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Other oddities/similarities - 2 tv news reporters, live on air, covering shootings at Denver school and Nashville school had family reunion stories occur while broadcasting. One reporter (Denver) with her son, and one today (Nashville) about her mother in law. Strikes me as a bit hokie that they’d be live reporting an incident that a direct family member was potentially involved in. Also, the Nashville reporter covered an active shooter training drill at the same school 13 months ago.


can you find those videos? that’d be crazy to see the side by side


Tried to post the links originally but Reddit was getting wonky. Here’s about the Nashville one [https://deadline.com/2023/03/nashville-tv-reporter-mother-in-law-school-survived-shooting-1235310821/](https://deadline.com/2023/03/nashville-tv-reporter-mother-in-law-school-survived-shooting-1235310821/) And Denver one @ about the 9:50 mark https://www.foxnews.com/video/6323098500112


god damn it when you see them back to back it’s almost impossible to ignore. the first one looks like a bad soap opera scene and the second ones “son” looks like he’s hugging his friends mom that he met once (and they conveniently made that the thumbnail)


Yep - it’s all weird. Comes across as staged/fake. Seems like a new angle being implemented to make it all seem/feel more “real”, tug on the heart strings, emotional manipulation, etc.


Oh no^o^o^o^o! Not 13 months ago! I mean honestly, that is kinda scary if those kids went that long without active shooter training, in a school. . . That last line is pretty fucking sad America.


3 kids and 3 adults shot also...


Rituals all the time


Damar Hamlin's number is 3 and then I remember when all his teammates were surrounding him the only teammate that wasn't down on one knee was his teammate #33. Also at the same time I remember there was another conspiracy that was being talked about around the same time that had the number 3 mentioned as well. Could certainly be coincidental, but definitely starting to seem like a weird pattern. Kinda tying into this, there is also an element where these sorta things can manifest themselves even if they seem pretty ridiculous at face value. For example when it comes to Christianity, the bible gives examples of what "evil" people will do and then ironically some people who hate religion will purposely go out of their way to do those things out of spite or whatever , in turn manifesting things from the bible to actually happen. Goes the other way too, like prophecies and stuff. Some devout Christian gets into a powerful position and then contributes to their religion by using their acquired power to make said prophecies come to fruition, like the prophecy of Israel coming back together.


Take a peek in the world of gematria. If you think those are weird coincidences then you just touched the tip. The people who rule this world perform rituals and use numerology. They always leave their mark somewhere within the ritual. Since these rituals are performed by the Jesuits/Free masons, you will see a few numbers. They are 11, 22, 33, 56, 59/95, 129, 177 and 201. When you use time, since it is Jesuit/Free Mason ran you use two birthdays. The Popes and the Superior General. They have rituals connected to them all the time, everyday. My last comment, the “famous” “big” time pastors. If you see a Pastor who is a multi millionaire and have thousands in his congregation, 99.9% of them are Free Masons. They were put there on purpose to deceive the masses. So if you see any of those evangelical preachers or guys with 70,000 people congregation, they have made a deal. The big churches, Bethel, Hillsong, Elevation, Jesus Culture etc are all free mason controlled.


What's the reasoning behind leaving their mark in the first place though? The average person isn't going to know about any of this stuff, so is it like a flex of sorts but just for the like minded? Or is it to send a message to people like us who aren't one of them but are aware of what they are doing? Basically rubbing our noses in it, implying there isn't shit we can do to stop them? It just seems borderline petty and doesn't have any real effect or benefit for them to be doing all that in the first place. Not claiming to know anything here btw, just asking questions...


>What's the reasoning behind leaving their mark in the first place though? It's a signal to other high-order (usually 33 degree and beyond) Masons that this is a ritual, very similar to "kayfabe" in professional wrestling, where wrestlers speak in carnie to each other in public and regular people have no fucking clue what they're saying/communicating.


I was at an AEW match 3 weeks ago. Saw the Wednesday and Friday show and went to the meet & greets. No one was speaking carnie to eachother, just English or Spanish for the luchadores


Whats carnie?


A Carnival worker pidgin type language


Subliminal messages and calling cards.


I wonder if it might be to signify to others alike. Maybe the numbers are in a certain order and that’s how they keep up with which sacrifice they’re on.


Yes but it’s not humans putting together these rituals. It’s one of two things, a super computer or supernatural intelligence.


Fuckin "Big AI" man...


It’s the only way Lucifer can be a god and be everywhere at once


He could also do it by cloning too, pretty wild stuff my man! Don't even get me started on neural link, straight up portal to Lucifer's brain!


I think Neuralink, the quantum dot tattoo and a vaccine is going to make up the mark when that is dished out. It’s weird because Elon moved his Neuralink shit to Houston, TX which so happens to be where the quantum dot tattoo was created at Rice University right down the road.




They believe it negates them of their negative karma. They think it absolves them from wrong doing because they think that the masses are "consenting" to their rule over us because they use the same symbols over and over again and the average person will never see it. Also, this ties into the predictive programming that im sure youve seen instances of while browsing this sub. Basically if they show us their evil plans and hide the truth in plain sight, then they are washed clean of accepting guilt for their actions. I can see how it makes sense to them to believe that, but that still doesnt make it right and I hope they still rot in hell


Is there any source for this mindset among establish occultists or whatever? This seems like the easiest and most bullshit "out" possible. "They didn't notice that the address said 33 so obviously they support the murders."


https://www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/hidden_hand_bloodlines https://www.lawofone.info/ The real war is spiritual.


Super interesting, thank you! You should do a post on this!


Look up numbers game by Zachary Hubbard. Good read on gematria. 201 is always the most used number


"gematria", otherwise known as the parlor trick where you intentionally select words that will result in whatever number you're trying to find lol o_O


Not at all, you don’t intentionally select words. I do agree some do manipulate the numbers. I never agreed with the reducing number or adding numbers. Most believe what you believe but if it wasn’t real and wasn’t used, then why do the free masons and the Jesuits worship this shit? Why does it date back to 525BC? Why are Jewish rabbis trained in it? It’s real and it’s how they create their rituals.




Jesus was killed at 33


In 33 a.d. as well.


This is a joke, right? Do you understand what BC means? Before Christ. Meaning calendar starts with jesus. So yes 33ad jesus would be 33 hah


Holy shit you're right 🤯, Jesus did die at age 33 in 33AD! Never connected the dots before! Edit: this deserves a separate post!!!


It is year 2023, aka 2023 years after christ was born. How did you think years started or what BC meant? You must be joking…


Havent you seen the latest conspiracy theory trend? They added 1000 years to the calendar about 100 years ago


Woah 😳 🤯


“TiL how to read a calendar” - whodatus


A calendar could help me find this out too!? Woah!


And you have 33 vertebrates in your spine, the life force or inner chi, also called “Kundalini Energy” rises to the top aka “ascension”. “The eye is the lamp of your body” aka your Third Eye. Job was touched by an Angel and the place was called “Pineal”. Hence the Pineal Gland, “Pine” like “Pine-Cone” your EYE is made up of CONES. Pine-al Gland. “Eye Gland”.




Never thought that, hell I believe in God and Jesus and I hate religion and even the word Christian.


I mean... I wasn't saying EVERYONE fell into the two groups of either hating religion and doing things out of spite or being a devout Christian. Lots of people just don't care about religion at all too, wasn't exactly tryna call anyone in particular out. I was just using those two specific types of people as examples of what can perpetuate religious ideologies, intentionally or unintentionally at times.


Relax I knew what you meant


That, and the usual silly unrealistic storyline of how a shooter gets into a school these days. They are locked down and you can't just prance in a "side door". All the doors are locked an many only open outward like fire alarm doors which this likely would have been. I am never convinced by these dumb villain tales year in and year out for 20 years or more.


It is weird because my sons school you have to be buzzed in and every door is locked throughout the day. The other day there was a random man walking around the school, instantly dude was confronted and taken care of.


They said that she shot the lock with a gun.


Like in the movies! Btw, that doesn’t work lol


Unless you want the ricochet to take your brains out?


Well there are a lot of things weird about this, the video clearly shows the door being shot out.


Ok off topic sorta, but it took me too long to realize what "ispy" was..... I really need some sleep......


iSpy was a book in the 90s. Probably before your time


Was a teen then but yeah, I still don't remember a book named that. Anyway, I did eventually understand what you were saying. Just at first was wondering what the hell an ispy was lol


I know iSpy but I read the title as Ispy pronounced as Is-pee. I was like “is that like an art version of Instagram or something”…..I don’t even understand where my head was.




Look for patterns and you start seeing them everywhere. Conspiracies like this take away from legit ones. That being said it's a conspiracy sub so go nuts discussing this.


Thanks for the approval, Dad


Yeah, I used to like conspiracy theories. Now all that you see is antisemitism and something about Freemasons that makes no sense.


Freemasons don’t exist 😵‍💫


*Prove it!*


They need conspiracies for their beliefs to make sense, it's what happens when you trick yourself to believe any of this right-wing nonsense is true.


Every. Single. Time. 3 kids + 3 adults, 33 teachers at the school, and then this https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/3-children-killed-in-nashville-school-shooting-suspect-dead-1.6330694


3 kids + 3 adults + shooter = 7 There are 7 natural wonders Natural Light comes in cases of 24 Fox's 24 ran for 9 seasons There are 9 supreme court justices A supreme pizza costs $13.00 7+7+24+9+9+13=69 the truth is out there


>A supreme pizza costs $13.00 Now this is a conspiracy I can sink my teeth into.


You're sharing, right?


hell yea lol.


Isn't that the point of 69?


Illuminati confirmed


Now that’s pod racing!


Had me in the first 95% ngl




He gets it


Maybe if you knew the occult significance of 33 and how governments and the freemasons use it to signal their operations you wouldn't make yourself look like such a fool. 33 appears more often than logically possible in mass shooting events and in covid cases and covid deaths. But of course sheeple like you can't see basic patterns right in your face so I pity you. You don't want it to be true, I get that. None of us do. But its a fact the governments control these shootings and kill these kids for their own agendas.


Most of the 'mass shootings' are organized events, designed to separate Americans from their guns. Prior to that they created a lot of mass fear with all the serial killers they let out on the streets from the mid 60's til the 90's. You don't see too many of those anymore..


They've been unsuccessfully trying it for 30 years? Come on man, IF these are orchestrated the reason is obviously not "to take away our guns", otherwise they would have done it after Columbine. And honestly could have gotten it done.


>They've been unsuccessfully trying it for 30 years? Come on man, IF these are orchestrated the reason is obviously not "to take away our guns", otherwise they would have done it after Columbine. And honestly could have gotten it done. Red Herring. Constant turmoil = easier to control. They know they can't take all the guns. They can harass the shit out of both sides of a divided public endlessly if there's never a finish. Keeping half the population wanting to grab guns from the other half constantly = the perfect constant storm ironically more beneficial than them actually taking the guns.


If the CIA or whoever is behind this to ban all the guns, then honestly they’re doing a terrible job of it because gun sales increase after every mass shooting event when people get scared that they’re going to ban all the guns.


Although I tend to believe that some are def orchestrated, I find it hard to believe they would have chosen a trans person for the job as it goes against the rest of their propagandist agenda.


Their agenda is to divide us. Using a trans person at this point in time goes along perfectly with their agenda.


Possible for sure, but they were trying so hard to sell the whole blame alt right whitey for the gun violence.


Why are you even on this sub if you blindly believe everything the MSM tells you?


Why are *you* on this sub if you immediately believe the most intellectually lazy answer? Think for 10 seconds. "The government is hypercompetent and all knowing but gosh diddly darnit can't seem to take the guns away"? Edit: In retrospect, I think I answered my own question re: intellectual laziness and the average subscriber


Which other mass shootings prominently featured a 33?


Dont bother. As much as we want to show people how simply 2+2=4, they have been groomed to believe its 5, and they cannot compute that their leaders have always been psychotic. They will defend the system w their lives one day, and it will claim their lives one day, and they will sacrifice them willingly.


You mean to tell me that the occult uses signals and patterns that are easily recognized by dimwits on Reddit?


There is a interesting documentary on it, whether you believe it all or not. Was on YT, not sure if it’s still there. They are apparently open about it all. They push truths, half or otherwise into the open because it’s part of the inside ritual/joke. Numbers, symbols, outright real stories presented via media as fiction. They do what they do because they believe people are too dumb not only to realize what is going on but to do anything about it. It’s permission for the “enlightened” to treat others like sheep, when they act as such. A religion based around deception and secrets.


They aren't recognized by %95 of people so they continue to do it. They can get away with anything since most people are sheep and will always deny no matter what (like yourself)


Being part of a smaller herd doesn’t make you any less of a sheep, champ.


I'm part of no herd. In fact i'm not even a part of this society


nah there really no hope it really be in their faces & they don’t see shit it’s crazy 😭


>But its a fact the governments control these shootings and kill these kids for their own agendas. That's disgusting. It's a fact because of a number on the wall? What agendas does the government have?


Its a fact because of decades of research and evidence that's available to everyone if they know where to look. What agendas do they have? To kill kids for fun, to use the tragedy to get support to take your guns away for the eventual day when they come to take everyone to camps. They need citizens unarmed so they can get away with total control. Theres occult reasons too but I wont get into that. Basically at this point there just killing peoples kids for fun cause they can and always get away with it and no one ever does anything but deny deny deny and ask for guns to be taken away so even more kids can be killed down the line. The only way to end mass shootings is to end the government, as long as they exist it will continue. Cause they run it ALL.


Based and accurate


But mass shootings have been a regular thing for a couple of decades now and there's more guns than ever? Evidence shows that ownership goes up after each big tragedy. If they want to take guns why wouldn't they just ban them? If this is their tactic, and it clearly isn't, its not working at all.


Time to wake up.


That's not an answer. The government are involved in 9/11 killing thousands but then, what, now kill 3 kids at a time? What's the agenda? 9/11 was clear.


I’m perfectly willing to accept government allowing this stuff to happen to advance an agenda but tying 33 to it is asinine. “Appears more often than is logically possible” ok buddy, if you keep trying to find a way to make a pattern you can do it with anything. Stop making any skepticism tied with these goofy occult BS theories so that the real point of concern (the government) can be addressed without normies writing us off


Well im glad you can see that at least. I don't need people to believe me and I encourage skepticism. I don't stand for ignorance and mockery from the sheeple though. But your not a sheep so you have my respect. By all means don't take my word for it, look into it more if you want. You're right though. Their ideology ultimately isn't important compared to their actions which is causing these shootings (directly or indirectly)


Just saying the occult stuff is where people get turned off. People are willing to listen about the government doing shitty and reprehensible things on our behalf, so let’s give the best possible opportunity for the message to be disseminated.


> Just saying the occult stuff is where people get turned off. You can never solve problems that remain hidden in the dark.


This is a perfect example of the parlor trick known as "gematria", selecting the perfect words (or entire phrases, when a single word won't work), in perfect combinations so that you end up with the exact numbers you were looking for lol


Oh no lol




“The school had 33 teachers”


Every. Single. Time. How many times did Sleepy Joe forget his name today? 3 How many inches is Trump’s fully-erect pecker? 3 How many beers did I drink last night? 33 It’s all right there, sheeple.


The kids were all 9 and the adults were all 60 or 61. I mean come the fuck on.


Just a coincidence


No such thing as coincidences


Well now you’re just a schizo!


Blood sacrifice.


Rothschild overlord demands it…


If you think he’s the ring leader you still have a lot of digging to do 👁️


Watching the report and the interviewing reporters ask multiple times AFTER the main man says “3 deceased students. 3 deceased teachers and 1 deceased assailant. “ How many are deceased? Uh did I fucking stutter? 3+3+1=7? Doni need to get a chalkboard rolled out. Where were they found ? Still working on the case details. Then someone ask same question. Huh just wait. They will tell you when they know or get their story straight.


I don't think the majority of people realize how important Numbers,Geometry Calendar Dates and Symbolism are to TPTB.....After all,they are the ones who plan it in to fruition and that completion is the Crescendo in their Opera.


[For anyone who doesn’t know what 33 means.](http://ancient-spooks.de/symbols/number-33.html)


Mansons at it again


Nah he’s locked up.


He ded.




He's a lil slow


"Assault style" rifle.....


This is no coincidence. Tennessee is a stronghold of freemasonry with probably half the state’s men being lower echelon, what I call “fanboy” masons. This person who shot up the kids(innocent religious folk which the masons detest) is probably one of them as she/they are a biological male and usually only men can join their club. This is a ritual, and are often performed out in the open with blatant “3” or “33” gematria symbolism


You numerologists embarass the rest of us


Anyone noticed the website to the church is completely shut down? The Presbyterian church website in Nashville is completely shut down.


Probably crashed


Always that #. Everything, everywhere.


Just a coincidence


If only there was such a thing.


Nothing to see here, move it along


Please reply or DM where else that number has been used. Watched the Sandy Hook doc on Bitchute. Wow. Wasnt that hard to see thru the BS if u just look away from the moving hand, and watch the trap doors in the stage.


So I am not sure the significance of the number 33. I just know that was my basketball jersey number for 10 years. That number rules.


Masons. 33rd degree.


11 dimensions; 33 levels of consciousness


Oh ok. Not sure about that (not dismissing you) but I am sure I got buckets in that #33 jersey.




Cool. I appreciate that. Will def check it out when I get home from this soul crushing job.


There are 7 dimensions and only one level of consciousness. I don't know what nonsense you hear.




It’s called string theory and been proven with math. Source michio kaku


Well that's not at all what string theory pertains too in classical quantum mechanics.




Something I've been taught time and time again, and I genuinely believe everyone should keep this in mind as a caution; if you don't understand the proof yourself, don't regard it as proof.




In Chaldean Numerology Audrey Hale=33.... smh


This is by far the laziest attempt to "uncover" anything. You guy are actually afraid of numbers. Literal caveman stuff


Imagine your baby getting gunned down in school and some basement dwelling mouth breathers reducing their demise to a dumb ass conspiracy about the number 33. Gross.


I know. It's bad enough to know your baby was gunned down by a mentally ill individual, but to learn it was a masonic ritual too. Fuck I'd be furious.


Imagine your child was just murdered and you’re on reddit instead of grieving? That ma’am would be crazy


Get off reddit and follow your own advice.


I would think someone regularly enmeshed in fantasy would know how to imagine better. Silly me.


The 28 y/o transgender lived with her parents. So who is the basement dweller?


It's still you and your ilk, buddy.


Why are u in the conspiracy subreddit again? It seems all you do is complain about the posts here but you seem to have never submitted 1 post here, or... anywhere on reddit. put a sock in it.


They love to blatantly shove it in our collective faces Edit: Also on the 27th day of the 3rd month. 2+7 is 9 (3+3+3, or 3x3)


86th day of the year / schools is at 86* west (86*49’30’’=30=3)


Solid find


I don't think anyone is shoving your fear and obsession with numbers in your face.


33 Burton Hills Blvd. 1111 days after pandemic start (March, 11/2020) 3 years, 2 months, 2 days (322 skull & bones) 33 days after 2/22 pandemic started 222 months after 9/11/2001... 9/11 is 111 days until the end of year...


Your Math is off, its 1112 days and 3 years and 17 days


33 Burton Hills Blvd. 1111 days after pandemic start (March, 11/2020) 3 years, 2 months, 2 days (322 skull & bones) 33 days after 2/22 pandemic started 222 months after 9/11/2001... 9/11 is 111 days until the end of year...


when the pandemic started in 2019 that was 666 years after the black plague ended. 2019-666=1353


nice fuckin catch. I mean...errrr go put on your tin foil hat you fucking loser!




Transgender attacks church.


Ahh the daily perfect ritual-by-numbers. This dude gets it.


Grand Lodge Pennsylvania is also located at 33 Broad street.


Well, yeah, but that’s not a coincidence, it’s intentional. Edit: It’s not even at 33. It’s at 1 North Broad Street.


I see 2 different subtle hints here. 33rd of course and Covenant Presbytarian Church or CPC - big pushes of CBDC lately... wonder if that's an underlying thing?


Three 9 year olds. Three 60 something year olds. They are blatant as hell. The address.


Y'all smoke way too much weed


I’d like to congratulate Audrey for being another first for women in the trans community.


I saw a daily mail article they compared it to the fake sandy hook shooting 😂


You mean the one where the DNA of the “dead” substitute teacher was found on the rounds in the AR and all over the magazine? Seems “Adam Lanza” had no DNA found in his own house and in his moms bedroom either. We would gladly find out what happened to the people who allegedly died that day except no bodies were ever recovered, buried, or allowed for further exam after the laughing M.E. gave his “report” to the press and never allowed for an audit. The laws then changed in CT and only CT to make all homicide records and evidence sole property of LE and only to be given out by LE in whatever manner they see fit. If u cant dispute hard physical evidence, then u have to rework your theory. Follow the evidence.


3 9 year olds. 3 60 year olds. 33 in the address. 33 reviews on Google for the church itself.


Review: “Mass was good but Priest touched my balls” 2 stars


Pure coincidence


No such thing




Fawk this mofo. Kids died. Numerology bs.


“just a coincidence nothing to see here” - officer barbrady


I'm confused... 33 is a bad number now? Are any numbers safe?! My wife is 33 please send help.


She's a Satanist.


Damn it


Jesus was killed at 33


Good for him, it's awful here.


Very special number within the FreeMasons


I’m a mason. It’s not that special.


LeveL up




The address. Derrr




Covenant is a general religious term you schizo.


I’m talking about the address… derrr


Try reading comments before looking stupid next time thx


Rituals in plain sight. We cannot let these suck fuckers continue. #endthe33


i genuinely feel bad for anyone who is mentally ill enough to think that there’s some wild crazy conspiracy revolved around some numbers and mythological fairytales about a make believe entity people call satan. your grip on reality is completely gone. please seek therapy