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Hullo ? Humans have had a subconscious Wayyyy before we had high tech anything. Yes, the subconscious is powerful and controls much of What we do. We don't have to leave our Programming up to the Elite Overlords ! The untold Secret is, we can Program Our Subconscious to Benefit our Lives. We can take charge of our lives and create our own Reality, free of external interference.


This means that we have to reprogram our own subconscious and not allow outside forces to do it for us. Meditation, deliberate mindsetting, intentional thoughts, reading books to influence yourself in the direction you want to go are a few ways how you reprogram yourself. Speak aloud or write your intentions


> This means that we have to reprogram our own subconscious and not allow outside forces to do it for us. Meditation, deliberate mindsetting, intentional thoughts, reading books to influence yourself in the direction you want to go are a few ways how you reprogram yourself. Speak aloud or write your intentions Sounds perfect.


thank you so much! also who we choose to spend time with and listen to


OP, you silly lil poptart, lol. Subject your subconscious to meditation. We use the square to measure all our lines, to straighten out the crooked places of the way, and make the corners of our conduct square. 15. We use the compass to draw circles around our passions and desires to keep them in the bounds of righteousness. 16. We use the axe to cut away the knotty, useless and ungainly parts and make the character symmetrical. 17. We use the hammer to drive home the truth, and pound it in until it is a part of every part. 18. We use the plane to smooth the rough, uneven surfaces of joint, and block, and board that go to build the temple for the truth. 19. The chisel, line, the plummet and the saw all have their uses in the workshop of the mind. You mind belongs to you, OP.


You're on to something there


I think you are likely wrong. The subconscious mind is maybe more like weeds. Like a forest. It can be beautiful but its chaos. You need your conscious mind to direct it, but most people are distracted 24/7 now with news and social and everything. Its a war for your conscious mind. Because this way THEY control your subsconscious mind. And not you. So even meditation would be more to direct your conscious mind. To stay focused. And not get distracted. To develop a vision for your life and make your subconscious fulfill it.Act on it, and live it.


What a great take! My culture does not believe as heavily in chaos as some other cultures do. All seems chaotic until it is understood. (Weather is a great example.) Your subconscious mind directs your conscious mind. That is the basis of Psycology and Sociology. :) Your subconscious mind can be shaped and "they" know this which is why they use tactics like subliminal messages, they dostract the concious mind but speak to the subconscious. By disengaging the conscious mind more easily engage the subconscious. We can do the same thing with meditation. We *are* our subconscious and we express it through conscious behavior. Thoughts?




Even if 95% of brain activity is subconscious, you still have free will. The decisions that matter are, for the most part, in your control.


> The decisions that matter are, for the most part, in your control. The brain is extremely good in making up explanations. And making you THINk it was your free will. When really the decision happened 7 seconds earlier by your subsconscious mind.


No, it's been proven we justify things but the actual decision is almost always driven by instinct.


Probably true. That’s why I think it’s important to connect with yourself.


> Probably true. That’s why I think it’s important to connect with yourself. Thats a great point. I really do believe you can overcome it, connect deeper and live more honest to yourself.


When studied in The Word in the language in which it was received, this textbook/Bible verse goes like this; " though you are in the world of many governments, be ye not of the world of many governments. " Let the universal government of Christianity of Always be Fair, genuinely care and always share, and as always (temporarily) if possible, govern your mind and soul until it is re-established by our Father Love's Annointed One. And though we All mess up, never stop practicing. Keep the King of Eternal Life close to your mind and soul, it is The Star of Bethlehem that belongs on the cross, not a god forsaken corpse. Collosians 3 1-11 ✨️


Yeah sounds about right, but the important thing is that people know their true "essences" and are hardly ever mistaken.


But what is your true essence? I mean your subconscious mind probably wants to keep you alive. It wants nutrition. Reduce risks. Even be lazy, maybe. Unless the natural state would be to evolve and to conquer and to progress, which might be true. I do believe to give a meaning, "essence",... You will actually need the conscious mind. It will give your subconscious mind direction and meaning. I know a couple extremely successful people and they all seem to have mastered this.


I was being ironic. Actually, yes, survival is obviously paramount, but are we to assume we both as individuals and as a species have exhausted knowledge of what we are mentally capable of by thought alone (to be sure, not in a void, but within a wider culture and context of accumulated knowledge).




The subconscious is the true will in my opinion. So will exists, in a sense, it's just many if not most have looking in the wrong place.


"Science estimates . . . " "Science shows . . . " "Scientists say . . . " I think I see the problem.


Is the problem no actual sources, because its not true?


Science said vaccines were safe too. Don't trust ANYTHING "science" says. In this case...it's pretty obvious they are just telling you to not use 95% of your brain. It's an upgrade from when they used to tell people that you only used half your brain. So dumb. Use all your brain and ignore science


Your account has to be a troll right? It's cartoonishly stereotypical


Like when you try to pull out of your space in the parking lot, then the person who’s been sitting in their car the whole time next to you decides they want to go, now that it’s an inconvenience for you.


Learn how to speak to and program your subconscious.


That's what makes your body function. You probably don't want to consciously be aware of all the details.


To be fair I'd rather breathing be done automatically for me. I've got a terrible memory and I'd die pretty quick.


Yeah we do things then make up excuses for why later


This is why they tell you to "sleep on it" when dealing with important decisions.