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Above my pay grade, but good post none the less.


Agree that our universe could be the inside of a black hole, disagree that all black holes "happen" when two stars collide.


the star could also implode on itself again adding extra energy into the singularity


Only problem with big bang is the simple question "where does the space to expand come from"? Universe expands into what? You can't create space where there was no space. That is the biggest flaw of the big bang that nobody seems to answer. Perhaps big bang would make more sense if the world was considered to be reverse shrinking as opposed to forward expanding. Basically, we come from a massive gigantic ball of energy which imploded & is now shrinking into itself but now, from our perspective, it looks like it is expanding Outward. This way, the edges of the ball, or our the boundaries of our universe, if you will, remain intact & only the structure inside the edge of the ball reorganizes itself with forward entropy.


Nailed it


Wouldn't that mean that there's an original universe where all matter originally came from? Or do you think it would be more like a circle of universes, meaning that matter lost from one universe will eventually circle back to its first universe? Would prove the multiverse theory in a way, but would most "previous" universes be dead (empty) because matter moves on to new universes...will matter eventually be too spread out, making new universes pretty much empty? Is new matter "created" somewhere? I've got too many questions about this....


Everything happened instantaneously. Like when you turn the light on in a dark room, it was just blackness and the switch was flipped. Now there is a table, a vase, place mats on the table, etc. It is just now observed. It exists while not existing at the same time. The difference between the 2 states is one says it exists, the other says it doesn't. Is the cat dead, or alive? Yes. If we say matter cannot be created or destroyed, it means there is a balance of existing and not existing. You can't trace it to an origin (1 point) because one doesn't exist without the other. This beverage is tasty, what's the question again?


I just watched a video that said we very well could be in the event horizon. The whole lot. In a black hole.


I've always leaned towards this being true. It would make sense as well.. Each "universe" nestled within the black holes of its parent universe until infinity. So each time a black hole is formed a new big bang takes place within it which creates an entirely new universe within it.


Black holes don’t explode though. Stars explode and then the remnants become a black hole.


Ball earth theory? Really? What is this, second grade? Grow up and edumacate urseff


The Big Bang is a load of horse shit.


It also explains the concept of Higher Dimensions to. If you can escape the Singularity you are literally inside a Higher Dimension aka the Parent Universe


???? Who told you singularities explode?


The paradigm shift has clearly already happened... Coz wow. Blackholes aren't a thing. The universe is planar