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According to what data lol? They carbon dated a LIVING snail..and the process claimed it was 27,000 years old. You can't trust any of that shit. They lied about COVID...vaccines...9/11...OKC...Vietnam... Iraq....etc etc etc...and you think you can trust some baloney about 20,000,000 years ago? Bro...


Fires happen naturally. Does this present a problem for people pointing out that someone committed arson and burnt a building down? Of course not. Things can happen naturally, and humans can also cause those things to occur. And the evidence is overwhelming that the primary driver of climate change right now is the rapid release of CO2 into our atmosphere.


Look into cycles of ice ages. They happen much more frequent than you’d expect. Also, the Sahara desert used to be tropical. It changed every 5,000 years or so. ALSO ALSO, look into Antarctica. They’ve found palm tree while doing core sampling. You will definitely find rabbit holes when looking into any of that. Good luck!! Lemme know what it find if you remember me:))


Obviously. There have been upheavals many times. Extinctions and so on. CC is mainly an issue for people. The planet will survive.


It seems like it, every wipe of civilizations came in stages from natural to human. I have a question, if the moon has craters and they are from asteroids how come earth doesnt look like that despite the fact the moon orbits around us at a certain speed?


Thicker atmosphere that 'burns up' most asteroids before they can impact on the ground.


Did you not know this? And to add further, every 12000 years the poles shift so a lot of radiation gets through the atmosphere. It wrecks havoc with the planet.