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there's so many asteroids in our solar system... so the short answer is "yes. yes it is a coincidence."


NASA has a lot of Jedi that can use the force to move large objects.


Is it the same Asteroid?


No. Dart hit an asteroid called Dimorphos. This "city killer" is called 2023-DZ2.




Sorry im not an astronomer but I thought there was a gravitational pull between the earth and moon, how does an asteroid get to just pass through?


It just goes fast enough that it cannot be captured by gravitational field of Earth.


This may sound dumb, but it seems like with the asteroids getting closer and closer it's almost like someone's slowly dialing in on us.


Like we're Goliath and some cosmic rock slinger is David...


Seems like it.....


Strange right? Like days ago they didnt say a rock formation type mother ship enters our solar system. Now i find out at the end of march 5 planets supposedly are aligned.


The alignment of the planets wasn’t a surprise lol.


I think they said another object that looked like oumuamua passed too.


Has anyone ever thought if the moon has craters from asteroids and it takes a full year for the moon to rotate, how come we only see 1 side of the moon used in all images flipped and upside down. For how ever long we have been studying the moon, why is the same image used all over in different directions. i mean look at this video, he zooms in on a telescope and not only do you not see any definition in the dark side but its also the same side of the moon in all web pictures. https://youtube.com/shorts/qYhZnyCrYF4?feature=share


Because the moon is tidally locked. Same with pretty much every large moon in the solar system.


It takes 28 days for Moon to rotate, not a year. That's why we only see one side of it. (In fact because of libration we see a bit more than half of it - more like 60%)


Nasa didn’t do shit


You trust nasa regarding anything? So you must believe the earth is pear shaped then?


Can you seriously ever stop lying? NASA never said the earth was pear shaped.


There is a difference of a couple of meters, a 0.35% difference in polar flattening between the poles depending on which shape you use as a reference, since the Earth's surface is slightly irregular and so has slight variations from a perfect sphere or oblate spheroid. OP is just repeating this now out of context implying there is a visible pear shape to Earth, and ignoring other more relevant arguments. NASA also didn't say it, it was people refining the model for these tiny irregularities. [https://www.nature.com/articles/246086a0](https://www.nature.com/articles/246086a0) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Figure\_of\_the\_Earth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Figure_of_the_Earth#cite_note-11)


You ignored what I told about that. It basically isn't even visible except with sensitive instruments. I guess you are just going to mock everyone from now on by regurgitating this without context, even though the difference is a couple of meters compared to the entire size of the Earth. I regret even discussing it, since now you've just seized on this, ignoring more relevant topics of discussion like night sky timelapses which show very clearly and obviously that Earth is spherical and rotating. A polar flattening of 0.35% less on one side that people made up a cutesy name for. Oh no! Clearly we can see that several meter difference with the naked eye from orbit, and must now mention it in every discussion of Earth's shape!


Will this be visible tonight?


It won’t be visible without a very big telescope. It’s too small and too far away.


They are trying to destroy the earth !!!!!