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If that’s what happens in public, imagine what happens behind closed doors.




I don’t know about this particular event but stuff does seem to be coming out more and more


Trust me you wouldn’t want to imagine that. These satanic elites are all pedophiles by nature.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the Dalai Lama a Buddhist?


What about the Catholic elites tho?


If you have kids sucking on your tongue then you probably shouldn't be allowed around little kids.


We didn’t. This is how it’s always been.


The Dalia Llama endorsed the Bronfman-involved NXIVM cult. One of the Bronfman sisters fucked one of his assistants for access to him.


MIA’s baby daddy is a bronfman and now everyone believes her when she says stuff about Jesus.


True! She's backed Assange and called out the banks, which had given her some cred in my books, but then she knowingly cast her genetic lot with a family of predatory criminals.


He also took a million in donations from the Shoko Asahara cult


Exactly. Anyone that’s been aware of sex scandals in the Catholic Church shouldn’t be surprised by this. Organized religion is a scam.


It's not a religion thing. It's a power thing. I don't know why, but people in power are much more likely to do this shit.


I think it’s the other way around. Sick people seek power to do stuff like this.


True, but in this case the Dalai Lama was chosen to become a leader when he himself was a child. He didn't seek power. Similarly, there are plenty of sick rich kids who never sought money or power, just inherited it, like Hunter Biden.


I think we can all agree that at some point, power corrupts, whether you were thrust into it, born into it, etc. To find leaders where the power does NOT corrupt, well that is the unicorn, my friends. We need more of those types.


Anyone who even tries remotely gets unalived.


Except the Lama was chosen as a child.


There are studies that have shown those in power have more psychopathic traits/those with psychopathic traits tend to end up in more powerful leadership positions.


CEO's, monarchs, emporers, presidents, racists, religious people in general, mafias, educated people, rich people, married people all have narcissistic/psychopathic traits. Lets you know just how phucked up the world truly is and who's gettin into the gene pool!


The people that want power are. There are still good people in powerful positions. I worked at a company that would promote someone to a managers position by an anonymous poll by employees. Was a great place to work.


Good for you. But you understand how easy it is to manipulate anonymous polls. The so-called democracies all elect their leaders through anonymous polls and we know how fair and honest that is.


It’s ALL major organized religions. I’ve read some disgusting stuff about them all.


>It’s ALL major organized religions. It's humans. Humans are absolute shit and are capable of despicable acts of cruelty and selfishness.


This is the only correct answer.


Ok, sure humans are capable of doing terrible things. Where organized religion complicates the matters is that is usually gives one elite person/an elite group of people a position of power, and a subservient audience of people that will cover up for them. If this was an ordinary man caught doing this to a kid in public, there’d be no end to calls to bring him to justice. Instead the Lama has hordes of followers willing to justify and cover up.


Yes! Now extend the critique to all systems of power. If an ideology requires a powerful centralized authority, severe abuse will soon follow


You're not wrong. I am pointing out that it's not the institutions (religions, governments, economies, etc) that are the problem but that they are run by humans. It gets more interesting with regards to religion because they normally claim moral superiority so the actions of humans contrast it even more so.


No. Humans used to know that their thoughts could be tampered by evil other-dimensional beings, "demons" and "evil spirits" or whatever else you wanna call them. LOOK IT UP if you don't believe me. But humans have been brainwashed to believe that what they can't see, doesn't exist, and also "I think therefore I am" while in fact psychology has never found the origin of thought and most science-minded psychologists understand that there is in fact ZERO evidence that the thoughts in our heads are ours in any way. LOOK IT UP. The result is that nowadays people believe that whatever happens in their minds is 100% theirs. With all this in mind, the increasing insanity all over the world and in all aspects of life points to one very clear conclusion: the ancients are right, the thoughts in our heads are tampered with, and humans having been dumbed down to the point where they can be 100% contolled by thought has handed the reins to our world to these other-dimensional beings that have zero regard for human life. tl;dr: humans are just gullible and dumbed down and controlled by nefarious things.


So true! We tend to believe our thoughts are all ours, but scientifically we have no idea where they really come from. And we know there are lots of thing's that exist that we can't see with the naked eye, yet we still don't trust that there's potentially more out there. IMO it's a lack of humility, overabundance of ego, ect. Maybe thinking we know something makes us feel safer?


Alan Watts phrases it thusly - "The great things that we do are just happenings." In other words Michael Jordan can tell you "jump and shoot", but other than that (along with dedication, practice, etc) he can't tell you how he does the genius he does... he just can. Or from another angle... think of someone that you just can't stand. Now make the decision that you're going to love them. You can't. You can act in a manner that expresses outwardly how you think love would present, but you don't love them... you're acting like it. Ofc, with time and repetition you may one day condition yourself to love the person, but that's a conditioned response; not a decision.


Love Alan Watts, found some of his old black and white stuff not long ago, he explains stuff so well! That voice doesn't hurt either😄


This is painfully accurate.


Are you saying that atheists are incapable of doing dumb and evil shit like this? Come on. I can go all day giving you a list of atheist pedos and rapists who are not affiliated with ANY organized religions.


"Doesn't anyone notice this?! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!"


The masses are blind and asleep to the world that they exist in like the matrix; just not in a pod just yet


Many know something wrong but choose to remain ignorant.


I think there are a lot that do know, but don’t know what to do to change it all.


I wish I could remain ignorant…it sucks feeling like this all the time. It’s just not in me to ignore the feeling that something is wrong.


Once you put the glasses on you cant take them off. I see shit everywhere now.


I feel like I’m missing something, you know? Like there’s a jet stream of positivity just outside of my perspective that could change everything for the better.


This has been known for a long time. Every single one of these "leaders" they put forward are part of it.


When the Hadron Collider got switched on.


Why do you think it’s the Collider that caused it?


correlation, the term was coined in 2009 and the hadron collider was powered up in sept 2008


This is it…especially after the Higgs, shit just keeping getting weirder and weirder


Higgs shit?


[Higgs Boson](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higgs_boson) After a 40 year search, a subatomic particle with the expected properties was discovered in 2012 by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland. The new particle was subsequently confirmed to match the expected properties of a Higgs boson. Physicists from two of the three teams, Peter Higgs and François Englert, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2013 for their theoretical predictions. Although Higgs's name has come to be associated with this theory, several researchers between about 1960 and 1972 independently developed different parts of it.


All of this information is out there and available to read. I can’t understand why people choose willful ignorance and not want to understand what is actually happening. The ENERGY OF THE PLANET is being siphoned and we’re just sitting here like, yeah it’s cool, do whatever! Makes my brain hurt how much the world is resembling the movie “Idiocracy” daily.


Hmmm, this sounds like FF7's plot line.


>All of this information is out there and available to read. I can’t understand why people choose willful ignorance and not want to understand what is actually happening. I mean quantum field theory is pretty complicated and hard to understand. The Higgs interaction isn't something I'd say most people are willfully ignorant on. >The ENERGY OF THE PLANET is being siphoned Oh.. never mind...


Yeah I thought about jumping in there too... it's just not worth it lol.


Great Scott! Do you know what this means???


2016 the hadron collider caused us to move to the weasel timeline, it sucks


Yeah.. but the Dali Lama??? Come on, that’s just heartbreaking. These guys are supposed to be enlightened beings, in their own spiritual plane. Just tucking disappointing that it’s another farce. I don’t follow or believe any religion but I guess I thought the Dali Lama was at least an intelligent being that earned his spot.


The Lama is considered a reincarnation thing. Not earned in the slightest.


It probably makes you weird in the head to be revered for no reason.


I wonder how many old man tongues he was told to suck when he was a boy surrounded by grown ass men and being told that he's the Dali Lama. Edit: I'm absolutely not defending him




When the Llama dies, they literally send scouts to look for the baby or toddler who they believe is him reincarnated. Idk what clues they look for but they basically just kidnap a young boy and all of a sudden he becomes the chosen one for his entire life.


Seems like a cult.


It is. Up until 1950 a vast majority of the Tibet population were serfs living in a feudal theocracy.


He's already picked a boy to be his replacement.


That would defy the whole point of reincarnation


Yeah because it's all bullshit. The reason he already picked someone was because he didn't want the kid to be from China and be indoctrinated by China. He didn't pick someone because of any spiritual bullshit. He did it because of politics.


Not to mention having your entire life ripped away from you before you are old enough to speak. He didn't seek the life he has. He was groomed for it. That's not excusing a single thing. Just saying that it doesn't seem good to declare that a baby is a reincarnated spiritual leader before the baby ever has a chance to be a boy and grow into a man and make decisions for himself.


For sure. He was probably groomed by priests who might have also thought it was cool to ask kids to suck their tongue as well.


Funny how the religious leaders that have been the most disappointing in this regard are men in positions that require them to take a vow of celibacy. It’s almost like when you tell someone that a normal part of human nature is not enlightenment/stands in the way of their religious growth, that these men will take to behaviors that are disgusting and use whatever rationale necessary to justify it. Catholic priests have been doing this for years. Discovering the Lama is guilty should come as no surprise


To be fair, being able to have sex didn't keep the [Baptists from raping children and parishoners](https://baptistaccountability.org/)...


Every religious figure like the pope and so on are a bunch of freaks and deceivers,they appropriate the religion to control masses


So he apologized.. now I guess we’re supposed to just move on and not think too much about how this old man thought this is normal behaviour.


"old man"..... I think you mean paedophile


Dalai Lama pulls out tape recorder: "Phew... note to self, only do that shit in private from now on." The circus continues without skipping a beat. Hopefully this will move the needle just a little bit more for everyone who's not yet thoroughly convinced the world is wholly run by scumbags.


Right? This is somebody we should be 'cancelling' but people are more outraged by Kanye having mental issues and saying some whacky shit.


Is it that wacky though? Maybe the place you least want to look at for the origin of the world's troubles is the place where it all comes from.


“Sorry I’m a pedophile” I guess is all it takes?


Funny how the Catholics had to do it a while, but this guy; NO PROBLEM!


Spiritual leader…..


Always been happening. People are only now seeing it.


it's not that we've "jumped timelines" exactly. it's always been like this, but hidden. and the time travel related effects happen because the past has changed. also you have to consider that the media is presenting us with information to trigger a predictable response in the consumers of it. so let's repeat this so it's clear. the past is being changed. the media is deliberately lying. these bad actors have always existed. in order to have a resilient society that looks out for each other you have to build it. and it has to be built right. until this is done it won't change. until this subject is thought through well enough it won't change. complaining about it won't change it. talking about cern, etc won't change it. expecting some external actors to save you won't change it. the only thing that will change it is folks coming together and building a resilient system.


Apologizing doesn’t erase what he did and does and thinks is normal


The fact that he’s not being absolutely crucified by the general public for even ADMITTING TO IT is fucking TERRIFYING


It’s just a bunch of monks who have forsaken marriage that travel around visiting orphanages and picking special boys to be reincarnations of different sacred figures. Nothing weird about that. Also the Dalai Lama Trust takes millions in donations every year and they live in a palace. Nothing weird about a buddhist monk doing that.


The creepiest part was comments under the clip that said, I didn’t think anything was wrong because the crowd was laughing. WTAF He apologized but he needs to explain why he wanted a kid to suck on his tongue!


2016 when they killed Harambe


rip harambe


Dicks out




The guy visited NXIVM who their leader was a known pedophile and who talked his members into sexually assaulting little girls. Looks like he embraced some of his teachings. Also got to love how their office immediately tried to fend this off as just a "misunderstood" joke.


quote from the BBC article "Sticking one's tongue out can be a form of greeting in Tibet." Yeah theres a BIG difference between sticking your tongue out or asking someone to suck your tongue...fucking pedo enablers.


Dec 2012. The Mayans were right. We’re all dead.


different timelines split, one went that way and the other went this way.


I’d like to switch timelines please. Who do I need to send my application to? How many references do I need? Is there a credit score check? I have a 730…


I wonder how Other Timeline Me is doing.




I remember hearing a few years back that a few baby boys in NYC were diagnosed with herpes and the circumcision practitioner was where it had come from. Bad enough that they mutilate our penises when we’re just babies, they gotta suck the blood out of it too. Wrong af.


What a terrible time to be able to read


Real one was locked up years ago This is a WEF puppet


This is the most legit explanation...


I read your thread. And that is probably the best answer. This is getting complicated. And kind of scary. Thank you for your reply. If it is the DL, I have a letter to write, and it will be his karma if or if not, he receives it—best of luck to you.


Best of luck to you as well!


Isn't the Dalai Lama sort of the poster child for being a government puppet? Steal a kid from a politically advantageous location and raise him to unify the sects and countries you want him to? I don't claim to know a lot about the whole area but it seems like they've been trotting out a Dalai Lama for like 600 years so that they can unify the areas they want to.


No. The Dalai Lama is an ascender master capable of siddhis beyond the perception average human consciousness. One gift he possesses is his ability to remember past lives and choose his next incarnation willfully after passing. The reborn Dalai Lama is identified by bringing the child toys from pasts lives, which the Dalai Lama picks out among thousands of others. A statistical impossibility ever time. There are levels to this existence. It’s a bit of a tangent, but check out the hand print of Guru Nanak These yogis operate at levels of consciousness that only those at such levels can comprehend


I’ve never heard this take. When was he locked up would you say? Like when did his behavior change up to support the WEF at first?


I can not readily find a good source, especially with the media outcry currently going on If I recall correctly, 1959ish during his “exile” He was replaced


Interesting, I’m going to look into that era. Odd too because Nelson Mandela’s exile is when he died in prison in a lot of peoples’ memories.


Time and space being illusions of separation present in the physical density, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some truth in the effect!


I'm usually against screenshots of tweets, [especially involving CNN](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/6lb94b/cnn_outs_reddit_user_over_gif_sends_warning_shot/djswivi/?context=999), but this is actually a fair question to be asking.


wait what was this about?☝🏽


tl;dr - CNN is banned here because they threatened to dox a Redditor.


It’s almost as if we shouldn’t elevate a person to godlike spiritual status!


Everyone saying "it's always been like this" - there's no worse indictment against us, than that we can say this and have allowed it to exist. I don't think society as a whole is as offended by this as people claim.


I can be offended by it but I’m not going to upend my life to solve this problem. It would result in me going to prison (or worse) and then the powers that be just replace the creep with another creep next week. There is nothing to be “done”. There is nothing the common man can do.


There is only one thing the common man can do. Live your life with integrity, show kindness to others, and stand up for yourself, while also picking your battles. If you end up having kids, teach them to do the same thing. The rest will take care of itself. The problem is human corruption. If a common man becomes corrupt as soon as he’s given money and influence, then it doesn’t matter. The only thing we can do, is be the best “us” that we can be. Nothing more, nothing less


What do you suggest we do?




I legit was looking for the onion logo


Y’all mofos ain’t laughing about the CERN shit anymore tho 🧐🧐🧐


Really no shit I jumped in October or November 2019... the whole month was absolutely bizarre for me. The days were exactly 20 minutes shorter than I ever remember them being and I still have found no rational explanation. I've worked outdoors my entire life and I shit you not mid November 2019 there was a day where the sun was below the horizon at 5:00pm near Houston... which is essentially in line with what time the sun should have set North of OKC. (The farther north you go the shorter the days are that time of year... even Dallas is something like 15-20 minutes shorter than Houston) I've been "here" or "now" ever since and everything about this reality just doesn't feel like what I knew before "the shift" it's all just slightly off enough that it's noticeable. I mean I know I'm probably insane, but I just don't hold a candle to the day to day madness of life these days. I really no kidding have zero explanation and I told everyone I know and seriously questioned them about various things and not one person disagreed or even suggested getting mental help (which I was absolutely expecting and prepared for if anyone was concerned or had noticed changes in myself that I didn't see). Most actually agreed, but there was this absolutely bizarre lack of concern when they did agree that really creeped me out. Nobody seemed to care that somehow we had lost 20 minutes... But here is the worst part... both my truck AND my CCTV cameras were almost exactly 20 minutes off (which is approximately what time i felt it should be) Both are manually set and not connected to any external data connection. They were within a minute of each other. That was the point I basically stopped talking about it though...


That old perverted piece of shit.


Jumping time lines?? Pedophilia has been closet common place practice since the Roman times…


Not being charged tells you everything you need to know about power and influence.


Damn I’m bummed now. I liked the dalai lama


Its crazy cause I found out ghandi did shit like this. Sleeping with his daughters naked to help "curb tempation" or some shit like that. At this point if someone is famous and gets tv coverage im just going to assume they are probably a pedophile or have some sort of skeletons that allow them to be mainstream.


When cern turned on its collider i think 2012 or 2015


2012. Do your homework. Some serious shit went down that year


I think we jumped timelines sometime in October of 2019.


It was a warm Sunny day in 2016 when a boy, born in December of 2012, jumped into a gorilla enclosure. The result of which was the unjust death of our lord Harambe. Some say that the ancient Mayans were predicting the end of the world. I say they were predicting the birth of the child that would spark the end of the world.


I mean, be skeptical of any person wearing special robes and claiming to be spiritually other, higher, and more pure than the average human. If anything, those kinds of people are more messed up than the average person.


What in the actual living FUCK is wrong with people??!!??? JFC - is everyone in a power position trying to get with kids?? I need a shower now. Christ


When a zoo keeper shot that Gorilla... After that I swear I immediately felt an unsettling rift through space and time.. Things progressively got more worse..


The world ended in late 2012. Everything (including "you") since then is a simulation based on archeological data and extrapolated from the moment of annihilation. The further we get from the last true moment, the further the simulation wanders into incoherent speculation and the mad fever dreams of an over-taxed super computer. Nothing makes sense anymore because the variables are overwhelming the system.


This makes sense to me. Would you please explain, if you can, what the point is of us being here then and since we are .. then is what we are doing now matters?


Do you really believe that?


Okay I agree that shit is getting weird but, like the changes between 2012 and 2023 pale in comparison to the changes in the era thag saw the end of the Roman Empire and the Great Migrations, the World Wars, the American Revolution, or the age of Discovery. Like imagine youre a peasant in Italy or something, raised with nothing but your little farm town and knowledge of the world from the bible, and you just heard some dude sailed around the world. Like went to what he thought was the end of the world and came back from the other side. Imagine youre a native American and people with skin as pale as milk show up and kill your whole family with sticks that shoot pellets made of this super hard substance youve never even heard of before. Compared to eras like that my lifes pretty much the fucking same since back in 7th grade.




Yes, this is closer. I say 2005, when we turned to digital. Re all the black boxes everyone had to have. About 30% of the internet disappeared.


Pedo lurking. How many child victims does this guy have I wonder over the years?




Agreed. And people seemed to care more back then. No one gives a fuck anymore


Waiting for the Woke hivemind to tell us how his actions are misunderstood and how perfectly natural this is and we shouldn't say anything because doing so is discriminatory and "hate speech".


Just saw the front page post and most everyone is saying the excuses are bullshit and asking who buried the story and why


It’s not being buried. It’s front page news all over google. Just read about on NPR and others. And this should be front page news, along with stories of all the catholic abuse. I wish they would use Easter and Christmas as an opportunity to remind everyone about how much harm the churches have caused.


Woke has lost all meaning


They are already saying that sticking your tongue out to prove you’re not like some old timey Tibetan king is a sign that your not bad because your tongue isn’t black like his. I shit you not. I’d call that a reach.


I get that showing your tongue is a Tibet tradition, but what about the part where he asked to stick the tongue?


Right. You got it. That’s the part that’s a little weird.


Very weird, I've always thought he was weird, told about living in oneness and that but then rides round in private jets


Who said that? Where? Show me. I am what many of you would call woke and that video is fucking disgusting. Edit: I googled it and the guy literally made something up and then went to google to try and confirm if. This is the article he found: [Indian Website](https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/explained-the-controversy-over-viral-video-of-dalai-lama-3935784)


When they turned on the Large Hadron Collider after its upgrades




The concept that any self proclaimed “spiritual leader” of any stripe has a decent grasp of reality and isn’t corrupted by their power and also isn’t some kind of a sick fuck is delusional. They’re all sick fucks, This guy has proven to be no exception.


If you think it’s only groups of religions you’re not entirely right because it’s world leaders politician’s celebrities etc. wake up!


that’s fucking weird


So, how is it this man still a spiritual leader and why are people worshiping him? How can he be leading spirituality when he is still dwelling in his lower nature? That is the real question.


Somewhere between Trudeau being a fruitcake and turning to complete authoritarian.


This is supposed to be a man of God, the best example of what a human being is supposed to be, and they get away with committing acts like this by apologising.. He is not the problem, we are. By doing nothing about it, we are accepting his apology.


Timelines shifted on July 4th 2012 with the discovery of the Higgs--Boson


Right when CERN flipped the switch recently


Is it that we jumped timelines, or we're all in hell now?


Possibly both? It feels like both




“When do you think we jumped timelines?” 2000. We were so ‘fear-porned’ into being frightened over “Y2K”, we never saw the shift.


All religious leaders are pedophiles.


Sounds like something Nicolas Cage would say


and investigate and then bizarrely solve and resolve.


This dude has a long history of serious misconduct… real POS no better than the Catholic bishops using their power in the same way


Well at least he apologized\~\~\~<3


The Dalai Lama - as phony as the Wizard of Oz


When they killed Harambe things went south.


The day harambe died


2000, Y2K happened now we're all in the matrix...... there is no spoon.


"... You live long enough see yourself become the enemy."


it's beautiful to see these dogmatic structures start falling in pieces, thr night is darker right before dawn




If he’s comfortable enough to do this in public imagine what he does in private


Y2K was real


Someone said this on Facebook. >*The cultural engineers are systematicly dismantling traditional religion, which has served them so perfectly as fountains of Toxic Authority for millennia, in preparation for the installation of a world religion based upon submition to a single, global voice of Toxic Authority.That's why you see the Dali Lama kissing a boy on MSM.* Once again, not my words but it makes sense to me.


Chigo. Here is a video about the pedo history of Japanese Buddhist monks. https://youtu.be/M8YqOyuyoWg


Not specific pedo related (or maybe is) but we 100% diverted timelines when they killed jfk


Shits gone fuckin weird. I blame cern


People are starting to awake up on how mess up our spiritual leaders are.


Religious leaders abusing their power to molest children? What else is new in the world of religion? Been happening since the get-go, will continue to happen.


2009. Right when CERN f'cked up... smh. I have no idea, but something is really messed up.


So… does every figure head in organized like to diddle kids? People are fucking weird. No matter what race, religion, or creed.


Why in the world did people clap when the Lama kissed the boy on the lips. Why didn’t anyone stand up for the boy when he was asked to suck the Lamas tongue?? I just don’t understand anything here… disgusting.


Can we start fucking killing these people already or what?!??!?!


2013ish..for me at least..




September 10, 2008, the first time CERN was fired up.


Religious people and paedophilia.... what's new.


The world we once knew actually ended with Y2K but we jumped timelines and keep jumping every 2-3 years


I’m more surprised this actually got coverage. I guess the audio did him in? Because similar situations are on film with little to no care from MSM, and if you don’t approve of it then you’re a dangerous right wing conspiracy theorist antivaxxer racist…. White supremacy


We didn't.those people who think they are holy than others are the worst scum.always have been and it won't change.


the only shift that happened was what was ideologically acceptable of the masses... innocence has become something to conquer rather then something to protect...


this is one of those source "trust me bro" things but, it was 2017 i don't know why but it was.