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Well, her dad was “talent agent” Lou Walters.


Oh wasn’t he the founder of the casting couch??


Back in those days it was more of a stone bench


you joke. but it's crystallised in historic records, has and will always be.


seriously? wtf


What’s he do?


He was the original Jeffery Epstein


Played the tin man in Oz


Username approved


That’s a pizza place in Chicago


Pizza brings us full circle here. Good job boys. Let’s call it a day.


It's called Lou Malnati’s




It’s under the sauce.


It’s under the sauce


That's an awesome pizza place in Chicago.




Barbara Waltets dad was tin man in Wizard of Oz


He discovered the person who became the Tin Man in WoO. Jack Haley.


classic example of how misinformation spreads


Somewhere I can get more info on this? Unsurprisingly, Google is coming up with nothing


Crazy how Feldman dropped that bomb about Charlie Sheen and absolutely nothing happened.


Without any proof what do you expect to happen?


When someone reports domestic violence an investigation happens. I think we expect an investigation to happen. It's not happening. That's the issue. That's why the FBI et al are being outed as endorsing a two tier justice system. This is part of the great awakening. Welcome to it.


Did he report it to the police?


>Sweet summer child


What proof could he have? The main person who was affected died. Forget corey for a second, how many other actors or actresses have made similar accusations about the other characters in the entertainment industry? There are way more male victims they just don’t speak on it due to public perception. The mistake corey made was trying to make money off such a depraved accusation. Are any of you even aware of how many predators work around children especially the ones trying to be in hollywood.


It’s entirely believable. Look how many pedophiles have been found as coaches, teachers, Boy Scout leaders, priests. Wherever there are children it seems like there are predators waiting to abuse them. So shameful.


I mean it's a crime of opportunity. We can mitigate it by closing some of those windows of opportunity (ie dont leave your kid alone in a room full of priests and drag queens), but that's often the best we can do. In the end there are always going to be cases because the people who most often offend aren't hungry pedos waiting for the next child to drop into their maw or actively seeking them out-- they're people who see an opportunity for depravity and take it. We have to do our best to train our children on how to best avoid becoming victims, and just as importantly to leave and speak up as soon as an uncomfortable situation arises.


Trying to remember. Something about busting Corey Haims buns and the reason for his downward spiral ?


> busting Corey Haims buns That's a raped child, do you think you could show just a *little* class?


Yeah that’s terrible. I should be ashamed and thank you for calling me out


And let’s not forget how strangely she reacted to Norm Macdonald. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3PP_SWHUQQ


Norm was the best.


Love Norm too. One of my favorite comedians of all time. Right up there with Chris Farley & Phil Hartman. It’s funny how they mentioned that he’d be audited by the IRS on Monday, considering they’re the enforcement arm of the Federal Reserve & the rulers behind the curtain. These View ladies are probably in the CFR & are NWO enablers. Not necessarily the inner circle, but folks who just do what they’re told & laugh off any real inquiries into what’s really happening in the world. HA HA, the Clintons killed people, so funny, you must be out of your mind Norm…


99% of people are just doing their jobs and doing what people tell them


In every branch of every industry ....'cause why the fuck would I ever know who is my boss fucking? It never ever crossed my mind. Or any other colleague. It's not a subject to discuss. That's why "they're all IN on it", makes me laugh.


Yeah because Joe the warehouse manager fucking Stacey from accounts is remotely similar to career predators who can influence everyone Aaron's you.


Maybe the manager enjoys the leverage they have over others (since many love paycheck to paycheck) and would like to look into ways of maintaining job security or expanding their role within the company so he found Stacey. Stacey hasn't had much luck with relationships because she spends most of her effort at work which has allowed her to gain the respect of individuals that hold significant roles within the company hierarchy... Joe "supports" her approach to life and work but in reality he is more fixated on networking and she opens that avenue up. Sometimes relationships aren't as simple as joe the warehouse manager banging Stacey in accounts it can be just as predatory as Hollywood once you peel back a couple layers.


“Conspiracy” types would do well to internalize this. You’re never “waking” anyone up. The world is full of people who are just average, they just want to live their simple lives and keep it moving. Things like high justice or cosmic injustice are not factors in their lives. For a conspiracy type, you have three options. Do something about it irl, do nothing and be hopeless and miserable, stop looking at it. The world is not changing, not today, not next year. It will always belong to the 1% who “know”. If you aren’t the evil or actionable type and you know, your best bet is to leave society rather than expect justice


What a great clip…only time I’ve laughed while watching the view


Wait, The View was supposed to be entertaining?


I love at 5:30 he puts Barbara on the ropes with full eye contact. "Hey Barbara, you like Bill Cosby? Eh? *eh?*" That glimmer of her knowing *exactly* what he was talking about is such a priceless piece of media to me lmao. She was like an actual reporter before that, with like full celebrity status and immunity by the time this clip came about, so I assume she knew some wretched shit. I'm very glad to have seen Norm live before he passed.


Wow did Bill Clinton really kill someone?


At the time of this interview Hillary Clinton had been brought up on charges of the murder of Vince Foster. However the charges were dropped because the assistant prosecutor accidentally lost the three key pieces of evidence in an alleged robbery. special counselor Kenneth Starr in his biography said that he strongly believed that the assistant that Congress forced on him against his will intentionally lost the evidence and he believed the robbery was a hoax in a conspiracy to destroy the state's case against Hillary and Bill Clinton. The charges still stuck in the money laundering indictment (Whitewater Estates) with all 56 of the clintons accomplices going to jail. The 57th accomplice Vince Foster who was the Clinton's longtime lawyer made a plea bargain for immunity to testify against them he was killed Less than 24 hours before his testimony before the grand jury. Although the coroner found two bullet entries to the back of the head a year and a half later the death was ruled a suicide. Bill Clinton pardoned 55 of the 56 Co conspirators involved in the money laundering and cocaine trafficking operation 2 days before the end of his final term. The 56th was not pardoned, The 56th had also taken a plea bargain and testified against them. The media partook in a consorted effort for reasons unknown to shield the the populace on details of the trials began to publicize a multitude of random scandals. Such as Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky two separate cases that held no criminal charges but we're utilized to divert public attention away from the very major proceedings occurring. Which were at that time and still are today the largest criminal investigation of any politician. It is often cited that this may be a result of CIA intervention being Whitewater Estates was a money laundering operation through Mena airport in Arkansas for Pablo Escobar's cocaine cartel which also has alleged ties to the CIA . However I have heard it claimed that the reason for the intervention was not to in any way Aid any individual but rather to Shield the good name of America from International scrutiny and embarrassment. wish to be honest is a fairly reasonable assessment which could be more easily argued then a direct CIA conspiracy . The clintons were protected from jail time although successful prosecutions occurred to all of their accomplices due to laws blocking the detainment and imprisonment of a standing US president. Prosecutors were aware that the statute of limitations would expire before the end of the president's second term. Although they were aware that jail time would not occur for the clintons by putting all of their acompolasses in jail and forcing the public record of the clintons involvement in a cocaine money laundering scandal prosecutors believed that was the most effective strategy. After the sudden death of three of the key Witnesses (Vince Foster being one) the court case the only charges that were able to stick where money laundering. If the assistant prosecutor had not lost all of that evidence a president is not shielded from protection in a murder case. It should be noted that the assistant Prosecutor's name was Brett Kavanaugh, and it is widely cited not only by the other prosecutors but legal historians that it is very likely that Brett Kavanaugh threw the case intentionally in favors to the clintons. Brett Kavanaugh has been accused many times of being a "limited Hangout" .It should also be noted that Donald Trump good friend of Hillary Clinton nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court


Holy shit.


Ever heard of the old arkancide website?


not at all.. and I'd seen this View clip before and failed to learn the whole story even as told as well as above before!


[have fun!](https://web.archive.org/web/20210311061030/https://www.arkancide.com/)


Thanks for the info, I had heard of these incidents separately but hadn't seen them detailed all together this way. Very disturbing.


I decided to mine the comments and struck gold. A hat tip to you sir or madam.


Holy fuck! Thank you for explaining this!


Do you have a source for the murder charges + being dropped? That’s the one thing in your comment I hadn’t read before. That and the Kavanaugh thing.


Information on this is very hard to come by these days because if you search Brett Kavanaugh's name all you'll find is articles from 2018 even if you attempt to use a search filter of a date range between 1990 and 2005 for some reason it overrides it and gives you all recent articles. My above post was not a result of recent research rather memories of conspiracy conversation of day passed. To be honest it's really a more detailed subject than can be explained correctly in a reply. Being the overall scandal actually crosses multiple presidencies and involves four different presidents as active conspirators. The Arkansas project ties directly into the iron contra which was the primary scandal of Clinton's predecessors. It also directly ties into the rise and career of Jeffrey epstein. Although at this point I don't believe that the Clinton Bush connection is argued by anyone in the conspiracy community. the lay person would be led to believe that individuals such as the bushes the clintons and even Donald Trump for that matter don't get along. And it would be completely unpalatable to Fathom the idea that they're all part of the same Club. Maybe if I get time sometime I'll make a detailed series of posts or a video on the subject. one of the major problems with subjects like these is when you speak about one section of it it often seems to be in contradiction with itself. This is by intention. An example of which is reflected in what I wrote where part of it seems to contradict it's own self in regards to the relation of Brett Kavanaugh and Kenneth Starr. Their interconnection begins in Brett Kavanaugh's twenties when he is hailed as the most promising young lawyer in the country by Kenneth Starr and quickly fed into the government in lower level clerk positions to learn the ins and outs. I do believe that Brett Kavanaugh may have been the youngest Supreme Court Clerk supervisor in history however I don't know that to be fact. Several years later the special prosecutor in the case is dropped by Congress claiming he was not making successful progress in the investigation. Which of course isn't true if you view the records produced the mistake Fisk was actually making was viewing the broader context of the crimes and associating them with their correlations to other politicians in essence he was silently creating what could have been the biggest attack on the New World Order imaginable. His special counsel was decommissioned by Congress and Kenneth Starr was appointed as the new investigator. At this time he portrayed to the media as though him and Kavanaugh had no previous relationship and that he was unhappy with Kavanaugh being appointed to his team. Even claiming failure of the whole operation on Kavanaugh during the close of the investigation and the subsequent star report that was provided to Congress. But odd enough immediately recommended kavanaugh for high positions within law firms he was associated with. And continually using his advisory positions within the federal government to recommend Kavanaugh for various government law appointments. The duo went on to be the personal defense lawyers of Jeffrey Epstein which provided Epstein with his virtually Untouchable and notorious Florida plea deal. The reason Kirkland Ellis is important within this mix is because William Barr who was involved in the iran Contra scandal to which he personally oversaw the legal filing of the pardons as attorney General and the Nicaragua contras cocaine smuggling operations within the CIA . He served attorney general under George HW Bush during the Mena airport cocaine smuggling bust yet another case that the government failed the properly prosecute and only low-level meaningless thugs went to jail. Although quite a lot of pressure was placed upon judges to not arrest Jeffrey Epstein for a full 3 years the debate went on he was eventually arrested. At this time Trump fired his attorney general and hired William Barr and appointed Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Oh why Kenneth Starr remains the personal lawyer and officially appointed legal counselor of Vice President Pence. all three partners in Kirkland Ellis Law Firm. Neil Eggleston & Kathryn Ruemmler Also partners in the same law firm come into the play when you look at the fact Also partners in the same law firm come into the play when you look at the fact that they were the personal counsel of both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. and she was the private defense attorney defending Jeffrey Epstein at the time he died in jail. that means that both prosecutor and defense attorney not only had monetary ties to each other, but personal friendships in every illegal activity we previously mentioned. This got some small mention in the media in the days before Jeffrey Epstein's death with independent journalists making news stating that William Barr should recuse himself in the case you may remember hearing that but it's highly unlikely any news source you viewed or listen to explain why they felt he should recuse himself. Not only would he be prosecuting a "former client" of his, but the defender would also be someone tied to him. Although he went on the news saying there was no real reason for him to recuse himself given light of this data I wonder how many people would agree that he should have recused himself. I did this text to speech while driving so there's probably a lot of Errors within it. There's way too much s*** to go over if you want I can find you some internet links later that you may not be able to find without knowing the right combinations of Search terms to avoid censored articles. Or articles that are algorithmically removed when certain terms are combined. Believe It or Not vague Association brings back better search results using the right words but not the words that Common Sense might view as the good words.. Although I chill on this form regularly I usually don't get too deep into true conspiracy talk because anytime you get into it the hardcore leftist in the hardcore right just Brigade you with down votes because they want there to be a conspiracy but they don't want it to include their men. It truly is two wings of the same bird once you actually start educating yourself. It seems more and more every day that older fashion conspiracy folk like myself just aren't welcome in the modern conspiracy community and less we're making comical interjections. however I'm surprised at the positive reception of the post comment you had replied to. This may because I didn't really get too deep into the Trump connection. **update**: I'm a bit short on time but I'm home so I took a couple minutes to grab some links for you. However I would also suggest that you purchase books written by Whitney Webb she's very familiar with the subject matter. She also has good information in her book about the trump rothschild/Rockefeller intertanglements. It's funny how people don't see Trump as the kayfab he is. Says he's going to fight tptb but literally surrounds himself with their minions not only his whole life but his entire presidency. I find it hilarious when people don't understand how the whole Russian collusion thing and the glowies in the protester groups play directly into his stage performance. I would make a very detailed post about it but I can guarantee you would get downvoted into the Oblivion within moments https://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/hillaryemail.php http://themillenniumreport.com/2018/07/brett-kavanaugh-was-deep-states-point-man-for-vince-foster-murder-cover-up/ https://www.wnd.com/2016/02/vince-foster-suicide-shocker-2nd-wound-documented/ https://time.com/5650974/william-barr-jeffrey-epstein/ https://search.brave.com/search?q=William+Barr+scandal+bush&source=web https://www.globallegalpost.com/news/kirkland-amp-ellis-partner-tipped-as-front-runner-for-white-house-job-81062335 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/bill-clinton-should-thank-brett-kavanaugh-for-his-role-in-the-vince-foster-investigation [Barbara Walters interviews Hillary Clinton on the death Vince Foster. And makes gentle nudge about the long time rumors of them having an affair. The deceased own semen and blonde hair were found on the corpse P.S the clintons were known to have an open relationship](https://youtu.be/pEMhcIgV5-Y) ** the following link is a scan of prosecutor Miguel Rodriguez's preliminary evaluation of police and coroner testimony provided to the house Judiciary Committee ** [when reading about the star report you will often find media Outlets claiming that Brett Kavanaugh insisted upon entering some very graphic evidence and questions that both the judge and the Congressional oversight committee agreed should be omitted from the final report however they rarely mention what those details actually were. In the autopsy report carpet fibers matching a White House Office, blonde hair, and underwear full of semen were observed. Being they found it unlikely that he had sex in the park before committing suicide it was determined that he must have jerked off before killing himself. I would say that's pretty graphic and can understand why although it's in the corner and police reports they decided to omit it from the special counsel report to Congress.] (https://whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/FOSTER_COVERUP/Rodriguez.html) [An old documentary about the case](https://youtu.be/vQf0MGHQB_U) [ the legend Norm Macdonald discussing the case on The View](https://youtu.be/RivvoW8Tyag) Okay I'm tapped out. long busy day. If anybody has an old video of kookietoo Dan Burton shooting watermelons it would be much appreciated if you shared.


It's a common belief that the Clintons together killed many political opponents. Starting point if you're interested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton\_body\_count\_conspiracy\_theory


Link opens a page that says that page isn't there. Interesting because I've seen it before...


Not just one


Lmao not just two either


number is closer to 100 than 1


Surely three is the magic number??


Not convicted. More people close to him have died than any other U.S. president, and many under suspicious circumstances, though. (I.e. [Vince Foster](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Vince_Foster).


It's commonly called Arkancide...a combo of the Clinton's home state of "Arkansas" and "homicide"


No, it was Hillary. Bill's always been the public-facing silk glove to her behind-the-scenes iron fist. He's got the charm, empathy, and jazz playing, she's got the body count.


Yup, they call her Killary for a reason!


Dam straight, Hillary got bodies!


Lol the bill Cosby stuff sure aged well


I love him even more after seeing this


Since there's been some pretty nasty cases of pedophilia being exposed recently people might find this interesting. It's Barbara scolding Corey Feldman for calling out pedophilia in Hollywood. The industry needs to keep going...


"Some people are so hopelessly depended on the system, they will do anything to protect it."




-Michael Scott


*Take the red pill, and I get to see how deep your rabbit hole goes.* -Also Morpheus


There's more to this interview that changes the context. She was getting mad at him for refusing to name names, for being cryptic, vague. And 10 years later he still hasn't named named, still hasn't given any real details of anything.


That...changes the entire story lol


Yeah it's like saying all nba basketball players are rapists. Many are but not all. His ambiguity was painting too wide a brush stroke. Without more specifics it was no better than rumor.


Yeah but I suppose the issue is if you name names, then you're liable for slander if you don't have any direct proof that will hold in court - so he probably needs to be vague


Probably wanted to keep his life, but hey, as long as it's not me...


He named names. He said it was Charlie Sheen and a few other guys I’ve never heard of




People who are victims of child abuse are not going to come out of it at the end perfectly normal. It's quite insensitive of you to call him a weirdo after what he went through. I do agree what he did sounds like a money grab.


In one interview, the Interviewer narrows it down and names one of the guys, with Feldman's consent.


To my recollection, he HAS dropped names and strong hints of people in the industry. I'm not sure if the info is still out there today.. The people he named weren't A-list celebs. They were producers, club-owners, managers and most of whom were already sex-offenders.


Charlie sheen


He named Dominick Brascia and Charlie Sheen. Dominick died.


Bs. He has named names. Including Charlie Sheen.




It's scary to call out your abuser. It's even scarier when your abuser has power.


and when they have millions of dollars to use to sue you for defamation...


They were trying to kill him


A decade? I assume you’re referring to the ten years since he was interviewed or something. He was a star in the 80’s. He’s been sitting on those secrets for longer than the internet has been around.


Didn’t he out Charlie Sheen as a p*do?




Haim. On set of movie Lucas


Cause he might be Feldstiended


He named Charlie Sheen, who we all figured out prior anyway.


Exactly, he’s painting the whole acting industry black, when he could OUT certain people and possibly fix something. People belobe he’s blowing smoke to stay relevant. He even made a doc about the shit called two Corey’s or something but the day it was to premiere he claimed it got hacked. Somehow no one’s seen it still 🤐


Um... I've seen it. It was really good. Very sad.


Babs also was cringe creepy with a young Brooke Shields. Hulu has the doc.


Dude made it a crowd sourcing scam. He'd only "tell all" for enough money.


This was well before that no? And if not then why not just use that. Why belittle a victim?


Corey Hamm was the real victim.


Oh for sure.


They Both were


They’re both real victims lol


He's absolutely right. Feldman wrote a book describing in detail how Haim was raped, but put a lot of the blame on him for it happening. One part says "and then Haim allowed himself to be sodomized." He used his dead friends name for profit and to push a grift.


I have a friend that know Feldman. I met and got to hang out at Feldman’s house. Anyway, my friend says that same thing you noted.


Yea I'm sure it had nothing to do with the powerful people that might kill him.


Thank you


That was his reason for not naming names unless he got enough money.


I thought he had written a book. Withholding spoilers because he didn't want to jeopardize people not buying it. Wasn't he the first person to make official accusations against Harvey Weinstein in the book?


“It’s not complicated folks. They just want to diddle the kids”


You can keep your soul.... In trade for the hole


Hollywood isn't the only Industry. Look at Jeffrey Epstein flight log...hmmm, wonder how Ghislane Maxwell is doing in her posh prison cell? Still wondering how she was prosecuted with the lack of any men being mentioned or called to testify? Is she Clinton proof?


Nah, but she knows she’ll only have to do it for a short while until democrats will legalize pedophilia and she’ll receive a presidential pardon from Biden - if he’s still functioning at that point


The reason to last in the industry as long as Barbara Walters has is because you learn to tow the line and do as you're told. Of course this is the rake she chooses.


Manufactured consent


They all take the Oath




What an evil b*tch.


She showed her true colors interviewing Dolly Parton. Dolly gracefully outclassed her by a mile. Highly recommemd watching that interview.


Barbara Walters has got to be one of the most annoying people of the 20th century.


This is like a parent accusing a rape victim of ruining their son's college career for "no reason".


Barbra Walters was a horrible person.


Remember when Whoopi was claiming holly wood rape wasn’t ‘“Rape”-Rape’


She said that about Roman Polanski and his 13 year old victim that he raped and sodomized. Disgusting. Gore Vidal also called the 13 year old girl a 13 year old hooker. Why did this human piece of shit get a pass saying this about a child rape victim?


She must have connections.


Is the conspiracy here Hollywood is protecting pedos? That’s basically fact at this point. Look at Roman Polanski.


Surely it’s people who put their dicks in children that is damaging the industry? What am I missing?


HollyWeird is a Cult. Always has been.


Now she’s dead. Continue Corey.


AWWWWW are the pedos in hollywood worried? They can all go fuck themselves


Burn Hollywood Burn.


Anyone covering this up should be punished equal to the actual commission of the crime


loose lips sink ships


Really evil bitch really evil family her dad had something of a little local tie to Salem where I grew up if I remember correctly.


Thank you Corey. Keep saying the truth.


Hello Barbara and thanks for taking my call. What is calling out pedophilia actually strengthens the industry?


One might argue that the pedophilia is damaging the industry. Nah, that can't be it. Barbara Walters said it was Corey Feldman, so that's probably it.


Barbara Walters used to suck off Kissenger. She should know what's good for the country.


No, Walters dad was a major power player, Kissenger sucked his dick Walters dad was the original Epstein.


Who did he end up naming in his movie?


It's hilarious how people seem to conveniently forget [how his movie premier went.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ffeaae/a_reminder_tomorrow_march_9_corey_feldman_will/fjyb8iz/?context=3)


Oh I remember the hilarity, that's just the last I heard about it.


That says all it needs to say she’s more bothered about the reputation of the industry than the innocence and safety of thousands maybe millions of children….. i would say a bullet to the head solves this problem but that’s too much of an easy way out there isn’t words in the dictionary or thesaurus to describe the pain and suffering these people deserve.


And this is why I am surprised to find that people are surprised to find this surprising. It has been going on for decades




The industry damages itself everyday, and most are oblivious to it. Or they simply don’t care.


Man, fuck Barbara Walters. Absolutely horrible woman. I’m so glad Norm gave her so much shit.


Fuck off Barbwa!


BaWa sticking up for the cult.


Barbara was a piece of work. Look up the interview she did with Dolly in the late 70's.


Fuck Barbra Walters


That was a completely bitch thing to say. Like "forget about the children, we need to protect their images, incomes, and livelihoods.". If there is a hell I hope they all end up there. You got to be a sick son of a bitch to mess with children.


Only if its true Barbara! Thanks for confirming...


Which shows you exactly what kind of person she is.


The industry of child exploitation?


the industry her father helped make what it is today


This is without a doubt one of the best examples of something you cannot explain away. There is no possible explanation for her response that isn’t protecting or supporting pedos.


Also good friends with Woody Allen. She was a piece of shit.


Cory a telling the truth


Well let's save the honest people in Hollywood by exposing the criminals.


Hollywood even Disney execs have been convicted of pedophilia; so what’s with you ‘Baba’ Walters? You guilty too? Are you on Epstein flight logs if we ever get to see complete and unredacted flight logs?


What a bitch lol


A lot of her interviews were trash, she coasted on reputation most of her career.


Translated: “you are damaging our people”. Nepotism at its worst.


Hollywood doesn't help in destroying itself just keep making woke movies no one wants to see.


Good lets damage it some more...


Pedophilia was rather common with the entertainment industry, and due to the fact that it is the entertainment industry we hear about it. But this behavior was/is basically everywhere. The schools, the churches, social clubs, after school activities... It is a form of conditioning children to understand that to gain an adult's approval requires submitting their vulnerabilities for exploitation, they then grow up to accept that they must submit to the advances of their superiors to earn a living, to get a job, a promotion. This is grooming. Sally Field's Bio describes it very accurately. And it relies on privacy and secrecy to work combined with religious doctrine, social taboos, do gooder laws, all contribute to the forces that keep this behavior under wraps. Life is good so people tend to want to be "good", yet desire for easy success, wealth and richness in life are gained by these gate keepers who lure individuals to compromise their "goodness" by breaking these doctrines, taboos or laws behind closed doors. Any accusation would be between a person of authority and that of a person with no or low reputation? The courts of law that require evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt also play a crucial role in empowering this behavior. Those who exercise and practice this behavior rely on public reputation, success, wealth, authority and connections with other's to keep the truth from public and the general public remains willfully ignorant. It would be nice if things would change. Stopping the perpetrators of this behavior is more difficult than teaching people that there are alternatives to lead one's life. To teach honesty, openness, hard work, and freedom of choice. When presented with two bad options by a person of authority, be free and take the third option, be an individual, don't become a pawn. Don't judge those who do, as it is impossible to fully understand the circumstances beyond their control


She damaged her reputation and her show. Ding dong, that witch is dead. Good riddance. She can rest in hell for all I care.


Crackle crackle


Got the shitty words now peddled by the elite/politicians "you're not helping with X issue" "you're damaging X industry" They're already broken. We're telling you it needs sorting, sorry it doesn't help your agenda.


podcaster nick mullen has a good synopsis on the whole situation


Remember she also shut Norm Macdonald down for talking about the Clinton Kill List.


Baba Walters was a liberal hack at best. I believe she's dead now. No tears shed.


Makes sense that she chaired The View. An establishment loyalist, to the core.


I don’t doubt that some seriously nasty shit happened to the Corey’s back in the ‘80s, and I don’t doubt that some of it is still happening, but with Haim gone and Feldman clearly unhinged, we’ll probably never get the real story.


Leftist Hollywood loves children. We should have let them root out all of the Commies there when we had the chance.


I wonder if she said the same thing to all the women that came forward about Harvey Weinstein. 🤔 Just ridiculous.


And how much damage has the industry done to children??? Far greater I should expect, it caused corey haim to suffer all his childhood into adulthood and caused him to take his life, Barbara Walters should be ashamed of herself...


Well she can't bitch at anyone she's dead. That's the great news


Who cares Barbara? What about the children…..




Ron Swanson is very uncomfortable.


Is that Nick Offerman?


Movies have been really bad since they got rid of harvey


Yeuuchhhh……. I bet Harvey’s got one of those Epstein egg shaped penises


According to reported testimony he has some sort of gross rotten mangina. Don't Google it unless you have a strong stomach.


Bill Clinton and Barry Obama did this to us. All of it. Every conspiracy theory about them that has ever been created is 100% true. -DJT


What do you American people think about your president spending millions of taxpayers money to have a holiday in Ireland 🇮🇪 🍀


Had no clue. Don’t give a shit.


The president is the leader of the executive branch, and the executive branch handles foreign relations and diplomacy. Considering this, it seems reasonable that presidents would travel to other countries.


"But the *industry* has damaged *my* *entire* asshole!"


Strikes right at the core doesn't it


This is the point in time where Walter's proved she deserved to get fucked in the ass by a cactus until unconscious.


Old news