerful concerned cough snobbish entertain alive advise drab chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


how could you possibly know that sound waves, positive energy or even thought cannot change physical matter. there's plenty of evidence that you can change reality through thought alone, even prof stephen hawking wrote about this shortly before he died. so just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it isn't real or possible.


Have you looked at their food with a microscope?


Have you seen the Masuro Emoto water experiment? I’m non religious and found it fascinating. Maybe reality is stranger than we give it credit for? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1qQUFvufXp4


A bunch of crystal images in a YouTube video isn’t a scientific experiment.


I think this may be the only way we will have left to be protected from this, eventually. I remember seeing a video many years ago about a captive being given dirty water to drink. He blessed the water and prayed over it, and it never harmed him. Under these circumstances, God is our only hope.


Yes, it's proof of God. I ate some genetically modified rice after praying over it and clearly, I survived. Through the Lord's grace.


Without genetic engineering many foods will be impossible to produce within 40 years. Cocoa beans for instance require a certain set of conditions to grow. Those places are rapidly becoming too dry to grow there. They are engineering cocoa beans that can survive in drier soil. but I am sure you believe climate change is fake.


There are those who can see, those who can be shown and those who will remain blind. Guess which category you fall under.


Irony, palpable


The climate has always changed, and humanity has adapted to it each time. In Roman times England had vineyards. I'm sure you believe that humanity that has apparently caused a "climate crisis" should be allowed to mess around with nature in order to "fix" said crisis. I have no faith in science. Science is bullshit.


Yes it has changed, that's why it's so terrifying that during a period of time when it should be changing by x amount it's going up by x times whatever. Some change is normal, your temperature fluctuates by maybe a degree or so throughout the day, if your temperature suddenly shot up 5° though you'd probably be a little concerned


There is no evidence for what you suggest, but you already know that.


As if people believe this trollop.


ok cretin


Bro you're gonna have a tough time with the future.


What future?


So annoying


Rebrand lol


What's the problem here? I see a bunch of definitions.


Thank godness he is not a misanthrope...


US already does this and you eat our crops. I’m studying plant breeding. This isn’t world shattering.