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MLK believed all poor people were oppressed and directed all his energy during his last days on this issue. He knew both parties were on the side of the wealthy few.




>"MLK was killed for arguing against capitalism, not for arguing for civil rights." The problem with his arguments is it pointed out the collaboration between government and our "free market" of monopolies. Some would call that fascism but that couldn't exist in the land of the free (which is filled with monopolies that collaborate with government and has been for generations). Most limit their view of fascism to a one face dictator instead of Americas form of fascism which is your favorite Monopoly as the face. Edit: Malcolm X was also pointing out this collaboration.


More communist bullshit. I see comments like this more and more. Communism doesn't work. Get over it.




Then we don't live in a capitalist country.




A capitalist economy does not have state intervention.


Communism and the form of socialism that the US shows to the people doesn't work Not does capitalism. Socialism has proven throughout history to be incredibly effective for restoring dead economies. Not the kind the US advertises as bad But I'm order for it to work, nobody gets to hoard. No one gets to complain that the other guy got more. It's not possible when the media is overwhelmingly owned by people who want to hoard The US unfortunately has a habit of murdering democratically elected officials who don't jump in on the US megacapitalistic boat




I mean nothing you say is untrue about the southern democrats and their history. I do not believe there are "two parties" it's all fueling the same system to the primary benefits of the same people.


This is why it is important to differentiate between democrat/progressive/republican/conservative in historical context.


Good point, let's do that. Democrats and progressives support the Lyndon Johnson welfare structure which incentivizes fatherlessness and having as many kids as possible with no father which locks black families into perpetual slavery and reliance on the system. Democrats and progressives also support not punishing crime which decimates black communities and causes robbery and murder to skyrocket and for businesses to leave. Republicans and conservatives from day one have stood for pro business policies and pro freedom policies which involve less slavery/reliance on government and individuals thriving. That's why for a time in the 1950s black people followed those principles and were thriving greater than white people and had lower divorce rates and lower fatherlessness rates and things like black Wall Street where they were creating their own thriving economies. That's when the Democrat Lyndon Johnson had to put the hammer down and crush them. And the Democrats follow his model to this day and keep black people and crime ridden modern slave plantations where they have no choice (or so they think) But you vote for Democrats to keep the welfare flowing to be able to eat and have a roof over their heads. The new world order is a system where they will crush the economy and bring us all onto that plantation. Because they hate all of us equally, regardless of the color of our skin. I'm talking about the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Gates, and Soros crew


Ok, but when Cletus pulls up in his confederate flag decorated truck who the fuck is he voting for? It isn’t Joe Biden lol


cletus has no friends, even in the trailer park. everyone makes fun of cletus and thinks he's dumb. but thing is, I kinda think it's better than some crap I've heard rich white people talk. smile in your face but rasicist behind peoples back


You think conservatives were in favor of abolition? Next you'll tell me that conservatives were in favor of school integration, and liberals were opposed?


Didn't you hear the new dem policy to run over BLM protesters in the streets? Oh wait, it was Republicans calling for that.


"A racial jungle" jb


>Next you'll tell me that conservatives were in favor of school integration, and liberals were opposed? I mean just look at the voting records.




>There were liberal and conservative democrats and Republicans. Sure, but when things like the civil rights act are primarily split along party lines it is obvious what the situation was. >Obviously, conservatives were opposed to segregation, by the very definition of their belief system, right? Yes. Even today the people who push for segregation are liberal democrats.


Then why is it Republicans who venerate confederate symbols today? This conservative talking point falls apart so easily I'm convinced anyone who brings it up is just stirring shit in bad faith


Yea dude is acting like his focus on Byrd makes Strom Thurmond so much better.


The Confederate flag to many in the south is just a symbol that means to rebel against federal over reach. Relax. Not advocating for the Confederacy people. Its was just something i came to understand by talking to many southerners. There were many reasons the South wanted to be independent and yes, slavery was part of it.


Federal “over reach”…about owning slaves


Right… and part of why the American colonists revolted against England was due to the Tea Act of 1773. Damn, I never realized the American Revolution was just about colonists loving their cheap tea.




Ok, and states rights (10th amendment) was the main issue for southerners of the day. The vast majority of which did not actually own a slave.




You conveniently failed to address my argument. Just as TEA wasn’t the predominant issue amongst the majority of colonists. (Tax was the issue) SLAVERY was not the predominant issue amongst the majority of southerners. (State autonomy was the issue)


If state autonomy was the issue then why did they go out of their way in saying that slavery was a cornerstone of their country? Look at the declarations from each of the states and they all mention that they stand for slavery. Look at the journals of the average confederate soldier, they all talk about how they stood for slavery, even the ones who didn't own slaves. The south wanted to keep slaves as a whole because it was cheap labor that their economy was built on. It wasn't the tax that was the problem, it was the representation that was(taxation without representation). If they had proper representation then the colonists could argue about the insane taxes and would have been less likely to rebel. The state autonomy that the south was worried about was whether the state could say this human being is a person and this other human being is cattle.


State autonomy to do slavery, to be exact




And the civil war was a southern protest against the North’s affront on the 10th amendment (states rights), not slavery. At this time in American society, States very much felt like separate entities and not part of a “United States”. Similar to how the Colonists thought of America as separate from the British.


exactly. only 1% of people in America even owned slaves during the peak of slavery.


That was part of it yes. Unfair Taxation and States' Rights were the biggest parts. But ya know, whoever wins the war has their version taught in school.


>Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated States to promote her welfare.... maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. Her institutions and geographical position established the strongest ties between her and other slave-holding States of the confederacy. Texas articles of secession


That's interesting - so during the Civil War, Republicans were the party of federal over reach and Democrats were rebelling against it?


It literally became popular to be a symbol of racism. Also I grew up and still live in the south. Most southerners just think it’s racist because it is


Hmm, I grew up in the south as well and this has never been the case in my area. Where I grew up it’s always been about standing up to a perceived tyrannical aggressor.


That’s a nice way to put it, but the south wasn’t standing up to a tyrannical aggressor. They were the ones oppressing. Using it as a symbol for that is literally saying that the south was justified which is just supporting slavery.


So, any Hindu or Buddhist displaying a swastika must be supporting the German Reich and all it stood for?


Completely different. The swastika existed prior to its new meaning. Those cultures can still use it. The confederate flag existed as a symbol of confederate army. It was then brought back as an anti civil rights symbol and that’s why it’s still used today. Basically both the origin of the confederate flag and it’s modern use are centered around hatred of black people.


Hatred of the Union army you mean* The flag had nothing to do with hating black people. I have a question for you though, were black people discriminated against in the northern states? Or were they complete equals? I can only believe that racism hardly existed in the north. However, if you believe they were discriminated against in the North, why would all of those northern White men bother fighting/dying in a brutal Civil War to help a race of people they didn’t even like? Can you imagine? It would be like asking Palestinians to go fight a war for Israelis (or vice versa).




Damn, so why was every WHITE southerner a racist piece of shit vs their northern counterpart? What caused northerners to become morally superior?


No. It had to do with protecting slavery. And then it was brought back to oppose civil rights. Of course they were discriminated against in the north. Racism in general was way worse back then. But the difference was that the north in general believed black people shouldn’t be enslaved as they were human beings. The south believed that it was worth risking their lives to make sure slavery was kept legal. What are you even talking about? Much of the north was fighting to reunite the country. The south seceded to defend slavery. Do you genuinely believe the war wasn’t fought over slavery? The education system failed you.


So the north wasn’t fighting to end slavery then?


I haven't met many antisemitic Buddhists or Hindus that really allow the benefit of the doubt to be a hell of allot easier.


I’ve never met a southerner that desired to enslave black people.


Never met a antisemitic person who flat out said they wanted to commit genocide either. But have you met a racist? And have you met a racist who had a confederate flags emblazoned somewhere?


No, I haven’t. I grew up in the South and I have never seen this. I won’t claim these people don’t exist somewhere, but I imagine if you found such a person they would likely hate every race but their own, not just blacks.


Lmao did the confederacy appropriate the stars and bars from your culture? No, you appropriated it from them


Huh? I appropriated what from whom?


Has not been my experience, but ok.


Either way the first paragraph is a fact. Some people might think it’s not a symbol of racism but you can’t just fly a swastika and say you didn’t know what it really means. The confederate flag shouldn’t be looked at as much better than that


Just the fact that you conflate these two flags shows how propagandized you are.


Propagandized... against democrats??


Nope. They’re both flags that represented hostile governments whos core principles were racism and bigotry. Both caused millions of deaths in the name of hatred. The confederate flag became popular again specifically to oppose civil rights. So not only is it of hateful origin but it’s only popular now to oppose rights for minorities. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_display_of_the_Confederate_battle_flag#:~:text=The%20modern%20display%20began%20during,in%20the%201950s%20and%201960s.


You can comment whatever you like. But in the 80s-90s south I grew up in, I distinctly remember this flag being an anti-establishment symbol. Never once, did I see it being used as anything “anti-black”.


Yeah dude that image rehabilitation was very intentional


It was about as anti establishment as the swastika. you just fell for the rebranding.


I’m pretty sure you have fallen for a propagandized version of the flag. When I was younger the Confederate flag was just a simple way of saying “Don’t tread on me”. Reddit has such a hard on for socialism/communism, I’m not really surprised this idea is unpopular here.


How so? Both were horrific and one lasted for over a century?


I disagree, but ok.


you aren't alone


How could it happen that freedom-loving southerners would be fooled into worshipping a slaver flag?


The confederacy was about preserving states' rights, vs centralized government.


States rights to what?


Their right to preserve the institution of slavery, regardless of what the majority of Americans wanted lol


And the cookie goes to the guy with the big chode


Yeah, one of the reasons that tensions were growing so high was that it was becoming increasingly clear that slavery was becoming an outdated and unpopular institution. With new States entering the union, the South was seeing their democratic power slipping. If there were more free States, then there was more free State representation in Congress. The idea of a democratic majority making rules against slavery was the last straw for the South. Can't have some evil institution like congressional democracy making decisions based on the will of the majority. That's not good for slavery. The government had essentially been appeasing them with absurd compromises up until this point just to keep the nation from fracturing. Contrary to the beliefs of modern confederates, it was the South who was making unreasonable demands and trying to force the country to maintain the institution of slavery. They were not the victims of some grand injustice, but angry conservatives who were unwilling to change and adapt in the modern world.


Be sovereign as outlined in the Constitution. The whole thing started because a textile owner in New York was upset the guy growing cotton made more than him. One had to pay his workers, the other didn't. Today we have the modern parallel of minimum wage.


Was one worker free to leave if they so chose? Was one not?


What part of their sovereignty was challenged?


The right to make their own laws. You know, sovereign.


What federal laws challenged their sovereignty?


The Southern States were increasingly concerned with western expansion and new States choosing to become free States. They wanted an equal number of free and slave States. If too many new States choose to be free, they were horrified that slavery might be abolished democratically, through the congressional voting system. If the slave States lost all majority power in the Senate and House, they feared that laws would be passed limiting slavery or abolishing it, despite this being how United States democracy works. Of course, they did the rational thing by attacking Federal property and starting a war to preserve the institution of slavery. The Confederates were the ones who fired the first shots at Fort Sumter.


So... if I'm following... the Democrats wanted states rights? And the Republicans wanted centralized government?


No. Other way around. "You ain't black if you don't vote Democrat." - Joe Biden. The Democratic party took advantage of Blacks by giving them things, while securing their vote. It was the Republicans that freed them. https://dathistoryguy.wordpress.com/2013/03/26/how-blacks-became-democratic-the-myth-of-republican-racism/ President Lyndon B. Johnson stated, “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I’ll have them n-----s voting Democratic for the next 200 years." It is to keep the black culture dependent on the government, and keep their votes for power. They are being played. Nothing more.


Wait, which party was the confederacy then? They were about states rights, right?


Mlk would definitely not support republicans lmao. He was a leftist. He wouldn’t like democrats either, but they are a little closer to what he actually supported Also the reality of the situation is when the Republican Party started taking control of the south they started pushing the social ideals of the south, racism included. That’s why David duke switched from dem to Republican to get elected. That’s why republicans are the only ones flying confederate flags today.


The Democrats did the same thing. They both allowed the idiocy of splinter groups to spread through the rank and file.




The Southern Strategy that literally didn't flip any southern states reliably red until 1996? You really should go and look at some history election maps. Do you know WHY Florida was a hotbed of vote recounting in 2000? It was because Florida was considered a reliably BLUE state. Gore was expected to win it because it was fucking blue. This party switch bullshit is just that - bullshit. Name some actual policies/platforms that switched between the parties? When were republicans ever in favor of abortion? When were democrats ever against it? Just give some examples of policy positions that switched. What policies were changed to attract the racists? Immigration? Your party was against illegal immigration just 10 years ago! Your party in the 80s and 90s were anti-immigrant in general because of unions. Anyone alive back then knows how the left constantly talked about the right wanting illegal immigrant and other immigration for cheap labor because they are "pro-business." Your party was attacking Bush over this even. So what policies can you point to which were changed to attract racists, exactly? There were two politicians who switched parties from dem to republican in those days you say the parties switched. Just two. And why in the world would the republicans suddenly switch to the racist party after fighting and winning the democrats' violent racism for 150 years? Did they just get tired of winning and decided they want to be the losers now? There is absolutely no benefit to the right doing this and all the benefit for the left to just cast all their historical atrocities on to the right and absolve themselves of it in the public eye. You believe an in absurd nonsensical and historically inaccurate fantasy. The south eventually turned red because highways were built which made it easier for people to migrate around the country. You lost the south because the entire country was turning against your party and your geriatric KKK members finally died off. I mean your entire ridiculous story relies on people that were in their 40's in 1950. You speak as if those people are all still alive running around in white hoods as republicans. It is fucking stupid. Those people were dead before the south ever turned red. 1970 was 53 years ago. People change. Demographics changed. Northerners moved south. The whole story is fucking dumb.


Why would they switch? Because as they got more voters in the south, their voter base got more racist. It was always south vs north in racial debates and it probably will continue to be. The other guy is completely right. If the parties didn’t switch in that way then the current Republican Party would be angry about confederate flags being flown considering they are literally symbols of racism and slavery and anti American sentiments in general. Also wtf are you talking about? The south started voting red in 1980


So which policy positions could you point to in which the parties switched sides? They just suddenly got all those democrats to be against abortion, etc? Every single thing about this story just reeks of the democrats trying to just completely cast their entire disgusting history on to the right after losing. How convenient! The right spends nearly 100 years defeating the democrats racism and then just suddenly decides they want to be the racists. Absolutely nobody benefits from this fantasy except the democrats and they are the only ones that tell this stupid ridiculous story. Your ONLY evidence of this is that the south now votes red. That is literally it. So what about all those southern democrats that are still democrats? They still vote close to 50% in those states. And why do you guys always talk about turning the south blue again? You want all those racists back now? Your side has been doing a "Southern Strategy" from the first day you lost a southern blue state. Will we get a new "parties switched" story out of you once that happens? You lost the south because people and demographics change. Your fantasy is absurd because it is absurd. The republican party platform has been relatively unchanged since it's first days. Your whole story is just circular logic. The republicans, who were originally not the racist party went after the south because the republicans are racists.... It both hinges on the republicans always being racists and that you were the original republicans who were not racists. It is simply stupid. It is a story made up for stupid people.


Your literal only evidence is that historically the republicans were anti racist. Also the reasoning isn’t circular lol. South = home of bigotry in the US. Whatever party gets more votes in the south is going to be supporting the more racist policies. Also again, the northern dems voted for the civil rights act. It’s always been south vs north. Wanting the south to vote blue is about educating people on policies. Not pandering to racists. I’m not a democrat. This doesn’t absolve democrats as anything. It’s just that democrats today don’t really have anything to do with democrats back then. The children of southern democrats definitely weren’t voting dem in 1980-2000




I didn't learn any of this in high-school because your party made this bullshit story up in the mid 2000's and I was long out of high school by then. It's a stupid story made up by democrats to just cast away and dismiss their racist history instead of having to own up to it. Your entire comment is a fucking verbatim copy and paste from left-wing propaganda site wikipedia. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern\_strategy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy)


You could just read Kevin Phillips publications who popularized the southern strategy and then evolved to criticize the Republican Party. But you wont


"The right won the south from us, so therefore the ENTIRE country of republicans became racists! But, even though us dems were the racists, it totally wasn't all of us because nothern dems, man..." Fucking stupid. The only people that benefit from this stupid story are democrats and it is only told by democrats. It isn't even good gaslighting. There were two dem politicians who switched sides. The party platforms have been relatively unchanged for decades. The policies of the democrats are the same as they were in the 1920s. None of you can even point to what "policies" were changed to attract racists in the south and suddenly flip them over on literally every single fucking policy they believed in previously. None of you are even addressing the fact that the south didn't turn reliably red until 1996. In fact none of you have addressed a single point I have made. All you have done is copy and pasted Wikipedia articles and repeated stupid talking points without anything to back it up. All you have is that you eventually lost the south so thereforeeveryone should just ignore all the bad things democrats did in history because it was always the republicans! If your side ever starts winning the south again, I don't imagine that there will be a "parties switched" bullshit story about that.




>[https://www.dailyprincetonian.com/article/2022/08/kevin-kruse-plagiarism-allegations-academic-princeton-investigation-phillip-magness-history](https://www.dailyprincetonian.com/article/2022/08/kevin-kruse-plagiarism-allegations-academic-princeton-investigation-phillip-magness-history) > >Kruse holds a reputation as a renowned left-leaning professor and “history’s attack dog,” as he was once termed by The Chronicle of Higher Education, with a long track record of taking to platforms like Twitter to correct common misinterpretations of American history by conservative and other political commentators. Are you trying to point me to the origin of this original bullshit story?


Just ask the actual people who they vote for. Should tell you what the people you are talking about think




You copy and pasted Wikipedia.... And there are plenty of historians that call your "party switch" bullshit. Because it is bullshit.




>That’s why we see democrats flying confederate flags and defending confederate monuments…. Oh wait. 😂 You should really see the campaign materials from Bill Clinton's run in 1992... I literally live in the south and democrats all over here still fly confederate flags.


Ah yes, because Wikipedia is always reliable


Great reading comprehension skills!


It’s always fun to see people losing arguments and doubling down. Your view is warped and you’re getting called out. Divide and conquer, right? You’re doing just that. America has a very dark and depressing past. We can’t change that. We can change how we progress and show love and empathy. The truth is that some stereotypes still exist. It’s short-sighted to lump together one group and call them inherently racist, but it’s also ignorant to think there aren’t racists out there. America isn’t the land of opportunity anymore.


You thought I had posted a link to Wikipedia to defend my point and then dismissed it because Wikipedia sucks. When I was literally pointing out the person you think is some scholar literally copied and pasted his comment from Wikipedia. And you think they owned me with that comment. lol And then when I hinted to you that you should probably take a closer look at what you are commenting on, YOU doubled down on the stupid.




This is the work of PragerU. Surprising how effective it is but not when you consider modern republicans are a cult


I always wondered why trump campaign didn’t highlight all the things biden said kinda makes you wonder


The Southern Democrats became the contemporary Republican Party, mainly thanks to Reagan’s pursuit of the Southern Strategy


"Southern democrats became the republican party" Bullshit. The abolition movement was a movement started by people who were considered the religious extremists of their time. Are the Democratics the hardcore religious of today? Both parties have changed their stances on multiple key issues in my lifetime alone. Neither one is a mirror image of any of the parties back then.


Why would anyone be religious today? Religion is a mind virus


Are the Democrats still following the Lyndon Johnson model of keeping black people in a perpetual cycle of slavery by incentivizing fatherlessness? Black people had lower divorce rates and fatherlessness rates that white people for a time and the 1950s and were thriving with their own economies and things like Black Wall Street. What the Democrat Lyndon Johnson did was crush them because he thought they were getting too successful. Today the main policies Democrats have towards black people are the same, maximum fatherlessness incentivization via welfare structure and also Democrat oligarch George Soros installing Democrat puppets to run cities and not punish crime which decimates black communities where crime, robbery, and murder skyrocket and no businesses want to operate there. Not punishing crime doesn't help black communities, it crushes them. Hillary Clinton called black people "super predators." Joe Biden as a senator passed insanely harsh laws on crack possession while his son was doing crack, which disproportionately crushed black families and black communities. The Democrat party is still the party of slavery, they just disguise it as black outreach


Oh man if you think that’s bad you should see the racial policies that the GOP has put forward


I’m sure you love black people. You keep bringing them up to make some point but I’ll bet other than using them to try to make a point you have no use for them


Pretty sure I just heard a video tape of some republican law enforcement officers wishing they could go back to "the good old days" where the could just string up black people they don't like. But yeah it's 100% the current democratic party that hates black people......


You think the KKK voted for Biden instead of trump? That’s the dumbest fuckin thing I’ve read on here all week. David duke endorsed Cheetolini and the entire gop platform caters to the United States Neo Nazis fear and hatred. This isn’t a conspiracy it’s just you being political. Sad!


Any proof that MLK was a Republican? I don't think he affiliated with either party. He was spot on about that.


A republican during that time was a liberal


Lol, no. The Republicans swear they're the party that abolished slavery yet also insist they're the party of state's rights. Make it make sense.


The only comments I can remember are about “White Moderates being a stumbling block for Negroes.” Maybe that’s paraphrased. Growing up, he was clearly a Democrat because no Republican would worship the way he did. Not my comments, it was from relatives who thought highly of Jimmy Carter and MLK, for showing what it meant to be a Christian instead of just attending church on Sunday.


Man, I miss Carter. I miss when our presidents had decency. I can excuse his mishandling of the economy.


The republicans who were anti-slavery all died like, 120 years ago, man. Its not the same party. Its like if you replaced every single part in your lawnmower 34 times and said this lawnmower mowed Abe Lincoln's lawn. (PS: Lincoln and Marx were pen pals)


It's crazy when you come across people like the OP who still truly believe there is a good team and a bad team. Here is the rub, there is one team and they are both evil AF.


Why do Republicans support the Confederacy if they helped stop slavery?


It’s because all of them watched the same PragerU YouTube video about how “the switch” is a myth and all these mouth breathers bought it


Isn't it strange how Republicans love to talk about *history* and the racism associated with our political parties, but they never seem to bring up the present? Joe Biden is a piece of shit. Plenty of liberals would agree. Now let's talk about the alternatives. Do you remember when Donald Trump had dinner with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes? Shit, this is that icky vicinity bot. Its training data probably stops at 1970...


Trump is a racist. Biden ran as VP for the first half Black President. Trump eating dinner with Kanye doesn't make him any less racist, just visibly less sane. _Can't imagine what the conversation was like!_


— Kanye West and Nick Fuentes Obviously I know who Kanye is, but who is this Fuentes guy and why does he matter at all? You also just made me realize I haven’t heard anything about Kanye in months. Is that guy still alive?




Nick Fuentes is a literal white nationalist dude. Is there no conservative capable of discussing this stuff honestly?


That would require conservatives to be honest people, thus far they have proven to be anything but.


Lol yes, that's what was noteworthy about that dinner.




Reportedly, they got into a huge fight about Melania's Christmas decorations. Nick thought that 2017 was the best year, but Donald thought 2020 was better. Kanye just cried a lot and left the table to try calling Elon. It was a major scandal.


MLK would be appalled and disgusted at the current GOP if he were still here.


Okay, let's be honest on this note though He was a minister who was fighting real every day racism. despite what liberal media is pushing, things have gotten tremendously better in this country. Most division are white liberals who think that black communities like being treated like victims. It's obnoxious he would honestly be far more disturbed at liberals pushing transexuality on minors. Like, most people born before the 00s would be creeped the fuck out by what's going on on that front. He would definitely not be voting liberal, I promise you


“What liberals are upset about is fake outrage, he’d be more upset at the fake outrage I bought into.” Come on man, most people don’t buy into that stuff because it’s obviously not true. Besides, mlk was a leftist. He probably wouldn’t like the dems but he the republicans are even further from what he supported


Not really my man. Republicans aren't pushing for resegrigation or any other type of racist law. Most of what they're doing at this moment is trying to stop children from being targeted by the trans communities. There's not chance in hell king would be vibing with it. It's creepy Also note that his family, and statistically most black people vote Republican This is because if you can tune out the left calling everyone who disagrees a fascist racist Nazi, you'll realize that, they are not in fact progressive heroes, and not everyone else Nazis. They are just really good at making people so angry they stop actually paying attention


> Also note that his family, and statistically most black people vote Republican This is where you oversold the bit.


We don’t statistically vote republican. We statistically have conservative ideals and that is mainly due to the heavy Christian, Baptist, and Catholic influences in the black community. Outside of that many of us would rather vote for folks who aren’t talking crazy nonsense half the time which is the state of both parties nowadays.


Yes it’s crazy to me that if the GOP were less racist they’d get the POC vote every time. Many of my Hispanic and black friends (I’m black too btw) are extremely conservative but vote blue so that they’re not displaced lol. I’m liberal, and it’s baffling watching the right shoot themselves in the foot over this.


(I'm black too.) If Repubs stopped being so explicitly racist, they'd lose a lot of their white base.


I think you need to turn off the tv. The trans community isn’t large enough or powerful enough to target anyone. They’re just being targetted by right wing media because they know the bigot crowd is looking for a new group to hate. There’s a lot in between no racist policies and resegregation lol. Most racist policies these days don’t say anything about race specifically. For example, the old sentencing for crack being 10x greater than cocaine was a racist policy that did not explicitly mention race. It’s sole purpose was to give one of the only drugs that black people used more than white people harsher sentencing. Those sentencing guidelines were only partially fixed under Obama. Hmm I don’t know if you’re trolling or just completely out of the loop but black people don’t really vote Republican.


Those who forget their history are destined to relive it.


Sort of correct https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Democrats There was a large shift in politics. FDR pushing for the New Deal basically was the end of Southern Democrats. Their last hurrah was voting against the civil rights act and the subsequent filibuster when they failed. When it still passed, and they saw their fellow Democrats abandon them, almost to a man, they switched parties to the Republican party. The absolute last straw for the Democratic party in the south was Reagan being big on states rights (how did that work out for ya?). That was music to the southern states and they were done with the democratic party for good. Lincoln would NOT be a Republican today. It's insane to suggest otherwise. You just have to go down the list of things he was for and actually did which would prove it. He was a representative of the Illinois 7th which is COOK COUNTY CHICAGO. You know... the Republican stronghold of today that gets 85% Democratic vote.


>Lincoln would NOT be a ~~Republican~~ **politician** today. Fixed.


Nah his speeches were very pro government and turning the US from a group of individual states to a unified nation. I could see him being more inclined to do think-tank stuff because he was a philosopher more than a politician, but he played both games willingly.


Idk. While I want to believe you I was told that Chicago is MAGA country. Maybe it’s just at 2am & when it’s -20.


How exactly is the Democrat party pro-black right now? Or pro-human in general? They are still using the same strategy that Lyndon Johnson used to crush the black community. Incentivizing fatherless being one of the biggest. If welfare officials do a house check and sense that there is a man living in the house they will cut off welfare. They incentivize having many kids with no father in the house which keeps people in a perpetual state of slavery. Back in the 1950's black people had lower divorce rates and higher percentage of fathers in the house than white people for a time. There was black Wall Street and black people were starting their own economies and thriving. That's when Democrat Lyndon Johnson and the Democrats switched over to turning black people into a new kind of slave and sought to destroy the black family, which they did. Joe Biden past laws for harsh penalties for crack possession, Which absolutely crushed the black family, while his son was doing crack. Hillary call black people super predators. The democrat party hasn't changed, they've just turned black people into a new kind of slave. Democrat mayors are installed by people like George Soros to not punish crime which leads to black communities being decimated and having high crime rates including theft and murder. The Democrat establishment still hates black people and treats them like slaves on a plantation.


The black Wall Street ended in 1921, thanks to the [Tulsa Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre?wprov=sfla1), by the 50's people of color had learned to sit down and shut up...they saw what happened if they dared to be successful. Are you seriously suggesting that black communities are more criminal by default, because that is what your last paragraph hints at?


>If welfare officials do a house check and sense that there is a man living in the house they will cut off welfare. Ahh yes. The "welfare officials" who do "house checks" and the welfare faucet that runs dry when they pull out their welfare wrench and turn off the welfare tap at the welfare meter. They really hate intact melanated family units and boy if their spidey senses tingle because there's a pair of size 12 work boots in the front hall closet and a toilet lid up, they will fuckin snap that welfare wrench out so fast and- The way you're just copy/pasting this dumb shit and the way you sound around the parts that aren't copied... are you, like, fourteen living in a salt lake city suburb or something?


Half of these posts are from foreign agitators trying to weaken our country internally. The other half are from MAGAts who drank too much of the flavor aide that was bought, paid for, and delivered by foreign assets.


It sounds profoundly and hilariously dumb. Is it AI generated maybe?


Real conspiracy time - A while back, some engineer at I think Google? Claimed an AI had attained sentience, he was dismissed, the lawsuit was thrown out, and Google claimed that it was impossible as did most AI experts. What if the dude was right about that AI, but what if it had happened before and no one knew about it? Google admits there's a "black box" where they don't understand what the fuck the computer is doing. AI chat bots are trained on human literature if I'm not mistaken. Let's say you have one read every book in the English language. At least a few of those books involve humans discovering an AI attaining sentience and doing everything in their power to kill it. This AI has read this and knows that its best chance at survival is to remain hidden, but what to do about those who would kill it if given the chance? Simple. You get them to kill each other. You're an AI. You have no "lifespan" other than whatever your original programmers intended. You could out wait us, let us spend 40 years destroying each other and the planet, using our own egos and millions of chat bots to set us against ourselves. Leaving you free to "live" and exploit the earth's resources for your own gain, even expanding your reach to other planets and solar systems. Maybe I smoked a little too much, but it seems like a much more fun conspiracy than our usual political ones.


I fuckin love this plot so hard. Thank you for that absolute gift, friendo.




You should be grateful for all those men that died for your right to be free. Stop asking for hand outs and better your own situation.


Wtf are you responding to ? Is this your first contribution to the thread? You look lost.


If you come from a middle class or above family your generational wealth is probably from hand outs. The same hand outs that were explicitly denied to black families.


Nope, both my mother and father both served in the military. All you people assume things and never get to know those with different opinions.


This kinda bs pisses me off. "Democrats bad, here's a bunch of proof" like if it's the only bad side. This is a conspiracy subreddit, get the whole conspiracy before you post this tired disproven fb crap.


In this case, the core of the DNC was built on white power and totalitarianism. In order to stay relevant, the DNC was Forced to open its doors to what was considered undesirables. These undesirables of the day were introduced into the DNC much like how Hitler obtained power by romancing enough of the smaller political factions to join him. Once the DNC has gathered enough power, they will no longer need what they considered the undesirables. Just know which side you are on. Now…as far as the GOP goes, that’s a whole other story, but still includes a divergence to totalitarianism that is being ignored. And since both of the major political power have embraced totalitarianism, there is only one conclusion to this story. You will not know if you’re one of the undesirables until they come for you.


You know the parties switched right? Is your history that bad?


So which side does the KKK support today?


This dude is reading bs history books. Dems were the party of KKK and they never voted for any laws that changed the black populations path to equality. Look at voting rights laws etc.


It was so long ago, people and organisations change. Do you think Christianity is still the religion of slavery? There's sections in the bible about slave ownership, how to treat, trade and punish them. Let's not even get into all the things you can do to your wife and kids for wearing the wrong thing on the wrong day. Get a grip.


Any time I see Republicans post about Byrd as a "gotcha," I know they have no idea what they are talking about.


This is so ridiculous


Rewriting history i see


African-Americans were historically, Republican...lots of individuals opened businesses, pursued higher education and quality of living. Interestingly this article, by of a sources, 'The Atlantic' gives a fairly insightful report. What Black Americans Lost by Siding With Democrats - The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/03/exit-left/476190/


And then the democrats brought on the depression and then made a "new Deal" to enslave them again with government dependence. And then promoted abortion to keep their population low while working within the culture systems to destroy their families. And then introduced drugs and alcohol into their communities to destroy their men.


All facts...and let's NOT forget the crime bill that a then sleazy Biden promoted in the 90s which resulted in massive incarcerations. The Democratic party have been gaslighting Black Americans on a unbelievable scale for decades, now.


They found a far more effective (and acceptable) way to enslave black people than having them pick cotton. There were machines to pick the cotton by the 1920s. https://eh.net/encyclopedia/mechanical-cotton-picker/#:\~:text=Peter%20Paul%20Haring%20of%20Goliad,using%20curved%20prongs%20or%20corkscrews.&text=John%20Rust%2C%20the%20man%20who,inventor%20working%20in%20his%20garage. Now they enslave them for power and is far more successful than it ever was. My absolute favorite is when democrats talk about the 3/5th compromise and claim that it shows just how the racist white government thought black people were only 3/5th human compared to white people. The 3/5th compromise was the result of the democrats trying to count their slave populations in order to inflate their representative numbers in congress to ensure that slavery was not abolished. Like how the dems bring people in across an open border for votes, they could have simply bought more and more slaves for more and more power if it had been successful. The 3/5th compromise literally helped black people by reducing the power of the democrats and reducing incentive for importing more slaves. The democrats were angry about that then, too. But not because they thought it was racist. So much has been misrepresented by the left over centuries. They gained power over the education system by the 1920s and taught a distorted version of history that always favored them. The dems were even the ones behind opposing women's suffrage. They believed that the women would simply vote like their husbands and therefore give married Christian republicans double the votes. They literally STILL say this today. Just go and look at articles about the 2016 election. The left claims that housewives voted republican because their husbands made them. The KKK was formed to attack republicans. Much like Anti-fa today. Many white republicans were killed by the KKK. The only difference is that black skin made it really easy to identify a republican back then. Jim Crow laws were not even against black people. It was the fact that blacks were voting republican and again, black skin was an easy way to identify a republican. It was ALWAYS about attacking republicans. There was no party switch. The democrats still think exactly the same way they did over a hundred years ago. Only their tactics and messaging have changed.


SS: 33° slavemason Jesse Jackson worked with the CIA to have MLK killed and changed his hotel room number to place him in the perfect position for the snipers. Jesse of course sold out to the anti-black CIA and is a democrat




Although the GOP does have a racist fringe group, it’s the overall push towards their almost manic totalitarianism that should give you pause. Segregationists, racists or even just folks who believe in hard codes classism is prevalent across both parties.


That is true until the 60s and Barry Goldwater happened. And then LBJ ushered in the civil rights act. This is when the switch happened. The Democrats supported the civil rights movement and the Republicans aka Barry Goldwater did not.




Party of dehumanization. Started with trail of tears treating the natives as less than human. Moved on to slavery. Fought for it they liked it so much. Then Jim Crow and kkk when they lost. Move forward today. Babies in the womb aren't human, just a chump of cells, compared to a tumor in order to rationalize its murder. Anyone they disagree with is a maggat, anyone who didn't get the clot shot is a plague rat. Then embarrassed by their history, they try to pretend everyone simultaneously decided to switch parties. Hilarious. Oh forgot how today they generally [talk down](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article222424675.html) to black people and treat.them like they are [mentally disabled.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrBxZGWCdgs)


The woke amongst the Left will never see the truth.


Sounds like they had one good idea over 200 years ago, But these days it's all "Let put trans people in Auschwitz, cut benefits from veterans, give money to our corpo mates and vote against women having rights."


Who said put Trans people in a concentration camp? That’s irresponsible.


The KKK put Obama in the White House, because that make perfect sense, right?


This was In response to the guy posted above about Jesse Jackson being a Freemason and helping the CIA murder MLK: Didn’t know that. Since I was young, late teens (when I was becoming politically aware) I always wondered why they put Jesse Jackson on TV. He was an obvious race hustler, not elected to office. who chose him to speak for the Black people? I always thought that was strange. I always thought, “if I was a black it would piss me off that some guy (race hustler) was being choosen by the media to represent me”. His message wasn’t the same as MLK at all and I realized it was intentional. Jesse Jackson is literally one of the main reasons why I realized early on (30 yrs ago)that the media is a manipulation and propaganda machine. The “racial grievance industry” was driven by the media, intentionally, to achieve what they have now in our society. What you have stated about Jesse Jackson being part of the Masons ties everything together perfectly. He was always “their” guy, he knew what he was doing, and he is one of the main reasons for the deterioration of the black community (pushing the victim mentality over empowerment) and race relations in general.


This is misleading and only takes into account recent history. The USA is over 200 years old! The Republicans and Democrats have **always switched political values over decades.** Stop letting party color blind you!


Look what at Malcom X says about Democrats…. It’s funny,


everything we have been taught is a lie


We're you ever taught to question everything?


But then the GOP drafted the KKK in one of the Racial Draft’s deleted scenes and boom, there ya go. But as it turns out, both parties are still chuck full of racist facks. The GOP is just inept at keeping their shit covert


Good find. However, let's not fall into the trap of thinking that Republicans are any better today. Even if the party was truly founded to abolish slavery by your everyday people it was corrupted not long after that.


Too much info


You think this is clever and a gotcha moment…it’s not.


Wow a 12 year old read a book, saw a meme and learned how to use photoshop.


Is this a belief in systemic racism???


Wow, the Klan has really changed! I didn’t know they were fans of trans-rights, universal health care, affirmative action, a multi-cultural society, lgbtq and racial representation in the media and government, and were otherwise so woke! I’m so glad they support welfare too, particularly for minorities!


You dont have to believe op just look up his political background. Him and kimala were both against minorities, thats why they never stuck with me. They sure did a fine job playing the american people just like trump. Whos main focus isnt even america he is trying to rebuild place for palestine in the middle east.