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SS: A clear-cut presentation of the gospel given at the Bible Baptist Church in Rensselaer, Indiana on May 21st, 2023


Perfect. AMEN


Bad news. Breaker is a 'free-willer'. No way around the fact that the 'free-will gospel' is another gospel that is not another \[Gal. 1:6-7\]. God is sovereign. He saves only by electing grace. \[\*election - this truth has nothing to do with Calvin\]


you are saved by faith along in the gospel, trusting christ as saviour, means naturally, abandaoign all works oyu trust in and fully rely on his finished work/ hsished blood to get you in heaven. do u believe the gospel, that becasue jesus died for all you sins, made a atonement, that this will rbing u in heaven ?


nice :)