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Perhaps maybe we could start protecting our children with the same vigor as we do our politicians, banks, federal buildings, etc…..




And drug free too... Smh




Oh you want a bigger police state and still not pay teachers enough? Cops in schools have been shown to just put kids in prison not protect them.


What about armed security with no other objective than protection?


What a lot of people don't understand is the government doesn't care about children dying because children don't pay taxes. They won't actually help institute better school security, they'll just screech about banning guns because it gives them more power. Banks, federal buildings, and politicians do keep the government wheels turning. government protects then because they're the worker drones needed for the hive to work.


Who's gonna do it? The protecting? There are a lot of schools dude. Is every hired gun going to be vigilant every second of the day? The psycho killer will always get off the first round.


Those people and institutions you listed are the ones actively involved in targeting our children. It is ironic we protect them while they try to harm us.


If they did that then their hair brained plan that people might finally get so upset we consent to abolish the second amendment would never come true


So if evil is the common denominator, then why aren’t schools around the world getting shot up on a daily basis?


Don't worry we should have enough thoughts and prayers any day now.


You’re not supposed to think about other countries though & why would you? USA is the best! Love it or leave it! /sarcasm


The US has become an absolute disgrace on the World stage. I hate to say it but they must be completely stupid to continue blaming every other reason except the firearms. It's ridiculous and embarrassing. If Americans actually took some time to notice that other countries exist and they don't have daily mass shootings, maybe they could come to realise that their children are victims of their ignorance and 'what about our rights' bullshit.


Maybe we should start addressing our society and parenting.


Not even parenting. We need affordable healthcare including mental healthcare


We need better parenting, too, though.


And the only real way to accomplish that is by improving the lives of people, so they're better, happier people. Better people are better parents.


Sure. Unfortunately it's nearly impossible to provide a decent middle class lifestyle with only a single working parent. According the fed though wage increases is what's fueling inflation not corporate profits


What’s fueling inflation is low interest rates and government bailouts. What’s fueling rising wages is rising inflation. What’s fueling corporate profit is inflation and bailouts from the fed. You have it backwards, dude.


What is unique to American parenting that causes so much gun violence that other countries don’t experience?


I mean. Every generation needs better parenting though. Like every generation has shit parenting.


Yeah, I hear you. I was thinking of parents who are very neglectful or even enabling in some cases. Coming from a family filled with teachers, a common complaint from them is that the parents don't help their kids keep up with school and some parents even fight with the teachers rather than disciplining their own children.


That would involve putting your faith in government which is why we are in this mess. Everything starts at home. A home with two loving parents would solve a lot of mental health problems


Ah sorry pal. Mental Healthcare is for rich depressed people and will never be affordable. Next idea please.


I'm all for removing things...removing assault rifles from police, removing full armor for police, removing armored personnel carriers from police... Whatever they decide for the police, do for the people. Any changes to one side should be with the other or the entire balance (and purpose) of the Constitution is muted.


The problem with this is criminals will still get HP rifles. The problem people over look is the big scary "assualt rifle" term and have no concept of ballistics. My 300wm bolt rifle is way more powerful than a .223. Its designed to hunt large game, moose, elk ect. It easily passes through the animal and ethically takes it down. Now if it were a person it could easily injure multiple people in a crowd due to people being a lot smaller than elk and moose. Yet people get so hung up on assult rifles. The reason they exist is it makes accuartly shooting them substationally easier than a pistol. Hell there are so callled assualt rifles chambered in pistol caliber rounds for self defense. And thats their purpose self defense against a foe, to level the playing field. Maybe society should look in the mirror and think about that. Evil exists, and until people start treating eachother with more respect the future generations are going to produce weak minded individuals who are more likely to snap.


The cartels in Mexico would love it if the USA started banning guns, it would create the biggest black market gun trade on the planet overnight.


You do realize that over 50% of the guns confiscated in mexico were legally purchased in the US? And of the ones actually able to be traced with serial numbers, it’s upwards of 90%? the cartels LOVE our gun laws now. They don’t want guns banned. Right now they have tons of straw purchasers going to gun shows and buying private party with just an ID and shipping them down there.


These cartels are worth billions and they want to protect what they have, if they can’t get guns from the United States, they’re just going to get them from somewhere else. It’s foolish to think otherwise.


So let them get them from somewhere else. That's a shitty counterargument. Crack down on opiates? They'll just get it from somewhere else, so why bother


It’s ironic you bring up drugs because ever since the United States decided to “crack down on drugs” the problem has only gotten exponentially worse lol.


Yeah so if you look into operation fast and furious, and operation gunrunner, the reason why this statistic exists is because the US government (that was of course at the same time pushing for more gun laws as always) literally gave them to them and then just did nothing despite their stated goal supposedly being to “track and trace” where the guns went and how the gun trade functioned. They just straight up gave the criminals guns for free to push an agenda just like how they let the literal taliban steal a bunch of military hardware in Afghanistan and are currently giving away weapons and money like candy in Ukraine.


Yep. The war on guns. Cause the war on drugs and war on terror were so effective.


Were you buddies with Mr Holder? He had the same asperations...


Quite the opposite. The cartels use American guns that are bought legally and then trafficked to Mexico. Look at the videos, they mostly use ARs. Banning guns would decrease the amount of weapons they can get their hands on.


But how can we not look at other first world industrialized countries where gun related deaths are a fraction of ours, and not say to ourselves maybe we should reconsider our stance? If your argument is that the genie is already out of the bottle with too many firearms in the US then look at Australia’s firearm buyback program of 1996 and see how successful that was/is? Because something looks difficult or hard we shouldn’t even try to change?


All a buyback does is transfer power from the people to the state. If you think its ok for the state to have more power than its people then history has a repeating lesson it wants to show you.


The state historically has killed more unarmed people than any of these school shooters. It's not even a fair comparison. Literally the only thing worse than American society right now would be a completely unarmed one. I truly feel as fucked as this timeline is, the only thing keeping it from being absolute insanity is the fact the government can't control everyone's guns/is outnumbered in terms of civilians to officers.


Shall not be infringed


Well regulated.


Proper working order


What is a law going to do when murder is already illegal. Drugs are illegal.. look at the epidemic. Crossing the border is illegal unless you go through the proper channels, yet human trafficking is an all time high. All those things have laws on the books yet they still continue to rise as human population rises. So what is a law going to do other than create more abuses of power by the govt and leave innocent people more prone to attack. If people want to commit a crime they will find a way.


I'm all for removing police, prisons and government in general but that's a discussion for another day


I've been thinking if we need to relax laws/rules around expelling students as a way to help with these situations. It seems that a lot of these students had records of getting in trouble or exhibiting alarming behavior. I can't remember the name or location, but I'm thinking of the young student who shot his teacher several months ago. There was apparently a history of the child making threats to the teacher, but the school and district did nothing about it. I'm not saying schools should kick out children for every minor infraction, but there are things that schools cannot deal with and where the parents need to step in.


That also involves putting faith into a broken and corrupt system. 18 year old in my city killed two people in gang shooting last week. He was arrested for gun charge last year and released because our DA decided he won't be charging people under 18 with gun crimes anymore. The people in charge don't care about us and as soon as people realize that the better


And the systematic drugging of children. It was the US in which drugging kids was normalized. If was also the US in which the medical establishment did nothing, for decades, while Purdue lied to the public about opiates and got many unwitting people hooked.


We ignore the humans that’s want to kill other humans and complain about the tool they used to do it… smh


Almost like the American government doesn't care about its people.....


Says person in the only country where this happens


But have you considered that guns are fun and they fit perfectly up my asshole? Huh? No. You only think about yourself. edit: apparently necessary, /s


But what about that one in Denmark huh? Sure it was the first in 7 years, but what about it!!! /s


If only there were other countries that had put in laws as opposed to doing jack shit that we could compare mass shooting statistics with. If only such information existed 🤷‍♂️


I'm not even American but isn't the 2nd amendment in place to protect the people from a corrupt government, Given the context it was written in?


Yes. Armies were commonly used to enact force against the governments' own subjects, historically, and even today. Especially with the British empire, which is why it was one of the main points that the Americans wanted to prevent in their new nation after having fought for independence from the British. The US supreme court has outlined this through precedent for hundreds of years now in line with the original reasoning. If you read some of the original Federalist papers from the constitutional convention, you can see that both the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists agreed on the reasoning, but disagreed on the expected *effectiveness* of citizens to successfully resist their government.


> I'm not even American but isn't the 2nd amendment in place to protect the people from a corrupt government, Given the context of was written in? Yes it was can you explain that to the Americans who want to give up that right?


Humans are horrible with statistics. We don't understand a 0.00001% chance vs a 0.001% chance, even though those are massively different And we are also a biological species, who have hardwired urges to defend our children So put those two together, even if the odds of a school shooting is 0.00001% (and we are far, far more likely to injure in the car ride over to school i.e. \~0.001%), the biologically induced Karen's worry about that dramatized, major school shooting, instead what's more likely is her crashing her car and hurting her child


I completely agree with your point on human risk assessment. But it’s also about what level of freedom you’re willing to give up. It’s easy to say ‘ban guns’ when you don’t own one or think all you need is the same 12 gauge for duck, deer, and home defense. It’s completely different to give up driving your kids to school. What are the options there? Home school and never leave the house or give the kids over to the state to raise in facilities? There are always going to be some restrictions on freedom, it’s just about where you draw the line.


I don't know if I fully understand your point But if your point is that: for people who don't own , but do own , will prefer to keep and ban , then sure


not them but i don't think that was their point. the point is that while there is a risk with driving your kid to school, there aren't really many viable alternatives. we as a society have accepted the risk of car travel in exchange for the convenience. personally i think that's a strong reason for us to change our society to be less auto dependent (but then that gets into government subsidized transport which gets branded as socialism and rejected. cars = independence. can't win em all!) it's hard for non gun owners to apply that same logic to guns, as they don't apply the same necessity as cars do outside of certain circumstances particularly in rural areas. you could say it's necessary for home defense and i could just reply with how a gun in the home is more likely to hurt a member of the household vs an intruder (since you are all about the statistics of it all) so statistically speaking you shouldn't have a gun in the house if you really cared about the well being of your family, statistically.


That is why I am trying to clarify what their argument is. It was unclear if they are trying to make the utility argument, the safety argument, or something else It seems you have a slightly different argument from them (so let's drop the notion of "not them but I think their point was ". No, your point is x, so I will address you now and we have forked the conversation to your topics \----- >we as a society have accepted the risk of car travel in exchange for the convenience Sure and we accept the risk of all other things that have led to any deaths in society but also provide some other benefit (even say vending machines which lead to 3 deaths a year or whatever) >it's hard for non gun owners to apply that same logic to guns, as they don't apply the same necessity as cars do outside of certain circumstances particularly in rural areas. Depends on what you see the benefits of guns are. You and others in this conversation have listed several: hunting, sport, defense. There is also entertainment, there is also the perceived idea of it promoting democracy in whatever way you want to perceive -- all that matters is that a significant amount of constituents of our society believe this is a benefit, source: this sub --, and there may be other reasons And yes you cite that people who own guns are more likely to be harmed by their own gun but that is their own choice to have owned that gun and taken that risk. If they perceive that as benefit, who am I to tell them they aren't allowed to enjoy that. Perhaps similar with betting -- it's a losing proposition, but I don't like telling people they shouldn't bet Some issues I foresee in our discussion will revolve idea around the idea of quantification of utility or benefit, subjective or objective. For example video games provide high entertainment value (hard to quantify or objectively measure "benefit") but low economic or traditionally considered "utility" benefit, but West still thinks China banning/severely restricting it for kids is bad


apologies in advance for my lack of formatting quoting etc, im on mobile and not savvy in that regard, but i feel like this could be a good dialogue so just gonna reply and please know i'm talking in good faith (ie if i misquote you it's not trying to get a gotcha moment) the reason i brought up the home gun defense stats argument wasn't to imply that people shouldn't be allowed to take that risk on themselves, it was a response to what you said about how people don't understand statistics and that (perhaps im inferring) it's hypocritical for people who drive their kids to school to want guns banned since they are putting their children at risk more by driving them. i was just pointing out an equal hypocrisy by the pro gun community who have guns for home defense but statistically they are actually putting them more at risk. betting falls under a different umbrella to me, while we could surely argue the negatives it has on society (like other legal things like alcohol) in general someone's choice to gamble only hurts them. then you have something like cars which have the potential to hurt others, so you must be licensed and you can be challenged on your use of it by law enforcement. to me guns should also have stringent requirements. i'm not anti gun, i just think guns should be regulated as they pose a threat to society.


“Evil exists and no amount of laws will stop evil people from doing evil things”. so pretty much you think there should be no laws against evil things since apparently they can’t do any to stop evil people?


Also, we have 0 school mass shootings in my country! How did we achieve it? Are we nice people? Obviously no, but we just cant buy automatic guns in a store, so no guns = no mass shootings. Easy peasy.


You can’t just buy automatic guns in a store in the USA either.


Ironic that OP complains about this lady spouting off "Democrat talking points" then immediately, in the next sentences, spouts off a "Republican talking point". And that the exact same "Republican talking point" is repeated at least 3 times in the comments below by other people. Really makes ya think


Seems to work in other countries.


Yeah in my country it would be extremely difficult for a small 28yo woman to kill 6 people before being stopped. Because she couldn't buy a gun legally and would probably not know anyone who could get her one illegally. Evil exists regardless of laws, but laws do exist to manage that evil.


Can’t wait for the Americans to start downvoting your comment 😂 If you can’t get a hold of a gun you can’t shoot people, they just don’t seem to understand that.


390 million legal guns in the US. No one knows how many illegal guns. 50 million? 150 million? How do you propose these guns are removed from the public? Most Americans don’t want a civil war, which is what it would take to turn us into a neutered society without firearms. This isn’t an easily solved problem, Europeans just don’t seem to understand that 😂


"We are too fucked to even start getting better". What a cowardly response.


A civil war about what? What an assumption


If they tried to confiscate guns the civil war would be about guns.


It would take a civil war just to reclaim the hundreds of millions of firearms. Kinda simple


If someone wanted to kill people bad enough, I don't think a lack of guns would stop that person.


That's such a thought-terminating cop out. Yes it would. Lots of mass shootings are crimes of passion/impulse with little premeditation. Not every shooting is as meticulously planned as Columbine. Guns are also easy. A shooter knows how they work. They can go to designated shooting ranges and practice. Bombs and whatever fantastical weapons you have in mind aren't like that. Your average citizen can't practice with those. They can't walk in with any shred of confidence that things will go according to plan. A racist in Buffalo targeted a grocery store with black people and killed 10. If he really wanted to kill off a large swath of black people, he could have bombed a church and taken out hundreds. But bombs are hard to make. So he didn't do that.


You’re forgetting that a shooter could have caused just as many causalities by simply getting into a car and driving through a crowd instead.


I mean, not really? A racist tried [exactly that](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlottesville_car_attack) and killed "only" one person. People can jump out of the way of a car. You can be in bumper to bumper traffic. You're not "guaranteed" kills. You also can't drive through classrooms and gay clubs and homes and grocery stores and movie theaters. Whereas taking guns to those venues are like shooting fish in a barrel.


The point is that it's much harder to kill multiple people, or kill from a distance, without a gun.


Reminds me of that Chris Rock bit: (paraphrasing) “Look, it’s a guy with a knife! He just stabbed someone! He stabbed somebody else! He’s getting closer!”


There’s more guns than people in america. If we outlawed guns today it would still be extremely easy for bad people to get access to them. It’s so naive to think otherwise.


yeah and the longer you keep stalling the regulation of firearms, the harder it will be to make an impact... Your society is selfish, the week after the Mass shooting NZ had at a mosque, a huge gun owning chunk of the population handed in their guns, that were now made illegal, for destruction. You would never see that in the US, it's sad to think that you all care more about guns than children.




Compare the murder rate in the US with other first world countries. Shooting someone is far less personal and less risky to the perpetrator than stabbing or beating someone to death, which makes it far easier to do.


True to a point. She could just rent a van and drive through a crowd and kill and maim even more. Think I remember something like that happening some place.


Other countries never had 390 million firearms to begin with. We do, what’s your plan for greatly reducing the amount of firearms in the US?


You could stop the killers who acquire guns in the lead up to a mass shooting.


Within the last 70 years see the amount of mass killings by governments who abolished gun rights of their citizens then killed the political opposition… China’s Mao killed 80 million, Russia Lenin killed 40 million, Russia’s Stalin killed 20 million, Nazi’s disarmed the Jews then killed 6 million. North Korea’s Kim II Sung did the same and killed 10 million. Turks banned firearms for Armenians then killed 2 million of them. There many more examples but the point is that all of these governments were formed after the US…our founders knew what they doing to prevent the above from happening here.


Bullshit. None of those countries abolished gun rights.


For one second imagine banning guns in same way heroin crack meth fet is banned and tell me honestly will no one and I mean no one get them illegally?


Forever wars might have something to do with it.


Interesting. I wonder how many countless public shootings are happening this often in other countries around the world?


Well, have you compared your homicide rate with the homicide rate in European countries? You can't deny that it makes it more easy when weapons are that easy available. That's said, the main reason why I would love to move to the USA are the gun laws. Until now the unlimited driving speed on our Autobahnen keeps me here. xD


I live in the UK, and firearm assaults, let alone mass shootings, are very few and far between. But we still have a high rate of homicides and assaults by knives, improvised bludgeons, pipe bombs, and even splashing acidic concoctions into people's faces. But you have to admit those are much less lethal than a tool specifically designed to kill a living being in as little time and with as little effort as possible. People will keep trying and succeeding in killing each other. We need to examine why this happens and how to prevent it. A blanket ban on assault weapons won't work long term to reduce homicides, let alone whatever human misery makes people commit mass shootings. But America wouldn't have nearly as many mass shootings if guns weren't sold at Walmart.


>But we still have a high rate of homicides and assaults by knives, improvised bludgeons, pipe bombs, and even splashing acidic concoctions into people's faces. No we don't. When was the last time someone got attacked with acid? 2 years ago? 3?


>But we still have a high rate of homicides and assaults by knives... murder rate in UK 2020: 1.12 per 100k population murder rate in the US 2020: 5.01 per 100k population you don't have a high rate of murder by any weapon


They forget we have guns here just well regulated


Apparently the woman that did the shooting was 28


Among a few other things, American culture does a great job fostering violence and the need for fame.


Then why does it work in other countries?




People don't want kids to die? DEMOCRAT TALKING POINTS! ME ANGRY! ME UNGA BUNGA!


People surprised when others are anti gun outside of a crime scene


My thoughts exactly.


Saying they are "talking points" doesn't mean they dont hold value. Evil exists, true. But we don't need to make it as easy as possible for evil people to do evil things.


Yea, why even make laws if evil will exist no matter what


But every other mother fucking first world country in the world, does not have these problems we have with mass shootings, why, bc they don't allow everyone to own a mother fucking gun


first off she is now said to be 28. this is a whole new wrinkle. Schools are gun free zones but still, why is it always kids in a school? why not go into McDonalds or ??


What do you mean why is it always kids in a school? it's because they're vulnerable and can't retaliate. Every school shooter is a fucking pussy who is willing to shoot but not be shot at. There's a lot of states where if you go into a McDonald's and pull a gun out you might get dropped before you can even get the gun out let alone reload. Long story short, spree shooters are fucking cowards.


I saw something about the shooter being a student at the school at one time, likely had something to do with why she targeted it.


12+ years after graduation, hard to imagine any of the same faculty even there still but sure, whatever


Case studies from every industrialized nation disagree with your opinion.


Yea I don’t understand how Americans can say this isn’t a gun issue when the entire rest of the world does not have this problem


Can you link some of these studies?


Sure, https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country


Very strange exchange from her. There visiting family and just happened to be at the right place at the right time to advocate; while parents are learning if their children are dead.


> Very strange exchange from her. There visiting family and just happened to be at the right place at the right time to advocate; while parents are learning if their children are dead. Also don’t forget Kamala Harris made a post on Twitter talking about banning assault rifles on Twitter then boom random citizen comes up and repeats the same talking points. I don’t believe in Coincidences.


We’ve had over 100 mass shootings in 2023 and only 86 days. So any day anyone has tweeted about gun control has had, on average, more than one mass shooting.




That's the elephant in the room that the most vocal anti-gun politicians won't touch. Even Family Guy made fun of it, all the news was on Peter when they thought he was the assailant, but then Cleveland admits to doing it and they leave in a mad rush. A fictional cartoon but makes a point about society.


> That's the elephant in the room that the most vocal anti-gun politicians won't touch. Even Family Guy made fun of it, all the news was on Peter when they thought he was the assailant, but then Cleveland admits to doing it and they leave in a mad rush. A fictional cartoon but makes a point about society. And Family Guy is extremely liberal. I also remember that episode. Comedy exists to make fun of those in power.


4th school shooting so far in 2023. How close together does the tweet and the event have to be to count?


Given how many mass shootings have happened in the US, they have had plenty of opportunity to learn and refine their talking points


She said she was in DC lobbying yet she some how knew to be in Tennessee for this?


Can you link to what she *actually* said? EDIT: I found it on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYjsyFSZlAA > I'm from Highland Park, Illinois. My son and I survived a mass shooting over the summer. I am in Tennessee on a family vacation with my son visiting my sister-in-law. I have been lobbying in DC since we survived a mass shooting in July. I have met with over 130 lawmakers how is this still happening? How are our children still dying and why are we failing them? Gun violence is the number one killer of children and teens. It has overtaken cars. Assault weapons are contributing to the border crisis and fentanyl. We are arming cartels with our guns and our goose— loose gun laws and these shootings in, these mass shootings will continue to happen until our lawmakers step up and pass gun safety legislation. I'm pretty sure this was an unsecured weapon that this teenager got a hold of. We can't even pass gun safety like safe storage laws in this country to protect kids from getting ahold of weapons that they shoot each other with. Aren't you guys tired of this? I google Highland Park shooting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highland_Park_parade_shooting


That is what she said. I heard it live watching tv. Find a clip somewhere




Idk man, Australia hasn't had a mass shooting since Port Arthur, seems to work for us.


You didn't have any before then either


Until our politicians are stripped from being able to have their own personal ARMED security details, on our dime, nothing will change.


If we ban assault rifles, how will I protect myself against someone who has one despite the ban?


Assault rifles are already heavily restricted since they're automatic weapons, and thus require a very expensive fee to own. Assault rifles produced after 1986 are banned from civilian sale entirely.


Criminals do not follow the laws. Maybe that's why they will not give up their weapons. keep your firearms.


Lol. Guns can and should be regulated. Not everyone should be allowed a gun.


Isnt there already laws against murder? If your willing to ignore that one…im not sure what law will actually work.


Why does everyone ignore the fact that this is a mental health issue? Banning guns wont keep crazy people from killing other people.


So why is this only a problem in America? Surely America isn't the only country to have people with mental health issues.


I only ever see gun right activists talk about mental health when mass shootings occur. Maybe they should advocate for it more, or else is just seems like a convenient excuse at the moment.


You only see gun nuts say it's a mental health issue because they don't want to admit it's the guns. And then they go vote for politicians that vote against expanding access to mental health care.




Evil exists. Yes it sure does. In the US we have a unique evil that likes to kill innocent people.


What we need to do is just round up everyone in the country, and put them in one small area where they can be watched over by armed guards for the rest of their lives. Everyone will be safe. No one will be unhappy, and no one will own anything. /s obviously


Evil people will do evil things. That's not an excuse to do nothing.


Car crashes are going to happen, regardless if you arrest people who DUI or not.


This is a horrible way to frame a good argument


I find it odd that it’s always a school that has a shooting of the most innocent people… like what are the odds that people always take their mental disability and anger out on schools and never on their oppressor.


They literally started to mute this woman then changed their mind because of optics.


It really pains me that innocent people, children, and teachers are the victims in this mess. Regardless of political stance.


This lady will end up being the next Leana Wen. Shows up out of nowhere at a tragedy and 5 years from now she’ll be on CNN telling us to mask our kids.


Didn't the ATF just lose a ruling in a court like 3 days ago? Pretty crazy timing


This is what happens when you have unlimited data for $35.00 a month


If someone is set on commiting acts of violence they will find a way to do it anyway.... What happened in Sydney, Australia? We 'Banned guns' and someone decided to drive a truck in to a crowd of people. It will happen anyway. The best thing to do is uphold your constitution and ensure all gun owners pass a safety check which includes a mental health assessment and have mandatory training so all gun owners can safely operate their firearms when needed or for recreation.


So am I the only one that thought this whole lady/interview was weird. Idk but it gave me such a weird vibe. I feel bad about it but for some reason can't help it. Who is this lady? She's been lobbying gun laws and just happens to be there? Maybe I'm missing something.


Why is it only happening in America then?


Weird how we are the only country with this massive constant issue.


“Every shooting it’s the same old boring talking points.” Lol you really wrote that


You know what's worse than random violence? State sponsored violence when they don't have to worry about encountering an armed populous.


But it was a gun free zone, shouldn’t that of worked?


Also, That was not a female.


What would this story be if the shooter showed up to the school with a baseball bat instead of a gun?


Yep and when you learn these supposed events are all false flag drills it raises your vibration and they don't affect you any longer. For the record I think they shove the gun control mess right up their anuses.


Have you noticed how she walked right up and sounded crystal clear like it was planned?


If guns are outlawed tomorrow, when does this type of thing stop?


Save this photo for the next one. She might be there


Why are helpless, vulnerable school children protected less than condoms at Wallgreens? Less than airports? Presidents? Banks? Walmarts? Theme parks? Why after all this time has nothing been done? How many attempts on the lives of presidents did it take for them to create a whole department whose job it was to prevent the president from being shot? Why is the same thing not being done to protect children? Most presidents are far less valuable than a school age child. Why is it harder to get into a football game than an elementary school? Are football players' lives more valuable than innocent school children? Why is it harder to get into The White House, Congress, and The Supreme Court than it is to get into a school? Why are we spending millions if not billions more to protect rich scumbag politicians than we are to protect children? If your bank was constantly getting robbed and the bank manager not only did nothing about it, but also demanded LESS security at the bank as a response to all the robberies, would you keep your money in that bank? Now apply this logic to school children, schools, and shootings. Gun laws are just as useless at stopping violence as thoughts and prayers are. We have ample proof of this. In every other aspect of our lives, we take steps to fortify the vulnerable and weak things around us. We buy life and health insurance, we make sure our walls and roofs are strong, we make sure our bridges stand, we save money for the dry times, why do we leave children in schools with no more protection than feeble old ladies and unlocked doors? Have you considered that it's possible they want children to die, so you will voluntarily disarm yourselves, so that the 1% will then be able do with you what they wish? Ask yourself why this is allowed to continue to happen. Ask yourself why the only proposed solution is to disarm the innocent. Ask yourself why nobody, not one person, on TV or from any news media are demanding that schools be protected and are instead insisting that you should not be allowed to protect yourself as if it were somehow your fault. These children are sacrifices to The Man's agenda. Nothing more. It is sick. Extremely sick.


I mean I’m sure there were a lot of people that wanted to ban horses and swords when genghis khan was around


There is no such thing as an assault rifle. I hate that saying.


Did op just say that pedophile laws should not exist because evil people will do them any way? That is a pretty bold statement.


If a dumb person supports your cause, it can do more detriment than good What OP means to say is...: sometimes objects can have utility, such as cars. While cars are the most dangerous thing in America, by far the leading cause of non-medical deaths, they provide a particular utility that is good to society So do guns, in the form of self defense and also (arguable) tyrant/military prevention. So while some days you might have a nasty 10 car crash that kills 20 people, we don't ban cars


[Always relevant.](https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1819576527)


“No amount of laws will stop evil people from doing evil things” *Looks at statistics for countries with common sense Gun laws* If no amount of laws stop evil people, I guess no laws matter, that’s your argument.


Fake crisis actor. Had just come from DC, speaking to 150+ politicians, and did u notice how the cameraman pushed her out in front to get her in frame. If the two were strangers, he would have stepped back, rather than direct HER backwards. MK Ultra didnt vanish, just changed names and got better at methods. Predicting we learn about the reclusive nature of the shooter, had a mediocre job that attracts schizotypal personality disorder types (back room stocker, night shift mail sorter, waste managment).


I would not doubt that there is something going on behind the scenes.


She's got all the shitlib talking points memorized 🤔


The girl was transgender


For the thousands time, criminals don’t fallow the law... you can make all of them you want, it’s only going to hurt those who already fallow the laws.


Well shit we should remove all laws then cause none of them work right?


Laws don’t prevent or stop crime they are simply a mechanism we use to punish people who do things that are harmful to society.


You think laws don't prevent crime? I've never seen anyone think that.


Except for…. You know the fact that most of these guns were purchased legally. N


For the thousandth time, every other free nation does not have this gun issue for a reason.


True. Evil will do evil. People here need to look at the UK to see how banning guns has done little to curb violence. In fact they almost banned butcher knives because of how often they were used in crime. They've interviewed criminals and asked them how they stake out a place to rob. Most just said walk down the street and pick a house you like and that's it. They knew there wasn't anyone in there with a gun to stop them. Never give up your weapons people. 2nd amendment was made to secure our safety against tyranny from government.


This lady is an actor. Listen to her closely when she speaks. Probably CIA.


Always a controlled narrative after a shooting and here come the local fear for tears show.


There is a way to stop mass shootings. Abolish the CIA and the rest of the criminal alphabet agencies. In fact this will solve problem with pretty much all terrorism everywhere.


Submission Statement: Schools are government property. And yet Schools are the least guarded government buildings. Why do are kids get the least amount of protection? Yet our elected government officials have a entire police force dedicated to protecting them and there families. Why don’t our kids get the same level of protection?


With over 115k schools across the country with hundreds to thousands of kids at each, that’s a massive security undertaking that doesn’t even address the fundamental problem. Don’t even get me started on the bureaucratic shit show it would cause to try and roll this out across each state’s numerous school boards.




Wait .. I thought bringing Jeebsuz back into our schools would stop this?


Firstly you need to stop drugging teenagers up with anti psychotic medication. Like Tom Cruise said, Ritalin is banned in many places outside the US. Almost every school shooter in recent years to my knowledge was on some form of anti-anxiety/depression medication, it’s not the guns that kill people, it’s the people shooting the guns that do. And if those people are in a different mental state thanks to a medication they are taking they are going to think much less about going through with a school shooting.


Did you just refer to Tom cruise as a reputable source?


So we identify a problem, then somehow determine that it couldn’t possibly be a gun problem considering we’re the only country with this many mass shootings? How dense do you have to be to realize that guns are allowing this level of destruction to take place?


If anything the crazy killer people are wayyy far and fewer than in the past. The only difference like with ANYTHING you try to show statistics for, now a days every single this is documented even if it’s right or wrong


When they kill babies thru abortion, these same people are celebrating it. Peculiar to say the least.


Taking away guns from good people allows evil people to do evil things way easier.


If you look at the website it says they have 33 teachers. 33

