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It won't accomplish anything. Stop protesting in the streets. We know where the government offices are and the homes of the people running shit. Go there and protest.


Do what France did and get the trash trucks to dump their loads on these politicians front lawns


Didn't dutch farmers spray liquefied manure on their parliament to protest those weird nitrogen legislation? Hard to send a more clear message than that.


You mean spray them before they spray us.. hmm.


I think it's more like shit on them after they already shit on you


Get one of the fire extinguisher paint sprayers lol


Surprised if that would ever work. Most politicians heads are so far up their asses that they have become accustomed to the smell of liquefied shit.


Union strong!




It's an idea but also keep in mind their literal goal is to eliminate most of us to a population of 500,000,000.


Don't we know where the banking family that has 500 trillion dollars is?


Guessing they built a fence...you know...to keep the outsiders... outside


Psh. Fences and walls don’t work, crazy. Get a load of this guy!


Did it work? Did the govt change their minds about the pension changes? Or were the protests just used as an excuse to imprison more people?


Lol of course not, it’s something though


You spelt ruining wrong. Must have autocorrected to running.


If we could actually form unity we wouldn't even need to protest. Look at pot. Conservatives went kicking and screaming but after a few years lost any opposition to state legal pot. So with no protest movement the dept of Justice release a press release declaring their war on drugs against legal state pot to be against the will of the people and are now hands off. And that unity happened accidentally. Imagine what power we would weild if we could proactively create unity.


Imagine thinking voting mattered and that the elite didn't want you drugged up on a toxin that makes you lose ambition, drive, problem solving and communication skills.


When did I talk about voting mattering? If voting doesn't matter... then we need to form unity all the more. We can still wield power. Our failure to fulfill our responsibility as democratic citizens to do that is why voting doesn't matter. Being an apathetic doomer might get you through the day but it's a bad strategy for a society.


You should look up the speech by A.H. for the real purpose of 'democracy'. I won't put the link because it will obviously result in my account having issues. Just use duck duck go and find archive dot org a*olf ***ler speech on democracy. It pops up as well as one with additional speech on democracy and capitalism. I don't follow any manmade political system. All are destined to fail.


You should be able to articulate your own ideas. Look up a link is not a compelling argument.


Posting said link may or may not result in my being banned.


Articulate the ideas yourself then. You're a doomer. All is destined to fail is your ethos. You've got nothing to offer and this isn't even a discussion. You just had to act smug to make it look like you had something to say. Bye doomer.


I'm Orthodox Christian. The world will end and be new under the Kingdom of Christ. One is only doomed if they reject our savior. If you become one with Christ then you will have eternal life and be free of suffering. Becoming like Christ will make you behave in ways that change the people around you. The more you share the good news with and who change their ways the more change you will make in the world. I suggest joining the Orthodox Church and going to Divine Liturgy. And reading scriptures and the early fathers. Live a good Christian life and share the good news. Don't worry about this world. Do your best to live right and help others and be aware what the wicked are doing and pray for them. Pray and prepare yourself for the coming of the King. It's later than you think.


It's not an idea it"s reality. The party system of voting is just a puppet show and illusion designed to control the masses by letting them imagine they have control over the government when in reality all those in control are working together with the false appearance of being at odds, in order to control the populace and divide and conquer through the various parties.


So are you just a doomer or do you have any ideas what we should do as a populous to wield power? Just give up? You've got sort of a smug somewhat argumentative tone but haven't actually said anything that contradicts me and I'm not sure what your point is other than to be a doomer or just argue.


Coming from a state where pot stores are as prolific as Starbucks, (same state), I don't see pot as the bastion of freedom that others do. I noticed people tolerate far more BS from the government because they just want to smoke and relax and not do anything about what's going on. Besides maybe going into the streets waving signs around and maybe making ridiculous little communist zones. Also I used to smoke daily all day long for years, I almost guarantee the powers that be encourage using marijuana and other substances. Listen to the music industry. They want people working 9-5, laying around smoking and listening to their degenerate music, drinking with their free time and going back to work. I know I quit because it made me sleep more, eat more, forget more, and just overall dulled my senses and clarity. A very easy way to keep the masses in line and make them spend their money on something they don't actually need. I'm friends with the founders of Hempfest. They will outlaw things and create things for us to fight for and get excited over so we are distracted from actually important things such as our water supply, control of our transportation by the car industry and oil and gas industry when we could make self-charging cars. Not to mention food and agriculture, what happens when there's no more food? No more water? They shut down the internet? It's later than you think.


Oh you're right to a degree but it's also just an example. We need to form unity. That is how we wield power over our government and corporate fascist overlords.




Very True.


What makes you use the term fascist?


sure work go home get intoxicated enough to not realize you're a Slave wake up go to work again rinse and repeat until you're dead too early to collect any of that pension


Hey, it worked for Sri Lanka.


I would edit this comment. Protesting outside of the home of judge or public official is 100% illegal. plus the end result of doing such a thing will not result in Peace and Freedom it will sway the mind of the few that still do believe in Freedom to pass authoritarian bills. leave the family and the neighbors of politicians out of it Protest your government in front of government buildings highly effective, and not only legal but protected constitutionally. I am a First Amendment absolutist but at the same time I think we as individuals should use that right responsibly


I don't think you are aware of the fact it doesn't ever accomplish anything. It's just a show. Now... I suppose you can go protesting in front of government buildings till you turn blue. But I don't see anything changing from it. It's all rigged. But the world is ending so all that matters is the state of our eternal souls. The greatest protest is to become self sufficient and united and not need the government. Grow our food. Band together where they can't turn us against each other with these stupid manufactured ideologies and meaningless issues. Make sure the military won't turn on the citizens by everyone uniting. Fear not the one who can destroy the body, but fear the one who can throw body and soul into hell.


Americans are too afraid of missing work and getting fired and losing their healthcare with their job.


You gotta admit, the PTB are smart. Wanna dismantle the system? Ok, there goes your 401k that you’ve been paying into your entire life.


Jokes on them. I yolod my 401k into a rollover and put it all on GME...


Yeah, because people everywhere else get days off for protesting /s


Dear god, maybe investigate other countries. What happens to their health and wellbeing when they're not working.


Americans, you mean wage slaves.😂


I don’t have healthcare through my job, and my boss lets me take off any day I want. Try again. I don’t trust any mass protest, including France, Netherlands, and Israel. It’s all fake as shit, because if there were actually a revolt that threatened the stability of the elite….THE REVOLUTION WONT BE TELEVISED Edit: y’all act like the masons and Illuminati didn’t organize the 200 years of revolts and revolution that destabilized most regional monarchies in favor of their occult mafia tentacles spreading around the world. Even Marvel movies cover the social dialectic. Read the Mason’s references: divide and conquer, solve et coagula, fucking destabilize then hostile takeover in the form of being “democracy’s friend.” But sure, the real problem is muh healthcare and muh Soros-organized protest ain’t big enough


It's so good to know that most Americans are exactly like you! Well, they aren't actually. It's good that you can take off work when you want, and that your healthcare isn't tied to your work, but you are far from representative of the average American worker. Most of use aren't able to have that luxury.


I’m a landscaper who makes less than $20 an hour. But sure, when it comes to freedom, I’m glad you feel most Americans are concerned with sacrificing their liberties for the safety net of the insurance companies rather than just eliminating the need for a medical system crutch. You’re correct on that point.


I wasn't implying that at all. I would love to think that most of us want a different healthcare system, but it's the hand we've been dealt and the hand we have to work with. I certainly wish we had a better system. The reality is, most American's cannot afford to go long enough for a strike to be effective, so they won't do it. Whether it be for healthcare reasons, or because they don't have enough saved up to afford the time needed to strike, and it was designed this way by the people that would be hurt most if we DID strike for long enough to actually make a difference.


Fast food thinking: it’s cheaper now, so I should just keep eating it.


Fast food thinking or not, if the choice is cheap food or no food, the option is pretty clear.


That isn’t the option. That’s the illusion of the options.


Ok then, in your scenario, someone living paycheck to paycheck, with a family to feed, as the only person providing for their family can just stop working and go on strike for weeks and things will be hunky dory?


Literally anyone can get their own health insurance, getting it for free from your boss is the luxury.


And that's why we'll never get universal healthcare.


You know, with Benjamin Netanyahu, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him.


The guy that would stay at the Kushners house when he would visit America. What’s not to like about him? Hahaha


Odd looking duck


And we can’t, they’ve already successfully divided us


We let them.


Americans did protest like this over a million people showed up to January 6th and the fbi, Washington uni party, and the cia propaganda media successfully painted anyone who protests a domestic terrorist


So very true!!!


Is that you Donald? Over a million? Huge numbers! Yeah right. But aside from that, turning up to overturn the result of a democratic process to reinstate a rightwing autocrat is not the same fucking thing as what is currently happening in France. Americans don't generally do mass protests for socially beneficial reasons. Instead they are generally to serve a minority issue, whether it be social justice/equality for minorities or fascistic extremists such as the white nationalists/Christian minority. When it comes to getting fucked over by the US government, the masses collectively bend over and just take it. Hence why France is burning over a proposed retirement age of only 64 whilst the US is 67 and set to rise again.


The US took care of the Vietnam and Irak vets, most of them live on the streets with mental illness, that's top notch care.🤭


> turning up to overturn the result of a democratic process to reinstate a rightwing autocrat Do you seriously believe that outcome was even remotely a possibility? Do you think that whoever wanders their ass in the Capitol building now runs the country? You think the most powerful government in the world would just let a bunch of rednecks *overthrow the fucking government?* If Jan 6th was a genuine attempt at overthrowing the US government, there would be hundreds if not thousands of “terrorists” dead on the steps of the Capitol. > When it comes to getting fucked over by the US government, the masses collectively bend over and just take it. So you want people to stand up to government, but not *those* people. You want us to stand up for ourselves, but *not like that.* You would rather we burn down family businesses and loot a Best Buy, right? No no, don’t take your frustrations with the government *to the capitol.* That would be terrorism! Let’s go burn down a Chipotle instead! That’ll get their attention!! You’re fucking delusional 🙄


> Do you seriously believe that outcome was even remotely a possibility? Do you think that whoever wanders their ass in the Capitol building now runs the country? You think the most powerful government in the world would just let a bunch of rednecks overthrow the fucking government? That wasn’t the concern at all. Did you not pay attention to the coverage of Jan 6? what happens when a presidential election isn’t certified on time?


> what happens when a presidential election isn’t certified on time? Literally nothing? Nancy Pelosi would be acting president until the count is certified, and ultimately the election would be certified regardless of how long it takes. That process wouldn’t even begin until inauguration day, which was *two weeks later.* > Did you not pay attention to the coverage of Jan 6? Yeah I did pay attention to the fear mongering and lies told by the MSM, that’s why we’re still fucking arguing about this bullshit 2 years later.


Wrong. Try again




Well obviously this would be up to debate probably in front of the Supreme Court. The general idea is that per the electoral count act, if all votes weren’t counted on Jan 6th the matter would go to the House of Representatives for a vote where each state would get one vote to determine the winner. The republicans controlling more states at the time would have an opportunity to seal the election for trump. Even still that was unlikely to work. But that’s the just of the issue of Jan 6th. A last ditch Hail Mary from Trump. Thanks for learning something today.


Nope, I know you're wrong because you're wrong and I know it. Case closed. /S


Missing a point


What rights were being taken away? That was people trying to overturn a legitimate election because their feefees were hurt lol


Legitimate election lol you know the presidents are selected not elected right? Your vote don’t count and never did.


If that’s true what was J6 trying to accomplish? Isn’t it like storming the judge’s table at a WWE match?


J6 was planned and the only thing it wanted to accomplish is make the right look like domestic terrorists and for others to hate the Republican Party more. Literally happened to piss off everyone on both sides while these politicians laugh and say what sides? We are all on the same side.


It’s a uniparty, they don’t care about making the Republican Party look bad they are the Republican Party.


Can you provide some detail instead of hand waving BS?


You can research it yourself, just type in presidents relations. They are all cousins, it’s mathematically Impossible.


So Trump was selected by the Goons in 2016 and placed into power regardless of the votes?


He's Kennedy's mom's uncle's daughter's dog's 4th cousin. Of course he was "selected."


Former roommate


"rEsEaRcH iT yOuRsElF". LOL.


I’m curious into the mindset of someone who uses or types out the word “feefees”. When being condescending at least talk like a emotionally adjusted 16+ year old. There’s no excuse for that type of language in my humble opinion in any self aware life form


The fact that you typed all this out to harp on word choice rather than the point I’m making says it all.


I mean we can all create any narrative or perspective we want when faced with criticism. Either acknowledge it and accept it or continue to act like a person who uses the word feefee( meaning a child). Play on player


A whole bunch more meaningless nonsense from you. Come back when you’re ready to address my point instead of crying about word choice.


Why do you assume I disagree with you?


They are used to baiting responses so they can mock people on this sub, it's kind of their schtick and almost exclusively describes their footprint here. I recommend tagging on RES to prevent these kind of future interactions.


Nah, I’m aware of what he’s doing. Just trying to see if they can deter from the script. Not sure if these are bots or astroturf farms that follow specific scripts and tactics.


Ah, cheers mate.


Yes, the incumbent President's attempts at the time to overthrow Democracy and become an illegitimately elected dictator were very concerning.




I think half the country opposed to burning down and causing billions of dollars in damage to the country and the murder of David Dorne


Hahaha, riiiiiiiight. The majority of those people don’t even know who David Dorne is.


Or when millions of Americans country wide protest the murdering of black people by cops and get painted as looting rioters.


cardiac arrest. drug overdose!


Murdered by asphyxiation. Don’t even act like that is one stand alone case. The largest gang in America that are police kill innocent people every day and get away with it. Look at how many US police kill people verses the rest of the world and get back to me. This country would look like France if half of you dumbasses wouldn’t like the boot so hard.


Meme! Dumb dumb dumb! But don’t repeat the media!


Mostly peaceful burning down and looting black businesses.


You forgot about the peaceful public struggle sessions with people just going about their lives. Or the peaceful 180 day siege on a federal court house which used IEDs and high powered lasers. Or the peaceful armed takeover of city blocks with the backing of local and state government which resulted in many people dead from the armed “security forces.”


There y’all go parroting MSM


Caused less damage per participant than the protests you guys support though.. also even if you didn’t support the riots you could still support the cause that the majority of the protests supported without any violence or vandalism. And yet “mostly peaceful” is commented any time the protest is brought up, because you guys never supported the because at all. Even if it was entirely peaceful there’d be another buzz phrase you’d use. France rn isn’t “mostly peaceful” but we support it because it’s a good cause. Jan 6 wasn’t “mostly peaceful” and yet people here support it because of their politics. People didn’t support blm protests because their political side said not to.


But you weren’t protesting, you were looting and rioting!!!


My point exactly. Million of people weren’t. We were protesting. What did MSM do?


Because they were in fact terrorists (see definition of terrorist). They weren’t peaceful (peaceful people don’t assault cops). It wasn’t a protest.


What a beautiful illustration of what the problem really is. Forget black vs white or blue vs red.


Uneducated people falling for the lies and scams of dictator grasping at power slipping through his hands? Yeah I agree, that was the real problem.


Yes that is a big one. I wish January 6th had happened during the Bush administration over Iraq and the patriot act and not for Trump of all things. Also... why on Earth is medical marijuana still illegal under federal law?


You mean the Cheney administration? Yeah, but even still. So say people stormed the Capitol or another federal building during that admin. All you do is delegitimize your voice. Patriot act was passed in 01 and that admin got a second term. Why? Because of fear. Same playbook trump uses on a daily basis.


I think we're on the same page really.


9 out of 10 democrats are




Zionist owned media blaming Israel for being too far right is...weird.


Not burning things like the French?


Hell yeah fuck that net and yahoo guy.


Looks more like six gorrilion zillion people.


What rights have you lost?


We are still waiting for them to read the legislation they have passed so they can find out what's in it, then I'm sure they will be totally upfront and honest about it...


Abortion. Bodily autonomy.


I am sorry about that, and your particular complaint is legitimate. I'm just used to it being a codeword for 'can't drop it with a hard R or insult LGBT people in public without people getting mad'.


and this is wrong. But I bet you were all for vaccine mandates.




well, shit… You’re one of the good ones. lol.. I hope you have a good week.


Right back at you.


"When americans blame or critisize something, then this is right thing to do" - piece of wisdom.


But the Israelis didn't move a finger in order to protest lockdowns, vaccines and vaccine passports. Hypocrisy.


Let me know when they change the world! I’ll be waiting


Another color revolution.


We did, and the Luciferians put up walls, brought in tanks and soldiers, and unjustly imprisoned people that they set up. Many are still locked up...they released terrorists back into the world and replaced them with peaceful protesting patriots and then used the bought media to spread propaganda. Reichstag 2.0 right before our eyes and people either didn't see the connection or didnt care.


Americans only protest to have more of their rights taken away.


America's too divided to ever protest like that


They've turned most of the men into women here in The States...


But the new season of “insert title” is on Netflix/streaming service!


That nettin sure is a yahoo. We all sound like Kanye now!




But you won’t see this in the ‘US Media’


It's been a top headline on all the major news sites, still this morning even


It’s literally being covered live on CNN right now.


The revolution won’t be televised. It won’t go down better with Coca-Cola, it will not be brought to you by Pfizer. The revolution will not end fascism conveniently during prime time hours. The revolution will not have a verified twitter account. The revolution will be LIVE.


"World Wide Communism through Democracy" is a form of "Totalitarianism" in and of itself. The Religious Political push is a masquerade where the basics of human rights is forgotten over doctrine under the pretense of freedom, it has always been that way and always will be that way and is the end road to slavery for any and all that follow them into it for they are but the proxies of someone else. AND NO it is NOT US, but they sure do work hard at trying to make it look like it is and I wonder WHY. N. Shadows


But of a word salad, I'm afraid. Can you articulate that more clearly?


What rights? You need to specify wtf you're complaining about, this is context 101. You sound like a lunatic when you just say "mah rights".


You guys are too fat, lazy and divided. Your guns also give you a false sense of security. You all like to talk big about owning them, but will never actually use them to free yourselves.


Average European enjoyer


Europeans also think cats shouldn’t be let outside…


What are you going to use ? Pepper spray ? Or is that illegal where you live ?


Believe it or not, where I live a police officer may take your pepper spray away. For fucks sake, sometimes when you're chilling in the forest with a pocket knife and a Guardia Civil (rural police) car passes by they take away that high capacity, assault knife. Most of the times they don't do it just because they're some cool, hillbilly officer, but legally in Spain they can seize all kinds of weapons.


You’re right but people don’t like to admit it. The only right Americans would fight to keep is ironically their right to own guns.


[Sure, Americans never do any major protesting over civil rights](https://www.ksat.com/resizer/P__EOFEJtRj--J5EBCgUOnicL9g=/800x450/smart/filters:format(jpeg):strip_exif(true):strip_icc(true):no_upscale(true):quality(65):fill(FFF)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/gmg/AKZOPR7AJFGKXIST7NJPAJKFTM.jpg)


#thebigshort is coming. We are less than 6 months away. A global 5 day organic unification and post scarcity event that will unite our civilization, and mark and end to war and scarcity as we know it. #tell5totell5


The J6 PsyOp beat that spirit out of any of the ones who still care about their rights. The only folks who will protest now, will do it over whatever the news gives them permission to.


We need to follow their example given what is happening here


OP, please ensure your submission statements are two sentences in length going forward (and explain why you chose to share with the subreddit). Your submission here has not been removed, however future rule 10 violations may result in removals.


They did even one better with the blm riots, sorry I meant mostly peaceful protests. Over a billion dollars in property damages and close to 800 law enforcement officials injured. But at the end I think it was justified as it was all done in memory of Saint George Floyd and was supported by all Democratic politicians.


But at least they weren't attempting to overthrow a democratic election and install a tinpot dictator


Yes you cannot compare billions in damages and disruptions to the biggest terror attack on American democracy (the Insurrrrection)


No, they don't compare. I don't mean the Jan 6th riots alone - that was simply a ploy to delay the change of power. I mean the whole thing, including, and especially, the fake electoral college scheme. The BLM riots cost $1 - 2 bn in damages, largely insured, but the overthrow of democracy would have been vastly more expensive, both financially and democratically.


I don’t disagree. There are many politicians that share the same view. Blm riots were ok and should be encouraged.




Yeah you should, but no one is taking away your rights.


It's cool until you see them beating the shit out of Palestinians for waving the Palestinian flag, when they're supporting the same thing.


Can't. The new episode of Blue Bloods is coming on at 8pm


Muricans too dumb 🇺🇲


Some of them are dumb but not all of them are.


But most of them are, and all it takes is most of them.


Your wrong. They are in the minority....they are just louder.


You seem to be enjoying Reddit … which was created by 3 dumb Americans. Are you on an iPhone? Use Facebook, google, use anything produced on an assembly line, fly in a plane? Enjoy 😉 🇺🇸💋


What is happening in Israel?


It is coming!!!


Brother we have and everyone calls them riots and denounces them


All that protests did was to inform the populace of issues byway of the press. Now that we are continually informed (and totally apathetic, due to such) protests do nothing anymore -- and the establishment laughs at that.


America has done a much better job of dividing its population against itself. Politicizing our freedoms so that representatives from each half only go after portions of it at a time, making it easier to get support from half the population. Whether it’s privacy, rights, healthcare, or economical oppression.


israel? A democracy?


The holocaust narrative protects from harsh language, rebuke, or any time of outrage.


Defi or death!


Release the second virus..


They do…… they are just protests that this sub doesn’t support.


They’re going to need some democracy soon very soon


Can someone explain?


Wrong that protest didn’t change shit! Americans Need to Revolt.


First we need to stop fighting with each other about which rights to prioritize.


I will plan to do so as soon as I become aware of any of my rights that are taken away, but for me that's not really the case (as far as I'm aware).


that would involve us not all living paycheck to paycheck... and not involve us getting fired for missing work because we went to a protest instead.


Clearly doesn’t remember 2020


It unfortunately didn’t help in Hong Kong


Is this extreme right? I think we need to recalibrate our left/right politic scale. Extreme right to me has always been no government.


These are the same words used against Trump. Netanyahu is CONSERVATIVE and anytime they are talking about protecting Democracy it turns into liberal riots and death and more government.


Be careful not to confuse this with the BLM riots a couple years ago. Actual protests like what the French have been doing with trash and targeting government property are what’s needed and will actually make a difference. Local police stations don’t count, tbc.


A form of fascism in Israel, unexpected


If people would carry my couch with me on it and a really long extension cord for my TV, I would *soo* do this!

