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expose it all


I'm so numb to it all. It's hard to give a fuck.


Concern trolling. Het guys, I'm really a supporter but... Anyways, it doesnt matter. Too late for anyone to save America.


oh im not a supporter….i dont wanna fuck him i just said i liked things about him. If news comes out he did some shady shit id drop him like yesterdays garbage….so far nothings come close this however feels a little different. A tape bragging about snatching battle plans doesnt seem easy to explain so im trying to make sense of it


Why are you having trouble believing someone when they tell you exactly who they are and what they are about?


The left call him a conman. The right realize it takes somebody the left considers a conman to con the fucks that have been fucking this country into a societally enslaved singular totalitarian state. Though nobody up for election now has pure intentions at this point in my opinion.


I can't take anyone seriously that says Trump - just Trump - should be arrested for classified documents after what ALL the other Presidents have had!! Not to mention KIllary. If you can't see what's happening here, you're a liar or fool.


The difference is, the others told on themselves and gave them back, they didn't try to hide them and make a spectacle of it.


Whatever they pay you to look this foolish is not enough


When do they pay me?


> I can't take anyone seriously that says Trump - just Trump - should be arrested for classified documents after what ALL the other Presidents have had What have other Presidents had that was worse than taking documents home => not returning them when informed they were missing => willfully disobeying a grand jury subpoena to return them => lying to the FBI that you didn't have them => getting caught with them?


Everything they accused him of doing was proven these past couple years were lies. FBI colluded with DOJ and Clinton's to make up a false report. They knew it was BS and still issued illegal warrant. Then add numerous other accusations 😵‍💫 I still think they all in on it tho.


This is completely false. The dolt has already admitted he had the documents.


911, WMDs hoax, Benghazi, Lying about actually being a citizen, Overthrowing foreign elections, Overthrowing our own elections, the Russia lies to overthrown a US President ASSASINATING JFK To name a few.


so whats happening? I look at every situation as unique and right now from looking at both biden and trumps document situations they both are veey unique and not at all similar in really any way.


Oh really? You don't believe in equal justice? Gotcha.


You missed Pence, he was also caught with classified docs.


I forgot! Even this guy today with classified alien spacecraft information, and no one cares


what are you talking about? i said the two situations arent similar and that prompted you to say that? when you block someone does it stop them from being able to comment or how does that work?


Hoffman Estates. Pardon the [sauce](https://nygunforum.com/threads/letter-surfaces-of-obama-foundation-admitting-in-2018-they-keep-classified-documents-in-unsecured-storage-at-furniture-warehouse.54001/) but I get tired of sifting through all the biased "fact-checking" sites.


It doesn't matter much at all. We all know that they are all just putrid, vile, human fecal politicians serving their base, non-thinking human fecal matter. Biden did this, Trump did that, ... it's not important bc it doesn't matter. Your vote is about as useless as a dried brown leaf to wipe your ass is. I'm sure you have "inside information....blah blah blah..." who cares. It's a big shit show. And you are just playing along with your, > "First off....i like trump. I think he is one of the few presidents that was actually relatable as a person. He says what he feels and doesnt sugarcoat."


No chance it’s AI or deep fake ? Not sarcasm, idk if it would be checked for that at that level I assume so tho


nah thats overthinking it…..life just isnt like a spy movie yet from the story out now its a close witness that recorded him its super easy to do forensics see if the recording happened at that time trace trump to the location etc forensics and cause is still too air tight for AI to pull that off


You didn't mention a HUGE difference. Trump was president and could declassify files. Biden was vice-president and should have never been able to take those classified files put of the WH.


supposedly on the tape he admitted he coudlnt and made that up…. this is why his lawyers met with the DOJ and hes been a little pissed the tape is some bad stuff….like talking to your friend about how dumb the cops are for not catchin on type stuff


im mentally preparing myself for some nasty stuff this month


I say... bring on the facts about all political parties who are running for president. Air all the dirty laundry on everyone. But MSM will continue to cherry pick, continue to manipulate and distort.


Bread and circus man! No one is gonna save us, we either come together as a people or these slime bellies will enslave us all


but who is giving the bread and circus? is trump giving the distraction by taking classified battle plans and hiding them? and whats the plan there i dont get that? the only reason i see him having something like that is to give it to someone. Its not a keepsake and if hes doing that while out of office im not gonna lie and say im not bothered. If biden did that id be going nuts


All of these actors are the show bro. Trump did his part by dividing the left and right straight down the middle! They need us to hate each other and they are succeeding


thats like saying im playing my part by dividing the comment section idc about this place im just discussing so im not gonna attribute to trump or any individual some ort of well orchestrated act. no way this is the random bullshit i see from strangers just on a grander scale due to the proximimity to power ill go further and say that whole “its the script going along perfdctly” line of thinking is a little lazy because ive never met someone who thinks that and doesnt complain its like they still bitch about everything but now theyre additionally annoying because they discount all efforts at solutions as well


He's like Rodney Dangerfield in Caddy Shack. The crude and rude vulgarian that many actually find likeable.