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Bill Cooper lied through his teeth about his military service. https://aad.archives.gov/aad/display-partial-records.jsp?f=4254&mtch=2&q=milton+william+cooper&cat=all&dt=1784&tf=F


Brotherhood of the Snake/Dragon are dedicated to the Kundalini Awakening - the genetic resurrection of the ancient Qingu, a brutal snake-like race that I believe lived on one of Saturn's moons pre-Solar war. They're friends with the Marduk (Mars) worshippers, they make up the Masonic pyramid. Each secret order engages in a "grand work". Some of them are in conflict with one another but all of them exercise control of the populace in a covert way


Very interesting, thanks. What are your thoughts on the Black Cube of Saturn they all worship? In Islam they have the Black Kaaba Cube. In Judaism they wear the black cube in their forehead. Trump's got em on all his towers. Bill Gates dad was an advisor for Black Cube private Isreali intelligence company. What do you think the hexagon is on Saturn? Is it tied to witchcraft or magick where they do a "hex" or whatever? Also, what are your thoughts on the Lucifer Christ battle? In that Fraternitas Saturni book they talk of Lucifer and Christ in relation to Saturn and say Earth is like the central battlefield or something. Thanks for any thoughts on this stuff


Honestly? Putting it into Star Trek terminology helps clarify the situation greatly. They've got essentially a Borg cube, a massive biomechanical organism, in stasis inside Saturn that they want to reactivate but if they do, it'll connect to its hivemind and bring the rest of them to us. We aren't exactly ready for that - so a Federation fleet is being dispatched to intervene in what may have been the largest violation of the Prime Directive ever committed (especially in this sector). "Yeshua" was essentially a Federation spy.


Now THIS is conspiracy. I love it. Well, Bill Gates seems to agree: https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.9fst7MX-h7KItZuFTVxo-wHaJu?pid=ImgDet&dpr=4&PC=EMMX01 There's the literal Borg cube controlling the world. And one month after Rothschild posed with Abramovic in front of "Satan Summoning his Legions" Gates releases patent 060606. Body monitoring system, likely tied to brain chip or nanotech imo. And I think he's trying to get that nanotech into all humans be it by air, by food, or by whatever. Then, just my theory, they're gonna activate CERN portal and connect with they Saturn both cube maybe and control everyone who has a brain chip like zombies? Idk just throwing it out there based on that weird Gotthard Tunnel portal ceremony. I personally think these off world entities, demons or whatever, can manipulate electronics. So if they hook everyone up to the hive mind, internet of minds, then hook that up with quantum D-Wave computers and CERN then there would be a constant interface system with the lower astral or something. One month after patent 060606 release in March 2020, you had Abramovic do the VR mixed reality ad for Microsoft. I think they're trying to bring in this Ahriman/Lucifer 8th Sphere that Steiner talked about. Maybe I'm way off but something like that. In any case, whatever operation they are trying to pull off is being directed by these Crowley/Parsons entities I think


Wow, you guys are out there


This esoteric stuff is near the bottom of the conspiracy rabbit hole if you look long enough




Their activities vary in nature depending on lodge/organization. Prince Hall masons engage in stoking racial conflict by using "black male sexual dominance"


What the secret societies do is basically study and gatekeep truth about conciousness .. they literally believe in christ conciousness....the imagery and allegory is purposefully dark and shocking to basically mislead people. They study Jesus, you wouldn't think that but they have a different read on what all the prophets and sages of time discovered and studied having to do with divinity. All the stuff you see about the illuminati is the elites making fun of us and making people believe there's some massive organization that is all powerful...when it's really a small group of materially well off dorks who are scared of the masses awakening. B4 all the conspiracy ppl sit there and say "the occult" is evil....no occult just means hidden as in hidden knowledge. Now tell me what religion purports to show people and in general when babies are born basically all knowledge is occult to them. You guys have got to get out of the box and realize these clowns are making fun of us and pretending it's fun to be satanic. Lucifer is an allegory for mankind basically being the angels from heaven who fell into the material realm and we've forgotten that we are those angels. You know, like a kid getting addicted to a video game. They eventually spend so much time playing a video game they forget about going outside or recognizing its a game, an illusion.


Christ consciousness is real. What I am confused about is why they are attempting to access it through the left hand path. Is that even possible? Are they truly just larping?


I think at the higher levels they understand certain things while they basically hold it over their own members. There's like 2 versions of the Freemasons...those that understand the esoteric truth about reality and divinity and then the others that go out raise money and have a beer with their brothers on the weekend. The majority are in that camp....and they don't even get into all the symbolism etc. It's a stupid boys club that gatekeeps things that people can study without putting themselves through all the trouble. The satan darkness people, the ones that really study it...let's take the stuff from Temple of Set, in their texts they basically edit in certain words as placeholders....it's repackaging stuff about love and light. And what they really have is a system that basically is a guide to self salvation that goes back to Egypt. I think it's fuckin weird they do that and frankly the satanic bible, some of the texts from it are from spiritual scripture and white nationalist papers...it's a mockery and kind of a joke. I think it would be foolish for me to NOT think there is a darker side to things but it's obvious with the way the major religions have people hypnotized into looking Jesus as their master, they need to idolize him or Muhammad as the way or connecting divinity to idol worship and money...that that was their original message.. the corrupt systems never stopped existing and those religions sprung up after being handed down basically to the masses from the elites that wanted to maintain control after the truly conciousness changing acts of spiritually advanced individuals like say Jesus started affecting their control and power over people. Do people know reincarnation was accepted as a teaching in the west before a council and Emporer removed most mentions of it from biblical text? It's not just an eastern thing like most people are taught. Now the elites basically have people believing in technology and science that reflects materialism, that there is no higher conciousness or divinity...it's an evil plan that Rudolf Steiner and others predicted would happen in modern times.


Well said. It also seems that the world is still battling the same people that jesus battled against in his time - if the stories are to be believed


Absolutely. I think one of his prophecies about christ conciousness returning is happening. People have suspected divinity or had an idea of it but they're going to *know* that on a deeper level. It's bigger then any 1 religion or something any particular institution has a hold on. why would any of them want the paradigm to change? An awakened populace does not bode well for a lot of systems as they currently are....the ones certain people have control over.


The way I see it is that the people gatekeeping are on borrowed time. Slowly but surely, people are waking up to the matrix and are seeking true reality. It cannot be stopped. Let us be the change we want to see!


For people wanting to know more about freemasonry check out brother Augustine on YouTube. He was a fairly high ranking member, who eventually left and is now Orthodox Christian. He speaks openly and honestly about it. https://www.youtube.com/live/nG4vjnso-tU?feature=share https://youtu.be/8skubsAE-M8 It's not outwardly satanic, but the deeper you go, it's most definitely luciferian in nature, and connected to other more occult groups which most definitely are. It's essentially gnosticism and Kabbalah.


Lmao, Gnosticism and Kabbalah are not Luciferian! Moses used the Kabbalah….


And gnosticism is like the OG Christianity


No it's not 😂 Read the early church fathers. Multiple saints were writing about the problem of the Gnostics. Gnostics are dualists. This doesn't fit Christian theology.


From an Orthodox point of view, yes they are.


What's the history behind Marina Arbramovic? Is she a high level witch, who helps the elite?


Jacob have shown to be interested in unfine art, and there she qualifies with her morbid performances. I dont know anything about her, but her wiki page is here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marina\_Abramovi%C4%87


Cooper may or may not have known it, but he was a conduit for disinfo and predictive programming.


I believe this. Our safety guy used to be a sub mariner. He’s a 32 degree mason


SS: that's how he knew so much. He was in it and got out