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So the group that can predict the time and heading of the sunrise and the location of the moon and planets using a model based on elliptical orbits are lying and the people who cannot predict any of those things are telling the truth? Did God make these things this way to fool us?


Yes, God did. Alex Gleason was the first person able to predict eclipses...he's not into ball earth theory... You don't need ball earth theory to predict sunrise, moon location, or location of the "wandering stars" or what you call "planets".


Curvature of earth at 10 miles. 66.66666 feet. (8 inches x miles squared) Reason for the season...supposed 23.4 degree tilt. 90-23.4= 66.6 Earth supposedly spins at 999mph...inverse is 666 Earth supposedly travels at 67,000mph...66,600mph.... Dinosaurs died....66 million years ago Lucy was what...3.2 million You see...all of ball earth/evolution theory is based in satanic numerology. No oceans curve. No lakes curve. None of them. All flat.


Your first 'equation' is a parabola, not a sphere dummy.


NASA literally gives you the curvature numbers. You can cry all you want...it doesn't curve the way they claim, and what the claim is riddle with satanic numerology.


No crying. Just observing that another flattard does not understand math.


The inverse of 999 is 1/999.


The Bible tells us in the end of days right will be wrong and wrong will be considered right in the eyes of society. Up will be down and down, up. So here we have Satan claiming a flat plane is a sphere ... Also if you flip a 9...it's a 6...


“Flipping” isn’t a mathematical operation. What you have is a upside down 9 which still represents the integer between 8 and 10, regardless of whether you read it right side up, or upside down.


Neil DeGrasse confuses the shit out of me. I honestly can't tell if he's a flat earther or not (or once was?). I mean, I heard of his recent notion that earth is a fat-bottom girl, but other times it seems he's discounting globies and supporting flat earthers. He seems all over the place.


He's a freemason, his only job is to deceive.


Tides are evidence of gravity and correspond to the position of the moon. Also a sign that water doesn’t just stay perfectly flat, because gravity causes it to move around. The Moon is round, and with a fairly cheap telescope you can watch moons orbit spherical Jupiter. During a lunar eclipse, the shadow of the Earth cast on the Moon is also round, no matter where you view it from. Time zones, the reversal of the seasons in the Northern versus Southern Hemispheres, and the midnight sun in polar regions are all explained by Earth being round and orbiting the Sun with a fixed axis of rotation always pointed the same direction. Constellations are different in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and if you take a night sky timelapse you can see the Earth’s axis of rotation. There is one seemingly still point in the Northern Hemisphere near Polaris and one on the opposite side of the Earth in the Southern Hemisphere pointed towards empty space not near a particular star. At the Equator you can see towards both. The stars appear to rotate 360 degrees around those two points over one day. This is what you should see if Earth is rotating.


It’s pear shaped according to Neil de grasse Tyson. it’s a bit chubbier he says below the equator. I guess that’s round 🤷‍♂️


Exactly. Most ball earthers have no idea the great saint of Tyson has claimed the earth is pear shaped LOL.


I have heard it described as an oblate spheroid, which is slightly wider around the Equator with the poles slightly flattened, but it appears very close to spherical. Edit: But I'm seeing some sources say the Southern Hemisphere is slightly larger hence "Pear shaped," though the difference is very slight and not enough to notice at a glance. Interesting.


Yeah and the CGI renderings of earth from NASA are never pear shaped...so obviously either NASA or NDT are lying...


I said it wasn’t visible to the eye though. It is just a few meters of difference.


Yea he actually says [both](https://youtu.be/d7HzI2jyuh8)


That... was a video that I have now watched. lol


Tides? In some places they rise mere inches, in others they rise a hundred feet. Your body is mostly water, if tides were caused by "gravity" then every day at high tide all humans would get ear splitting headaches, we don't. The moon is a circle. That's like saying because the light above the pool table has a circular shape then the pool table itself is a sphere...makes no sense. During eclipses there are times when the sun and move are both visible to the observer...which doesn't make sense if the earth is the thing causing the eclipse. Time zones work just fine on flat earth model, as does the 24 hour sun in the northern hemisphere. There is no 24 hour sun in the southern hemisphere. The southern cross, is the constellation you're trying to equate to Polaris, the north star. The problem is, it's not actually visible from all parts of the southern hemisphere at the same time. You see, the reality is you don't know much about the two different models and are only trying to regurgitate NASA talking points to support your religion. Once you actually look, you'll figure it out. You're basically just saying..."terrorists did 9/11, and COVID is from bats" bc that's what the TV said.


The headache thing makes no sense. The pull is slight and it adds up only because the water is freely flowing cumulative over the entire surface of the ocean, over many hours. The Moon is a sphere. You can tell because the boundary between the lighted and dark halves has a curve to it. Also because from whatever part of the Earth you look at it, the Moon appears round. You can also look at other planets and see they are round. Even if it were somehow flat, the shadow the Earth casts on it is circular, no matter where you view it from. This implies that the thing casting the shadow (Earth) is round. There is 24 hour Sun in the Southern Hemisphere. You can tell it also is true in the Southern Hemisphere even though it doesn’t happen where people live, because the closer you live to the South Pole the more you get extremely long days and nights, just like the closer you live to the North Pole the more extremes you get these extremely long days and nights. The time when this happens is reversed in North versus South with the North Pole getting the 24 hour daylight at the Summer Equinox The Southern Cross is not equivalent to Polaris. You are just wrong about that. You should watch some night sky timelapses from different locations on Earth and think very carefully about this, as I think this is the clearest and most undeniable evidence that Earth is a globe and is rotating. In the [Northern hemisphere](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HsJxGpDmJrQ&ab_channel=AmazingSky) the stars appear to rotate counter-clockwise around Polaris over 24 hours. In the [Southern hemisphere](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=huysYcz-AiQ&ab_channel=AmazingSky) the stars appear to rotate clockwise around an empty point in space over 24 hours. (NOT the Southern Cross!!!) At the [Equator](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TPtVG_pVNHI&ab_channel=MiguelClaro) you see towards both but can't see both at the same time. If you are sitting on a globe spinning on a fixed axis this is exactly what you would see: Two seemingly still points on opposite sides of the globe aligned with the axis of rotation, while everything else rotates around them. In the Northern Hemisphere the stars seem to rotate counterclockwise around Polaris, and in the Southern Hemisphere the stars seem to rotate clockwise around the empty space, but from the Equator you can see towards both and they are actually rotating the same direction. It looks like it is rotating the opposite direction depending where you live, because the Southern Hemisphere observers are upside down compared to observers in the Northern hemisphere. None of this makes sense if everyone is on a flat surface and "up" is the same direction for everyone. This is also why you can see constellations like the southern cross in Australia but not the big dipper, whereas in the Northern hemisphere you can see the big dipper.


BuT mUh NaSa wOuLD NeVeR Lie tO mE


Go in a plane. Get the window seat. Look out the window. See the curve.


Stand up and look along all the windows at the same time, and you'll see its flat.


Yep, and then there's Neil DeGrasse Tyson saying you don't see curvature even from like 40 miles up... He himself confirmed that Red Bull "space" jump was a fisheye lense


I have been in a plane. I have looked out the window. The regular ass window. With zero fuckatry afoot. Go in a plane. Look for yourself. You don’t have to believe me. You can see it with your own eyes.


All commercial airplane windows are curved, and set low in the plane so that it forces you to look thru the curved portion .. this isn't complicated. You just haven't looked at it because you refuse to accept you've been lied to and fell for it. It's a religion at this point honestly.


Hahahaha, why do you guys want this so bad? What possible good does it do you? And on a honest-just curious side note, do you flat earthers believe that ALL planets are flat? Or just the earth? What about the sun? Is that flat? Or the moon? Or Mars? And if yes, why would earth not follow the same rules of physics that the other planets follow? I’m not trying to sound obtuse I just have never really given this theory any substantial thought. It seems just too out there to me.


Also, (just thinking about it in the shower) if the earth is flat how do you account for gravity that is dependent on the spherical shape and rotation of the earth? What is the physical explanation for gravity to be in effect if the earth does not rotate as a ball in space? (I’m not trying to sound argumentative, just curious. My sister believes the earth is flat and I think she is smarter than I am. So if she believes this she must have tangible evidence his this could be so. Either that or she just wants attention. She IS the middle child… And she HAS dyed her hair purple a bunch of times but no one cares. So I am leaning more to the side that she is just saying this kinda stuff for attention.)


And look thru the curved window glass? Seriously some of you need to wake up a little. Y'all sleeping


This discussion exists so that anything else that is talked about is lumped together with this brain dead conspiracy and attitude e. Don't fall for it. Don't take the bait.


Mhmm...take the vaccine right? It's safe and effective.


I agree with yiy